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Y. Wilson, A. HingnikarSolving Identity Management in Modern Applicationshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8261-8_8

8. Authorization and Policy Enforcement

Yvonne Wilson1   and Abhishek Hingnikar2
San Francisco, CA, USA
London, UK

A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.

—Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United States, from first inaugural address

The previous chapters covered the mechanics of authorizing an API call and authenticating a user. This chapter will discuss authorization vs. the enforcement of access policy and how identity protocols can be used to help implement them.

Authorization vs. Policy Enforcement

In governing what a user or application can do, there are two distinct functions. We use the term authorization for the granting of privileges. In contrast, access policy enforcement is defined as the act of checking that a person or application has been granted the necessary privilege before responding to a request for a protected resource. For example, if you buy a theater ticket, the ticket constitutes your authorization to attend the performance. On the night of the performance, the ticket taker at the door enforces policy by checking to ensure that only authorized patrons (with tickets) enter the theater.

Authorization may be granted well in advance of a resource being requested or at the time of requesting access. It may be done using an interface provided by the entity containing the requested resource or by a trusted third party with the authorization information conveyed securely to the policy enforcement point. Access policy enforcement is done at the time a resource request is made and ideally at an enforcement point within or close to the protected resource to reduce the possibility of the enforcement being bypassed. If a policy enforcement point is separate from the resources it protects, the environment must be designed to ensure the only route to the protected resource involves going through the policy enforcement point, to prevent bypass.

Levels of Authorization and Access Policy Enforcement

There are different levels at which authorization and access policy enforcement may be specified and applied, respectively:
  • Level 1 – Whether an entity can access an application or API at all

  • Level 2 – What functions an entity can use in an application or API

  • Level 3 – What data an entity can access or operate on

Level 1 – Application or API Access

At the highest level, authorization and access policy enforcement can control whether an entity has permission to access an application or API at all. This use case is often found in corporate settings. For example, an employee in a marketing team probably has no business accessing the corporate accounting system. This level of policy enforcement may be handled within an application or by an entity in front of the application as shown in Figure 8-1. The enforcement can be done external to an application by components such as an authentication broker or a reverse proxy that works with an identity and access management (IAM) system. Such systems can act as a high-level enforcement point to deflect users who are not authorized to access an application at all. A similar approach can be used with API Gateways protecting APIs and in both cases is useful to reduce policy enforcement workload on target systems.

A flow diagram. The user connects to a browser that is linked to reverse proxy with the policy manager that is connected to the I A M system. Reverse proxy with policy manager is divided as applications 1 and 2.

Figure 8-1

Application-Level Access Policy Enforcement

Level 2 – Functional Access

Functional-level authorization and access policy enforcement govern the functions or tasks an entity can do within an application or API. For example, a junior accounting clerk in the finance department might be able to access the corporate accounting system and enter individual journal entries but not perform a month-end close, which would typically be done by a more senior, experienced employee. A mobile app for library patrons might be able to call a “place hold” API endpoint, but not an endpoint to modify the description of a library book. This level of authorization and access policy enforcement is sometimes called “coarse-grained” and tends to be application specific. It may leverage information about a user stored in the application or elsewhere, such as roles or groups in a directory service, but is often enforced within an application or API in order to enforce application-specific policy logic.

Level 3 – Data Access

A third level of authorization and access policy enforcement governs access to particular subsets of data or resources. This is sometimes called the fine-grained or granular level of access control. If functional-level access policy enforcement defines the functions or tasks an entity can do, data-level or fine-grained access policy further restricts access to specific data or resources. For example, in a sales order entry application, a user with the role “regional sales manager” may be authorized at a functional level to view sales orders, but data-level access policy restricts them to only view sales orders for their specific region. The user’s region would be specified as an attribute in their user profile. Data-level access is often enforced within an application or API, but may leverage capabilities within an underlying storage layer, such as the ability to restrict access to tablespaces or views in an Oracle Database.

User vs. Application Authorization

We will cover two situations that require authorization and access policy enforcement. The first governs what a user (or entity) can do in an application, and the second controls what an application can request from an API.

A user needs authorization to perform various functions within an application. The application may render the application’s user interface based on a user’s authorized privileges so it doesn’t display features a user cannot use. In addition, when a user makes a request, the application back end or API must enforce policy by checking that the user has the necessary authorization for the request before executing it.

An application requires authorization to call a protected API. If the content at a third-party API is owned by the user of the application, the application’s access is on the user’s behalf and requires the user’s authorization. This scenario is often found in consumer-facing applications. A common example of this scenario is a user of a photo printing application that wants the application to retrieve and print photos from their account at a social media site.

If, on the other hand, the content at the API is owned by the application or accessed by the application on its own behalf, an authorization server can authorize the application based on permissions previously configured by the administrator of the authorization server. There is no need for the user to authorize the request because the application owns the requested resource. Some examples of this scenario are, respectively, an application front end that calls its own back-end API and a travel application that calls a third-party API to retrieve weather data for the user’s destination. In the latter case, the weather data retrieved from the remote site is not owned by the user, and the ability of the application to call the weather API is based on the application’s relationship with the weather API. The application owner may pay a subscription fee to access the weather API, for example.

In addition to any authorization by a user or authorization server, an API may still need to enforce additional access policy. In other words, an access token issued by an authorization server is not necessarily the final word on whether an access request should be granted. Some access policy decisions, especially for granular, data-level access, may be most efficiently handled by the API designed to manage the data as opposed to a generic authorization server. For example, a bank application may be authorized to call an API to transfer money to pay a bill, and the user may authorize a particular payment, but if the user’s account has insufficient funds, the API will probably reject the payment request, per bank policy.

Regardless of the entity being authorized, there are three steps commonly involved in controlling access:
  • Authorization and the specification of access policy

  • Delivery of authorization information to the enforcement point (if needed)

  • Enforcement of the access policy by the enforcement point

We will discuss these three steps first for users and then applications.

User Authorization

The specification of authorization is a complex topic. So many schemes have been invented for this over the years that covering them in detail is outside the scope of this book. We will provide a brief description of a few common models to show how they can be used with identity protocols. We note that many existing applications vary in their choice of authorization policy model as well as the terms used for collections of privileges and users. For the purposes of this chapter, we will rely on the definitions provided in the following paragraphs.

A relatively simple model is an access control list (ACL).i In this scheme, authorization policy is often specified as a list of entities granted access for a specific protected resource. Our sample program uses such a scheme. Each individual file has a list of the users or groups of users which have been granted access to the file. When someone requests access to a file, the policy enforcement point needs to check if the authenticated identity of the requestor is in the list of users in the file’s ACL. For our sample program, the resource server API is the policy enforcement point, so it needs a claim from the identity provider (an OIDC Provider in the sample) about the identity of the user as well as any groups to which they belong.

​​In a role-based access control (RBAC)ii model, protected resources have various functions which can be performed on them. For example, an order management system may allow users to create, read, update, and delete sales orders. These actions represent privileges which can be granted to users who need to perform such functions. For administrative convenience, it is common to define roles, which are collections of privileges that would typically be assigned together to a user, to facilitate the role they serve in an organization. For example, a small company may need its sales staff to be able to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) sales orders, quotes, and invoices in a sales management system. Rather than assigning each of these privileges individually to each sales person, a role can be created that lumps them together. Such a role might be called “salesexecution.” The role can then be assigned to a salesperson user, giving them all the privileges they need with one administrative action. Another role could be defined that only had read access to those objects, perhaps called “salesanalysis,” and that role could be used for analysts who only need to retrieve sales order data for analytical purposes but not update it.

As a further administrative convenience, collections of users, often called groups, can be defined. This would enable the assignment of a role to sets of users at once, rather than individually. For example, a group called "salespeople" could be defined, with all sales people being members of the group. The “salesexecution” role and other roles needed by sales teams could be assigned to the “salespeople” group. Similarly, sales analysts could be members of a group called "salesanalysts" which would be granted the “salesanalysis” role along with any other roles needed by analysts. With an RBAC model, an application or resource server API serving as a policy enforcement point needs claims about the identity of the authenticated user as well as roles they've been assigned and/or groups to which they belong.

In an attribute-based access control (ABAC)iii model, authorization is specified via rules that utilize attributes in a user's profile. For example, access to a finance system might be allowed for all users that satisfy the rule “user_profile:team = finance.” In other words, a user will get access if their user profile has a value of “finance” in the “team” attribute. In this case, an application or resource server API acting as a policy enforcement point needs claims about the identity of the user and the relevant user profile attributes needed for evaluation of access control rules.

For access enforcement with these models, the component implementing policy enforcement typically requires trusted claims for the authenticated user’s identity and any user profile attributes relevant for access control decisions and enforcement. These claims must originate from an authoritative source and be transmitted to the policy enforcement point in a way that precludes tampering. In the rest of this chapter, we will describe how OIDC and SAML 2 can be used to deliver such claims about a user to an application and how OAuth 2 can be used to authorize access to APIs and deliver claims needed for access policy enforcement.

User Profile Attributes

The attributes used to convey authorization for users can vary, but fall into two main categories. A user’s identity may be granted authorization based on roles which they’ve been assigned in a role-based access control (RBAC)iv model, membership in a group or access control list (ACL), or individual user profile attributes evaluated by rules as part of an attribute-based access control (ABAC)v,vi model. These attributes are relatively static factors that remain the same, regardless of where the user is or what device they are using at the time of accessing a protected resource.

If such authorization information is specified outside an application, such as in a corporate directory service or policy service, but accessible by the identity provider authenticating a user, these attributes can be delivered to the application by the identity provider. If authorization is specified in the application, the identity provider can deliver an identifier for the authenticated user to the application so it can retrieve the necessary authorization information from its own data store.

The authorization step to grant a user privileges is typically done in advance of the user making a request in an application. For example, if a new employee joins a company’s finance team, the business may authorize the employee to access its accounting application by assigning the user roles in a corporate identity system on the new hire’s first day. For a consumer-facing application, a user may be assigned access-related user profile attributes when they purchase a particular subscription level for the application.

Transactional User Attributes

Authorization may also be based upon factors that are part of the user’s physical environment at the time of authentication or accessing a protected resource. Such factors can include the user’s geographic location, whether the user is inside or outside a corporate firewall, or whether the user’s device is certified as adhering to certain security configuration standards. The day of the week or time of day may be factors as well as the strength of the authentication mechanism used. These factors are captured at the time of authentication rather than being part of the user’s profile. Such factors, if captured by an identity provider, can also be provided to applications in the form of claims in a security token.


For applications using OIDC, user profile attributes and authorization information can be delivered to applications as claims in an ID Token or in the response from the OIDC Provider’s UserInfo endpoint. Applications using SAML 2 can receive the information via attribute statements in a SAML 2 assertion. For resource servers (APIs) using OAuth 2, such information can be delivered via standard and custom claims, such as described for JWT-format access tokens,vii provided the issuing authorization server supports such a feature. User profile information such as a user’s roles, groups, or a purchased subscription level, and factors such as a user’s IP address or strength of authentication method, can be delivered to an application or API in this way. An application can use the information to tailor the application user interface for the user’s allowed capabilities, and an application back end or API can use it to perform access policy enforcement. An example showing the delivery of user profile information via an ID Token to support access enforcement is shown in Figure 8-2. In this example, the application is a movie rental application where users can purchase different subscription levels (such as bronze, silver, and gold) to get access to different selections of movies. The ID Token delivers to the application the user’s purchased subscription level.

A schematic representation of access enforcement. The front end of the application redirects to open I D provider leading to the back end, providing U I for gold subscription to the front end.

Figure 8-2

Delivering Authorization Attributes to an Application

  1. 1.

    The user redirected to login at the OIDC OpenID Provider.

  2. 2.

    The ID Token includes the user’s purchased subscription.

  3. 3.

    Subscription data in the ID Token is used to determine the list of movies displayed.

  4. 4.

    The user selects a movie to view.

  5. 5.

    The application back end checks the user has the required subscription level for their selected movie.


In the example, the information in the ID Token about a user’s subscription level is used to display to the user the movies they are entitled to rent. It is also used to perform access policy enforcement. Even though the front end is designed to restrict the list of movies to what the user can view, a malicious user might find a way to get around this, so the access policy enforcement check must be made in the application back end where it cannot be circumvented.

This example uses OIDC, but applications using SAML 2 can follow a similar model, obtaining authorization data from the SAML 2 assertion. This example assumes that the user profile attributes, such as the user’s subscription level, are stored in a centralized repository available to the OIDC Provider. Centralizing such information is useful if there are several applications relying on the same user profile attributes.

Alternatively, a stand-alone application may implement features in the application user interface for the administration of authorization and store all authorization information within the application’s data store. In this case, the application may only need from the OIDC Provider a claim for the identity of the authenticated user. The application would then use that identity to look up authorization information for the user in its own data store and perform the necessary policy enforcement.

Another possible model involves an API Gateway deployed in front of an application’s back-end API or set of APIs. API Gateways can inspect incoming API requests, route them to an appropriate API, and perform load balancing and failover. They can also handle authentication and authorization of requests coming to APIs. As described earlier in this section, application APIs can make use of claims in an access token to perform access enforcement, and API Gateways that support OAuth 2 can be used to perform a similar function.


Before relying on any information in a security token, an application must validate the token. In the case of an ID Token, validation steps include
  • Validate the ID Token is a correctly formatted JWT (JSON Web Token)

  • Validate the signature on the ID Token

  • Check that the token has not expired

  • Check the issuer is the correct OpenID Provider

  • Check the intended audience for the token is the application

Be sure to check the latest protocol specifications for further guidance, in case of updates, as well as the documentation for your OpenID Provider for the exact validation steps required by their implementation. Similarly, an application receiving a SAML 2 assertion must validate the assertion. This will include steps such as checking that the assertion is signed, validating the signature on the assertion, validating the issuer is a trusted provider, and checking the assertion is within its validity period. Again, check with your SAML provider for the complete list of validation requirements. Once a security token has been validated, the application or API can use relevant claims within the token for access policy enforcement.

Application Authorization

The second case of authorization and policy enforcement is that of applications calling APIs.

Application Attributes

With OAuth 2, application requests to call APIs on a user’s behalf are authorized by the user, but requests to call APIs on the application’s own behalf are authorized by an authorization server based on configured policy. This policy is typically configured in advance of an application calling an API. If the number of applications or API endpoints is small, the policy specification may be expressed by indicating the specific applications authorized to call specific API endpoints. In scenarios with large numbers of client applications or API endpoints, with widely varying authorization requirements for each, policy specification can become complex. There is no widely adopted standard for such policy administration and specification, so the options available from authorization servers, especially to support complex cases, vary.


An application that makes an OAuth 2 request for authorization to call an API can specify its requested scope of access using the scopes parameter to the authorization request. For example, an application requesting an access token for an OpenID Provider’s UserInfo endpoint to retrieve user attributes might use “scope = openid profile email”. An application calling a third-party API to retrieve a user’s documents might request a scope of “get:documents”. In these examples, the requested API resources are owned by the user, so the OAuth 2 authorization server will prompt the user, displaying the scopes requested by the application, and ask for the user’s consent for the access request before issuing an access token.

There aren’t any official rules about how to make use of OAuth 2 scopes, but as a simple string, constrained by URL length limits, scopes may be best suited for simple scenarios like these, where an authorization server requests easily described authorization from a user to allow an application to act on their behalf. For other, more complex access policy scenarios, a richer request mechanism is often needed.

Several newer specifications provide additional capabilities for authorization requests. While still in draft form, the Rich Authorization Requestviii (RAR) specification defines the ability to submit complex authorization requests to authorization servers in the form of a JSON object. A request can specify information using a set of standardized fields as well as custom-defined fields. Standard fields are defined for request attributes such as the location of resources, the privileges requested, and actions to be performed. A RAR is submitted to an authorization server using the authorization_details parameter, which can be used with requests where the scope parameter can be used. For resources owned by a user, an authorization server can prompt the user to authorize access using information in the RAR. For resources owned by an application, the authorization server can compare the request parameters in the RAR to policy configured in the authorization server to decide whether to issue an access token.

Applications can also encapsulate an authorization request and its parameters in a JWT-secured Authorization Request (JAR)ix which enables the application to digitally sign and optionally encrypt the request object. This provides for better authenticity and confidentiality for request parameters. An authorization request can also be pushed by the application directly to an authorization server using a Pushed Authorization Requestx (PAR). After pushing an authorization request, the application receives a request URI, which it can reference when it makes the authorization call to the authorization server via the browser (or other user agent), further reducing the exposure of authorization request information via browser interaction.

With the client credentials grant, the requested API resources are owned by the application, and no user interaction is required. The privileges granted to each application are specified in the authorization server (or a policy server accessed from it). An authorization server can compare the information in an authorization request with policy configured in the authorization server to decide whether to issue an access token. For scenarios with complex policy, a RAR may be useful to express relevant details of the authorization request.

It is beyond the scope of this book to provide detailed guidance on how to make authorization requests for scenarios with complex access control policy, but a few points are worth considering in designing the authorization requests for an API:
  • When access requests are displayed for a user’s authorization, it must be easy for a user to understand the access they are granting.

  • Users may be unwilling to authorize requests with confusing or overly broad scopes.

  • If an application requests many scopes in one authorization request, the request may hit URL length limits.

  • If an application has to make many authorization requests, such as when very granular scopes are used, it can generate a lot of traffic to the authorization server.

  • Frequently prompting users for authorization may cause users to click “ok” without paying much attention to the request.

  • Information needed for access policy decisions can be conveyed in authorization requests by other means than scopes, such as via Rich Authorization Requests (RARs).

  • Where supported, custom claims in access tokens can convey additional information useful to APIs for policy enforcement.

  • The use of JWT-secured Authorization Requests (JARs) and Pushed Authorization Requests (PARs) enables increased integrity protection and confidentiality for authorization requests and their parameters.

  • Access policy decisions and enforcement may be handled by a combination of authorization servers, API Gateways, and APIs.


Regardless of whether the protected resource is owned by the user or the application, if the request is authorized, the authorization server will issue an access token to the application for the requested API. An authorization server may allow adding additional custom claims to an access token, such as claims about the user, including user profile attributes and roles they’ve been assigned. These additional claims may be useful to an API in enforcing access. Support for extensibility via custom claims and attributes about users may vary by individual authorization server implementations.


An API must validate an access token and perform access policy enforcement to make sure the application’s request is permitted before responding. The steps to validate and obtain information about an access token will vary depending on the authorization server’s implementation for access tokens. You should check the authorization server documentation for details about how to validate any tokens it issues. Once the access token has been validated, the API can use the information in the token, including any custom claims if allowed, to perform its own access policy enforcement before responding to the request.

For example, an application may call an API with a valid access token that contains the scope “get:documents” which allows it to retrieve documents. The API still needs to perform more granular checks, such as whether the specific user, on whose behalf the request is made, is allowed to access the specific documents requested, and whether the authentication mechanism used to authenticate the user met or exceeded the access requirements for the requested documents. Similarly, a banking application client may have an access token that allows it to request a transfer of funds, but the API that receives the request must check, among other things, that the transfer-from account has sufficient funds for the requested transfer. An API may be in a better position than an authorization server to enforce that type of detailed, application-specific enforcement check.

Authorization and Enforcement Extensions

Some identity providers have implemented proprietary mechanisms on top of SAML, OIDC, and OAuth in order to provide access enforcement capabilities for applications and resource servers. This enables application administrators to define access policy in the administrative interface for the identity provider using a combination of privileges, roles, groups and rules. When an application makes an authorization request, the identity provider can check the access policies it contains and return an unauthorized status if the requesting user doesn’t satisfy the access policies for the request. This relieves the application or resource server from having to implement some policy enforcement logic. There is no standard governing such authorization and enforcement extensions, so check your identity provider’s documentation for information regarding any such capabilities.

Leveraging an identity provider for access enforcement may be feasible for applications with simple access control policies. However, applications and APIs often have to take on a significant portion of authorization and access enforcement responsibility for more complex scenarios, as when there is a large number of resources with specific access requirements (such as granular access governing documents in a file system) or when applications must check user profile attributes like “region” that govern tasks such as running a regional month-end close in a financial system. If nothing else, it is challenging to make the administrative interface of access policy understandable when application-specific actions and policies need to be mapped onto a generic identity provider’s administrative user interface. It is critical that administrators understand what they have done when they use an interface to specify access policy.

To understand the access requirements for your application, you can inventory the data objects involved in your application. For each item in the inventory, identify the functions that can be performed on it. Be sure to include functions beyond the basic create, read, update, and delete tasks, such as triggering a month-end financial close or certifying a set of audit records. Then consider the policy for who can do each task or operate on each data object and under what conditions. Having a good understanding of your required access policy can help you evaluate if an identity provider’s authorization capabilities will be sufficient for your application.

You should also consider how access policy will be administered. Some providers may have an administrative user interface for specifying policy. If the provider only has an API, you may have to develop a custom interface to enable the specification of policy at the identity provider. Creating a custom administrative interface based on a provider’s administrative API or using their administrative interface may lock you into using that provider more strongly than simply using a provider’s authentication and authorization capabilities. Decisions about where and how to administer policy should be made consciously and strategically rather than solely by convenience.

The specification of access policy can quickly become even more complex if there is a need for delegated administration, where different people administer different portions of the policy. For example, in a large enterprise, managers (rather than centralized administrators) may assign their team members to access control roles or groups because the managers know what each person’s job requires. In this case, an interface is needed to specify policy for who can administer each part of the access policy as well as provide a delegated administration interface for managers to assign roles or groups to people. Be sure to consider your requirements for access policy, policy administration, delegated administration, and policy enforcement before deciding upon a solution for access control.


Authorization involves the granting of privileges, whereas access policy enforcement is a check done at the time a resource is requested, to validate the requestor has been granted the requisite privileges for the request. Authorization and access policy enforcement may be used to govern what a user can do in an application as well as whether an application can make a request to an API.

User authorization may be based on static factors in a user’s profile and/or dynamic factors evaluated at the time of authentication, both of which can be delivered to an application in a security token. Application authorization may be based on scopes or more complex parameters and approved by a user or based on configuration in an authorization server and represented by an access token delivered to an application to call an API.

Identity providers may provide custom features that aid access policy enforcement, but applications and APIs often need to implement at least some access policy enforcement themselves. When deciding upon the best option for your application, take into account your access control policy requirements, policy administration requirements, and access policy enforcement requirements as well as which entity in your architecture is best positioned to satisfy each.

In addition to authorizing and enforcing access policy, it is important to consider how frequently to renew access, and this first requires an understanding of sessions, which is the topic of our next chapter.

Key Points

  • Authorization is the granting of privileges to access protected resources.

  • Access policy enforcement is done when a request is made and checks if a requestor has been granted sufficient authorization for the request.

  • Authorization and access policy enforcement apply to users accessing applications as well as applications calling APIs.

  • There are many models for specifying access policy, including access control lists, role-based access control, and attribute-based access control.

  • Roles and groups are used to facilitate the administration of authorization and access policy.

  • Authorization policy for users may be based upon user profile attributes or dynamic factors evaluated at the time a user authenticates or makes a request.

  • Authorization for applications to call APIs is granted by users or authorization servers depending on the OAuth 2 grant type used.

  • Authorization and access policy enforcement can be specified on multiple levels.

  • OAuth 2 scopes are likely best suited for simple authorization scenarios where users authorize easily expressed requests to access APIs on their behalf.

  • Applications with complex access policy and enforcement needs should consider the use of JWT-secured Authorization Requests (JARs), Rich Authorization Requests (RARs), and Pushed Authorization Requests (PARs).

  • Claims in security tokens can be used as a basis for access policy enforcement decisions in applications and APIs.

  • Security tokens must be validated before their claims are used for security decisions.

  • Some identity providers have proprietary features that provide simple access policy enforcement.

  • Access policy decisions and enforcement may be handled by a combination of authorization servers, API Gateways, and APIs.

  • Remember to consider requirements for access policy, policy administration, delegated policy administration, and policy enforcement when designing access control for your application.


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