© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2023
Y. Wilson, A. HingnikarSolving Identity Management in Modern Applicationshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8261-8_15

15. Deprovisioning

Yvonne Wilson1   and Abhishek Hingnikar2
San Francisco, CA, USA
London, UK

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?

—Edgar Allan Poe, American author, from The Premature Burial (1844)

The final event in the life of an identity is deprovisioning, when an account and associated identity attributes are deleted or disabled so they can no longer be used. When an account is terminated, there are several design points to consider related to how to delete or disable accounts, what identity information to keep, and for how long.

Account Termination

An account may be terminated for several reasons. An account may be deleted by the account owner if they no longer need to use a service. An account may also be deleted by an administrator of a service if the account appears to have been abandoned or if a customer has abused a service in violation of terms of service. With a paid service, termination may result if a user fails to pay for the service. In a university setting, a student’s account may be terminated when the student graduates. In a corporate setting, an account may be terminated if an employee leaves the company’s employ. Regardless of the reason, upon termination, it is necessary to render the account so it can no longer be used to access resources. As we will see in the following sections, simply deleting an account may not be an appropriate solution for this.

Best Practices

Processes for the deprovisioning of accounts and identity information should be designed with several best practices in mind. These range from ensuring it gets done in a timely fashion to protecting against accidental account deletion and from enabling customers to transfer data elsewhere to satisfying privacy rights and requests for secure deletion. The exact requirements will vary by environment. This section will describe many common requirements associated with deprovisioning to help you identify which might be necessary for your projects.

Just Do It

The best practice for deprovisioning is to make sure it gets done in a timely fashion. If an account is no longer needed, it should be immediately disabled so it cannot be hijacked by an unauthorized user. Unfortunately, deprovisioning is notoriously overlooked in settings that lack mature identity management. To minimize the possibility of abandoned or unused accounts, you should implement automation to trigger periodic account review and to deprovision accounts that are unused or no longer appropriate. In a company setting, an HR system may initiate a deprovisioning workflow when a user is terminated. In a university environment, a student information system may trigger account deprovisioning upon graduation, at least for access reserved for current students. Automation can detect accounts that have not been used for a long time and privileges that are not aligned with a user’s profile. Even the best automation fails at some point, however, so a periodic manual audit of existing accounts is essential to find accounts and privileges that are no longer appropriate so they can be deprovisioned. In consumer-facing environments, it may be appropriate to consider deprovisioning accounts which have had no activity for many years.

Provide a Soft Delete Technique

Human beings make mistakes. If you provide a “delete account” button, it’s almost guaranteed that someone will delete their account by mistake. To save yourself the trouble of restoring customer data when that occurs, you can make it harder to erroneously delete an account by implementing a soft delete. This can take the form of a confirmation screen (“Caution: Are you sure you want to delete your account? This cannot be undone!”) and marking an account as deleted while providing a grace period before the account is truly deleted. During the grace period, an “undelete account” capability should be available. You can also send a confirmation email at the beginning of the grace period explaining that the account is marked for removal and will be permanently deleted at the end of the grace period. The email can include instructions for how to reverse the account deletion if it was done in error. While not foolproof, these ideas may prevent some accidental account removals and the work to restore mistakenly deleted accounts.

If you implement a soft delete that delays the actual account deletion, privacy compliance may require that you include in your site’s privacy notice and/or Terms and Conditions an explanation that deleted accounts will not be deleted immediately and why. As privacy laws vary by jurisdiction, you will need to consult the privacy laws relevant for your application to determine what is required.

Reserve Deprovisioned Identities

When deprovisioning accounts, it is best to preserve a list of deleted account identifiers and prevent each identifier from being reused by a new owner in the future. If this is not done, a new person could create an account with a previously used identifier and might be able to request a restore of historical data associated with that identifier to get data that belonged to the previous owner of the account. If a deleted account identifier was used in a single sign-on scenario and was used to access multiple applications, the owner of a new account with the same identifier might be able to access the previous person’s data in those applications. This is especially important if an email address is used as the sole identifier for an account. (See Chapter 4 for why this is problematic.) By reserving previously used identifiers and checking all new identifiers for uniqueness against both active and deprovisioned accounts, several issues can be avoided.

Preserve Account Record

You never know when unauthorized activity might be detected. It could be weeks or even months after the fact. Because a fraud investigation may arise at any time, even after an account has been closed, you need to consider whether information about deleted accounts should be kept for some period of time, including transactions, the time they were submitted, the accounts that performed them, identity data linked to the accounts, and any other information needed for forensic evidence. When an account is deleted, it may be appropriate to preserve some account identity information along with the date, time, and reason why an account was disabled or terminated. If an account is terminated due to abuse, keeping sufficient records may help identify if a user attempts to open another account, at least with the same identity data.

One caveat is that privacy regulations require that data be kept only as long as needed for legitimate business purposes, and users have the right to request that personal data about them be erased. These rights may conflict with the need to have backups and audit logs. In practice, approaches are being worked out to satisfy the intent of privacy rights as well as operational system needs. Such approaches include minimizing data that is retained, encrypting and restricting access to retained data, and following defined data retention policies and procedures. Such policies and procedures should be created with guidance from legal and privacy advisors to ensure alignment with best current practices.

Data Transfer

It may be helpful or even required to provide customers a means to download or transfer data out of your service. Users may have this right, at least for personal information, as part of privacy legislation. Providing such a feature for all of a customer’s data may make customers who worry about vendor lock-in more likely to sign up because they know if they are unhappy, they can take their data and go elsewhere. Corporate customers will often request the ability to periodically obtain an extract of all their data to protect themselves against a vendor failure.

For consumer users, the most scalable option is to provide a self-service means to download customer-owned data. The feature to download data can be shown in the “Delete account” process as an option before the account is deleted. You should consider the data formats that will be most useful to customers. For sensitive data, you should have a procedure to validate the requestor before providing a data dump. Requiring step-up authentication or at least reauthentication to obtain the data is one good precaution. This protects a user’s data if they have walked away from their keyboard without locking their screen.

For corporate or business customers, there are a few more points to consider. It may make sense to require the involvement of two people from the customer in the request process to prevent a lone actor from downloading sensitive corporate data for unauthorized purposes. Once suitable customer validation is obtained for the download request, it should be provided in the most direct, self-service manner to minimize the service provider’s access to the customer’s data. For example, if a data dump were done manually by the service provider, it might be downloaded to a person’s laptop or transferred to the customer by a channel that introduces risk.

For corporate customer data that involves user identities and passwords, the passwords should have been stored in a hashed format and may not be usable elsewhere if different hashing functions are used. Chapter 4 discusses options for migrating user identity data between systems. As with consumer users, thought should be given to the data format for a transfer as well as the security of the transfer process. Even if a customer is leaving, providing a good experience may keep a future opportunity open.

Privacy Right to Erasure

When a user deletes their account, it may not be enough to simply delete data your own service holds about a user. Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides consumers the right to erasure, commonly referred to as the right to be forgotten, which enables a user to request that an organization delete the data it has about the user.i Under Article 19 of the GDPR, data controllers are obligated to communicate an erasure request to any data processors to whom they’ve given personal data.ii The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA),iii the Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA),iv and the Colorado Privacy Act (CPA)v in the United States contain similar requirements, and future legislation enacted by other US states will likely follow suit. Users who wish to delete their account may wish to exercise their right to erasure, which may require deleting data in an application’s user repository and possibly other data processor services.

It should be noted that the right of erasure does not nullify other obligations a business or organization may have that require keeping records, including those which contain personal information. There are several exceptions to the right to erasure. Article 17, paragraph 3, of the GDPR outlines several situations where the right of erasure does not apply. These include the fulfillment of legal obligations on the part of a data controller or processor, supporting rights for freedom of information and establishing, exercising, or defending legal claims. The CCPA, VCDPA, and CPA also provide for several exceptions. Financial institutions may have legal obligations to retain records with personal information for a period of time after an account is closed. Healthcare organizations often are required to retain healthcare-related records for a period after the date of service. Even small businesses have legal obligations to retain employment and tax records for a period of time.

Privacy legislation may dictate allowed mechanisms for users to make erasure requests and timeframes in which organizations must respond as well as whether confirmation notices are required. Unfortunately for businesses, there are differences between the privacy legislation enacted in different jurisdictions. Balancing privacy rights and other legal obligations can be complex, so you should define a data retention policy and procedures for handling erasure requests, in consultation with legal and privacy experts.

Certificate of Deletion

In addition to having procedures for disabling and terminating individual user accounts for privacy reasons, corporate customers that terminate their use of a service may request that their corporate account be deleted. This can include the user data of administrative users associated with the account, application data related to the service, and user data. Customers may request a certificate of deletion that states that all their data has been deleted. If sensitive data is involved, including data about users, customers may request a certificate of secure deletion. This demonstrates their due diligence to ensure data they’ve given to vendors has been deleted when no longer needed, which helps protect sensitive information.

Secure Delete

It can be surprisingly complex to “completely delete” data. Simply issuing a delete command in a database or to delete a file may not completely delete the data. In some cases, such a delete simply removes pointers to the data, but does not alter the space on the disk where it was stored, allowing specially written tools to recover the data.

Various techniques have been employed to effect secure deletion. One approach is to encrypt data and throw away the encryption key. This effectively deletes the data because it can no longer be decrypted. This approach assumes the time required to decrypt the data using brute force mechanisms is significantly longer than the time during which the data is likely to be valuable to data thieves. Since it is impossible to predict how long this assumption will be true as well as the future value of data, this is not a reliable option.

Another method of deleting data from a disk or other magnetic storage media involves degaussing a disk. Information is stored on disks by magnetizing the surface of the disk with small pulses of electricity as the read/write head of the disk passes over it. A disk can be erased with a special tool called a degausser which generates a powerful magnetic field that scrambles and removes magnetic fields on a disk. This method may be feasible when all information on a disk needs to be removed, as when the disk will be completely decommissioned from use. A drawback is that degaussing, as with physical destruction of a disk, may render the disk unusable and contribute to e-waste. Degaussing to remove only one customer’s data is also not feasible in a cloud service where many customers’ data resides on the same disk.

When a disk stores data of many customers, one customer’s data can effectively be erased by overwriting the data with random 0s and 1s. The question is how many times the data must be overwritten in order to ensure that residual magnetic traces do not allow data recovery. The US Department of Defense (DoD) 5220.22-M protocol has been cited for this. The 1995 version of this standard indicated data should be overwritten three times. This is now considered obsolete however.vi For specific sanitization details, it has been superseded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) “Special Publication 800-88: Guidelines for Media Sanitization” which indicates that for most of today’s media, overwriting with a fixed pattern, such as all zeros, with at least one pass is sufficient.vii This technique would require a service to create features to perform the overwriting. Requirements for secure delete may vary by industry and country so researching requirements for your target customer base will provide the best guidance on secure account deletion expectations.

Consider Reprovisioning Requirements

It may be worth considering the likelihood of requests from customers to reprovision their previously deprovisioned account and establishing policies for this. It would constitute a security breach if an account were reprovisioned and given to someone other than the original authorized owner, so one option is to not support reprovisioning. If reprovisioning is to be supported, you’ll need procedures for validating that a requestor is an authorized owner of the original account. Any practices to support this should also be aligned with applicable privacy legislation.


When a relationship with an employee or customer ends, you may need to do more than just delete their account. You may need to preserve the identifier for the account and prevent it from being used again by someone else. Privacy legislation around the world often includes a right to erasure of personal data which may extend to subprocessors who process or store personal data you collect. You should create a data inventory to understand the data you collect and process and then create a data retention plan and erasure procedures in compliance with both privacy and legal advice. You may also need to satisfy requirements for secure delete procedures and provide certificates of deletion or confirmation notices.

We’ve now covered the key events in the life of an identity that your implementation will likely need to support. Since it is common during an implementation to need to troubleshoot a few issues, the next chapter covers advice on troubleshooting techniques for authentication and authorization issues.

Key Points

  • Deprovisioning deletes or disables an account and associated identity information so it can no longer be used to access protected resources.

  • Deprovisioning may be initiated by either an account owner or the owners of a service where the account resides.

  • Automation and periodic account review should be used to help identify accounts that are no longer needed.

  • A soft delete feature can be used to reduce accidental account deletion.

  • Identifiers for deprovisioned accounts should be reserved and not used for new accounts.

  • Data retention policies and procedures should be developed in consultation with legal and privacy experts.

  • Procedures may need to be created to enable customers to download their data for use elsewhere, as part of account deprovisioning.

  • Privacy legislation often includes a right to erasure. There may be requirements for how requests are to be made, timeframes for responses, and whether confirmations are sent. There are also several exceptions describing situations where data should not be erased.

  • It may be necessary to provide customers a certificate of deletion or to follow secure delete procedures as part of account deprovisioning.

  • Policies should be created for whether reprovisioning of accounts is allowed and, if so, the procedures to follow.


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