Chapter 7. Input and Output Patterns

In this chapter, we’ll be focusing on what is probably the most often overlooked way to improve the value of MapReduce: customizing input and output. You will not always want to load or store data the way Hadoop MapReduce does out of the box. Sometimes you can skip the time-consuming step of storing data in HDFS and just accept data from some original source, or feed it directly to some process that uses it after MapReduce is finished. Sometimes the basic Hadoop paradigm of file blocks and input splits doesn’t do what you need, so this is where a custom InputFormat or OutputFormat comes into play.

Three patterns in this chapter deal with input: generating data, external source input, and partition pruning. All three input patterns share an interesting property: the map phase is completely unaware that tricky things are going on before it gets its input pairs. Customizing an input format is a great way to abstract away details of the method you use to load data.

On the flip side, Hadoop will not always store data in the way you need it to. There is one pattern in this chapter, external source output, that writes data to a system outside of Hadoop and HDFS. Just like the custom input formats, custom output formats keep the map or reduce phase from realizing that tricky things are going on as the data is going out.

Customizing Input and Output in Hadoop

Hadoop allows you to modify the way data is loaded on disk in two major ways: configuring how contiguous chunks of input are generated from blocks in HDFS (or maybe more exotic sources), and configuring how records appear in the map phase. The two classes you’ll be playing with to do this are RecordReader and InputFormat. These work with the Hadoop MapReduce framework in a very similar way to how mappers and reducers are plugged in.

Hadoop also allows you to modify the way data is stored in an analogous way: with an OutputFormat and a RecordWriter.


Hadoop relies on the input format of the job to do three things:

  1. Validate the input configuration for the job (i.e., checking that the data is there).

  2. Split the input blocks and files into logical chunks of type InputSplit, each of which is assigned to a map task for processing.

  3. Create the RecordReader implementation to be used to create key/value pairs from the raw InputSplit. These pairs are sent one by one to their mapper.

The most common input formats are subclasses of FileInputFormat, with the Hadoop default being TextInputFormat. The input format first validates the input into the job by ensuring that all of the input paths exist. Then it logically splits each input file based on the total size of the file in bytes, using the block size as an upper bound. For example, a 160 megabyte file in HDFS will generate three input splits along the byte ranges 0MB-64MB, 64MB-128MB and 128MB-160MB. Each map task will be assigned exactly one of these input splits, and then the RecordReader implementation is responsible for generate key/value pairs out of all the bytes it has been assigned.

Typically, the RecordReader has the additional responsibility of fixing boundaries, because the input split boundary is arbitrary and probably will not fall on a record boundary. For example, the TextInputFormat reads text files using a LineRecordReader to create key/value pairs for each map task for each line of text (i.e., separated by a newline character). The key is the number of bytes read in the file so far and the value is a string of characters up to a newline character. Because it is very unlikely that the chunk of bytes for each input split will be lined up with a newline character, the LineRecordReader will read past its given “end” in order to make sure a complete line is read. This bit of data comes from a different data block and is therefore not stored on the same node, so it is streamed from a DataNode hosting the block. This streaming is all handled by an instance of the FSDataInputStream class, and we (thankfully) don’t have to deal with any knowledge of where these blocks are.

Don’t be afraid to go past split boundaries in your own formats, just be sure to test thoroughly so you aren’t duplicating or missing any data!


Custom input formats are not limited to file-based input. As long as you can express the input as InputSplit objects and key/value pairs, custom or otherwise, you can read anything into the map phase of a MapReduce job in parallel. Just be sure to keep in mind what an input split represents and try to take advantage of data locality.

The InputFormat abstract class contains two abstract methods:


The implementation of getSplits typically uses the given JobContext object to retrieve the configured input and return a List of InputSplit objects. The input splits have a method to return an array of machines associated with the locations of the data in the cluster, which gives clues to the framework as to which TaskTracker should process the map task. This method is also a good place to verify the configuration and throw any necessary exceptions, because the method is used on the front-end (i.e. before the job is submitted to the JobTracker).


This method is used on the back-end to generate an implementation of RecordReader, which we’ll discuss in more detail shortly. Typically, a new instance is created and immediately returned, because the record reader has an initialize method that is called by the framework.


The RecordReader abstract class creates key/value pairs from a given InputSplit. While the InputSplit represents the byte-oriented view of the split, the RecordReader makes sense out of it for processing by a mapper. This is why Hadoop and MapReduce is considered schema on read. It is in the RecordReader that the schema is defined, based solely on the record reader implementation, which changes based on what the expected input is for the job. Bytes are read from the input source and turned into a WritableComparable key and a Writable value. Custom data types are very common when creating custom input formats, as they are a nice object-oriented way to present information to a mapper.

A RecordReader uses the data within the boundaries created by the input split to generate key/value pairs. In the context of file-based input, the “start” is the byte position in the file where the RecordReader should start generating key/value pairs. The “end” is where it should stop reading records. These are not hard boundaries as far as the API is concerned—there is nothing stopping a developer from reading the entire file for each map task. While reading the entire file is not advised, reading outside of the boundaries it often necessary to ensure that a complete record is generated.

Consider the case of XML. While using a TextInputFormat to grab each line works, XML elements are typically not on the same line and will be split by a typical MapReduce input. By reading past the “end” input split boundary, you can complete an entire record. After finding the bottom of the record, you just need to ensure that each record reader starts at the beginning of an XML element. After seeking to the start of the input split, continue reading until the beginning of the configured XML tag is read. This will allow the MapReduce framework to cover the entire contents of an XML file, while not duplicating any XML records. Any XML that is skipped by seeking forward to the start of an XML element will be read by the preceding map task.

The RecordReader abstract class has a number of methods that must be overridden.


This method takes as arguments the map task’s assigned InputSplit and TaskAttemptContext, and prepares the record reader. For file-based input formats, this is a good place to seek to the byte position in the file to begin reading.

getCurrentKey and getCurrentValue

These methods are used by the framework to give generated key/value pairs to an implementation of Mapper. Be sure to reuse the objects returned by these methods if at all possible!


Like the corresponding method of the InputFormat class, this reads a single key/value pair and returns true until the data is consumed.


Like the corresponding method of the InputFormat class, this is an optional method used by the framework for metrics gathering.


This method is used by the framework for cleanup after there are no more key/value pairs to process.


Similarly to an input format, Hadoop relies on the output format of the job for two main tasks:

  1. Validate the output configuration for the job.

  2. Create the RecordWriter implementation that will write the output of the job.

On the flip side of the FileInputFormat, there is a FileOutputFormat to work with file-based output. Because most output from a MapReduce job is written to HDFS, the many file-based output formats that come with the API will solve most of yours needs. The default used by Hadoop is the TextOutputFormat, which stores key/value pairs to HDFS at a configured output directory with a tab delimiter. Each reduce task writes an individual part file to the configured output directory. The TextOutputFormat also validates that the output directory does not exist prior to starting the MapReduce job.

The TextOutputFormat uses a LineRecordWriter to write key/value pairs for each map task or reduce task, depending on whether there is a reduce phase or not. This class uses the toString method to serialize each each key/value pair to a part file in HDFS, delimited by a tab. This tab delimiter is the default and can be changed via job configuration.

Again, much like an InputFormat, you are not restricted to storing data to HDFS. As long as you can write key/value pairs to some other source with Java (e.g., a JDBC database connection), you can use MapReduce to do a parallel bulk write. Just make sure whatever you are writing to can handle the large number of connections from the many tasks.

The OutputFormat abstract class contains three abstract methods for implementation:


This method is used to validate the output specification for the job, such as making sure the directory does not already exist prior to it being submitted. Otherwise, the output would be overwritten.


This method returns a RecordWriter implementation that serializes key/value pairs to an output, typically a FileSystem object.


The output committer of a job sets up each task during initialization, commits the task upon successful completion, and cleans up each task when it finishes — successful or otherwise. For file-based output, a FileOutputCommitter can be used to handle all the heavy lifting. It will create temporary output directories for each map task and move the successful output to the configured output directory when necessary.


The RecordWriter abstract class writes key/value pairs to a file system, or another output. Unlike its RecordReader counterpart, it does not contain an initialize phase. However, the constructor can always be used to set up the record writer for whatever is needed. Any parameters can be passed in during construction, because the record writer instance is created via OutputFormat.getRecordWriter.

The RecordWriter abstract class is a much simpler interface, containing only two methods:


This method is called by the framework for each key/value pair that needs to be written. The implementation of this method depends very much on your use case. The examples we’ll show will write each key/value pair to an external in-memory key/value store rather than a file system.


This method is used by the framework after there are no more key/value pairs to write out. This can be used to release any file handles, shut down any connections to other services, or any other cleanup tasks needed.

Generating Data

Pattern Description

The generating data pattern is interesting because instead of loading data that comes from somewhere outside, it generates that data on the fly and in parallel.


You want to generate a lot of data from scratch.


This pattern is different from all of the others in the book in that it doesn’t load data. With this pattern, you generate the data and store it back in the distributed file system.

Generating data isn’t common. Typically you’ll generate a bunch of the data at once then use it over and over again. However, when you do need to generate data, MapReduce is an excellent system for doing it.

The most common use case for this pattern is generating random data. Building some sort of representative data set could be useful for large scale testing for when the real data set is still too small. It can also be useful for building “toy domains” for researching a proof of concept for an analytic at scale.

Generating random data is also used often used as part of a benchmark, such as the commonly used TeraGen/TeraSort and DFSIO.

Unfortunately, the implementation of this pattern isn’t straightforward in Hadoop because one of the foundational pieces of the framework is assigning one map task to an input split and assigning one map function call to one record. In this case, there are no input splits and there are no records, so we have to fool the framework to think there are.


To implement this pattern in Hadoop, implement a custom InputFormat and let a RecordReader generate the random data. The map function is completely oblivious to the origin of the data, so it can be built on the fly instead of being loaded out of some file in HDFS. For the most part, using the identity mapper is fine here, but you might want to do some post-processing in the map task, or even analyze it right away. See Figure 7-1.

This pattern is map-only.

  • The InputFormat creates the fake splits from nothing. The number of splits it creates should be configurable.

  • The RecordReader takes its fake split and generates random records from it.

    In some cases, you can assign some information in the input split to tell the record reader what to generate. For example, to generate random date/time data, have each input split account for an hour.

  • In most cases, the IdentityMapper is used to just write the data out as it comes in.

The structure of the generating data pattern
Figure 7-1. The structure of the generating data pattern


The lazy way of doing implementing this pattern is to seed the job with many fake input files containing a single bogus record. Then, you can just use a generic InputFormat and RecordReader and generate the data in the map function. The empty input files are then deleted on application exit.


Each mapper outputs a file containing random data.


There are a number of ways to create random data with SQL and Pig, but nothing that is eloquent or terse.

Performance analysis

The major consideration here in terms of performance is how many worker map tasks are needed to generate the data. In general, the more map tasks you have, the faster you can generate data since you are better utilizing the parallelism of the cluster. However, it makes little sense to fire up more map tasks than you have map slots since they are all doing the same thing.

Generating Data Examples

Generating random StackOverflow comments

To generate random StackOverflow data, we’ll take a list of 1,000 words and just make random blurbs. We also have to generate a random score, a random row ID (we can ignore that it likely won’t be unique), a random user ID, and a random creation date.

The following descriptions of each code section explain the solution to the problem.

Driver code

The driver parses the four command line arguments to configure this job. It sets our custom input format and calls the static methods to configure it further. All the output is written to the given output directory. The identity mapper is used for this job, and the reduce phase is disabled by setting the number of reduce tasks to zero.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    int numMapTasks = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    int numRecordsPerTask = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    Path wordList = new Path(args[2]);
    Path outputDir = new Path(args[3]);

    Job job = new Job(conf, "RandomDataGenerationDriver");



    RandomStackOverflowInputFormat.setNumMapTasks(job, numMapTasks);
    RandomStackOverflowInputFormat.setRandomWordList(job, wordList);

    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);


    System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 2);
InputSplit code

The FakeInputSplit class simply extends InputSplit and implements Writable. There is no implementation for any of the overridden methods, or for methods requiring return values return basic values. This input split is used to trick the framework into assigning a task to generate the random data.

public static class FakeInputSplit extends InputSplit implements
        Writable {

    public void readFields(DataInput arg0) throws IOException {

    public void write(DataOutput arg0) throws IOException {

    public long getLength() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return 0;

    public String[] getLocations() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        return new String[0];
InputFormat code

The input format has two main purposes: returning the list of input splits for the framework to generate map tasks from, and then creating the RandomStackOverflowRecordReader for the map task. We override the getSplits method to return a configured number of FakeInputSplit splits. This number is pulled from the configuration. When the framework calls createRecordReader, a RandomStackOverflowRecordReader is instantiated, initialized, and returned.

public static class RandomStackOverflowInputFormat extends
        InputFormat<Text, NullWritable> {

    public static final String NUM_MAP_TASKS = "";
    public static final String NUM_RECORDS_PER_TASK =
    public static final String RANDOM_WORD_LIST =

    public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException {

        // Get the number of map tasks configured for
        int numSplits = job.getConfiguration().getInt(NUM_MAP_TASKS, -1);

        // Create a number of input splits equivalent to the number of tasks
        ArrayList<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numSplits; ++i) {
            splits.add(new FakeInputSplit());

        return splits;

    public RecordReader<Text, NullWritable> createRecordReader(
            InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // Create a new RandomStackOverflowRecordReader and initialize it
        RandomStackOverflowRecordReader rr =
                new RandomStackOverflowRecordReader();
        rr.initialize(split, context);
        return rr;

    public static void setNumMapTasks(Job job, int i) {
        job.getConfiguration().setInt(NUM_MAP_TASKS, i);

    public static void setNumRecordPerTask(Job job, int i) {
        job.getConfiguration().setInt(NUM_RECORDS_PER_TASK, i);

    public static void setRandomWordList(Job job, Path file) {
        DistributedCache.addCacheFile(file.toUri(), job.getConfiguration());
RecordReader code

This record reader is where the data is actually generated. It is given during our FakeInputSplit during initialization, but simply ignores it. The number of records to create is pulled from the job configuration, and the list of random words is read from the DistributedCache. For each call to nextKeyValue, a random record is created using a simple random number generator. The body of the comment is generated by a helper function that randomly selects words from the list, between one and thirty words (also random). The counter is incremented to keep track of how many records have been generated. Once all the records are generated, the record reader returns false, signaling the framework that there is no more input for the mapper.

public static class RandomStackOverflowRecordReader extends
        RecordReader<Text, NullWritable> {

    private int numRecordsToCreate = 0;
    private int createdRecords = 0;
    private Text key = new Text();
    private NullWritable value = NullWritable.get();
    private Random rndm = new Random();
    private ArrayList<String> randomWords = new ArrayList<String>();

    // This object will format the creation date string into a Date
    // object
    private SimpleDateFormat frmt = new SimpleDateFormat(

    public void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        // Get the number of records to create from the configuration
        this.numRecordsToCreate = context.getConfiguration().getInt(
                NUM_RECORDS_PER_TASK, -1);

        // Get the list of random words from the DistributedCache
        URI[] files = DistributedCache.getCacheFiles(context

        // Read the list of random words into a list
        BufferedReader rdr = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(

        String line;
        while ((line = rdr.readLine()) != null) {

    public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        // If we still have records to create
        if (createdRecords < numRecordsToCreate) {
            // Generate random data
            int score = Math.abs(rndm.nextInt()) % 15000;
            int rowId = Math.abs(rndm.nextInt()) % 1000000000;
            int postId = Math.abs(rndm.nextInt()) % 100000000;
            int userId = Math.abs(rndm.nextInt()) % 1000000;
            String creationDate = frmt

            // Create a string of text from the random words
            String text = getRandomText();

            String randomRecord = "<row Id="" + rowId + "" PostId=""
                    + postId + "" Score="" + score + "" Text=""
                    + text + "" CreationDate="" + creationDate
                    + "" UserId"=" + userId + "" />";

            return true;
        } else {
            // We are done creating records
            return false;

    private String getRandomText() {
        StringBuilder bldr = new StringBuilder();
        int numWords = Math.abs(rndm.nextInt()) % 30 + 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < numWords; ++i) {
                    % randomWords.size())
                    + " ");
        return bldr.toString();

    public Text getCurrentKey() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        return key;

    public NullWritable getCurrentValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        return value;

    public float getProgress() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return (float) createdRecords / (float) numRecordsToCreate;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        // nothing to do here...

External Source Output

Pattern Description

As stated earlier in this chapter, the external source output pattern writes data to a system outside of Hadoop and HDFS.


You want to write MapReduce output to a nonnative location.


With this pattern, we are able to output data from the MapReduce framework directly to an external source. This is extremely useful for direct loading into a system instead of staging the data to be delivered to the external source. The pattern skips storing data in a file system entirely and sends output key/value pairs directly where they belong. MapReduce is rarely ever hosting an applications as-is, so using MapReduce to bulk load into an external source in parallel has its uses.

In a MapReduce approach, the data is written out in parallel. As with using an external source for input, you need to be sure the destination system can handle the parallel ingest it is bound to endure with all the open connections.


Figure 7-2 shows the external source output structure, explained below.

  • The OutputFormat verifies the output specification of the job configuration prior to job submission. This is a great place to ensure that the external source is fully functional, as it won’t be good to process all the data only to find out the external source was unable when it was time to commit the data. This method also is responsible for creating and initializing a RecordWriter implementation.

  • The RecordWriter writes all key/value pairs to the external source. Much like a RecordReader, the implementation varies depending on the external data source being written to. During construction of the object, establish any needed connections using the external source’s API. These connections are then used to write out all the data from each map or reduce task.

The structure of the external source output pattern
Figure 7-2. The structure of the external source output pattern


The output data has been sent to the external source and that external source has loaded it successfully.


Note that task failures are bound to happen, and when they do, any key/value pairs written in the write method can’t be reverted. In a typical MapReduce job, temporary output is written to the file system. In the event of a failure, this output is simply discarded. When writing to an external source directly, it will receive the data in a stream. If a task fails, the external source won’t automatically know about it and discard all the data it received from a task. If this is unacceptable, consider using a custom OutputCommitter to write temporary output to the file system. This temporary output can then be read, delivered to the external source, and deleted upon success, or deleted from the file system outright in the event of a failure.

Performance analysis

From a MapReduce perspective, there isn’t much to worry about since the map and reduce are generic. However, you do have to be very careful that the receiver of the data can handle the parallel connections. Having a thousand tasks writing to a single SQL database is not going to work well. To avoid this, you may have to have each reducer handle a bit more data than you typically would to reduce the number of parallel writes to the data sink. This is not necessarily a problem if the destination of the data is parallel in nature and supports parallel ingestation. For example, for writing to a sharded SQL database, you could have each reducer write to a specific database instance.

External Source Output Example

Writing to Redis instances

This example is a basic means for writing to a number of Redis instances in parallel from MapReduce. Redis is an open-source, in-memory, key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server, since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Redis is written in ANSI C and works in most POSIX systems, such as Linux, without any external dependencies.

In order to work with the Hadoop framework, Jedis is used to communicate with Redis. Jedis is an open-source “blazingly small and sane Redis java client.” A list of clients written for other languages is available on their website.

Unlike other examples in this book, there is no actual analysis in this example (along with the rest of the examples in this chapter). It focuses on how to take a data set stored in HDFS and store it in an external data source using a custom FileOutputFormat. In this example, the Stack Overflow users data set is written to a configurable number of Redis instances, specifically the user-to-reputation mappings. These mappings are randomly distributed evenly among a single Redis hash.

A Redis hash is a map between string fields and string values, similar to a Java HashMap. Each hash is given a key to identify the hash. Every hash can store more than four billion field-value pairs.

The sections below with its corresponding code explain the following problem.

Problem: Given a set of user information, randomly distributed user-to-reputation mappings to a configurable number of Redis instances in parallel.

OutputFormat code

The RedisHashOutputFormat is responsible for establishing and verifying the job configuration prior to being submitted to the JobTracker. Once the job has been submitted, it also creates the RecordWriter to serialize all the output key/value pairs. Typically, this is a file in HDFS. However, we are not bound to using HDFS, as we will see in the RecordWriter later on.

The output format contains configuration variables that must be set by the driver to ensure it has all the information required to do its job. Here, we have a couple public static methods to take some of the guess work out of what a developer needs to set. This output format takes in a list of Redis instance hosts as a CSV structure and a Redis hash key to write all the output to. In the checkOutputSpecs method, we ensure that both of these parameters are set before we even both launching the job, as it will surely fail without them. This is where you’ll want to verify your configuration!

The getRecordWriter method is used on the back end to create an instance of a RecordWriter for the map or reduce task. Here, we get the configuration variables required by the RedisHashRecordWriter and return a new instance of it. This record writer is a nested class of the RedisHashOutputFormat, which is not required but is more of a convention. The details of this class are in the following section.

The final method of this output format is getOutputCommitter. The output committer is used by the framework to manage any temporary output before committing in case the task fails and needs to be reexecuted. For this implementation, we don’t typically care whether the task fails and needs to be re-executed. As long as the job finishes we are okay. An output committer is required by the framework, but the NullOutputFormat contains an output committer implementation that doesn’t do anything.

public static class RedisHashOutputFormat extends OutputFormat<Text, Text> {

    public static final String REDIS_HOSTS_CONF =
    public static final String REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF =

    public static void setRedisHosts(Job job, String hosts) {
        job.getConfiguration().set(REDIS_HOSTS_CONF, hosts);

    public static void setRedisHashKey(Job job, String hashKey) {
        job.getConfiguration().set(REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF, hashKey);

    public RecordWriter<Text, Text> getRecordWriter(TaskAttemptContext job)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new RedisHashRecordWriter(job.getConfiguration().get(
                REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF), job.getConfiguration().get(

    public void checkOutputSpecs(JobContext job) throws IOException {
        String hosts = job.getConfiguration().get(REDIS_HOSTS_CONF);
        if (hosts == null || hosts.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException(REDIS_HOSTS_CONF
                    + " is not set in configuration.");

        String hashKey = job.getConfiguration().get(
        if (hashKey == null || hashKey.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException(REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF
                    + " is not set in configuration.");

    public OutputCommitter getOutputCommitter(TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return (new NullOutputFormat<Text, Text>()).getOutputCommitter(context);

    public static class RedisHashRecordWriter extends RecordWriter<Text, Text> {
        // code in next section
RecordWriter code

The RedisHashRecordWriter handles connecting to Redis via the Jedis client and writing out the data. Each key/value pair is randomly written to a Redis instance, providing an even distribution of all data across all Redis instances. The constructor stores the hash key to write to and creates a new Jedis instance.

The code then connects to the Jedis instance and maps it to an integer. This map is used in the write method to get the assigned Jedis instance. The hash code is the key is taken modulo the number of configured Redis instances. The key/value pair is then written to the returned Jedis instance to the configured hash. Finally, all Jedis instances are disconnected in the close method.

public static class RedisHashRecordWriter extends RecordWriter<Text, Text> {

    private HashMap<Integer, Jedis> jedisMap = new HashMap<Integer, Jedis>();
    private String hashKey = null;

    public RedisHashRecordWriter(String hashKey, String hosts) {
        this.hashKey = hashKey;

        // Create a connection to Redis for each host
        // Map an integer 0-(numRedisInstances - 1) to the instance
        int i = 0;
        for (String host : hosts.split(",")) {
            Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host);
            jedisMap.put(i, jedis);

    public void write(Text key, Text value) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        // Get the Jedis instance that this key/value pair will be
        // written to
        Jedis j = jedisMap.get(Math.abs(key.hashCode()) % jedisMap.size());

        // Write the key/value pair
        j.hset(hashKey, key.toString(), value.toString());

    public void close(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        // For each jedis instance, disconnect it
        for (Jedis jedis : jedisMap.values()) {
Mapper Code

The Mapper instance is very straightforward and looks like any other mapper. The user ID and reputation are retrieved from the record and then output. The output format does all the heavy lifting for us, allowing it to be reused multiple times to write whatever we want to a Redis hash.

public static class RedisOutputMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, Text, Text> {

    private Text outkey = new Text();
    private Text outvalue = new Text();

    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value

        String userId = parsed.get("Id");
        String reputation = parsed.get("Reputation");

        // Set our output key and values

        context.write(outkey, outvalue);
Driver Code

The driver code parses the command lines and calls our public static methods to set up writing data to Redis. The job is then submitted just like any other.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    Path inputPath = new Path(args[0]);
    String hosts = args[1];
    String hashName = args[2];

    Job job = new Job(conf, "Redis Output");


    TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputPath);

    RedisHashOutputFormat.setRedisHosts(job, hosts);
    RedisHashOutputFormat.setRedisHashKey(job, hashName);


    int code = job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 2;


External Source Input

Pattern Description

The external source input pattern doesn’t load data from HDFS, but instead from some system outside of Hadoop, such as an SQL database or a web service.


You want to load data in parallel from a source that is not part of your MapReduce framework.


The typical model for using MapReduce to analyze your data is to store it into your storage platform first (i.e., HDFS), then analyze it. With this pattern, you can hook up the MapReduce framework into an external source, such as a database or a web service, and pull the data directly into the mappers.

There are a few reasons why you might want to analyze the data directly from the source instead of staging it first. It may be faster to load the data from outside of Hadoop without having to stage it into files first. For example, dumping a database to the file system is likely to be an expensive operation, and taking it from the database directly ensures that the MapReduce job has the most up-to-date data available. A lot can happen on a busy cluster, and dumping a database prior to running an analytics can also fail, causing a stall in the entire pipeline.

In a MapReduce approach, the data is loaded in parallel rather than in a serial fashion. The caveat to this is that the source needs to have well-defined boundaries on which data is read in parallel in order to scale. For example, in the case of a sharded databases, each map task can be assigned a shard to load from the a table, thus allowing for very quick parallel loads of data without requiring a database scan.


Figure 7-3 shows the external source input structure.

  • The InputFormat creates all the InputSplit objects, which may be based on a custom object. An input split is a chunk of logical input, and that largely depends on the format in which it will be reading data. In this pattern, the input is not from a file-based input but an external source. The input could be from a series of SQL tables or a number of distributed services spread through the cluster. As long as the input can be read in parallel, this is a good fit for MapReduce.

  • The InputSplit contains all the knowledge of where the sources are and how much of each source is going to be read. The framework uses the location information to help determine where to assign the map task. A custom InputSplit must also implement the Writable interface, because the framework uses the methods of this interface to transmit the input split information to a TaskTracker. The number of map tasks distributed among TaskTrackers is equivalent to the number of input splits generated by the input format. The InputSplit is then used to initialize a RecordReader for processing.

  • The RecordReader uses the job configuration provided and InputSplit information to read key/value pairs. The implementation of this class depends on the data source being read. It sets up any connections required to read data from the external source, such as using JDBC to load from a database or creating a REST call to access a RESTful service.

The structure of the external source input pattern
Figure 7-3. The structure of the external source input pattern


Data is loaded from the external source into the MapReduce job and the map phase doesn’t know or care where that data came from.

Performance analysis

The bottleneck for a MapReduce job implementing this pattern is going to be the source or the network. The source may not scale well with multiple connections (e.g., a single-threaded SQL database isn’t going to like 1,000 mappers all grabbing data at once). Another problem may be the network infrastructure. Given that the source is probably not in the MapReduce cluster’s network backplane, the connections may be reaching out on a single connection on a slower public network. This should not be a problem if the source is inside the cluster.

External Source Input Example

Reading from Redis Instances

This example demonstrates how to read data we just wrote to Redis. Again, we take in a CSV list of Redis instance hosts in order to connect to and read all the data from the hash. Since we distributed the data across a number of Redis instances, this data can be read in parallel. All we need to do is create a map task for each Redis instance, connect to Redis, and then create key/value pairs out of all the data we retrieve. This example uses the identity mapper to simply output each key/value pair received from Redis.

The sections below with its corresponding code explain the following problem.

Problem: Given a list of Redis instances in CSV format, read all the data stored in a configured hash in parallel.

InputSplit code

The RedisInputSplit represents the data to be processed by an individual Mapper. In this example, we store the Redis instance hostname as the location of the input split, as well as the hash key. The input split implements the Writable interface, so that it is serializable by the framework, and includes a default constructor in order for the framework to create a new instance via reflection. We return the location via the getLocations method, in the hopes that the JobTracker will assign each map task to a TaskTracker that is hosting the data.

public static class RedisHashInputSplit extends InputSplit implements Writable {

    private String location = null;
    private String hashKey = null;

    public RedisHashInputSplit() {
        // Default constructor for reflection

    public RedisHashInputSplit(String redisHost, String hash) {
        this.location = redisHost;
        this.hashKey = hash;

    public String getHashKey() {
        return this.hashKey;

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        this.location = in.readUTF();
        this.hashKey = in.readUTF();

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

    public long getLength() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return 0;

    public String[] getLocations() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new String[] { location };
InputFormat code

The RedisHashInputFormat mirrors that of the RedisHashOutputFormat in many ways. It contains configuration variables to know which Redis instances to connect to and which hash to read from. In the getSplits method, the configuration is verified and a number of RedisHashInputSplits is created based on the number of Redis hosts. This will create one map task for each configured Redis instance. The Redis hostname and hash key are stored in the input split in order to be retrieved later by the RedisHashRecordReader. The createRecordReader method is called by the framework to get a new instance of a record reader. The record reader’s initialize method is called by the framework, so we can just create a new instance and return it. Again by convention, this class contains two nested classes for the record reader and input split implementations.

public static class RedisHashInputFormat extends InputFormat<Text, Text> {

    public static final String REDIS_HOSTS_CONF =
    public static final String REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF =
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger

    public static void setRedisHosts(Job job, String hosts) {
        job.getConfiguration().set(REDIS_HOSTS_CONF, hosts);

    public static void setRedisHashKey(Job job, String hashKey) {
        job.getConfiguration().set(REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF, hashKey);

    public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException {
        String hosts = job.getConfiguration().get(REDIS_HOSTS_CONF);

        if (hosts == null || hosts.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException(REDIS_HOSTS_CONF
                    + " is not set in configuration.");

        String hashKey = job.getConfiguration().get(REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF);
        if (hashKey == null || hashKey.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException(REDIS_HASH_KEY_CONF
                    + " is not set in configuration.");

        // Create an input split for each host
        List<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>();
        for (String host : hosts.split(",")) {
            splits.add(new RedisHashInputSplit(host, hashKey));
        }"Input splits to process: " + splits.size());
        return splits;

    public RecordReader<Text, Text> createRecordReader(InputSplit split,
            TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        return new RedisHashRecordReader();

    public static class RedisHashRecordReader extends RecordReader<Text, Text> {
        // code in next section

    public static class RedisHashInputSplit extends 
            InputSplit implements Writable {
        // code in next section
RecordReader code

The RedisHashRecordReader is where most of the work is done. The initialize method is called by the framework and provided with an input split we created in the input format. Here, we get the Redis instance to connect to and the hash key. We then connect to Redis and get the number of key/value pairs we will be reading from Redis. The hash doesn’t have a means to iterate or stream the data one at a time or in bulk, so we simply pull everything over and disconnect from Redis. We store an iterator over the entries and log some helpful statements along the way.

In nextKeyValue, we iterate through the map of entries one at a time and set the record reader’s writable objects for the key and value. A return value of true informs the framework that there is a key/value pair to process. Once we have exhausted all the key/value pairs, false is returned so the map task can complete.

The other methods of the record reader are used by the framework to get the current key and value for the mapper to process. It is worthwhile to reuse this object whenever possible. The getProgress method is useful for reporting gradual status to the JobTracker and should also be reused if possible. Finally, the close method is for finalizing the process. Since we pulled all the information and disconnected from Redis in the initialize method, there is nothing to do here.

public static class RedisHashRecordReader extends RecordReader<Text, Text> {

    private static final Logger LOG =
    private Iterator<Entry<String, String>> keyValueMapIter = null;
    private Text key = new Text(), value = new Text();
    private float processedKVs = 0, totalKVs = 0;
    private Entry<String, String> currentEntry = null;

    public void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // Get the host location from the InputSplit
        String host = split.getLocations()[0];
        String hashKey = ((RedisHashInputSplit) split).getHashKey();"Connecting to " + host + " and reading from "
                + hashKey);

        Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host);

        // Get all the key/value pairs from the Redis instance and store
        // them in memory
        totalKVs = jedis.hlen(hashKey);
        keyValueMapIter = jedis.hgetAll(hashKey).entrySet().iterator();"Got " + totalKVs + " from " + hashKey);

    public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {

        // If the key/value map still has values
        if (keyValueMapIter.hasNext()) {
            // Get the current entry and set the Text objects to the entry
            currentEntry =;
            return true;
        } else {
            // No more values? return false.
            return false;

    public Text getCurrentKey() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        return key;

    public Text getCurrentValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        return value;

    public float getProgress() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return processedKVs / totalKVs;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        // nothing to do here
Driver code

Much like the previous example’s driver, we use the public static methods provided by the input format to modify the job configuration. Since we are just using the identity mapper, we don’t need to set any special classes. The number of reduce tasks is set to zero to specify that this is a map-only job.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    String hosts = otherArgs[0];
    String hashKey = otherArgs[1];
    Path outputDir = new Path(otherArgs[2]);

    Job job = new Job(conf, "Redis Input");

    // Use the identity mapper

    RedisHashInputFormat.setRedisHosts(job, hosts);
    RedisHashInputFormat.setRedisHashKey(job, hashKey);

    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);


    System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 3);

Partition Pruning

Pattern Description

Partition pruning configures the way the framework picks input splits and drops files from being loaded into MapReduce based on the name of the file.


You have a set of data that is partitioned by a predetermined value, which you can use to dynamically load the data based on what is requested by the application.


Typically, all the data loaded into a MapReduce job is assigned into map tasks and read in parallel. If entire files are going to be thrown out based on the query, loading all of the files is a large waste of processing time. By partitioning the data by a common value, you can avoid significant amounts of processing time by looking only where the data would exist. For example, if you are commonly analyzing data based on date ranges, partitioning your data by date will make it so you only need to load the data inside of that range.

The added caveat to this pattern is this should be handled transparently, so you can run the same MapReduce job over and over again, but over different data sets. This is done by simply changing the data you are querying for, rather than changing the implementation of the job. A great way to do this would be to strip away how the data is stored on the file system and instead put it inside an input format. The input format knows where to locate and get the data, allowing the number of map tasks generated to change based on the query.


This is exceptionally useful if the data storage is volatile and likely to change. If you have dozens of analytics using some type of partitioned input format, you can change the input format implementation and simply recompile all analytics using the new input format code. Since all your analytics get input from a query rather than a file, you don’t need to re-implement how the data is read into the analytic. This can save a massive amount of development time, making you look really good to your boss!


Figure 7-4 shows the structure for partition pruning, explained below.

  • The InputFormat is where this pattern comes to life. The getSplits method is where we pay special attention, because it determines the input splits that will be created, and thus the number of map tasks. While the configuration is typically a set of files, configuration turns into more of a query than a set of file paths. For instance, if data is stored on a file system by date, the InputFormat can accept a date range as input, then determine which folders to pull into the MapReduce job. If data is sharded in an external service by date, say 12 shards for each month, only one shard needs to be read by the MapReduce job when looking for data in March. The key here is that the input format determines where the data comes from based on a query, rather than passing in a set of files.

  • The RecordReader implementation depends on how the data is being stored. If it is a file-based input, something like a LineRecordReader can be used to read key/value pairs from a file. If it is an external source, you’ll have to customize something more to your needs.

The structure of the partition pruning pattern
Figure 7-4. The structure of the partition pruning pattern


Partition pruning changes only the amount of data that is read by the MapReduce job, not the eventual outcome of the analytic. The main reason for partition pruning is to reduce the overall processing time to read in data. This is done by ignoring input that will not produce any output before it even gets to a map task.



Many modern relational databases handle partition pruning transparently. When you create the table, you specify how the database should partition the data and the database will handle the rest on inserts. Hive also supports partitioning.

CREATE TABLE parted_data
(foo_date    DATE)

Then, when you query with a specific value in the WHERE clause, the database will automatically use only the relevant partitions.

SELECT * FROM parted_data WHERE foo_date=TO_DATE('01/31/2012');

Performance analysis

The data in this pattern is loaded into each map task is as fast as in any other pattern. Only the number of tasks changes based on the query at hand. Utilizing this pattern can provide massive gains by reducing the number of tasks that need to be created that would not have generated output anyways. Outside of the I/O, the performance depends on the other pattern being applied in the map and reduce phases of the job.

Partition Pruning Examples

Partitioning by last access date to Redis instances

This example demonstrates a smarter way to store and read data in Redis. Rather than randomly distributing the user-to-reputation mappings, we can partition this data on particular criteria. The user-to-reputation mappings are partitioned based on last access date and stored in six different Redis instances. Two months of data are stored in separate hashes on each Redis instance. That is, January and February are stored in different hashes on Redis instance 0, March and April on instance 1, and so on.

By distributing the data in this manner, we can more intelligently read it based on a user query. Whereas the previous examples took in a list of Redis instances and a hash key via the command line, this pattern hardcodes all the logic of where and how to store the data in the output format, as well as in the input format. This completely strips away knowledge from the mapper and reducer of where the data is coming from, which has its advantages and disadvantages for a developer using our input and output formats.


It may not be the best idea to actually hardcode information into the Java code itself, but instead have a rarely-changing configuration file that can be found by your formats. This way, things can still be changed if necessary and prevent a recompile. Environment variables work nicely, or it can just be passed in via the command line.

The sections below with its corresponding code explain the following problem.

Problem: Given a set of user data, partition the user-to-reputation mappings by last access date across six Redis instances.

Custom WritableComparable code

To help better store information, a custom WritableComparable is implemented in order to allow the mapper to set information needed by the record writer. This class contains methods to set and get the field name to be stored in Redis, as well as the last access month. The last access month accepts a zero-based integer value for the month, but is later turned into a string representation for easier querying in the next example. Take the time to implement the compareTo, toString, and hashCode methods (like every good Java developer!).

public static class RedisKey implements WritableComparable<RedisKey> {

    private int lastAccessMonth = 0;
    private Text field = new Text();

    public int getLastAccessMonth() {
        return this.lastAccessMonth;

    public void setLastAccessMonth(int lastAccessMonth) {
        this.lastAccessMonth = lastAccessMonth;

    public Text getField() {
        return this.field;

    public void setField(String field) {

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        lastAccessMonth = in.readInt();

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {

    public int compareTo(RedisKey rhs) {
        if (this.lastAccessMonth == rhs.getLastAccessMonth()) {
            return this.field.compareTo(rhs.getField());
        } else {
            return this.lastAccessMonth < rhs.getLastAccessMonth() ? -1 : 1;

    public String toString() {
        return this.lastAccessMonth + "	" + this.field.toString();

    public int hashCode() {
        return toString().hashCode();
OutputFormat code

This output format is extremely basic, as all the grunt work is handled in the record writer. The main thing to focus on is the templated arguments when extending the OutputFormat class. This output format accepts our custom class as the output key and a Text object as the output value. Any other classes will cause errors when trying to write any output.

Since our record writer implementation is coded to a specific and known output, there is no need to verify any output specification of the job. An output committer is still required by the framework, so we use NullOutputFormat’s output committer.

public static class RedisLastAccessOutputFormat
        extends OutputFormat<RedisKey, Text> {

    public RecordWriter<RedisKey, Text> getRecordWriter(
            TaskAttemptContext job) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new RedisLastAccessRecordWriter();

    public void checkOutputSpecs(JobContext context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {

    public OutputCommitter getOutputCommitter(TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return (new NullOutputFormat<Text, Text>()).getOutputCommitter(context);

    public static class RedisLastAccessRecordWriter
            extends RecordWriter<RedisKey, Text> {
        // Code in next section
RecordWriter code

The RedisLastAccessRecordWriter is templated to accept the same classes as the output format. The construction of the class connects to all six Redis instances and puts them in a map. This map stores the month-to-Redis-instance mappings and is used in the write method to retrieve the proper instance. The write method then uses a map of month int to a three character month code for serialization. This map is omitted for brevity, but looks something like 0JAN, 1FEB, ..., 11DEC. This means all the hashes in Redis are named based on the three-character month code. The close method disconnects all the Redis instances.

public static class RedisLastAccessRecordWriter
        extends RecordWriter<RedisKey, Text> {

    private HashMap<Integer, Jedis> jedisMap = new HashMap<Integer, Jedis>();

    public RedisLastAccessRecordWriter() {
        // Create a connection to Redis for each host
        int i = 0;
        for (String host : MRDPUtils.REDIS_INSTANCES) {
            Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host);
            jedisMap.put(i, jedis);
            jedisMap.put(i + 1, jedis);
            i += 2;

    public void write(RedisKey key, Text value) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        // Get the Jedis instance that this key/value pair will be
        // written to -- (0,1)->0, (2-3)->1, ... , (10-11)->5
        Jedis j = jedisMap.get(key.getLastAccessMonth());

        // Write the key/value pair
        j.hset(MONTH_FROM_INT.get(key.getLastAccessMonth()), key
                .getField().toString(), value.toString());

    public void close(TaskAttemptContext context) throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {
        // For each jedis instance, disconnect it
        for (Jedis jedis : jedisMap.values()) {
Mapper code

The mapper code parses each input record and sets the values for the output RedisKey and the output value. The month of the last access data is parsed via the Calendar and SimpleDateFormat classes.

public static class RedisLastAccessOutputMapper extends
        Mapper<Object, Text, RedisKey, Text> {

    // This object will format the creation date string into a Date object
    private final static SimpleDateFormat frmt = new SimpleDateFormat(

    private RedisKey outkey = new RedisKey();
    private Text outvalue = new Text();

    public void map(Object key, Text value, Context context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        Map<String, String> parsed = MRDPUtils.transformXmlToMap(value

        String userId = parsed.get("Id");
        String reputation = parsed.get("Reputation");

        // Grab the last access date
        String strDate = parsed.get("LastAccessDate");

        // Parse the string into a Calendar object
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

        // Set our output key and values

        context.write(outkey, outvalue);
Driver code

The driver looks very similar to a more basic job configuration. All the special configuration is entirely handled by the output format class and record writer.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    Path inputPath = new Path(args[0]);

    Job job = new Job(conf, "Redis Last Access Output");


    TextInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputPath);



    int code = job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 2;


Querying for user reputation by last access date

This example demonstrates how to query for the information we just stored in Redis. Unlike most examples, where you provide some path to files in HDFS, we instead just pass in the months of data we want. Figuring out where to get the data is entirely handled intelligently by the input format.

The heart of partition pruning is to avoid reading data that you don’t have to read. By storing the user-to-reputation mappings across six different Redis servers, we need to connect only to the instances that are hosting the requested month’s data. Even better, we need to read only from the hashes that are holding the specific month. For instance, passing in “JAN,FEB,MAR,NOV” on the command line will create three input splits, one for each Redis instance hosting the data (0, 1, and 5). All the data on Redis instance 0 will be read, but only the first months on Redis instances 1 and 5 will be pulled. This is much better than having to connect to all the desired instances and read all the data, only to throw most of it away!

The sections below with its corresponding code explain the following problem.

Problem: Given a query for user to reputation mappings by months, read only the data required to satisfy the query in parallel.

InputSplit code

The input split shown here is very similar to the input split in External Source Input Example. Instead of storing one hash key, we are going to store multiple hash keys. This is because the data is partitioned based on month, instead of all the data being randomly distributed in one hash.

public static class RedisLastAccessInputSplit
        extends InputSplit implements Writable {

    private String location = null;
    private List<String> hashKeys = new ArrayList<String>();

    public RedisLastAccessInputSplit() {
        // Default constructor for reflection

    public RedisLastAccessInputSplit(String redisHost) {
        this.location = redisHost;

    public void addHashKey(String key) {

    public void removeHashKey(String key) {

    public List<String> getHashKeys() {
        return hashKeys;

    public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException {
        location = in.readUTF();
        int numKeys = in.readInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < numKeys; ++i) {

    public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException {
        for (String key : hashKeys) {

    public long getLength() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return 0;

    public String[] getLocations() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new String[] { location };
InputFormat code

This input format class intelligently creates RedisLastAccessInputSplit objects from the selected months of data. Much like the output format we showed earlier in OutputFormat code, this output format writes RedisKey objects, this input format reads the same objects and is templated to enforce this on mapper implementations. It initially creates a hash map of host-to-input splits in order to add the hash keys to the input split, rather than adding both months of data to the same split. If a split has not been created for a particular month, a new one is created and the month hash key is added. Otherwise, the hash key is added to the split that has already been created. A List is then created out of the values stored in the map. This will create a number of input splits equivalent to the number of Redis instances required to satisfy the query.

There are a number of helpful hash maps to help convert a month string to an integer, as well as figure out which Redis instance hosts which month of data. The initialization of these hash maps are ommitted from the static block for brevity.

public static class RedisLastAccessInputFormat
        extends InputFormat<RedisKey, Text> {

    public static final String REDIS_SELECTED_MONTHS_CONF =
    private static final HashMap<String, Integer> MONTH_FROM_STRING =
            new HashMap<String, Integer>();
    private static final HashMap<String, String> MONTH_TO_INST_MAP =
            new HashMap<String, String>();
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger

    static {
        // Initialize month to Redis instance map
        // Initialize month 3 character code to integer

    public static void setRedisLastAccessMonths(Job job, String months) {
        job.getConfiguration().set(REDIS_SELECTED_MONTHS_CONF, months);

    public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext job) throws IOException {

        String months = job.getConfiguration().get(

        if (months == null || months.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException(REDIS_SELECTED_MONTHS_CONF
                    + " is null or empty.");

        // Create input splits from the input months
        HashMap<String, RedisLastAccessInputSplit> instanceToSplitMap =
                    new HashMap<String, RedisLastAccessInputSplit>();

        for (String month : months.split(",")) {
            String host = MONTH_TO_INST_MAP.get(month);
            RedisLastAccessInputSplit split = instanceToSplitMap.get(host);
            if (split == null) {
                split = new RedisLastAccessInputSplit(host);
                instanceToSplitMap.put(host, split);
            } else {
        }"Input splits to process: " +
        return new ArrayList<InputSplit>(instanceToSplitMap.values());

    public RecordReader<RedisKey, Text> createRecordReader(
            InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        return new RedisLastAccessRecordReader();

    public static class RedisLastAccessRecordReader
            extends RecordReader<RedisKey, Text> {
            // Code in next section
RecordReader code

The RedisLastAccessRecordReader is a bit more complicated than the other record readers we have seen. It needs to read from multiple hashes, rather than just reading everything at once in the initialize method. Here, the configuration is simply read in this method.

In nextKeyValue, a new connection to Redis is created if the iterator through the hash is null, or if we have reached the end of all the hashes to read. If the iterator through the hashes does not have a next value, we immediately return false, as there is no more data for the map task. Otherwise, we connect to Redis and pull all the data from the specific hash. The hash iterator is then used to exhaust all the field value pairs from Redis. A do-while loop is used to ensure that once a hash iterator is complete, it will loop back around to get data from the next hash or inform the task there is no more data to be read.

The implementation of the remaining methods are identical to that of the RedisHashRecordReader and are omitted.

public static class RedisLastAccessRecordReader
        extends RecordReader<RedisKey, Text> {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger
    private Entry<String, String> currentEntry = null;
    private float processedKVs = 0, totalKVs = 0;
    private int currentHashMonth = 0;
    private Iterator<Entry<String, String>> hashIterator = null;
    private Iterator<String> hashKeys = null;
    private RedisKey key = new RedisKey();
    private String host = null;
    private Text value = new Text();

    public void initialize(InputSplit split, TaskAttemptContext context)
            throws IOException, InterruptedException {

        // Get the host location from the InputSplit
        host = split.getLocations()[0];

        // Get an iterator of all the hash keys we want to read
        hashKeys = ((RedisLastAccessInputSplit) split)
                .getHashKeys().iterator();"Connecting to " + host);
    public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException,
            InterruptedException {

        boolean nextHashKey = false;
        do {
            // if this is the first call or the iterator does not have a
            // next
            if (hashIterator == null || !hashIterator.hasNext()) {
                // if we have reached the end of our hash keys, return
                // false
                if (!hashKeys.hasNext()) {
                    // ultimate end condition, return false
                    return false;
                } else {
                    // Otherwise, connect to Redis and get all
                    // the name/value pairs for this hash key
                    Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host);
                    String strKey =;
                    currentHashMonth = MONTH_FROM_STRING.get(strKey);
                    hashIterator = jedis.hgetAll(strKey).entrySet()

            // If the key/value map still has values
            if (hashIterator.hasNext()) {
                // Get the current entry and set 
                // the Text objects to the entry
                currentEntry =;
            } else {
                nextHashKey = true;
        } while (nextHashKey);

        return true;

Driver code

The driver code sets the months most recently accessed passed in via the command line. This configuration parameter is used by the input format to determine which Redis instances to read from, rather than reading from every Redis instance. It also sets the output directory for the job. Again, it uses the identity mapper rather than performing any analysis on the data retrieved.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    String lastAccessMonths = args[0];
    Path outputDir = new Path(args[1]);

    Job job = new Job(conf, "Redis Input");

    // Use the identity mapper


    TextOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputDir);


    System.exit(job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 2);
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