
images  A

images  B

images  C

images  D

Data structures

    ColorList variable


        blank dictionary

        .clear() method

        .copy() method

        dict(list) function

        .get(key[,default]) method

        .has_key(key) method


        .items() method

        .iteritems() function

        .keys() method

        len(dictionary) function



        update(other) method

        .values() method


    list functions



        for loop

        L1 + L2

        len(L) functions


        L[x] function


        min(L) function


        variable t

        x in L function

        x not in L function

    list methods








        .reverse() method

        .sort() method

    set functions

    set methods


        .clear() method

        .copy() method









        .pop() method







images  E

images  F, G, H


    optional parameters

    python program

    structure of




        return a value

        using global keyword

images  I, J

Interactive Shell




    decoding the code


    multiline statements


images  K


    and keyword

    as keyword


    break loop

    continue keyword

    def function

    del keyword

    elif statement

    else statement

    escape sequence

    except keyword



    finally keyword

    for loop

    from keyword

    global variable

    if statement


    in keyword

    is keyword

    lambda function


    none keyword


    not keyword

    or keyword


    print keyword

    Python 3.x



    true keyword

    try keyword

    while keyword

    with keyword


images  L, M

images  N

images  O

images  P, Q, R

images  S, T, U







        s1 in s2

        s1 not in s2

        s1 + s2

        single character




        startswith()and endswith()

































        str.splitlines ()








        translate method

    print statement

    Python 2.x formatting

    Python 3.x formatting

images  V, W, X, Y, Z



    Camel Casing


    data type conversion

        ascii value


        complex number

        floating point


        hexadecimal string

        integer base

        long integer base

        octal string

        sequence l

        unicode character



    numeric data type

    string data type


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