

ABCD matrices, 123127, 132139

 astronomical telescope, 127, 129

 Galilean telescope, 127, 129

 multiple-prism beam expander, 127, 131, 134, 137

 multiple-return pass beam divergence, 139

 single-prism, 123133

 telescopes in series, 135136

 unstable resonators, 140

Airy formula, 264265

Alexandrite lasers, 218

Allowable mismatch, 194

Amici prism, 9194

 dispersion of, 9193

Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), 159

Angle of refraction, 51, 55

Angular dispersion, 5456

Ar+ lasers, 211

Astronomical telescopes, 127, 129

Astronomy, beam divergence, 6668

Atmospheric turbulence, 244

 interferometric detection of, 244

Attenuation of laser intensity, 115


Beam divergence, 5354, 6470, 86, 88, 136, 156

 astronomy and, 6668

 laser guide star and, 69

 multiple-return pass, 138139, 153, 160, 195

 uncertainty principle and, 64, 65

Beam expanders

 polarization in double-prism, 111112

 tunable laser oscillators, 8691

 zero-dispersion multiple-prsim, 8891

Beam propagation in N-slit laser interferometers, 231234

Birefringent filters, 177

 Lyot filter, 178

Birefringent polarization rotators, 116117

Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC), 163, 223

Bragg gratings, 172173

Bra–ket notation, 3134

Bra vectors, 31

Brewster’s angle, 105

Broadband interferograms, 249251, 268270

Broadband prismatic rotators, 117120


Cassegrainian telescopes, 127, 130, 140

Cavity linewidth equation, 5356

 dispersion and linewidth narrowing, 84, 8688

Chemical lasers, 225

Clear air turbulence, 242

 interferometric detection of, 242

Closed cavity design, 152

CO2 lasers, 208

Coherence length, 64, 192

Coherence time, 64

Colliding pulse mode (CPM) locking, 30

Color center lasers, 219

Comb, 203

Communications in free space, secure, 236246

Continuous-wave (CW)

 dye lasers, 216217

 excitation, 210

 gas lasers, 209212

 semiconductor lasers, 222225

Conversion optical quantities, 288

Copper vapor lasers (CVLs), 209

Coumarin 545

 tetramethyl, 5, 6

Cross sections, 5, 11

Cryptography, quantum, 7176

Czerny–Turner spectrometer, 283


 de Broglie, 59

Degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM), 198199

Difference frequency generation, 192

Diffraction, 4250

 generalized equation, 4950

 grating equation, 50

 grating spectrometer, 280283

 limit, 66

 order, 46

 spider web fiber, 243245

 superimposed on interferograms, 243245

 uncertainty principle and, 6466

 wide single-slit, 43, 147, 253

Diffractive tuning, 168171

Digital laser microscope (DLM), 246249

Diode laser arrays, 222

Diode laser-pumped fiber lasers, 219220

Diode lasers, 222225

Dipole moment, 15

Dirac optics, 3157

 angular dispersion, 5456

 generalized diffraction, 5051

 generalized refraction, 5051

 interference, 3442

 notation, 3134

 reflection, 5152

Dirac, P. A. M., 2, 3, 31

 and the laser, 5657

Dispersion, generalized multiple-prism, 7885

 double-pass (return-pass), 8183

 linewidth narrowing, 8688

 pulse compression, 9499

 single-pass equation, 7981

 zero-dispersion, 8891

Dispersion, generalized single-prism, 85

Dispersive wavelength meters, 283285

Distributed feedback (DFB) lasers, 165167

n/∂T of optical materials, 291

Double longitudinal mode (DLM), 148150

Double-pass (return-pass) dispersion, 8183

Double-prism beam expanders, 88, 90

 polarization, 111112

Double-refraction polarizers, 112114

Duffendack reaction, 210

Dye lasers

 continuous wave (CW), 216217

 nanoparticle, 215

 polymer, 215

 pulsed, 212215

 solid-state, 215216


Effective finesse of etalons, 267

Electric susceptibility, 187

Electric vector, 101

Electronic states, 810

Emission characteristics

 in additional lasers, 225226

 in diode lasers, 222225

 in dye lasers, 212217

 in fiber lasers, 219220

 in gas lasers, 206212

 in semiconductor lasers, 222225

 in solid-state lasers, 217221


 interferometric approach, 7173

 polarization, 7176

Etalon, 151, 154155, 266268

Excimer lasers, 206208

Excitation mechanisms

 cross sections, 5, 11

 multiple-level system, 711

 rate equations, 712

 transition probabilities, 5, 14

External cavity semiconductor lasers (ECSLs), 223225


Fabry–Perot etalons, 151, 154, 266268

Fabry–Perot interferometers, 262266

Far-infrared lasers, 226

Femtosecond lasers, 95, 98, 217218

 dye, 217

 prismatic pulse compression, 9499

 solid-state, 219

Feynman Lectures on Physics, The, 2, 268

Feynman, R. P., 2, 1214, 19

Fizeau configuration, 273275

Flashlamp-pumped dye laser, 214, 215

Fluorescence spectrum of I2, 279

 laser excited, 279

Forced oscillator (FO), 4

 configurations, 183184

Franck–Condon factor, 15

Frat-mirror resonators, 2526

Free-electron lasers (FELs), 225

Free-space, secure communications, 242, 246

Free spectral range (FSR), 267268

Fresnel formulae, 104105

Fresnel number, 146

Fresnel rhoms, 116


Gain, 12, 15

Galilean telescopes, 127, 129

Gas lasers, emission in

 continuous wave, 209212

 copper vapor, 209

 pulsed atomic, 209

 pulsed molecular, 207208

Glan–Thompson prism, 114115

 laser intensity control with, 114115

Granularity, 246

Grating efficiency, 153

Grating equation

 generalized, 4950

 Littrow configuration, 50

Grating mirror resonators, 151

Grazing-incidence cavity, 152

 hybrid multiple-prism (HMPGI), 158, 159, 161, 164


Haken, H., 5, 16

Half-wave plate, 116117

Hamiltonian, 13, 15, 18, 71

Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometer, 261

He–Cd lasers, 210

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, 5963

He–Ne lasers, 210

He–Zn lasers, 210

Higher-order propagation matrices, 140142

Hybrid multiple-prism grazing-incidence (HMPGI) grating laser oscillators, 69, 88, 158161, 164, 208, 214

Hybrid telescope grazing incidence (HTGI) grating configuration, 220


Idler frequency, 193


 extremely elongated Gaussian, 229233

 light-sheet, 229

 selective plane, 229

Indistinguishable photons, 34, 37, 56, 268

 ensemble, 56

Intensity control of laser beams, 114115

Intensity interferometer, 261

Interference, 3442


 catastrophic interception, 240243

 coherent, 4046, 266, 268270

 distorted by clear air turbulence, 243244

 semicoherent, 269

 superimposed diffraction pattern on, 243


 intensity, 261

 multiple-beam, 260268

 two-beam, 255259


 computer, 234236

 emitter, 269

 entanglement, 7173

 tuning techniques, 173177

 visibility, 268

 wavelength meters, 270275

Interferometric characters, 237245

 destructive interception, 240241, 243

 nondestructive interception, 245

Interferometric equation, generalized

 explicit, for N = 7, 37

 in one dimension, 35

 in three dimensions, 36

 in two dimensions, 36

Intracavity beam expansion

 tunable laser oscillators with, 155162

 tunable laser oscillators without, 151155

Intracavity linewidth, 84, 86

Intracavity return pass, 84, 86

Intrinsic linewidth, 195

Ionic solid-state lasers, 218


Jones calculus, 106109, 116117, 119


Kerr effect, 197

Kerr lens mode (KLM) locking, 197

Ket vectors, 31



 amplifier, 182185

 cavity, 2729

 defined, 34

 historical developments, 2

 oscillator, 151162, 164165

Laser cooling, 115

Laser guide star, 69

Laser linewidth, 84, 86, 148, 154, 156, 160162, 181, 183185

 Bragg grating, and, 172173

Laser optics, definition, 4

Laser oscillators, 69, 8788, 90, 114, 136137, 156161, 164165, 184, 195, 208, 214, 216, 223

Laser printer, 251253


 CW dye lasers, 216217

 fiber lasers, 220

 pulsed dye lasers, 213, 214216

 solid-state lasers, 217219

Laser resonators, see Resonators

Laser, types

 Ar+, 211

 CO2, 208

 color center, 219

 copper vapor, 209

 diode, 222225

 dye, 212217

 emerald, 219

 excimer, 207208, 213

 fiber, 219220

 gold vapor, 209

 He–Cd, 211

 He–I, 211212

 He–Ne, 210

 He–Zn, 211

 Kr+, 211

 Nd, 218

 nitrogen, 207

 organic, 212216

 polymer, 215216

quantum cascade, 2324, 223

 quantum dot, 2425, 225

 ruby, 219

 semiconductor, 222225

 solid-state, 217220

Ti:sapphire, 219

Law of reflection, 52

Law of refraction, 51

Light modulation, 249

Linear polarization

 Maxwell equations, 101102

 prisms and, 109112

 reflection and, 104105

 rotators and, 115120

Linear resonators, 28

Linewidth conversion, 287288

Linewidth narrowing, 8688

Littrow configuration, 151

 diffractive tuning, 170171

 dispersion equation, 153

 grating equation, 170

 multiple-prism Littrow (MPL) grating laser oscillator, 157

Longitudinal mode, 148150

Longitudinal tuning techniques, 175177

Long-pulse MPL grating laser oscillator, 157


Mach–Zehnder interferometers, 257, 258

 prismatic, 258

 probability amplitude, 257, 258

Maiman, T. H., 2

Master oscillator (MO), 183184

 configurations, 184

 power-amplifier (MOPA) chains, 182

Maxwell equations, 101102, 189

Maxwell’s formula, 103

Michelson interferometers, 259

Microcavity, 175177

Microdensitometer, 246

Microelectromechanical system (MEMS), 177, 224

Micromeasurements, 246249

Microscope, digital laser, 246249

Miniature lasers, 175177

Mode beating, 148149

Mode hopping, 171

Modulation measurements, 249

Momentum equation, 59

Monochromatic, 37, 56

Multiple-beam interferometers, 260268

Multiple-level system, 8

Multiple-prism arrays

 applications, 99100

 dispersion, 7884

 introduction of, 77

 transmission efficiency, 110112

 zero-dispersion multiple-prism beam expanders, 8891

Multiple-prism dispersion

 generalized, 7884

 linewidth narrowing, 8688

 return-pass, 8183

 single-pass, 7881

Multiple-prism Littrow (MPL) grating laser oscillators, 69, 87, 90, 114, 136137, 157161, 164165, 184, 214, 216, 223

Multiple-prism pulse compression, 9499

 generalized dispersion equations, 9598

 higher order phase derivatives, 9698

Multiple-return-pass beam divergence, 138139, 153, 160, 181

Multiple (return pass) generalized dispersion, 8184


Narrow-linewidth tunable lasers, see Tunable laser oscillators

Nd3+ lasers, 218

Newton, I., 7778

Newtonian telescope, 68

Nitrogen lasers, 207

Nonlinear optics

 difference-frequency generation, 192193

 optical clockworks, 202204

 optical parametric oscillation, 192196

 optical phase conjugation, 197199

 optical susceptibilities, 188

Raman shifting, 200202

 refractive index, 196197

 second-harmonic generation, 190191

 sum-frequency generation, 192

Nonlinear wave equation, 189

N-slit interferograms, 4042, 4446, 235, 238245, 250

N-slit interferometers

 applications, 246253

 beam propagation, 4546

 computer, 234236

 experiment, 3942

 geometry of, 3738

 microscopy, 246

 optical architecture, 229230

Nuclear-pumped lasers, 226


One-dimensional beam expansion, 157

Open-cavity design, 152

Optical clockworks, 202204

Optical communications in free space, secure, 236246

 interferometric, 236246

 quantum entanglement, 7176

Optical conversion quantities, 288

Optical Kerr effect, 197

Optical materials, 290291

Optical oscillator, see Laser oscillators

Optical parametric oscillator (OPO), 192196, 220221

 linewidth, 195

 multiple-prism grating configuration, 195

Optical phase conjugation, 197199

Optical quantities, 290

Opticks (Newton), 77

Organic lasers

 dye, 212217

 polymer, 215216

Organic semiconductors, 269

 coherent emission, 269270

Oscillators, see Laser oscillators;; Tunable laser oscillators


Particles, wave character, 59

Paschen configuration, 281

Penning reaction, 210

Permeability of free space, 288

Permittivity of free space, 288

Phase-conjugated mirror (PCM), 199

Phase matching, 192

Photonic crystal fiber (PCF), 203

Physical constants, 288

Plancks’s constant, 288

Plane of incidence, 103, 106

Plane of propagation, 103

Polarization entanglement, 7176

Polarization matching, 178

Polarization rotators, 115120

 broadband, 117120

 prismatic, 117120

Polarizer multiple-prism multiple-laser (PMPML) printer, 251253

Power amplifier (PA), 182

Principles of Quantum Mechanics, The (Dirac), 2, 31

Prismatic tuning techniques, 167168

Prism pulse compression, 9599

 generalized prismatic theory, 9699

 higher order phase derivatives, 9699

 multiple-prism configurations, 9495

Prism spectrometer, 277280

Prisms, polarizing, 111112

Probability amplitude, 1213, 3135, 7176

Propagation matrices

ABCD, 123127, 132139

 higher order, 140142

Pulse compressors, multiple-prism, see Prism pulse compression


 atomic gas lasers, 209212

 dye lasers, 212216

 molecular gas lasers, 206208

 solid-state lasers, 219

Pump frequency, 193


Quantum cascade lasers (QCL), 2324, 223

Quantum cryptography, 7176

Quantum dot lasers, 2425, 225

Quantum energy equation, 59

Quantum entanglement, 7176

 interferometric approach, 7173

 polarization, 7176

Quantum Optics for Engineers (Duarte), 1

Quantum probability, 1415

Quarter-wave plate, 116


Raman shifting, 200202

Rate equations, 712

Rayleigh length, 66, 136

Ray transfer matrices, see Propagation matrices

Reflection, 103105

 polarization and, 103105, 115119

 telescopes, 130, 140

 total internal, 115119


 double, 112114

 generalized equation, 51

 negative, 5051

 positive, 5051

Refractive index, 291

 nonlinear, 196197

Resolving power, 63

Resonators linear, 28

 ring, 2829

 unstable, 28

Return-pass dispersion, 8183

Rhodamine 6G, 214216

Ring resonator, 2829

Rochon prism, 112


 birefringent, 116117

 broadband prismatic, 117120

 polarization, 115120

Rowland configuration, 281

Ruby lasers, 219

Ruler, 203


Sagnac interferometers, 255257

Schäfer, F. P., 3, 8

Schrödinger equation, 1625

 heuristic introduction, 1618

 time independent, 1925

 via Dirac’s notation, 1819

Second-harmonic generation, 190

Second order index of refraction, 196197

Second order nonlinear susceptibilities, 188

Self-focusing, 197

Sellmeier dispersion equation, 289

 first derivative, 289, 291

 second derivative, 291

Semiconductor lasers, 2325, 222225

Sensitometry, 251252

Signal frequency, 193

Single-longitudinal mode (SLM) oscillation, 148150

Single-pass dispersion, 7881

Single-photon illumination, 34, 56

Single-prism equations, 85

Single-return pass beam divergence, 136

Single-slit diffraction, 43, 147, 253

Single-temporal mode, 150

Single-transverse mode (TEM00), 27, 147

Snell’s law negative, 5051

 positive, 5051

Solid-state lasers

 color-center, 219

 diode laser-pumped fiber lasers, 219220

 ionic, 218

 optical parametric oscillators, 220221

 organic dye, 215216

 transition metal, 218

Sorokin, P. P., 3

Spatial coherence, 3, 64, 269270

Spectral coherence, 3, 63, 150, 266


 diffraction grating, 280283

 dispersive wavelength meters, 283285

 prism, 277, 279280

Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), 200202

Stokes, 200202

Sum-frequency generation, 192

Superfluorescence, 30

Superradiant emission, 30

Synchronous tuning techniques, 171172


Telescope Littrow grating oscillator, 156

TEM00 laser beam, 27, 147

Temporal domain, 148150

Ti:sapphire lasers, 219

Townes, C. H., 2

Transition metal solid-state lasers, 218

Transition probabilities, 5, 1416

Transmission telescopes, 127, 129, 156

Transverse excitation, 26

Transverse mode, 145148

Triplet-level, 811

Tunable laser oscillators, 69, 8788, 90, 114, 136137, 151167, 184, 195, 208, 214, 216, 222225

 closed cavity design, 152

 distributed feedback (DFB), 165167

 external cavity semiconductor, 161165, 222225

 HMPGI grating, 69, 88, 158161, 164, 208, 214

 with intracavity beam expansion, 155162

 master oscillator (MO), 183184

 MPL grating, 69, 87, 90, 114, 136137, 157161, 164165, 184, 214, 216, 223

 open cavity design, 152

 polarization matching, 178179

 single longitudinal mode (SLM), 148150, 179

 single transverse mode (TEM00), 27, 147

 tuning techniques, 167178

 without intracavity beam expansion, 151155

Tuning techniques, 167178

 diffractive, 168171

 interferometric, 173175

 longitudinal, 175177

 MEMS, 177, 224

 prismatic, 167168

 synchronous, 171172

Two-beam interferometers, 255259, 279

Two-dimensional beam expansion, 156


Ultralarge telescopes, 68

Uncertainty principle, 5970

 alternative versions, 63

 applications, 6469

 beam divergence and, 6669

 diffraction identity and, 62

 Heisenberg’s, 5970

 wave character of particles, 59

Unstable resonator, 2728


 van Kampen, N. G., 34

Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL), 223

Very large N-slit interferometer, 242246

Very large telescope, 68

Visibility, 268


Ward, J. C., 71

Wave character of particles, 7174

Wave functions, 1718, 35

Wavelength meters

 dispersive, 283285

 interferometric, 271275

Wide slit diffraction, 43, 147, 253

Wollaston prism, 114


X-ray radiation, 225


Zero-dispersion multiple-prism beam expanders, 8891

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