Chapter 8. Testing Deployment Using a Staging Site

Is all fun and game until you are need of put it in production.

It’s time to deploy the first version of our site and make it public. They say that if you wait until you feel ready to ship, then you’ve waited too long.

Is our site usable? Is it better than nothing? Can we make lists on it? Yes, yes, yes.

No, you can’t log in yet. No, you can’t mark tasks as completed. But do we really need any of that stuff? Not really—and you can never be sure what your users are actually going to do with your site once they get their hands on it. We think our users want to use the site for to-do lists, but maybe they actually want to use it to make “top 10 best fly-fishing spots” lists, for which you don’t need any kind of “mark completed” function. We won’t know until we put it out there.

In this chapter we’re going to go through and actually deploy our site to a real, live web server.

You might be tempted to skip this chapter—there’s lots of daunting stuff in it, and maybe you think this isn’t what you signed up for. But I strongly urge you to give it a go. This is one of the chapters I’m most pleased with, and it’s one that people often write to me saying they were really glad they stuck through it.

If you’ve never done a server deployment before, it will demystify a whole world for you, and there’s nothing like the feeling of seeing your site live on the actual Internet. Give it a buzzword name like “DevOps” if that’s what it takes to convince you it’s worth it.


Why not ping me a note once your site is live on the web, and send me the URL? It always gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling … .

TDD and the Danger Areas of Deployment

Deploying a site to a live web server can be a tricky topic. Oft-heard is the forlorn cry—”but it works on my machine!“.

Some of the danger areas of deployment include:

Static files (CSS, JavaScript, images, etc.)
Web servers usually need special configuration for serving these.
The database
There can be permissions and path issues, and we need to be careful about preserving data between deploys.
We need to make sure that the packages our software relies on are installed on the server, and have the correct versions.

But there are solutions to all of these. In order:

  • Using a staging site, on the same infrastructure as the production site, can help us test out our deployments and get things right before we go to the “real” site.
  • We can also run our functional tests against the staging site. That will reassure us that we have the right code and packages on the server, and since we now have a “smoke test” for our site layout, we’ll know that the CSS is loaded correctly.
  • Virtualenvs are a useful tool for managing packages and dependencies on a machine that might be running more than one Python application.
  • And finally, automation, automation, automation. By using an automated script to deploy new versions, and by using the same script to deploy to staging and production, we can reassure ourselves that staging is as much like live as possible.[9]

Over the next few pages I’m going to go through a deployment procedure. It isn’t meant to be the perfect deployment procedure, so please don’t take it as being best practice, or a recommendation—it’s meant to be an illustration, to show the kinds of issues involved in deployment and where testing fits in.

As Always, Start with a Test

Let’s adapt our functional tests slightly so that it can be run against a staging site. We’ll do it by slightly hacking an argument that is normally used to change the address which the test’s temporary server gets run on:

functional_tests/ (ch08l001)

import sys

class NewVisitorTest(StaticLiveServerTestCase):

    def setUpClass(cls):  #1
        for arg in sys.argv:  #2
            if 'liveserver' in arg:  #3
                cls.server_url = 'http://' + arg.split('=')[1]  #4
                return  #5
        cls.server_url = cls.live_server_url

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        if cls.server_url == cls.live_server_url:

    def setUp(self):

OK, when I said slightly hacking, I meant seriously hacking. Do you remember I said that LiveServerTestCase had certain limitations? Well, one is that it always assumes you want to use its own test server. I still want to be able to do that sometimes, but I also want to be able to selectively tell it not to bother, and to use a real server instead.


setUpClass is a similar method to setUp, also provided by unittest, which is used to do test setup for the whole class—that means it only gets executed once, rather than before every test method. This is where LiveServerTestCase/StaticLiveServerTestCase usually starts up its test server.

2 3

We look for the liveserver command-line argument (which is found in sys.argv).

4 5

If we find it, we tell our test class to skip the normal setUpClass, and just store away our staging server URL in a variable called server_url instead.

This means we also need to change the three places we used to use self.live_server_url:

functional_tests/ (ch08l002)

    def test_can_start_a_list_and_retrieve_it_later(self):
        # Edith has heard about a cool new online to-do app. She goes
        # to check out its homepage
        # Francis visits the home page.  There is no sign of Edith's
        # list

    def test_layout_and_styling(self):
        # Edith goes to the home page

We test that our little hack hasn’t broken anything by running the functional tests “normally”:

$ python3 test functional_tests
Ran 2 tests in 8.544s


And now we can try them against our staging server URL. I’m hosting my staging server at

$ python3 test functional_tests
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
FAIL: test_can_start_a_list_and_retrieve_it_later
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/workspace/superlists/functional_tests/", line 42, in
    self.assertIn('To-Do', self.browser.title)
AssertionError: 'To-Do' not found in 'Domain name registration | Domain names
| Web Hosting | 123-reg'

FAIL: test_layout_and_styling (functional_tests.tests.NewVisitorTest)
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/workspace/superlists/functional_tests/", line 114, in
    inputbox = self.browser.find_element_by_id('id_new_item')
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: 'Unable to locate
element: {"method":"id","selector":"id_new_item"}' ; Stacktrace:
Ran 2 tests in 16.480s

FAILED (failures=2)
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

You can see that both tests are failing, as expected, since I haven’t actually set up my staging site yet. In fact, you can see from the first traceback that the test is actually ending up on the home page of my domain registrar.

The FT seems to be testing the right things though, so let’s commit:

$ git diff # should show changes to
$ git commit -am "Hack FT runner to be able to test staging"

Getting a Domain Name

We’re going to need a couple of domain names at this point in the book—they can both be subdomains of a single domain. I’m going to use and If you don’t already own a domain, this is the time to register one! Again, this is something I really want you to actually do. If you’ve never registered a domain before, just pick any old registrar and buy a cheap one—it should only cost you $5 or so, and you can even find free ones. I promise seeing your site on a “real” web site will be a thrill.

Manually Provisioning a Server to Host Our Site

We can separate out “deployment” into two tasks:

  • Provisioning a new server to be able to host the code
  • Deploying a new version of the code to an existing server

Some people like to use a brand new server for every deployment—it’s what we do at PythonAnywhere. That’s only necessary for larger, more complex sites though, or major changes to an existing site. For a simple site like ours, it makes sense to separate the two tasks. And, although we eventually want both to be completely automated, we can probably live with a manual provisioning system for now.

As you go through this chapter, you should be aware that provisioning is something that varies a lot, and that as a result there are few universal best practices for deployment. So, rather than trying to remember the specifics of what I’m doing here, you should be trying to understand the rationale, so that you can apply the same kind of thinking in the specific future circumstances you encounter.

Choosing Where to Host Our Site

There are loads of different solutions out there these days, but they broadly fall into two camps:

  • Running your own (possibly virtual) server
  • Using a Platform-As-A-Service (PaaS) offering like Heroku, DotCloud, OpenShift, or PythonAnywhere

Particularly for small sites, a PaaS offers a lot of advantages, and I would definitely recommend looking into them. We’re not going to use a PaaS in this book however, for several reasons. Firstly, I have a conflict of interest, in that I think PythonAnywhere is the best, but then again I would say that because I work there. Secondly, all the PaaS offerings are quite different, and the procedures to deploy to each vary a lot—learning about one doesn’t necessarily tell you about the others. Any one of them might change their process radically, or simply go out of business by the time you get to read this book.

Instead, we’ll learn just a tiny bit of good old-fashioned server admin, including SSH and web server config. They’re unlikely to ever go away, and knowing a bit about them will get you some respect from all the grizzled dinosaurs out there.

What I have done is to try and set up a server in such a way that it’s a lot like the environment you get from a PaaS, so you should be able to apply the lessons we learn in the deployment section, no matter what provisioning solution you choose.

Spinning Up a Server

I’m not going to dictate how you do this—whether you choose Amazon AWS, Rackspace, Digital Ocean, your own server in your own data centre or a Raspberry Pi in a cupboard behind the stairs, any solution should be fine, as long as:

  • Your server is running Ubuntu (13.04 or later).
  • You have root access to it.
  • It’s on the public Internet.
  • You can SSH into it.

I’m recommending Ubuntu as a distro because it has Python 3.4 and it has some specific ways of configuring Nginx, which I’m going to make use of next. If you know what you’re doing, you can probably get away with using something else, but you’re on your own.


Some people get to this chapter, and are tempted to skip the domain bit, and the “getting a real server” bit, and just use a VM on their own PC. Don’t do this. It’s not the same, and you’ll have more difficulty following the instructions, which are complicated enough as it is. If you’re worried about cost, dig around and you’ll find free options for both. Email me if you need further pointers, I’m always happy to help.

User Accounts, SSH, and Privileges

In these instructions, I’m assuming that you have a nonroot user account set up that has “sudo” privileges, so whenever we need to do something that requires root access, we use sudo, and I’m explicit about that in the various instructions below. If you need to create a nonroot user, here’s how:

# these commands must be run as root
root@server:$ useradd -m -s /bin/bash elspeth # add user named elspeth
# -m creates a home folder, -s sets elspeth to use bash by default
root@server:$ usermod -a -G sudo elspeth # add elspeth to the sudoers group
root@server:$ passwd elspeth # set password for elspeth
root@server:$ su - elspeth # switch-user to being elspeth!

Name your own user whatever you like! I also recommend learning up how to use private key authentication rather than passwords for SSH. It’s a matter of taking the public key from your own PC, and appending it to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys in the user account on the server. You probably went through a similar procedure if you signed up for Bitbucket or Github.

There are some good instructions here (note that ssh-keygen is available as part of Git-Bash on Windows).


Look out for that elspeth@server in the command-line listings in this chapter. It indicates commands that must be run on the server, as opposed to commands you run on your own PC.

Installing Nginx

We’ll need a web server, and all the cool kids are using Nginx these days, so we will too. Having fought with Apache for many years, I can tell you it’s a blessed relief in terms of the readability of its config files, if nothing else!

Installing Nginx on my server was a matter of doing an apt-get, and I could then see the default Nginx “Hello World” screen:

elspeth@server:$ sudo apt-get install nginx
elspeth@server:$ sudo service nginx start

(You may need to do an apt-get update and/or an apt-get upgrade first.)

You should be able to go to the IP address of your server, and see the “Welcome to nginx” page at this point, as in Figure 8-1.

The default “Welcome to nginx!” page
Figure 8-1. Nginx—it works!

If you don’t see it, it may be because your firewall does not open port 80 to the world. On AWS for example, you may need to configure the “security group” for your server to open port 80.

While we’ve got root access, let’s make sure the server has the key pieces of software we need at the system level: Python, Git, pip, and virtualenv.

elspeth@server:$ sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip
elspeth@server:$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Configuring Domains for Staging and Live

We don’t want to be messing about with IP addresses all the time, so we should point our staging and live domains to the server. At my registrar, the control screens looked a bit like Figure 8-2.

Registrar control screens for two domains
Figure 8-2. Domain setup

In the DNS system, pointing a domain at a specific IP address is called an “A-Record”. All registrars are slightly different, but a bit of clicking around should get you to the right screen in yours.

Using the FT to Confirm the Domain Works and Nginx Is Running

To confirm this works, we can rerun our functional tests and see that their failure messages have changed slightly—one of them in particular should now mention Nginx:

$ python3 test functional_tests
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: 'Unable to locate
element: {"method":"id","selector":"id_new_item"}' ; Stacktrace:
AssertionError: 'To-Do' not found in 'Welcome to nginx!'


Deploying Our Code Manually

The next step is to get a copy of the staging site up and running, just to check whether we can get Nginx and Django to talk to each other. As we do so, we’re starting to move into doing “deployment” rather than provisioning, so we should be thinking about how we can automate the process, as we go.


One rule of thumb for distinguishing provisioning from deployment is that you tend to need root permissions for the former, but we don’t for the latter.

We need a directory for the source to live in. Let’s assume we have a home folder for a nonroot user; in my case it would be at /home/elspeth (this is likely to be the setup on any shared hosting system, but you should always run your web apps as a nonroot user, in any case). I’m going to set up my sites like this:

├── sites
│   ├──
│   │    ├── database
│   │    │     └── db.sqlite3
│   │    ├── source
│   │    │    ├──
│   │    │    ├── superlists
│   │    │    ├── etc...
│   │    │
│   │    ├── static
│   │    │    ├── base.css
│   │    │    ├── etc...
│   │    │
│   │    └── virtualenv
│   │         ├── lib
│   │         ├── etc...
│   │
│   ├──
│   │    ├── database
│   │    ├── etc...

Each site (staging, live, or any other website) has its own folder. Within that we have a separate folder for the source code, the database, and the static files. The logic is that, while the source code might change from one version of the site to the next, the database will stay the same. The static folder is in the same relative location, ../static, that we set up at the end of the last chapter. Finally, the virtualenv gets its own subfolder too. What’s a virtualenv, I hear you ask? We’ll find out shortly.

Adjusting the Database Location

First let’s change the location of our database in, and make sure we can get that working on our local PC. Using os.path.abspath prevents any later confusion about the current working directory:

superlists/ (ch08l003)

# Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...)
import os
BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../database/db.sqlite3'),

STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '../static')


Always do the abspath first (ie, innermost) when path-wrangling, otherwise you can see strange things happening depending on how the file is imported. Thanks to [Green Nathan]( for that tip!

Now let’s try it locally:

$ mkdir ../database
$ python3 migrate --noinput
Creating tables ...
$ ls ../database/

That seems to work. Let’s commit it:

$ git diff # should show changes in
$ git commit -am "move sqlite database outside of main source tree"

To get our code onto the server, we’ll use Git and go via one of the code sharing sites. If you haven’t already, push your code up to GitHub, BitBucket, or similar. They all have excellent instructions for beginners on how to do that.

Here’s some bash commands that will set this all up. If you’re not familiar with it, note the export command which lets me set up a “local variable” in bash:

elspeth@server:$ export
elspeth@server:$ mkdir -p ~/sites/$SITENAME/database
elspeth@server:$ mkdir -p ~/sites/$SITENAME/static
elspeth@server:$ mkdir -p ~/sites/$SITENAME/virtualenv
# you should replace the URL in the next line with the URL for your own repo
elspeth@server:$ git clone 
Resolving deltas: 100% [...]


A bash variable defined using export only lasts as long as that console session. If you log out of the server and log back in again, you’ll need to redefine it. It’s devious because Bash won’t error, it will just substitute the empty string for the variable, which will lead to weird results … if in doubt, do a quick echo $SITENAME.

Now we’ve got the site installed, let’s just try running the dev server—this is a smoke test, to see if all the moving parts are connected:

elspeth@server:$ $ cd ~/sites/$SITENAME/source
$ python3 runserver
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in <module>
    from import execute_from_command_line
ImportError: No module named

Ah. Django isn’t installed on the server.

Creating a Virtualenv

We could install it at this point, but that would leave us with a problem: if we ever wanted to upgrade Django when a new version comes out, it would be impossible to test the staging site with a different version from live. Similarly, if there are other users on the server, we’d all be forced to use the same version of Django.

The solution is a “virtualenv”—a neat way of having different versions of Python packages installed in different places, in their own “virtual environments”.

Let’s try it out locally, on our own PC first:

$ pip3 install virtualenv # will need a sudo on linux/macos.

We’ll follow the same folder structure as we’re planning for the server:

$ virtualenv --python=python3 ../virtualenv
$ ls ../virtualenv/
bin  include  lib

That will create a folder at ../virtualenv which will contain its own copy of Python and pip, as well as a location to install Python packages to. It’s a self-contained “virtual” Python environment. To start using it, we run a script called activate, which will change the system path and the Python path in such a way as to use the virtualenv’s executables and packages:

$ which python3
$ source ../virtualenv/bin/activate
$ which python  # note switch to virtualenv Python
(virtualenv)$ python3 test lists
ImportError: No module named 'django'


It’s not required, but you might want to look into a tool called virtualenvwrapper for managing virtualenvs on your own PC.

We’re seeing that ImportError: No module named django because Django isn’t installed inside the virtualenv. So, we can install it, and see that it ends up inside the virtualenv’s site-packages folder:

(virtualenv)$ pip install django==1.7
Successfully installed django
Cleaning up...
(virtualenv)$ python3 test lists
$ ls ../virtualenv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/
django                       pip                     setuptools
Django-1.7-py3.4.egg-info  pip-1.4.1-py3.4.egg-info  setuptools-0.9.8-py3.4.egg-info    
_markerlib                   __pycache__

To “save” the list of packages we need in our virtualenv, and be able to re-create it later, we create a requirements.txt file, using pip freeze, and add that to our repository:

(virtualenv)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
(virtualenv)$ deactivate
$ cat requirements.txt
$ git add requirements.txt
$ git commit -m "Add requirements.txt for virtualenv"

And now we do a git push to send our updates up to our code-sharing site:

$ git push

And we can pull those changes down to the server, create a virtualenv on the server, and use requirements.txt along with pip install -r to make the server virtualenv just like our local one:

elspeth@server:$ git pull  # may ask you to do some git config first
elspeth@server:$ virtualenv --python=python3 ../virtualenv/
elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Downloading/unpacking Django==1.7 (from -r requirements.txt (line 1))
Successfully installed Django
Cleaning up...
elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/python3 runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found

That looks like it’s running happily. We can Ctrl-C it for now.

Notice you don’t have to use the activate to use the virtualenv. Directly specifying the path to the virtualenv copies of python or pip works too. We’ll use the direct paths on the server.


Most people like to create a virtualenv for a project as soon as they start it. I only waited until now because I wanted to keep the first few chapters as simple as possible.

Simple Nginx Configuration

Next we create an Nginx config file to tell it to send requests for our staging site along to Django. A minimal config looks like this:

server: /etc/nginx/sites-available/

server {
    listen 80;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

This config says it will only work for our staging domain, and will “proxy” all requests to the local port 8000 where it expects to find Django waiting to respond to requests.

I saved[10] this to a file called inside /etc/nginx/sites-available folder, and then added it to the enabled sites for the server by creating a symlink to it:

elspeth@server:$ echo $SITENAME # check this still has our site in
elspeth@server:$ sudo ln -s ../sites-available/$SITENAME 
elspeth@server:$ ls -l /etc/nginx/sites-enabled # check our symlink is there

That’s the Debian/Ubuntu preferred way of saving Nginx configurations—the real config file in sites-available, and a symlink in sites-enabled; the idea is that it makes it easier to switch sites on or off.

We also may as well remove the default “Welcome to nginx” config, to avoid any confusion:

elspeth@server:$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

And now to test it:

elspeth@server:$ sudo service nginx reload
elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/python3 runserver


I also had to edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and uncomment a line saying server_names_hash_bucket_size 64; to get my long domain name to work. You may not have this problem; Nginx will warn you when you do a reload if it has any trouble with its config files.

A quick visual inspection confirms—the site is up (Figure 8-3)!

The front page of the site
Figure 8-3. The staging site is up!


If you ever find Nginx isn’t behaving as expected, try the command sudo nginx -t, which does a config test, and will warn you of any problems in your configuration files.

Let’s see what our functional tests say:

$ python3 test functional_tests
selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: 'Unable to locate
AssertionError: 0.0 != 512 within 3 delta

The tests are failing as soon as they try and submit a new item, because we haven’t set up the database. You’ll probably have spotted the yellow Django debug page (Figure 8-4) telling us as much as the tests went through, or if you tried it manually.


The tests saved us from potential embarrassment there. The site looked fine when we loaded its front page. If we’d been a little hasty, we might have thought we were done, and it would have been the first users that discovered that nasty Django DEBUG page. Okay, slight exaggeration for effect, maybe we would have checked, but what happens as the site gets bigger and more complex? You can’t check everything. The tests can.

Django DEBUG page showing database error
Figure 8-4. But the database isn’t

Creating the Database with migrate

We run migrate using the --noinput argument to suppress the two little “are you sure” prompts:

elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/python3 migrate --noinput
Creating tables ...
elspeth@server:$ ls ../database/
elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/python3 runserver

Let’s try the FTs again:

$ python3 test functional_tests
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Ran 2 tests in 10.718s

Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

It’s great to see the site up and running! We might reward ourselves with a well-earned tea break at this point, before moving on to the next section…


If you see a “502 - Bad Gateway”, it’s probably because you forgot to restart the dev server with runserver after the migrate.

Getting to a Production-Ready Deployment

We’re at least reassured that the basic piping works, but we really can’t be using the Django dev server in production. We also can’t be relying on manually starting it up with runserver.

Switching to Gunicorn

Do you know why the Django mascot is a pony? The story is that Django comes with so many things you want: an ORM, all sorts of middleware, the admin site … “What else do you want, a pony?” Well, Gunicorn stands for “Green Unicorn”, which I guess is what you’d want next if you already had a pony…

elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/pip install gunicorn==18

Gunicorn[11] will need to know a path to a WSGI server, which is usually a function called application. Django provides one in superlists/

elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/gunicorn superlists.wsgi:application
2013-05-27 16:22:01 [10592] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 0.18.0
2013-05-27 16:22:01 [10592] [INFO] Listening at: (10592)

If you now take a look at the site, you’ll find the CSS is all broken, as in Figure 8-5.

And if we run the functional tests, you’ll see they confirm that something is wrong. The test for adding list items passes happily, but the test for layout + styling fails. Good job tests!

$ python3 test functional_tests
AssertionError: 125.0 != 512 within 3 delta
FAILED (failures=1)

The reason that the CSS is broken is that although the Django dev server will serve static files magically for you, Gunicorn doesn’t. Now is the time to tell Nginx to do it instead.

The site is up
Figure 8-5. Broken CSS

Getting Nginx to Serve Static Files

First we run collectstatic to copy all the static files to a folder where Nginx can find them:

elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/python3 collectstatic --noinput
elspeth@server:$ ls ../static/
base.css  bootstrap

Note that, again, instead of using the virtualenv activate command, we can use the direct path to the virtualenv’s copy of Python instead.

Now we tell Nginx to start serving those static files for us:

server: /etc/nginx/sites-available/

server {
    listen 80;

    location /static {
        alias /home/elspeth/sites/;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;

Reload Nginx and restart Gunicorn…

elspeth@server:$ sudo service nginx reload
elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/gunicorn superlists.wsgi:application

And if we take another look at the site, things are looking much healthier. We can rerun our FTs:

$ python3 test functional_tests
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Ran 2 tests in 10.718s

Destroying test database for alias 'default'...

Switching to Using Unix Sockets

When we want to serve both staging and live, we can’t have both servers trying to use port 8000. We could decide to allocate different ports, but that’s a bit arbitrary, and it would be dangerously easy to get it wrong and start the staging server on the live port, or vice versa.

A better solution is to use Unix domain sockets—they’re like files on disk, but can be used by Nginx and Gunicorn to talk to each other. We’ll put our sockets in /tmp. Let’s change the proxy settings in Nginx:

server: /etc/nginx/sites-available/

    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/;

proxy_set_header is used to make sure Gunicorn and Django know what domain it’s running on. We need that for the ALLOWED_HOSTS security feature, which we’re about to switch on.

Now we restart Gunicorn, but this time telling it to listen on a socket instead of on the default port:

elspeth@server:$ sudo service nginx reload
elspeth@server:$ ../virtualenv/bin/gunicorn --bind 
    unix:/tmp/ superlists.wsgi:application

And again, we rerun the functional test again, to make sure things still pass:

$ python3 test functional_tests

A couple more steps!

Switching DEBUG to False and Setting ALLOWED_HOSTS

Django’s DEBUG mode is all very well for hacking about on your own server, but leaving those pages full of tracebacks available isn’t secure.

You’ll find the DEBUG setting at the top of When we set this to False, we also need to set another setting called ALLOWED_HOSTS. This was added as a security feature in Django 1.5. Unfortunately it doesn’t have a helpful comment in the default, but we can add one ourselves. Do this on the server:

server: superlists/

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = False


# Needed when DEBUG=False

And, once again, we restart Gunicorn and run the FT to check things still work.


Don’t commit these changes on the server. At the moment this is just a hack to get things working, not a change we want to keep in our repo. In general, to keep things simple, I’m only going to do Git commits from the local PC, using git push and git pull when I need to sync them up to the server.

Using Upstart to Make Sure Gunicorn Starts on Boot

Our final step is to make sure that the server starts up Gunicorn automatically on boot, and reloads it automatically if it crashes. On Ubuntu, the way to do this is using Upstart:

server: /etc/init/

description "Gunicorn server for"

start on net-device-up  1
stop on shutdown

respawn  2

setuid elspeth 3
chdir /home/elspeth/sites/  4

exec ../virtualenv/bin/gunicorn   5
    --bind unix:/tmp/ 

Upstart is joyously simple to configure (especially if you’ve ever had the dubious pleasure of writing an init.d script), and is fairly self-explanatory.


start on net-device-up makes sure Gunicorn only runs once the server has connected up to the Internet.


respawn will restart the process automatically if it crashes.


setuid makes the process run as the “elspeth” user.


chdir sets the working directory.


exec is the actual process to execute.

Upstart scripts live in /etc/init, and their names must end in .conf.

Now we can start Gunicorn with the start command:

elspeth@server:$ sudo start

And we can rerun the FTs to see that everything still works. You can even test that the site comes back up if you reboot the server!

Saving Our Changes: Adding Gunicorn to Our requirements.txt

Back in the local copy of your repo, we should add Gunicorn to the list of packages we need in our virtualenvs:

$ source ../virtualenv/bin/activate # if necessary
(virtualenv)$ pip install gunicorn
(virtualenv)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
(virtualenv)$ deactivate
$ git commit -am "Add gunicorn to virtualenv requirements"
$ git push


On Windows, at the time of writing, Gunicorn would pip install quite happily, but it wouldn’t actually work if you tried to use it. Thankfully we only ever run it on the server, so that’s not a problem. And, Windows support is being discussed


Let’s recap our provisioning and deployment procedures:

  1. Assume we have a user account and home folder
  2. apt-get nginx git python-pip
  3. pip install virtualenv
  4. Add Nginx config for virtual host
  5. Add Upstart job for Gunicorn
  1. Create directory structure in ~/sites
  2. Pull down source code into folder named source
  3. Start virtualenv in ../virtualenv
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. migrate for database
  6. collectstatic for static files
  7. Set DEBUG = False and ALLOWED_HOSTS in
  8. Restart Gunicorn job
  9. Run FTs to check everything works

Assuming we’re not ready to entirely automate our provisioning process, how should we save the results of our investigation so far? I would say that the Nginx and Upstart config files should probably be saved somewhere, in a way that makes it easy to reuse them later. Let’s save them in a new subfolder in our repo:

$ mkdir deploy_tools


server {
    listen 80;
    server_name SITENAME;

    location /static {
        alias /home/elspeth/sites/SITENAME/static;

    location / {
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/SITENAME.socket;


description "Gunicorn server for SITENAME"

start on net-device-up
stop on shutdown


setuid elspeth
chdir /home/elspeth/sites/SITENAME/source

exec ../virtualenv/bin/gunicorn 
    --bind unix:/tmp/SITENAME.socket 

Then it’s easy for us to use those two files to generate a new site, by doing a find & replace on SITENAME.

For the rest, just keeping a few notes is OK. Why not keep them in a file in the repo too?


Provisioning a new site

## Required packages:

* nginx
* Python 3
* Git
* pip
* virtualenv

eg, on Ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install nginx git python3 python3-pip
    sudo pip3 install virtualenv

## Nginx Virtual Host config

* see nginx.template.conf
* replace SITENAME with, eg,

## Upstart Job

* see gunicorn-upstart.template.conf
* replace SITENAME with, eg,

## Folder structure:
Assume we have a user account at /home/username

└── sites
    └── SITENAME
         ├── database
         ├── source
         ├── static
         └── virtualenv

We can do a commit for those:

$ git add deploy_tools
$ git status # see three new files
$ git commit -m "Notes and template config files for provisioning"

Our source tree will now look something like this:

$ tree -I __pycache__
├── deploy_tools
│   ├── gunicorn-upstart.template.conf
│   ├── nginx.template.conf
│   └──
├── functional_tests
│   ├──
│   ├── [...]
├── lists
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── static
│   │   ├── base.css
│   │   ├── [...]
│   ├── templates
│   │   ├── base.html
│   │   ├── [...]
├── requirements.txt
└── superlists
    ├── [...]

“Saving Your Progress”

Being able to run our FTs against a staging server can be very reassuring. But, in most cases, you don’t want to run your FTs against your “real” server. In order to “save our work”, and reassure ourselves that the production server will work just as well as the real server, we need to make our deployment process repeatable.

Automation is the answer, and it’s the topic of the next chapter.

[9] What I’m calling a “staging” server, some people would call a “development” server, and some others would also like to distinguish “preproduction” servers. Whatever we call it, the point is to have somewhere we can try our code out in an environment that’s as similar as possible to the real production server.

[10] Not sure how to edit a file on the server? There’s always vi, which I’ll keep encouraging you to learn a bit of. Alternatively, try the relatively beginner-friendly nano. Note you’ll also need to use sudo because the file is in a system folder.

[11] I’m using version 18 because, as of July 2014, v 19 had a bug. Feel free to try upgrading it if a newer release is out. And let me know, so I can update the book!

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