Chapter 6. Metapatterns

This chapter is different from the others in that it doesn’t contain patterns for solving a particular problem, but patterns that deal with patterns. The term metapatterns is directly translated to “patterns about patterns.” The first method that will be discussed is job chaining, which is piecing together several patterns to solve complex, multistage problems. The second method is job merging, which is an optimization for performing several analytics in the same MapReduce job, effectively killing multiple birds with one stone.

Job Chaining

Job chaining is extremely important to understand and have an operational plan for in your environment. Many people find that they can’t solve a problem with a single MapReduce job. Some jobs in a chain will run in parallel, some will have their output fed into other jobs, and so on. Once you start to understand how to start solving problems as a series of MapReduce jobs, you’ll be able to tackle a whole new class of challenges.

Job chaining is one of the more complicated processes to handle because it’s not a feature out of the box in most MapReduce frameworks. Systems like Hadoop are designed for handling one MapReduce job very well, but handling a multistage job takes a lot of manual coding. There are operational considerations for handling failures in the stages of the job and cleaning up intermediate output. In this section, a few different approaches to job chaining will be discussed. Some will seem more appealing than others for your particular environment, as each has its own pros and cons.

A couple of frameworks and tools have emerged to fill this niche. If you do a lot of job flows and your chaining is pretty complex, you should consider using one of these. The approaches described in this section are more lightweight and need to be implemented on a job-by-job basis. Oozie, an open source Apache project, has functionality for building workflows and coordinating job running. Building job chains is only one of the many features that are useful for operationally running Hadoop MapReduce.

One particular common pitfall is to use MapReduce for something that is small enough that distributing the job is not necessary. If you think chaining two jobs together is the right choice, think about how much output there is from the first. If there are tons of output data, then by all means use a second MapReduce job. Many times, however, the output of the job is small and can be processed quite effectively on a single node. The two ways of doing this is to either load the data through the file system API in the driver after the job has completed, or incorporate it in some sort of bash script wrapper.


A major problem with MapReduce chains is the size of the temporary files. In some cases, they may be tiny, which will cause a significant amount of overhead in firing up way too many map tasks to load them.

In a nonchained job, the number of reducers typically depends more on the amount of data they are receiving than the amount of data you’d like to output. When chaining, the size of the output files is likely more important, even if the reducers will take a bit longer. Try to shoot for output files about the size of one block on the distributed filesystem. Just play around with the number of reducers and see what the impact is on performance (which is good advice in general).

The other option is to consistently use CombineFileInputFormat for jobs that load intermittent output. CombineFileInputFormat takes smaller blocks and lumps them together to make a larger input split before being processed by the mapper.

With the Driver

Probably the simplest method for performing job chaining is to have a master driver that simply fires off multiple job-specific drivers. There’s nothing special about a MapReduce driver in Hadoop; it’s pretty generic Java. It doesn’t derive from some sort of special class or anything.

Take the driver for each MapReduce job and call them in the sequence they should run. You’ll have to specifically be sure that the output path of the first job is the input path of the second. You can be sure of this by storing the temporary path string as a variable and sharing it.

In a production scenario, the temporary directories should be cleaned up so they don’t linger past the completion of the job. Lack of discipline here can surprisingly fill up your cluster rather quickly. Also, be careful of how much temporary data you are actually creating because you’ll need storage in your file system to store that data.

You can pretty easily extrapolate this approach to create chains that are much longer than just two jobs. Just be sure to keep track of all of the temporary paths and optionally clean up the data not being used anymore as the job runs.

You can also fire off multiple jobs in parallel by using Job.submit() instead of Job.waitForCompletion(). The submit method returns immediately to the current thread and runs the job in the background. This allows you to run several jobs at once. Use Job.isComplete(), a nonblocking job completion check, to constantly poll to see whether all of the jobs are complete.

The other thing to pay attention to is job success. It’s not good enough to just know that the job completed. You also need to check whether it succeeded or not. If a dependency job failed, you should break out of the entire chain instead of trying to let it continue.

It’s pretty obvious that this process is going to be rather difficult to manage and maintain from a software engineering prospective as the job chains get more complicated. This is where something like JobControl or Oozie comes in.

Job Chaining Examples

Basic job chaining

The goal of this example is to output a list of users along with a couple pieces of information: their reputations and how many posts each has issued. This could be done in a single MapReduce job, but we also want to separate users into those with an above-average number of posts and those with a below-average number. We need one job to perform the counts and another to separate the users into two bins based on the number of posts. Four different patterns are used in this example: numerical summarization, counting, binning, and a replicated join. The final output consists of a user ID, the number of times they posted, and their reputation.

The average number of posts per user is calculated between the two jobs using the framework’s counters. The users data set is put in the DistributedCache in the second job to enrich the output data with the users’ reputations. This enrichment occurs in order to feed in to the next example in this section, which calculates the average reputation of the users in the two bins.

The following descriptions of each code section explain the solution to the problem.

Problem: Given a data set of StackOverflow posts, bin users based on if they are below or above the number of average posts per user. Also to enrich each user with his or her reputation from a separate data set when generating the output.

Job one mapper

Before we look at the driver, let’s get an understanding of the mapper and reducer for both jobs. The mapper records the user ID from each record by assigning the value of the OwnerUserId attribute as the output key for the job, with a count of one as the value. It also increments a record counter by one. This value is later used in the driver to calculate the average number of posts per user. The AVERAGE_CALC_GROUP is a public static string at the driver level.

public static class UserIdCountMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, Text, LongWritable> {

    public static final String RECORDS_COUNTER_NAME = "Records";

    private static final LongWritable ONE = new LongWritable(1);
    private Text outkey = new Text();

    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value

        String userId = parsed.get("OwnerUserId");

        if (userId != null) {
            context.write(outkey, ONE);
Job one reducer

The reducer is also fairly trivial. It simply iterates through the input values (all of which we set to 1) and keeps a running sum, which is output along with the input key. A different counter is also incremented by one for each reduce group, in order to calculate the average.

public static class UserIdSumReducer extends
        Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> {

    public static final String USERS_COUNTER_NAME = "Users";
    private LongWritable outvalue = new LongWritable();

    public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<LongWritable> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        // Increment user counter, as each reduce group represents one user
        context.getCounter(AVERAGE_CALC_GROUP, USERS_COUNTER_NAME).increment(1);

        int sum = 0;
        for (LongWritable value : values) {
            sum += value.get();

        context.write(key, outvalue);
Job two mapper

This mapper is more complicated than the previous jobs. It is doing a few different things to get the desired output. The setup phase accomplishes three different things. The average number of posts per user is pulled from the Context object that was set during job configuration. The MultipleOutputs utility is initialized as well. This is used to write the output to different bins. Finally, the user data set is parsed from the DistributedCache to build a map of user ID to reputation. This map is used for the desired data enrichment during output.

Compared to the setup, the map method is much easier. The input value is parsed to get the user ID and number of times posted. This is done by simply splitting on tabs and getting the first two fields of data. Then the mapper sets the output key to the user ID and the output value to the number of posts along with the user’s reputation, delimited by a tab. The user’s number of posts is then compared to the average, and the user is binned appropriately.

An optional fourth parameter of MultipleOutputs.write is used in this example to name each part file. A constant is used to specify the directory for users based on whether they are below or above average in their number of posts. The filename in the folder is named through an extra /part string. This becomes the beginning of the filename, to which the framework will append -m-nnnnn, where nnnnn is the task ID number. With this name, a folder will be created for both bins and the folders will contain a number of part files. This is done for easier input/output management for the next example on parallel jobs.

Finally, MultipleOutputs is closed in the cleanup stage.

public static class UserIdBinningMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, Text, Text> {

    public static final String AVERAGE_POSTS_PER_USER = "avg.posts.per.user";

    public static void setAveragePostsPerUser(Job job, double avg) {

    public static double getAveragePostsPerUser(Configuration conf) {
        return Double.parseDouble(conf.get(AVERAGE_POSTS_PER_USER));

    private double average = 0.0;
    private MultipleOutputs<Text, Text> mos = null;
    private Text outkey = new Text(), outvalue = new Text();
    private HashMap<String, String> userIdToReputation =
            new HashMap<String, String>();

    protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        average = getAveragePostsPerUser(context.getConfiguration());

        mos = new MultipleOutputs<Text, Text>(context);

        Path[] files = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(context

        // Read all files in the DistributedCache
        for (Path p : files) {
            BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(
                            new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(
                                    new File(p.toString())))));

            String line;
            // For each record in the user file
            while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
                // Get the user ID and reputation
                Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils
                // Map the user ID to the reputation

    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        String[] tokens = value.toString().split("	");

        String userId = tokens[0];
        int posts = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);

        outvalue.set((long) posts + "	" + userIdToReputation.get(userId));

        if ((double) posts < average) {
            mos.write(MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_NAME, outkey, outvalue,
                    MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_NAME + "/part");
        } else {
            mos.write(MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_NAME, outkey, outvalue,
                    MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_NAME + "/part");

    protected void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
Driver code

Now let’s take a look at this more complicated driver. It is broken down into two sections for discussion: the first job and the second job. The first job starts by parsing command-line arguments to create proper input and output directories. It creates an intermediate directory that will be deleted by the driver at the end of the job chain.


A string is tacked on to the name of the output directory here to make our intermediate output directory. This is fine for the most part, but it may be a good idea to come up with a naming convention for any intermediate directories to avoid conflicts. If an output directory already exists during job submission, the job will never start.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    Path postInput = new Path(args[0]);
    Path userInput = new Path(args[1]);
    Path outputDirIntermediate = new Path(args[2] + "_int");
    Path outputDir = new Path(args[2]);

    // Setup first job to counter user posts
    Job countingJob = new Job(, "JobChaining-Counting");

    // Set our mapper and reducer, we can use the API's long sum reducer for
    // a combiner!



    TextInputFormat.addInputPath(countingJob, postInput);

    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(countingJob, outputDirIntermediate);

    // Execute job and grab exit code
    int code = countingJob.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;


The first job is checked for success before executing the second job. This seems simple enough, but with more complex job chains it can get a little annoying. Before the second job is configured, we grab the counter values from the first job to get the average posts per user. This value is then added to the job configuration. We set our mapper code and disable the reduce phase, as this is a map-only job. The other key parts to pay attention to are the configuration of MultipleOutputs and the DistributedCache. The job is then executed and the framework takes over from there.

Lastly and most importantly, success or failure, the intermediate output directory is cleaned up. This is an important and often overlooked step. Leaving any intermediate output will fill up a cluster quickly and require you to delete the output by hand. If you won’t be needing the intermediate output for any other analytics, by all means delete it in the code.

    if (code == 0) {
        // Calculate the average posts per user by getting counter values
        double numRecords = (double) countingJob
        double numUsers = (double) countingJob

        double averagePostsPerUser = numRecords / numUsers;

        // Setup binning job
        Job binningJob = new Job(new Configuration(), "JobChaining-Binning");

        // Set mapper and the average posts per user


        TextInputFormat.addInputPath(binningJob, outputDirIntermediate);

        // Add two named outputs for below/above average
                MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_NAME, TextOutputFormat.class,
                Text.class, Text.class);

                MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_NAME, TextOutputFormat.class,
                Text.class, Text.class);

        MultipleOutputs.setCountersEnabled(binningJob, true);

        TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(binningJob, outputDir);

        // Add the user files to the DistributedCache
        FileStatus[] userFiles = FileSystem.get(conf).listStatus(userInput);
        for (FileStatus status : userFiles) {

        // Execute job and grab exit code
        code = binningJob.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;

    // Clean up the intermediate output
    FileSystem.get(conf).delete(outputDirIntermediate, true);


Parallel job chaining

The driver in parallel job chaining is similar to the previous example. The only big enhancement is that jobs are submitted in parallel and then monitored until completion. The two jobs run in this example are independent. (However, they require the previous example to have completed successfully.) This has the added benefit of utilizing cluster resources better to have them execute simultaneously.

The following descriptions of each code section explain the solution to the problem.

Problem: Given the previous example’s output of binned users, run parallel jobs over both bins to calculate the average reputation of each user.

Mapper code

The mapper splits the input value into a string array. The third column of this index is the reputation of the particular user. This reputation is output with a unique key. This key is shared across all map tasks in order to group all the reputations together for the average calculation. NullWritable can be used to group all the records together, but we want the key to have a meaningful value.


This can be expensive for very large data sets, as one reducer is responsible for streaming all the intermediate key/value pairs over the network. The added benefit here over serially reading the data set on one node is that the input splits are read in parallel and the reducers use a configurable number of threads to read each mapper’s output.

public static class AverageReputationMapper extends
        Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, DoubleWritable> {

    private static final Text GROUP_ALL_KEY = new Text("Average Reputation:");
    private DoubleWritable outvalue = new DoubleWritable();

    protected void map(LongWritable key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // Split the line into tokens
        String[] tokens = value.toString().split("	");

        // Get the reputation from the third column
        double reputation = Double.parseDouble(tokens[2]);

        // Set the output value and write to context
        context.write(GROUP_ALL_KEY, outvalue);
Reducer code

The reducer simply iterates through the reputation values, summing the numbers and keeping a count. The average is then calculated and output with the input key.

public static class AverageReputationReducer extends
        Reducer<Text, DoubleWritable, Text, DoubleWritable> {

    private DoubleWritable outvalue = new DoubleWritable();

    protected void reduce(Text key, Iterable<DoubleWritable> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        double sum = 0.0;
        double count = 0;
        for (DoubleWritable dw : values) {
            sum += dw.get();

        outvalue.set(sum / count);
        context.write(key, outvalue);
Driver code

The driver code parses command-line arguments to get the input and output directories for both jobs. A helper function is then called to submit the job configuration, which we will look at next. The Job objects for both are then returned and monitored for job completion. So long as either job is still running, the driver goes back to sleep for five seconds. Once both jobs are complete, they are checked for success or failure and an appropriate log message is printed. An exit code is then returned based on job success.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    Path belowAvgInputDir = new Path(args[0]);
    Path aboveAvgInputDir = new Path(args[1]);
    Path belowAvgOutputDir = new Path(args[2]);
    Path aboveAvgOutputDir = new Path(args[3]);

    Job belowAvgJob = submitJob(conf, belowAvgInputDir, belowAvgOutputDir);
    Job aboveAvgJob = submitJob(conf, aboveAvgInputDir, aboveAvgOutputDir);

    // While both jobs are not finished, sleep

    while (!belowAvgJob.isComplete() || !aboveAvgJob.isComplete()) {

    if (belowAvgJob.isSuccessful()) {
        System.out.println("Below average job completed successfully!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Below average job failed!");

    if (aboveAvgJob.isSuccessful()) {
        System.out.println("Above average job completed successfully!");
    } else {
        System.out.println("Above average job failed!");

    System.exit(belowAvgJob.isSuccessful() &&
            aboveAvgJob.isSuccessful() ? 0 : 1);

This helper function is configured for each job. It looks very standard to any other configuration, except Job.submit is used rather than Job.waitForCompletion. This will submit the job and then immediately return, allowing the application to continue. As we saw, the returned Job is monitored in the main method until completion.

private static Job submitJob(Configuration conf, Path inputDir,
        Path outputDir) throws Exception {

    Job job = new Job(conf, "ParallelJobs");



    TextInputFormat.addInputPath(job, inputDir);

    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);

    // Submit job and immediately return, rather than waiting for completion
    return job;

With Shell Scripting

This method of job chaining is very similar to the previous approach of implementing a complex job flow in a master driver that fires off individual job drivers, except that we do it in a shell script. Each job in the chain is fired off separately in the way you would run it from the command line from inside of a shell script.

This has a few major benefits and a couple minor downsides. One benefit is that changes to the job flow can be made without having to recompile the code because the master driver is a scripting language instead of Java. This is important if the job is prone to failure and you need to easily be able to manually rerun or repair failed jobs. Also, you’ll be able to use jobs that have already been productionalized to work through a command-line interface, but not a script. Yet another benefit is that the shell script can interact with services, systems, and tools that are not Java centric. For example, later in this chapter we’ll discuss post-processing of output, which may be very natural to do with sed or awk, but less natural to do in Java.

One of the downsides of this approach is it may be harder to implement more complicated job flows in which jobs are running in parallel. You can run jobs in the background and then test for success, but it may not be as clean as in Java.


Wrapping any Hadoop MapReduce job in a script, whether it be a single Java MapReduce job, a Pig job, or whatever, has a number of benefits. This includes post-processing, data flows, data preparation, additional logging, and more.

In general, using shell scripting is useful to chain new jobs with existing jobs quickly. For more robust applications, it may make more sense to build a driver-based chaining mechanism that can better interface with Hadoop.

Bash example

In this example, we use the Bash shell to tie together the basic job chaining and parallel jobs examples. The script is broken into two pieces: setting variables to actually execute the jobs, and then executing them.

Bash script

Input and outputs are stored in variables to create the a number of executable commands. There are two commands to run both jobs, cat the output to the screen, and cleanup all the analytic output.


HADOOP="$( which hadoop )"







LOG_FILE="avgrep_`date +%s`.txt"

The next part of the script echos each command prior to running it. It executes the first job, and then checks the return code to see whether it failed. If it did, output is deleted and the script exits. Upon success, the second job is executed and the same error condition is checked. If the second job completes successfully, the output of each job is written to the log file and all the output is deleted. All the extra output is not required, and since the final output of each file consists only one line, storing it in the log file is worthwhile, instead of keeping it in HDFS.

   echo ${JOB_1_CMD}

   if [ $? -ne 0 ]
     echo "First job failed!"
     echo ${RMR_CMD}
     exit $?

   echo ${JOB_2_CMD}

   if [ $? -ne 0 ]
     echo "Second job failed!"
     echo ${RMR_CMD}
     exit $?



   echo ${RMR_CMD}

   exit 0

} &> ${LOG_FILE}
Sample run

A sample run of the script follows. The MapReduce analytic output is omitted for brevity.

/home/mrdp/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar mrdp.jar mrdp.ch6.JobChainingDriver posts 
        users jobchainout
12/06/10 15:57:43 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 5
12/06/10 15:57:43 INFO util.NativeCodeLoader: Loaded the native-hadoop library
12/06/10 15:57:43 WARN snappy.LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded
12/06/10 15:57:44 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201206031928_0065
12/06/10 15:59:14 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201206031928_0065
12/06/10 15:59:15 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_201206031928_0066
12/06/10 16:02:02 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete: job_201206031928_0066

/home/mrdp/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar mrdp.jar mrdp.ch6.ParallelJobs 
        jobchainout/belowavg jobchainout/aboveavg belowavgrep aboveavgrep
12/06/10 16:02:08 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
12/06/10 16:02:08 INFO util.NativeCodeLoader: Loaded the native-hadoop library
12/06/10 16:02:08 WARN snappy.LoadSnappy: Snappy native library not loaded
12/06/10 16:02:12 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 1
Below average job completed successfully!
Above average job completed successfully!

/home/mrdp/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -cat belowavgrep/part-*
Average Reputation:	275.36385831014724

/home/mrdp/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -cat aboveavgrep/part-*
Average Reputation:	2375.301960784314

/home/mrdp/hadoop/bin/hadoop fs -rmr jobchainout belowavgrep aboveavgrep
Deleted hdfs://localhost:9000/user/mrdp/jobchainout
Deleted hdfs://localhost:9000/user/mrdp/belowavgrep
Deleted hdfs://localhost:9000/user/mrdp/aboveavgrep

With JobControl

The JobControl and ControlledJob classes make up a system for chaining MapReduce jobs and has some nice features like being able to track the state of the chain and fire off jobs automatically when they’re ready by declaring their dependencies. Using JobControl is the right way of doing job chaining, but can sometimes be too heavyweight for simpler applications.

To use JobControl, start by wrapping your jobs with ControlledJob. Doing this is relatively simple: you create your job like you usually would, except you also create a ControlledJob that takes in your Job or Configuration as a parameter, along with a list of its dependencies (other ControlledJobs). Then, you add them one-by-one to the JobControl object, which handles the rest.

You still have to keep track of temporary data and clean it up afterwards or in the event of a failure.


You can use any of the methods we’ve discussed so far to create iterative jobs that run the same job over and over. Typically, each iteration takes the previous iteration’s data as input. This is common practice for algorithms that have some sort of optimization component, such as k-means clustering in MapReduce. This is also common practice in many graph algorithms in MapReduce.

Job control example

For an example of a driver using JobControl, let’s combine the previous two examples of basic job chaining and parallel jobs. We are already familiar with the mapper and reducer code, so there is no need to go over them again. The driver is the main showpiece here for job configuration. It uses basic job chaining to launch the first job, and then uses JobControl to execute the remaining job in the chain and the two parallel jobs. The initial job is not added via JobControl because you need to interrupt the control for the in-between step of using the counters of the first job to help assist in configuration of the second job. All jobs must be completely configured before executing the entire job chain, which can be limiting.

Main method

Let’s take a look at the main method. Here, we parse the command line arguments and create all the paths we will need for all four jobs to execute. We take special care when naming the variables to know our data flows. The first job is then configured via a helper function and executed. Upon completion of the first job, we invoke Configuration methods in helper functions to create three ControlledJob objects. Each Configuration method determines what mapper, reducer, etc. goes into each job.

The binningControlledJob has no dependencies, other than verifying that previous job executed and completed successfully. The next two jobs are dependent on the binning ControlledJob. These two jobs will not be executed by JobControl until the binning job completes successfully. If it doesn’t complete successfully, the other jobs won’t be executed at all.

All three ControlledJobs are added to the JobControl object, and then it is run. The call to will block until the group of jobs completes. We then check the failed job list to see if any jobs failed and set our exit code accordingly. Intermediate output is cleaned up prior to exiting.

public static final String AVERAGE_CALC_GROUP = "AverageCalculation";
public static final String MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_NAME = "aboveavg";
public static final String MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_NAME = "belowavg";

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    Path postInput = new Path(args[0]);
    Path userInput = new Path(args[1]);
    Path countingOutput = new Path(args[3] + "_count");
    Path binningOutputRoot = new Path(args[3] + "_bins");
    Path binningOutputBelow = new Path(binningOutputRoot + "/"
            + JobChainingDriver.MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_NAME);
    Path binningOutputAbove = new Path(binningOutputRoot + "/"
            + JobChainingDriver.MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_NAME);

    Path belowAverageRepOutput = new Path(args[2]);
    Path aboveAverageRepOutput = new Path(args[3]);

    Job countingJob = getCountingJob(conf, postInput, countingOutput);

    int code = 1;
    if (countingJob.waitForCompletion(true)) {
        ControlledJob binningControlledJob = new ControlledJob(
                getBinningJobConf(countingJob, conf, countingOutput,
                        userInput, binningOutputRoot));

        ControlledJob belowAvgControlledJob = new ControlledJob(
                getAverageJobConf(conf, binningOutputBelow,

        ControlledJob aboveAvgControlledJob = new ControlledJob(
                getAverageJobConf(conf, binningOutputAbove,

        JobControl jc = new JobControl("AverageReputation");
        code = jc.getFailedJobList().size() == 0 ? 0 : 1;

    FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    fs.delete(countingOutput, true);
    fs.delete(binningOutputRoot, true);

Helper methods

Following are all the helper methods used to create the actual Job or Configuration objects. A ControlledJob can be created from either class. There are three separate methods, the final method being used twice to create the identical parallel jobs. The inputs and outputs are all that differentiate them.

public static Job getCountingJob(Configuration conf, Path postInput,
        Path outputDirIntermediate) throws IOException {
    // Setup first job to counter user posts
    Job countingJob = new Job(conf, "JobChaining-Counting");

    // Set our mapper and reducer, we can use the API's long sum reducer for
    // a combiner!



    TextInputFormat.addInputPath(countingJob, postInput);

    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(countingJob, outputDirIntermediate);

    return countingJob;

public static Configuration getBinningJobConf(Job countingJob,
        Configuration conf, Path jobchainOutdir, Path userInput,
        Path binningOutput) throws IOException {
    // Calculate the average posts per user by getting counter values
    double numRecords = (double) countingJob
    double numUsers = (double) countingJob

    double averagePostsPerUser = numRecords / numUsers;

    // Setup binning job
    Job binningJob = new Job(conf, "JobChaining-Binning");

    // Set mapper and the average posts per user


    TextInputFormat.addInputPath(binningJob, jobchainOutdir);

    // Add two named outputs for below/above average
            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, Text.class);

            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, Text.class);
    MultipleOutputs.setCountersEnabled(binningJob, true);

    // Configure multiple outputs
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, outputDir);
    MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(conf, MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_5000,
            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class);
    MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(conf, MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_5000,
            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class);

    // Add the user files to the DistributedCache
    FileStatus[] userFiles = FileSystem.get(conf).listStatus(userInput);
    for (FileStatus status : userFiles) {

    // Execute job and grab exit code
    return binningJob.getConfiguration();

public static Configuration getAverageJobConf(Configuration conf,
        Path averageOutputDir, Path outputDir) throws IOException {

    Job averageJob = new Job(conf, "ParallelJobs");




    TextInputFormat.addInputPath(averageJob, averageOutputDir);

    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(averageJob, outputDir);

    // Execute job and grab exit code
    return averageJob.getConfiguration();

Chain Folding

Chain folding is an optimization that is applied to MapReduce job chains. Basically, it is a rule of thumb that says each record can be submitted to multiple mappers, or to a reducer and then a mapper. Such combined processing would save a lot of time reading files and transmitting data. The structure of the jobs often make these feasible because a map phase is completely shared-nothing: it looks at each record alone, so it doesn’t really matter what the organization of the data is or if it is grouped or not. When building large MapReduce chains, folding the chain to combine map phases will have some drastic performance benefits.

The main benefit of chain folding is reducing the amount of data movement in the MapReduce pipeline, whether it be the I/O of loading and storing to disk, or shuffling data over the network. In chained MapReduce jobs, temporary data is stored in HDFS, so if we can reduce the number of times we hit the disks, we’re reducing the total I/O in the chain.

There are a number of patterns in chains to look for to determine what to fold.

  1. Take a look at the map phases in the chain. If multiple map phases are adjacent, merge them into one phase. This would be the case if you had a map-only job (such as a replicated join), followed by a numerical aggregation. In this step, we are reducing the amount of times we’re hitting the disks. Consider a two-job chain in which the first job is a map-only job, which is then followed by a traditional MapReduce job with a map phase and a reduce phase. Without this optimization, the first map-only job will write its output out to the distributed file system, and then that data will be loaded by the second job.

    Instead, if we merge the map phase of the map-only job and the traditional job, that temporary data never gets written, reducing the I/O significantly. Also, fewer tasks are started, reducing overhead of task management. Chaining many map tasks together is an even more drastic optimization. In this case, there really isn’t any downside to do this other than having to possibly alter already existing code.

  2. If the job ends with a map phase (combined or otherwise), push that phase into the reducer right before it. This is a special case with the same performance benefits as the previous step. It removes the I/O of writing temporary data out and then running a map-only job on it. It also reduces the task start-up overhead.

  3. Note that the the first map phase of the chain cannot benefit from this next optimization. As much as possible, split up each map phase (combined or otherwise) between operations that decrease the amount of data (e.g., filtering) and operations that increase the amount of data (e.g., enrichment). In some cases, this is not possible because you may need some enrichment data in order to do the filtering. In these cases, look at dependent phases as one larger phase that cumulatively increases or decreases the amount of data. Push the processes that decrease the amount of data into the previous reducer, while keeping the processes that increase the amount of data where they are.

    This step is a bit more complex and the difference is more subtle. The gain here is that if you push minimizing map-phase processing into the previous reducer, you will reduce the amount of data written to temporary storage, as well as the amount of data loaded off disk into the next part of the chain. This can be pretty significant if a drastic amount of filtering is done.


Be careful when merging phases that require lots of memory. For example, merging five replicated joins together might not be a good idea because it will exceed the total memory available to the task. In these cases, it might be better to just leave them separate.


Regardless of whether a job is a chain or not, try to filter as much data as early as possible. The most expensive parts of a MapReduce job are typically pushing data through the pipeline: loading the data, the shuffle/sort, and storing the data. For example, if you care only about data from item 2012, filter that out in the map phase, not after the reducer has grouped the data together.

Let’s run through a couple of examples to help explain the idea and why it is so useful.

To exemplify step one, consider the chain in Figure 6-1. The original chain (on top) is optimized so that the replicated join is folded into the mapper of the second MapReduce job (bottom).

Original chain and optimizing mappers
Figure 6-1. Original chain and optimizing mappers

This job performs a word count on comments from teenagers. We do this to find out what topics are interesting to our youngest users. The age of the user isn’t with the comment, which is why we need to do a join. In this case, the map-only replicated join can be merged into the preprocessing of the second job.

To exemplify step two, consider the following chain in Figure 6-2. The original chain (top) is optimized so that the replicated join is folded into the reducer of the second MapReduce job (bottom).

Original chain and optimizing a reducer with a mapper
Figure 6-2. Original chain and optimizing a reducer with a mapper

This job enriches each user’s information with the number of comments that user has posted. It uses a generic counting MapReduce job, then uses a replicated join to add in the user information to the count. In this case, the map-only replicated join can be merged into the reducer.

To exemplify step three, consider the following chain in Figure 6-3. The original chain (top) is optimized so that the replicated join is folded into the reducer of the second MapReduce job (bottom).

Original chain and optimizing a mapper with a reducer
Figure 6-3. Original chain and optimizing a mapper with a reducer

This job is a bit more complicated than the others, as is evident from the long chain used to solve it. The intent is to find the most popular tags per age group, which is is done by finding a count of each user, enriching their user information onto it, filtering out counts less than 5, then finally grouping by the age group and summing up the original counts. When we look at the map tasks (enrichment and filtering), the replicated join is adding data, while the filter is removing data. Following step three, we are going to move the filtering to the first MapReduce job, and then move the replicated join into the map phase of the second MapReduce job. This gives us the new chain that can be seen at the bottom of Figure 6-3. Now the first MapReduce job will write out significantly less data than before and then it follows that the second MapReduce job is loading less data.

There are two primary methods for implementing chain folding: manually cutting and pasting code together, and a more elegant approach that uses special classes called ChainMapper and ChainReducer. If this is a one-time job and logically has multiple map phases, just implement it in one shot with the manual approach. If several of the map phases are reused (in a software reuse sense), then you should use the ChainMapper and ChainReducer approach to follow good software engineering practice.

The ChainMapper and ChainReducer Approach

ChainMapper and ChainReducer are special mapper and reducer classes that allow you to run multiple map phases in the mapper and multiple map phases after the reducer. You are effectively expanding the traditional map and reduce paradigm into several map phases, followed by a reduce phase, followed by several map phases. However, only one map phase and one reduce phase is ever invoked.

Each chained map phase feeds into the next in the pipeline. The output of the first is then processed by the second, which is then processed by the third, and so on. The map phases on the backend of the reducer take the output of the reducer and do additional computation. This is useful for post-processing operations or additional filtering.


Be sure that the input types and output types between each chain match up. If the first phase outputs a <LongWritable, Text>, be sure the second phase takes its input as <LongWritable, Text>.

Chain Folding Example

Bin users by reputation

This example is a slight modification of the job chaining example. Here, we use two mapper implementations for the initial map phase. The first formats each input XML record and writes out the user ID with a count of one. The second mapper then enriches the user ID with his or her reputation, which is read during the setup phase via the DistributedCache.

These two individual mapper classes are then chained together to feed a single reducer. This reducer is a basic LongSumReducer that simply iterates through all the values and sums the numbers. This sum is then output along with the input key.

Finally, a third mapper is called that will bin the records based on whether their reputation is below or above 5,000. This entire flow is executed in one MapReduce job using ChainMapper and ChainReducer.


This example uses the deprecated mapred API, because ChainMapper and ChainReducer were not available in the mapreduce package when this example was written.

The following descriptions of each code section explain the solution to the problem.

Problem: Given a set of user posts and user information, bin users based on whether their reputation is below or above 5,000.

Parsing mapper code

This mapper implementation gets the user ID from the input post record and outputs it with a count of 1.

public static class UserIdCountMapper extends MapReduceBase implements
        Mapper<Object, Text, Text, LongWritable> {

    public static final String RECORDS_COUNTER_NAME = "Records";
    private static final LongWritable ONE = new LongWritable(1);
    private Text outkey = new Text();

    public void map(Object key, Text value,
            OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> output, Reporter reporter)
            throws IOException {

        Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value

        // Get the value for the OwnerUserId attribute
        output.collect(outkey, ONE);
Replicated join mapper code

This mapper implementation is fed the output from the previous mapper. It reads the users data set during the setup phase to create a map of user ID to reputation. This map is used in the calls to map to enrich the output key with the user’s reputation. This new key is then output along with the input value.

public static class UserIdReputationEnrichmentMapper extends MapReduceBase
        implements Mapper<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> {

    private Text outkey = new Text();
    private HashMap<String, String> userIdToReputation =
            new HashMap<String, String>();

    public void configure(JobConf job) {

        Path[] files = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(job);

        // Read all files in the DistributedCache
        for (Path p : files) {
            BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(
                            new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(
                                    new File(p.toString())))));

            String line;
            // For each record in the user file
            while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {
                // Get the user ID and reputation
                Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils

                // Map the user ID to the reputation

    public void map(Text key, LongWritable value,
            OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> output, Reporter reporter)
            throws IOException {

        String reputation = userIdToReputation.get(key.toString());
        if (reputation != null) {
            outkey.set(key.toString() + "	" + reputation);
            output.collect(outkey, value);
Reducer code

This reducer implementation sums the values together and outputs this summation with the input key: user ID and reputation.

public static class LongSumReducer extends MapReduceBase implements
        Reducer<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> {

    private LongWritable outvalue = new LongWritable();

        public void reduce(Text key, Iterator<LongWritable> values,
                OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> output, Reporter reporter)
                throws IOException {

              int sum = 0;
              while (values.hasNext()) {
                    sum +=;
              output.collect(key, outvalue);
Binning mapper code

This mapper uses MultipleOutputs to bin users into two data sets. The input key is parsed to pull out the reputation. This reputation value is then compared to the value 5,000 and the record is binned appropriately.

public static class UserIdBinningMapper extends MapReduceBase implements
        Mapper<Text, LongWritable, Text, LongWritable> {

    private MultipleOutputs mos = null;

    public void configure(JobConf conf) {
        mos = new MultipleOutputs(conf);

    public void map(Text key, LongWritable value,
            OutputCollector<Text, LongWritable> output, Reporter reporter)
            throws IOException {

        if (Integer.parseInt(key.toString().split("	")[1]) < 5000) {
            mos.getCollector(MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_5000, reporter)
                    .collect(key, value);
        } else {
            mos.getCollector(MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_5000, reporter)
                    .collect(key, value);

    public void close() {
Driver code

The driver handles configuration of the ChainMapper and ChainReducer. The most interesting piece here is adding mappers and setting the reducer. The order in which they are added affects the execution of the different mapper implementations. ChainMapper is first used to add the two map implementations that will be called back to back before any sorting and shuffling occurs. Then, the ChainReducer static methods are used to set the reducer implementation, and then finally a mapper on the end. Note that you don’t use ChainMapper to add a mapper after a reducer: use ChainReducer.

The signature of each method takes in the JobConf of a mapper/reducer class, the input and output key value pair types, and another JobConf for the mapper/reducer class. This can be used in case the mapper or reducer has overlapping configuration parameters. No special configuration is required, so we simply pass in empty JobConf objects. The seventh parameter in the signature is a flag as to pass values in the chain by reference or by value. This is an added optimization you can use if the collector does not modify the keys or values in either the mapper or the reducer. Here, we make these assumptions, so we pass objects by reference (byValue = false).

In addition to configuring the chain mappers and reducers, we also add the user data set to the DistributedCache so our second mapper can perform the enrichment. We also set configure the MultipleOutputs and use a NullOutputFormat rather than the typical TextOutputFormat. Use of this output format will prevent the framework from creating the default empty part files.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    JobConf conf = new JobConf("ChainMapperReducer");

    Path postInput = new Path(args[0]);
    Path userInput = new Path(args[1]);
    Path outputDir = new Path(args[2]);

    ChainMapper.addMapper(conf, UserIdCountMapper.class,
            LongWritable.class, Text.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class,
            false, new JobConf(false));

    ChainMapper.addMapper(conf, UserIdReputationEnrichmentMapper.class,
            Text.class, LongWritable.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class,
            false, new JobConf(false));

    ChainReducer.setReducer(conf, LongSumReducer.class, Text.class,
            LongWritable.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class, false,
            new JobConf(false));

    ChainReducer.addMapper(conf, UserIdBinningMapper.class, Text.class,
            LongWritable.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class, false,
            new JobConf(false));


    TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, postInput);
    // Configure multiple outputs
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, outputDir);
    MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(conf, MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ABOVE_5000,
            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, LongWritable.class);
    MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(conf, MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_BELOW_5000,

    // Add the user files to the DistributedCache
    FileStatus[] userFiles = FileSystem.get(conf).listStatus(userInput);
    for (FileStatus status : userFiles) {
        DistributedCache.addCacheFile(status.getPath().toUri(), conf);

    RunningJob job = JobClient.runJob(conf);

    while (!job.isComplete()) {

    System.exit(job.isSuccessful() ? 0 : 1);

Job Merging

Like job folding, job merging is another optimization aimed to reduce the amount of I/O through the MapReduce pipeline. Job merging is a process that allows two unrelated jobs that are loading the same data to share the MapReduce pipeline. The main benefit of merging is that the data needs to be loaded and parsed only once. For some large-scale jobs, that task might be the most expensive part of the whole operation. One of the downsides of “schema-on-load” and storing the data in its original form is having to parse it over and over again, which can really impact performance if parsing is complicated (e.g., XML).

Assume we have two jobs that need to run over the exact same massive amount of data. These two jobs both load and parse the data, then perform their computations. With job merging, we’ll have one MapReduce job that logically performs the two jobs at once without mixing the two applications as seen in Figure 6-4. The original chain (top) is optimized so that the two mappers run on the same data, and the two reducers run on the same data (bottom).

Nothing is stopping you from applying job merging to more than two jobs at once. The more the merrier! The more you consolidate a shared burden across jobs, the more compute resources you’ll have available in your cluster.

Original jobs and merged jobs
Figure 6-4. Original jobs and merged jobs

Likely, this process will be relevant only for important and already existing jobs in a production cluster. Development groups that take the time to consolidate their core analytics will see significant reductions in cluster utilization. When the jobs are merged, they’ll have to run together and the source code will have to be kept together. This is likely not worth it for jobs that are run in an ad hoc manner or are relatively new to the environment.

Unfortunately, you must satisfy a number of prerequisites before applying this pattern. The most obvious one is that both jobs need to have the same intermediate keys and output formats, because they’ll be sharing the pipeline and thus need to use the same data types. Serialization or polymorphism can be used if this is truly a problem, but adds a bit of complexity.

Job merging is a dirty procedure. Some hacks will have to be done to get it to work, but definitely more work can be put into a merging solution to make it a bit cleaner. From a software engineering perspective, this complicates the code organization, because unrelated jobs now share the same code. At a high level, the same map function will now be performing the original duties of the old map functions, while the reduce function will perform one action or another based on a tag on the key that tells which data set it came from. The steps for merging two jobs are as follows:

  1. Bring the code for the two mappers together.

    There are a couple of ways to do this. Copying and pasting the code works, but may complicate which piece of code is doing what. Good in-code comments can help you compensate for this. The other method is to separate the code into two helper map functions that process the input for each algorithm.

  2. In the mapper, change the writing of the key and value to “tag” the key with the map source.

    Tagging the key to indicate which map it came from is critical so that the data from the different maps don’t get mixed up. There are a few ways to do this depending on the original data type. If it is a string, you can simply make the first character the tag, so for instance you could change “parks” to “Aparks” when it comes from the first map, and “Bparks” when it comes from the second map.

    The general way to tag is to make a custom composite tuple-like key that stores the tag separately from the original data. This is definitely the cleaner way of doing things, but takes a bit more work.

  3. In the reducer, parse out the tag and use an if-statement to switch what reducer code actually gets executed.

    As in the mapper, you can either just copy and paste the code into an if-statement or have the if-statement call out to helper functions. The if-statement controls the path of execution based on the tag.

  4. Use MultipleOutputs to separate the output for the jobs.

    MultipleOutputs is a special output format helper class that allows you to write to different folders of output for the same reducer, instead of just a single folder. Make it so the one reducer path always writes to one folder of the MultipleOutputs, while the other reducer path writes to the other folder.

Job Merging Examples

Anonymous comments and distinct users

This example combines Anonymizing StackOverflow comments and Distinct user IDs. Both examples used the comments data set as input. However, their outputs were very different. One created a distinct set of users, while the other created an anonymized version of each record. The comment portion of the StackOverflow data set is the largest we have, so merging these jobs together will definitely cut our processing time down. This way, the data set needs to be read only once.

The following descriptions of each code section explain the solution to the problem.

Problem: Given a set of comments, generate an anonymized version of the data and a distinct set of user IDs.

TaggedText WritableComparable

A custom WritableComparable object is created to tag a Text with a string. This is a cleaner way of splitting the logic between the two jobs, and saves us some string parsing in the reducer.

This object has two private member variables and getters and setters for each variable. It holds a String that the mapper uses to tag each Text value that is also held by this object. The reducer then examines the tag to find out which reduce logic to execute. The compareTo method is what makes this object also comparable and allowed for use as a key in the MapReduce framework. This method first examines the tag for equality. If they are equal, the text inside the object is then compared and the value immediately returned. If they are not equal, the value of the comparison is then returned. Items are sorted by tag first, and then by the text value. This type of comparison will produce output such as:


public static class TaggedText implements WritableComparable<TaggedText> {

    private String tag = "";
    private Text text = new Text();

    public TaggedText() { }

    public void setTag(String tag) {
        this.tag = tag;

    public String getTag() {
        return tag;

    public void setText(Text text) {
    public void setText(String text) {

    public Text getText() {
        return text;

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        tag = in.readUTF();

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

    public int compareTo(TaggedText obj) {
        int compare = tag.compareTo(obj.getTag());
        if (compare == 0) {
            return text.compareTo(obj.getText());
        } else {
            return compare;
    public String toString() {
        return tag.toString() + ":" + text.toString();
Merged mapper code

The map method simply passes the parameters to two helper functions, each of which processes the map logic individual to write output to context. The map methods were slightly changed from their original respective examples in order to both output Text objects as the key and value. This is a necessary change so we can have the same type of intermediate key/value pairs we had in the separate map logic. The anonymizeMap method generates an anonymous record from the input value, whereas the distinctMap method grabs the user ID from the record and outputs it. Each intermediate key/value pair written out from each helper map method is tagged with either “A” for anonymize or “D” for distinct.


Each helper math method parses the input record, but this parsing should instead be done inside the actual map method, The resulting Map<String,String> can then be passed to both helper methods. Any little optimizations like this can be very beneficial in the long run and should be implemented!

public static class AnonymizeDistinctMergedMapper extends
              Mapper<Object, Text, TaggedText, Text> {

        private static final Text DISTINCT_OUT_VALUE = new Text();

        private Random rndm = new Random();
        private TaggedText anonymizeOutkey = new TaggedText(),
                distinctOutkey = new TaggedText();
        private Text anonymizeOutvalue = new Text();

        public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
                    throws IOException, InterruptedException {
              anonymizeMap(key, value, context);
              distinctMap(key, value, context);

        private void anonymizeMap(Object key, Text value, Context context)
                    throws IOException, InterruptedException {

              Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value

              if (parsed.size() > 0) {
                    StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
                    bldr.append("<row ");
                    for (Entry<String, String> entry : parsed.entrySet()) {

                          if (entry.getKey().equals("UserId")
                                  || entry.getKey().equals("Id")) {
                                // ignore these fields
                          } else if (entry.getKey().equals("CreationDate")) {
                        // Strip out the time, anything after the 'T' 
                        // in the value
                                        + "=""
                                        + entry.getValue().substring(0,
                                                + "" ");
                          } else {
                                // Otherwise, output this.
                                bldr.append(entry.getKey() + "="" + entry.
                                                getValue() + "" ");

                    context.write(anonymizeOutkey, anonymizeOutvalue);

        private void distinctMap(Object key, Text value, Context context)
                    throws IOException, InterruptedException {

              Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value

              // Otherwise, set our output key to the user's id,
              // tagged with a "D"

              // Write the user's id with a null value
              context.write(distinctOutkey, DISTINCT_OUT_VALUE);
Merged reducer code

The reducer’s calls to setup and cleanup handle the creation and closing of the MultipleOutputs utility. The reduce method checks the tag of each input key and calls a helper reducer method based on the tag. The reduce methods are passed the Text object inside the TaggedText.

For the anonymous call, all the input values are iterated over and written to a named output of anonymize/part. Adding the slash and the “part” creates a folder under the configured output directory that contains a number of part files equivalent to the number of reduce tasks.

For the distinct reduce call, the input key is written to MultipleOutputs with a NullWritable to a named output of distinct/part. Again, this will create a folder called distinct underneath the job’s configured output directory.


In this example, we are outputting the same essential format—a Text object and a NullWritable object— from each of the reduce calls. This won’t always be the case! If your jobs have conflicting output key/value types, you can utilize the Text object to normalize the outputs.

public static class AnonymizeDistinctMergedReducer extends
        Reducer<TaggedText, Text, Text, NullWritable> {

    private MultipleOutputs<Text, NullWritable> mos = null;

    protected void setup(Context context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        mos = new MultipleOutputs<Text, NullWritable>(context);

    protected void reduce(TaggedText key, Iterable<Text> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        if (key.getTag().equals("A")) {
            anonymizeReduce(key.getText(), values, context);
        } else {
            distinctReduce(key.getText(), values, context);

    private void anonymizeReduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        for (Text value : values) {
            mos.write(MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ANONYMIZE, value,
                    NullWritable.get(), MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ANONYMIZE + "/part");

    private void distinctReduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values,
            Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        mos.write(MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_DISTINCT, key, NullWritable.get(),
                MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_DISTINCT + "/part");

    protected void cleanup(Context context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
Driver code

The driver code looks just like any other driver that uses MultipleOutputs. All the logic of merging jobs is done inside the mapper and reducer implementation.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

    // Configure the merged job
    Job job = new Job(new Configuration(), "MergedJob");


    TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, new Path(args[0]));
    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(args[1]));

    MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_ANONYMIZE,
            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, NullWritable.class);
    MultipleOutputs.addNamedOutput(job, MULTIPLE_OUTPUTS_DISTINCT,
            TextOutputFormat.class, Text.class, NullWritable.class);


    System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1);
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