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Y. Wilson, A. HingnikarSolving Identity Management in Modern Applicationshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8261-8_18

18. Less Common Requirements

Yvonne Wilson1   and Abhishek Hingnikar2
San Francisco, CA, USA
London, UK

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

—Robert Frost, American poet, from “The Road Not Taken” (1916)

Previous chapters covered common identity management use cases. In this chapter, we’ll share some less common requirements that may apply to your project. Identifying the need for them early in a project can help you avoid surprises and project delays. We’ve organized these scenarios loosely around people, accounts, and environments.


Several requirements stem from activities, changes, or relationships in the life of people.

Family Accounts

With services that can be shared between members of a household, such as movie streaming, it may be necessary to associate multiple family members with a family account. For accountability purposes, it is often better to allow the association of different user accounts, each with their own login credential(s), with a family or shared account rather than encouraging multiple users to log in with the same user account. This sharing requirement can apply to insurance, digital libraries, cellular service providers, healthcare, or other services traditionally shared among members of a family or household. In addition, one family member may need to be informed about, or communicate on behalf of, another person such as a minor child or an elderly adult. For such family-oriented services, applications may need to recognize all family members associated with an account as well as what each family member can do for others.

Temporary Positions

In corporate settings, temporary accounts are sometimes needed for contractors, interns, or partner workers. If temporary accounts are not governed by a company’s normal account management processes, they might not be terminated when the temporary working relationship is over. A best practice is to set an expiration date for temporary accounts and require the manager of a temporary worker to periodically approve renewal of the temporary account. If the account is not renewed, it should be disabled. The sensitivity of the privileges allowed by the temporary account’s access can determine the appropriate frequency for account review and renewal.

Status Transition

Another corporate requirement involves a person who transitions from working in one capacity to another, such as a temporary contract worker transitioning to full-time employee status or vice versa. If temporary workers are registered and administered separately from employees, but all sources feed into one identity provider, it might be possible for two accounts for the same person to exist at the same time which might cause ambiguity at best or unauthorized access at worst. If a person can transition from one status to another, processes should be designed to avoid duplicate accounts for the same person.

No Email Address

Many applications expect an email address attribute in a user’s profile. There may be cases, however, where users don’t have email addresses. Some businesses do not issue email addresses to employees who have no need to read email on the job. Parents of younger children may not allow them to have an email address. Some organizations may provide their users an email address but have privacy guidelines that prohibit the use of email addresses as account identifiers. Applications may need to accommodate users who do not have email addresses or restrictions on where an email address can be used.

Identity Defederation

It may be necessary to support account defederation while otherwise leaving an account intact. For example, when a person terminates their relationship with an employer, they may need to use a personal account to access resources that they previously accessed via an account at the employer’s identity provider. If a company provides to employees a pension program, employees might sign in to the external pension website via their employer’s chosen identity provider. If an employee quits their job, their account at the corporate identity provider will cease to exist. The user will need their account at the pension system to be defederated from their employer’s identity provider so they can log in with an individual account local to the pension system, or perhaps federated to another identity provider operated by a government entity or a social provider. In general, defederation is needed when a user can sever a relationship with an organization, but is still entitled to access resources there that they previously accessed via a federated identity operated by that organization.


Another category of requirements is associated with users’ accounts.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions can create identity management challenges. It is advantageous for a company to have a single identity repository against which all users are authenticated. When a company acquires or merges with another company, it is common for the identity repositories of the two companies to be merged, which may require resolving duplicate usernames to achieve username uniqueness in the new merged entity.

Changing usernames to eliminate duplicates may impact applications. When a user is authenticated by a centralized identity provider, an identifier for the user is passed to applications. If an application maintains a user profile or data records that contain the user’s identifier, the identifier passed to the application from an identity provider must match the identifier for the user in the application. If a user’s identifier is changed as part of a merger, ([email protected] becomes [email protected] or “mary” becomes “mary.smith”), an identity provider may need to translate identifiers so the user can authenticate with a new identifier but have their former identifier passed to legacy applications still using the old identifier.

Alternatively, user identifier changes can be implemented in applications. This should be done with care, however, as it may require updating data records within the application besides the user’s profile. This can become complicated, so it may be easiest to have an identity provider pass old usernames to legacy applications until the legacy systems are replaced.

This scenario demonstrates why it is a bad idea to use a user’s email address (or other attributes which might change) as an account identifier throughout an application’s data records. It is better to use an internal account identifier throughout the application’s data records and treat the user’s email address as a user profile attribute that is used for communication purposes. This way, if the user’s email address or external identity needs to change, it can be changed in the user profile without impacting the rest of the application. Chapter 4 contains further discussion about decoupling user profile attributes that serve different purposes.

Account Linking

A common requirement, particularly in a consumer-facing environment, is to allow a user to sign up for an application account, entering user profile information required by the application, and then add the ability later for the user to log in to their local account via a social identity provider. This requirement can come about for several reasons, including
  • An application has a legacy data store of identities but wants to offer users the convenience of logging in via a remote identity provider, most commonly a social identity provider.

  • A user wants to try out a new application without granting the application access to their profile at a social identity provider. If they like the application, the user would later want to leverage their social identity provider account to log in to the application.

Applications typically want to remove as many barriers to usage as possible. Allowing a user to log in via a remote identity provider means the user can log in with credentials they may use frequently and are more likely to remember than an application-specific credential. Furthermore, if the user has an existing authentication session with the identity provider when they access the application, the user may get right into the application via single sign-on, for even more convenience.

Account linking can be used to link remote accounts to a local application account. Linking is useful because accounts are associated with a particular context. For example, a local application account with identifier[email protected]” is a different account than an account at a remote identity provider that uses the same identifier. If a user signs up for an application account using identifier[email protected]” and then logs in with the identifier and credentials specified at sign-up, she will access the local application account created as a result of her sign-up. However, if Mary then signs in to the application via a social identity provider, the application will receive a security token with various claims about Mary. The claims might include an internal identifier specific to that provider and a claim about her email address. However, Mary might have used a different identifier or email address at the social provider. Unless the application has a way to associate the social provider account attributes with the user’s local account, the user won’t be able to access their existing application account when they sign in via the social provider.

It is risky for an application to make an automatic association between accounts based simply on matching attributes because a remote account may not have validated user profile data. Therefore, it is best for any linking between accounts to be made explicitly using a process such as the following, which requires a user to authenticate to both accounts to prove ownership of each, before the accounts are linked:
  • The user logs in to a local application account, proving ownership of that account.

  • The local application provides a list of remote identity providers supported for linking.

  • The user selects the remote identity provider for a second account to be linked, such as a social provider.

  • The application triggers an authentication request to the remote identity provider to authenticate the user.

  • The user authenticates to the remote identity provider, proving ownership of their account at the provider.

  • The application receives a security token from the remote identity provider with claims about the user.

  • The application uses claims in the security token to associate an identifier for the remote account with the local account for the user. It may add a user identifier from the security token to the local account’s user profile as a secondary identifier.

  • When a user authenticates, if the user selects local authentication, the application searches through the primary account identifier, and if the user logs in via a remote provider, the application searches through any secondary, linked identifiers in the user profiles to find the appropriate account for the user.

In this example, the linking steps establish a link between a user’s account at a social identity provider and their previously established, local account in an application. The user must authenticate to both accounts to prove ownership of them and give the application the user’s identifier at the remote identity provider. The authentication to the accounts to be linked can be done in any order, but it must be done, to prevent the risk of account takeover via account linking. It’s important to note that automatic linking of accounts that have the same value for a profile attribute such as email address, without the explicit dual authentication step, should be avoided, to prevent the possibility of unauthorized account takeover. If automatic account linking is done between accounts with unvalidated attributes, such as an email address, accounts could be erroneously linked that belong to different people. Lastly, if account linking is implemented, it should be possible for users to unlink accounts they have previously linked, in case the user wishes to stop using a linked account for some reason. This might occur if an account is compromised or if a user wants to stop using a particular identity provider. Implemented properly, account linking can provide a convenience for users to log in via different identity providers and still access the same account.

Progressive Profiling

Progressive profiling can be used to avoid having to collect a lot of information from a user at once. A user can sign up for an application account with minimal information, and progressive profiling can then add to that data over time. The gathering of additional profile attributes can be done upon subsequent uses of the application or when it is needed for a specific type of transaction. A user can even sign in to an application using a remote identity provider, and the application can create a local account for them with information from the remote provider. A user can then be prompted to supply additional profile attributes either before or after they are redirected to that identity provider, with information from both sources merged into the local application’s profile for the user.


Impersonation is defined as the ability of one person to log in to an application as if they were another person and perform any task as that person. The most common use case is the need for support personnel to log in to an application as another user and see what the user experiences in order to troubleshoot an issue. Unfortunately, such a capability has the potential to be abused, and it can be challenging to retrofit secure, restricted impersonation capabilities into an existing application. Rather than building impersonation capabilities directly into a primary application accessible by your entire user population, you can reduce risk and liability by creating a separate application with a subset of features needed by the impersonators and making it only accessible to such users.

For example, to reduce the risk of unauthorized or accidental activity by support staff impersonating real users, a separate troubleshooting application can be created that is restricted to viewing only the data needed for troubleshooting. For example, it could provide view access to customer account configuration and data, for troubleshooting, but not the ability to modify customer data or initiate transactions. The troubleshooting application should log all activity for audit purposes. In addition, automatic monitoring of logs for anomalous activity should be implemented. Ideally, consent should be obtained from account owners before the troubleshooting application allows access to an account. Needless to say, the troubleshooting application should be protected with rigorous security measures and accessible only by authorized staff, with the list of authorized users reviewed frequently. This approach can reduce the risk of unauthorized activity via impersonation.


Another use case sometimes referred to as delegation is when one user needs to grant another user the ability to act on their behalf, for a specific subset of tasks or data. A busy executive, for example, may delegate some chores to an executive assistant. The executive’s assistant would be granted access to perform tasks on their behalf. A variant of this is when an employee goes on vacation and needs to delegate ownership of their tasks (such as support tickets) to another person while they are away. In both cases, one user needs to be granted access to perform specific actions on behalf of another user. Such capabilities are best designed into an application as the granting of delegation privileges is quite application specific. For example, an executive may wish to delegate to an assistant the ability to approve expense reports, but only up to a certain amount. Application logging should be delegation-aware so that all activity done by delegates is logged and shows both the delegating and delegated identities involved, for a full audit trail. The task-specific nature of delegation and need for audit logging makes it best implemented within an application itself.


Last but not least, we have a few use cases related to an application’s environment.

Shared Workstations

There are some environments where users log in to shared kiosks or workstations. Such environments provide a shared device that is used by many users. Examples can be found on manufacturing shop floors, medical offices, and point-of-sale systems. With the same device used by multiple people, it is important to have each user log in when they start a session and log off when they complete a session.

In some environments, such as food service, it may be necessary to support a very fast transition between users where users simply enter a four-digit PIN to begin a session. Such PINs share the weaknesses of short passwords. Requiring users to remember and enter long passwords may be infeasible, and issuing users a badge with a stronger credential requires them to remember to bring the badge to work each day, which may also be infeasible. In environments that experience high employee turnover, issuing and decommissioning such badges could be expensive. Biometric solutions may be too expensive for businesses with low margins and involve the risk of a biometric factor being compromised or spoofed. The right solution for a particular environment will need to consider the sensitivity of data or actions involved, the user population, and costs.

Having users log in at the beginning of a session is easy enough, but ensuring that a user logs out is more challenging because users may get distracted and forget to log out before walking away. Implementing a session timeout after a short period of inactivity can help protect users. Bank ATM machines provide a good example, asking after every transaction if the user wants to do another, and if there is no response within a short period of time, the session is immediately terminated. For applications that run in a browser, it is helpful to use a browser that supports ephemeral sessions and to set browser policy to force ephemeral sessions so that information from previous users’ sessions is cleaned up. If your application may be used on shared devices, it’s also important to consider if information could be leaked through other means, such as temporary files, and mitigate any risks found. Such steps can prevent user sessions and data from being compromised on shared devices.

Identity Provider Discovery

With an employee-facing environment, there is usually one identity provider to authenticate all users. In other scenarios, such as a multitenant application used by many businesses, each business may have its own identity provider configured, and the application may need to determine the appropriate identity provider for a user needing to log in. This has been called identity provider discovery or home realm discovery. When there are multiple possible identity providers, mechanisms to identify which to use for each user include
  • The user selects the appropriate identity provider from a list.

  • The user selects or enters information about their organization, and a lookup is performed to determine the correct identity provider.

  • Derive the identity provider from an environment factor such as the originating application or domain.

  • Obtain the identity provider from information in a browser cookie, if available, and revert to one of the previous methods if not.

If an application has multiple identity providers configured for authenticating users, one of these options can help determine the correct identity provider for a user.

Multitenant Applications

Multitenant applications serve multiple tenants with a single running instance of the application, where a tenant is a group of related users sharing access to a group of resources managed by the application. While multitenant applications themselves are quite common, they pose some unique challenges related to identity management. Users are typically authorized to access specific tenants. Scenarios where a user might need to access multiple tenants include consultants working for multiple corporate clients or administrative employees needing access to test and production tenants of a corporate application.

If a given user is authorized to access multiple tenants, the appropriate tenant can be determined by mechanisms such as
  • Requiring users to have a different identity for each tenant

  • Providing a tenant selection mechanism before or after login

The first option may not be very convenient for users. The second option is often achieved by including the tenant name in the URL by which a user accesses the application or by providing a tenant selection mechanism for the user. Obviously, there needs to be an access check so that only authorized users can select or access a tenant.

In addition to routing a user to a specific tenant, there may be a requirement to enable different authentication policies across tenants. For a business-facing application, it may be necessary to allow the administrators for each tenant to configure different identity-related preferences, such as password strength requirements, the identity provider(s) by which to authenticate users, or the allowed length of single sign-on sessions. It may also be necessary to support the ability of customers to retrieve log data but only for their tenant. In short, a multitenant application has to satisfy all the usual identity-related requirements, but may have to provide the ability for each tenant to have their own identity-related configuration settings as well as access to identity-related log data for their tenant.


We’ve covered several less common use cases that might apply to your environment to help you identify such requirements early in a project. In the next chapter, we’ll cover some mistakes that have led to breaches to help you avoid a similar scenario.

Key Points

  • Applications may need to accommodate family relationships, temporary accounts, users changing status, and users who may need to defederate their identity.

  • Users in some scenarios may not have email accounts.

  • Merging of identity repositories during company mergers may require changing usernames and supporting legacy applications’ need for old usernames.

  • Account linking allows users to link multiple remote identities to one local account and authenticate with any of them to use that account.

  • Progressive profiling enables an application to build up user profiles over time.

  • Impersonation for support purposes has potential for abuse which can be mitigated with customized troubleshooting applications.

  • If an application supports multiple identity providers, a discovery mechanism is needed to determine the correct identity provider to use for each user.

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