
accident reports 104

see also safety data, protection of


blame, reasons for 14953

changing interpretations of vvi

control and culpability 223

criminalization, effects of 110111

decision trees used to determine culpability 2021

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1518, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

perspectives viiiix, 32, 11522

persuasion of a particular viewpoint 1269, 1534

social construction of offenses 1820


and blame 823

discretionary space for individual action 8082

forward-looking accountability 810, 834

and outcomes 4950

perspectives viiiix

and responsibility viiviii

and safety 810

through legal action 9091

adverse events see incidents

Air Law (Norway) 63

alternative dispute resolution (ADR) 146

anonymity 612

anxiety 14950

Ashley, James 15963


case studies 2533, 449, 71, 89, 94, 1056, 150151

criminalization of human error 87

hindsight, role of 412

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1516

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) 95, 111

normative errors 3940

prosecution test case 1056

reporting events 512,53

reporting vs. disclosure 656

technical errors 367

use of safety investigation reports 94

victims' view of trial 89

Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) 62

Becker, Howard 128

Berlinger, Nancy 68

blame 823, 14953

Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 7071

Bosk, Charles 35, 37, 38, 41

Buber, Martin 33

capacity constraints 23

case studies

aviation 2533, 449, 71, 89, 94, 1056, 150151

British soldier killed by 'friendly fire' 66

child murder 12

clinical trials in Argentina 1212, 129

dismissal of employees 78

firefighters 146

Israeli fighter jets shoot down Libyan airliner 449

La Méduse (Géricault) 1226, 155, 156

Lot and his daughters (biblical story) 11921, 127, 129, 155, 156

medical professionals xixxiv, 11, 223, 6971, 82, 87, 91, 108, 11617, 1212, 129, 1568

murder of civil rights activists 1213

oil refinery safety 84

parking offense 1820

police shooting 15963

causal control 23

Chaney, James 1213

Chaumareys, Jean-Hugues Duroy de 1225, 127, 129

Christie, N. 1278

civil law 11112

Code of Medical Ethics (Ethical Opinions E-8.12) 678

Cohen, Stanley 156, 157

compromise 32

confidentiality 612

consequentialism 2, 45

control and culpability 223

criminal acts 11819, 1269, 1536

criminalization of human error

complexity of incidents 109

consequences of 11213, 1523

defense lawyer's role 956

effects of 1112, 77

employing organization's role 989

injustice resulting from 1623

judge's role 968

and justice 1112, 1089

lawmakers' role 98

'Mara' nursing case study xixxiv

objective view 11517

prosecutor's role 925, 96

purpose of 87, 1078

relationships, importance of 1467

reporting of incidents, effects on 1037, 110

safety, effects on 11, 110111

suspect's role 912

tort liability 11112

triggered by lack of disclosure 33

and truth 152

victim's role 8891

Cronkite, Walter 154


and blame 823

decision trees, use of 2021

and hindsight 35, 4150

persuasion of a particular viewpoint 1226

psychological research 223

data see safety data, protection of

debriefings 142

decency 33

decision trees 2021

defendants in legal action 912, 129

defense lawyer's role in legal action 956

deontology 2, 34

deviance 1534

disciplinary rules 13940


definition 64

ethical obligation 678

importance of 4041, 667

just culture 33

protection of 69

vs. reporting 636

risks of 689

discretion 8082

domain expertise

approaches to 13441

just culture 1313, 145

Douglas, Mary 150

duty of care 2, 34

employing organization's role in legal action 989

empowerment of individuals to report risks 82


hindsight, role of 35, 4150

normative errors 21, 35, 3941

technical errors 21, 35, 368, 3941

see also criminalization of human error

ethics 15, 65, 6971, 79

Eurocontrol Safety and Regulatory Requirement (ESARR 2) 53, 59

expert witnesses in legal action 97

fiduciary duty 34

financial compensation for victims 9091

financial penalties 142

forward-looking accountability 810, 834

fraud 121

freedom-of-information 623, 104

Galison, P. 151

Gephart, R.P. 74

Géricault, Theodore 122, 1246

Goodman, Andrew 1213

Hidden, Anthony 44

hidden curriculum 689

hindsight 35, 4150, 132

honesty 6971

Hull, Matty 66

"I'm sorry" laws 69


blame, reasons for 14953

categorizing adverse events 735

control and culpability 223

criminalization of human error 87, 109

decision trees used to determine culpability 2021

hindsight, role of 35, 4150

just culture, creation of 142

and legal action 110111

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1518, 234, 2533

normative errors 35, 3941

perspectives viiiix, 32, 11522

persuasion of a particular viewpoint 1269

social construction of offenses 1820

technical errors 35, 368, 4041

see also case studies

judge of instruction 1378

judge's role in legal action 968

judgment, use of

categorizing adverse events 735

and hindsight 4150

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1718, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

outcomes, influence of 4150

reporting events 545

just culture

advantages of 789

blame, reasons for 14953

categorizing adverse events 735

control and culpability 223

creation of vivii, 735

decision trees used to determine culpability 2021

disclosure 33

discretionary space for individual action 8082

domain expertise 1313, 145

ethical considerations 15, 79

failure of 1214

features of 810, 313

forward-looking accountability 810, 834

legal action, effects of 1112, 77

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1518, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

organizational justice 756

organization's response to failure 68

relationships, importance of 1457

safety data, protection of 1313, 144

second victim, care of 768

social construction of offenses 1820

staggered approach to 1415

systems and adverse events 80

justice xixxiv, 1112, 8990, 1089

Killen, Ray 13

King, Martin Luther 13

La Méduse (Géricault) 1226, 155, 156

labeling theory 1534

Lanir, Zvi 44

lawmakers' role in legal action 98

learning-by-doing 368

legal action

complexity of incidents 109

consequences of 11213, 1523

defense lawyer's role 956

effects of 1112, 77

employing organization's role 989

injustice resulting from 1623

judge's role 968

and justice 1112, 1089

lawmakers' role 98

'Mara' nursing case study xixxiv

objective view 11517

prosecutor's role 925, 96

purpose of 87, 1078

relationships, importance of 1467

reporting of incidents, effects on 1037, 110

safety, effects on 11, 110111

suspect's role 912

tort liability 11112

triggered by lack of disclosure 33

and truth 152

victim's role 8891

line between acceptable and

unacceptable acts

approaches to 13441

just culture 1518, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

Lot and his daughters (biblical story) 11921, 127, 129, 155, 156

'Mara' nursing case study xixxiv, 223, 6971, 87, 91, 108,11617, 129, 1568

media scrutiny 89, 92

mediation 146

medical professionals

case studies xixxiv, 11, 223, 6971, 82, 87, 91, 108, 11617, 1212, 129, 1568

categorizing adverse events 734, 75

control and culpability 223

criminalization of human error xixxiv, 11, 87, 91, 108, 11617

disclosure, requirement of 678

empowerment of individuals to report risks 82

ethics of honesty 6971

ethics vs. legal criteria 79

hidden curriculum 689

hindsight, role of 42

mediation 146

moral panic 1568

multiple perspectives 117

reporting incidents 38, 52, 65

status, lack of 129

technical errors 37, 38

Merry, Alan 108


blame, reasons for 14953

categorizing adverse events 735

control and culpability 223

criminalization of human error 87, 109

decision trees used to determine culpability 2021

hindsight, role of 35, 4150

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1518, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

normative errors 21, 35, 3941

perspectives viiiix, 32, 11522

persuasion of a particular viewpoint 1269, 1534

social construction of offenses 1820

technical errors 21, 35, 368, 4041

moral panic 1568

Morreim, Haavi 82

motivation 812

multiple perspectives 32, 11722

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) 95, 111


categorizing adverse events 735

control and culpability 223

decision trees used to determine culpability 2021

definitions of 1718

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1518, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

'Mara' nursing case study xixxiv

social construction of offenses 1820

Nietzsche, Friedrich 1512

non-punitive reporting systems 6061

normative errors 21, 35, 3941

objective view 11517

organizational justice 756

organizations 68, 756, 1424

outcomes, influence on judgment 4150

Pellegrino, E.D. 80

perspective from which the incident is viewed

alternative viewpoints viiiix, 32, 11522

La Méduse case study 1226, 155, 156

persuasion of a particular viewpoint 1269, 1534

persuasion of a particular viewpoint (rhetoric) 1269, 1534

political pressure 923

power, use of 33, 129

Price, Cecil 1213

professional disciplinary rules 13940

proportionality 33


integration with regulator 1389

judge of instruction 1378

relationships, importance of 1467

role in legal action 925, 96

test cases 1056

protected reporting systems 613

Raft of the Medusa (Géricault) 1226, 155, 156

Ramstead, Keith v, viiiix

Rasmussen, Jens 49

rational choice 149

Reason, J.T. 2021

regulation 89, 110, 1389

relationships, importance of 1457


consequences of 53

criminalization, effects of 1037, 110

definition 63

vs. disclosure 636

encouraging reporting 556

features of successful systems 5862

identifying report-worthy events 545

importance of 4041

non-punitive systems 6061

obligation to report 53

professional attitudes to 513

protected systems of 613

recipients of reports 568

voluntary systems 5960

responsibility and accountability viiviii

rhetoric 1269, 1534

Rowe, Michael 88

safety 810, 110111

safety data, protection of

approaches to 13441

consequences of exposure 53, 623, 93, 104

just culture 1313, 144

and reporting 612

safety department 143

safety investigations 934

Savigny, Henri 124

scapegoats 14953

Schmaltz, Julien-Désiré 122, 124

Schwerner, Michael 1213

second victim 768

Sharpe, Virginia 9, 834

Sherwood, Christopher 15963

situational constraints 23

Snook, Scott 150151

social construction of culpability 1226

social construction of offenses 1820

stress management programs 142

suspects 912, 129

technical errors 21, 35, 368, 3941

tort liability 11112

trust 56, 1424


and disclosure 67

ethics of honesty 6971

legal action 152

'Mara' nursing case study xixxiv

multiple perspectives vs. one true account 11922

prosecutor's role in legal action 945

utilitarianism 2

Vaughan, Diane 150

victim's role in legal action 8891

'view from below' 32

'view from nowhere' 11517

voice of the parties involved 32, 889

volitional behavior control 223

volitional outcome control 23

voluntary reporting systems 5960

Walker, Andrew 66

Weber, Max xxiii

White, H.B. 152

Wilkinson, S. 2531

willful violations

categorizing adverse events 735

control and culpability 223

decision trees used to determine culpability 2021

line between acceptable and unacceptable acts 1518, 234, 2533, 1313, 1434, 145

social construction of offenses; 1820

witness impact statements 88

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