Chapter 2. Installing Kafka

This chapter describes how to get started with the Apache Kafka broker, including how to set up Apache Zookeeper, which is used by Kafka for storing metadata for the brokers. The chapter will also cover the basic configuration options for a Kafka deployment, as well as criteria for selecting the correct hardware to run the brokers on. Finally, we cover how to install multiple Kafka brokers as part of a single cluster and some specific concerns when using Kafka in a production environment.

First Things First

There are a few things that need to happen before using Apache Kafka. The following sections tell you what those things are.

Choosing an Operating System

Apache Kafka is a Java application, and can run on many operating systems. This includes Windows, MacOS, Linux, and others. The installation steps in this chapter will be focused on setting up and using Kafka in a Linux environment, as this is the most common OS on which it is installed. This is also the recommended OS for deploying Kafka for general use. For information on installing Kafka on Windows and MacOS, see Appendix A.

Installing Java

Prior to installing either Zookeeper or Kafka, you will need a Java environment set up and functioning. This should be a Java 8 version, and can be the version provided by your OS or one directly downloaded from Though Zookeeper and Kafka will work with a runtime edition of Java, it may be more convenient when developing tools and applications to have the full Java Development Kit (JDK). The installation steps will assume you have installed JDK version 8 update 51 in /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51.

Installing Zookeeper

Apache Kafka uses Zookeeper to store metadata about the Kafka cluster, as well as consumer client details, as shown in Figure 2-1. While it is possible to run a Zookeeper server using scripts contained in the Kafka distribution, it is trivial to install a full version of Zookeeper from the distribution.

ktdg 0201
Figure 2-1. Kafka and Zookeeper

Kafka has been tested extensively with the stable 3.4.6 release of Zookeeper, which can be downloaded from at

Standalone Server

The following example installs Zookeeper with a basic configuration in /usr/local/zookeeper, storing its data in /var/lib/zookeeper:

# tar -zxf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz
# mv zookeeper-3.4.6 /usr/local/zookeeper
# mkdir -p /var/lib/zookeeper
# cat > /usr/local/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg << EOF
> tickTime=2000
> dataDir=/var/lib/zookeeper
> clientPort=2181
# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51
# /usr/local/zookeeper/bin/ start
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /usr/local/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
Starting zookeeper ... STARTED

You can now validate that Zookeeper is running correctly in standalone mode by connecting to the client port and sending the four-letter command srvr:

# telnet localhost 2181
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Zookeeper version: 3.4.6-1569965, built on 02/20/2014 09:09 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/0
Received: 1
Sent: 0
Connections: 1
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0x0
Mode: standalone
Node count: 4
Connection closed by foreign host.

Zookeeper ensemble

A Zookeeper cluster is called an ensemble. Due to the algorithm used, it is recommended that ensembles contain an odd number of servers (e.g., 3, 5, etc.) as a majority of ensemble members (a quorum) must be working in order for Zookeeper to respond to requests. This means that in a three-node ensemble, you can run with one node missing. With a five-node ensemble, you can run with two nodes missing.

Sizing Your Zookeeper Ensemble

Consider running Zookeeper in a five-node ensemble. In order to make configuration changes to the ensemble, including swapping a node, you will need to reload nodes one at a time. If your ensemble cannot tolerate more than one node being down, doing maintenance work introduces additional risk. It is also not recommended to run more than seven nodes, as performance can start to degrade due to the nature of the consensus protocol.

To configure Zookeeper servers in an ensemble, they must have a common configuration that lists all servers, and each server needs a myid file in the data directory that specifies the ID number of the server. If the hostnames of the servers in the ensemble are,, and, the configuration file might look like this:


In this configuration, the initLimit is the amount of time to allow followers to connect with a leader. The syncLimit value limits how out-of-sync followers can be with the leader. Both values are a number of tickTime units, which makes the initLimit 20 * 2000 ms, or 40 seconds. The configuration also lists each server in the ensemble. The servers are specified in the format server.X=hostname:peerPort:leaderPort, with the following parameters:


The ID number of the server. This must be an integer, but it does not need to be zero-based or sequential.


The hostname or IP address of the server.


The TCP port over which servers in the ensemble communicate with each other.


The TCP port over which leader election is performed.

Clients only need to be able to connect to the ensemble over the clientPort, but the members of the ensemble must be able to communicate with each other over all three ports.

In addition to the shared configuration file, each server must have a file in the dataDir directory with the name myid. This file must contain the ID number of the server, which must match the configuration file. Once these steps are complete, the servers will start up and communicate with each other in an ensemble.

Installing a Kafka Broker

Once Java and Zookeeper are configured, you are ready to install Apache Kafka. The current release of Kafka can be downloaded at At press time, that version is running under Scala version 2.12.0.

The following example installs Kafka in /usr/local/kafka, configured to use the Zookeeper server started previously and to store the message log segments stored in /tmp/kafka-logs:

# tar -zxf kafka_2.12-
# mv kafka_2.12- /usr/local/kafka
# mkdir /tmp/kafka-logs
# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51
# /usr/local/kafka/bin/ -daemon

Once the Kafka broker is started, we can verify that it is working by performing some simple operations against the cluster creating a test topic, producing some messages, and consuming the same messages.

Create and verify a topic:

# /usr/local/kafka/bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181
--replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
Created topic "test".
# /usr/local/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper localhost:2181
--describe --topic test
Topic:test    PartitionCount:1    ReplicationFactor:1    Configs:
    Topic: test    Partition: 0    Leader: 0    Replicas: 0    Isr: 0

Produce messages to a test topic:

# /usr/local/kafka/bin/ --broker-list
localhost:9092 --topic test
Test Message 1
Test Message 2

Consume messages from a test topic:

# /usr/local/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper
localhost:2181 --topic test --from-beginning
Test Message 1
Test Message 2
Consumed 2 messages

Broker Configuration

The example configuration provided with the Kafka distribution is sufficient to run a standalone server as a proof of concept, but it will not be sufficient for most installations. There are numerous configuration options for Kafka that control all aspects of setup and tuning. Many options can be left to the default settings, as they deal with tuning aspects of the Kafka broker that will not be applicable until you have a specific use case to work with and a specific use case that requires adjusting these settings.

General Broker

There are several broker configuration parameters that should be reviewed when deploying Kafka for any environment other than a standalone broker on a single server. These parameters deal with the basic configuration of the broker, and most of them must be changed to run properly in a cluster with other brokers.

Every Kafka broker must have an integer identifier, which is set using the configuration. By default, this integer is set to 0, but it can be any value. The most important thing is that the integer must be unique within a single Kafka cluster. The selection of this number is arbitrary, and it can be moved between brokers if necessary for maintenance tasks. A good guideline is to set this value to something intrinsic to the host so that when performing maintenance it is not onerous to map broker ID numbers to hosts. For example, if your hostnames contain a unique number (such as,, etc.), that is a good choice for the value.


The example configuration file starts Kafka with a listener on TCP port 9092. This can be set to any available port by changing the port configuration parameter. Keep in mind that if a port lower than 1024 is chosen, Kafka must be started as root. Running Kafka as root is not a recommended configuration.


The location of the Zookeeper used for storing the broker metadata is set using the zookeeper.connect configuration parameter. The example configuration uses a Zookeeper running on port 2181 on the local host, which is specified as localhost:2181. The format for this parameter is a semicolon-separated list of hostname:port/path strings, which include:

  • hostname, the hostname or IP address of the Zookeeper server.

  • port, the client port number for the server.

  • /path, an optional Zookeeper path to use as a chroot environment for the Kafka cluster. If it is omitted, the root path is used.

If a chroot path is specified and does not exist, it will be created by the broker when it starts up.

Why Use a Chroot Path

It is generally considered to be good practice to use a chroot path for the Kafka cluster. This allows the Zookeeper ensemble to be shared with other applications, including other Kafka clusters, without a conflict. It is also best to specify multiple Zookeeper servers (which are all part of the same ensemble) in this configuration. This allows the Kafka broker to connect to another member of the Zookeeper ensemble in the event of server failure.


Kafka persists all messages to disk, and these log segments are stored in the directories specified in the log.dirs configuration. This is a comma-separated list of paths on the local system. If more than one path is specified, the broker will store partitions on them in a “least-used” fashion with one partition’s log segments stored within the same path. Note that the broker will place a new partition in the path that has the least number of partitions currently stored in it, not the least amount of disk space used, so an even distribution of data across multiple directories is not guaranteed.

Kafka uses a configurable pool of threads for handling log segments. Currently, this thread pool is used:

  • When starting normally, to open each partition’s log segments

  • When starting after a failure, to check and truncate each partition’s log segments

  • When shutting down, to cleanly close log segments

By default, only one thread per log directory is used. As these threads are only used during startup and shutdown, it is reasonable to set a larger number of threads in order to parallelize operations. Specifically, when recovering from an unclean shutdown, this can mean the difference of several hours when restarting a broker with a large number of partitions! When setting this parameter, remember that the number configured is per log directory specified with log.dirs. This means that if is set to 8, and there are 3 paths specified in log.dirs, this is a total of 24 threads.


The default Kafka configuration specifies that the broker should automatically create a topic under the following circumstances:

  • When a producer starts writing messages to the topic

  • When a consumer starts reading messages from the topic

  • When any client requests metadata for the topic

In many situations, this can be undesirable behavior, especially as there is no way to validate the existence of a topic through the Kafka protocol without causing it to be created. If you are managing topic creation explicitly, whether manually or through a provisioning system, you can set the auto.create.topics.enable configuration to false.

Topic Defaults

The Kafka server configuration specifies many default configurations for topics that are created. Several of these parameters, including partition counts and message retention, can be set per-topic using the administrative tools (covered in Chapter 9). The defaults in the server configuration should be set to baseline values that are appropriate for the majority of the topics in the cluster.

Using Per-Topic Overrides

In previous versions of Kafka, it was possible to specify per-topic overrides for these configurations in the broker configuration using the parameters log.retention.hours.per.topic, log.retention.bytes.per.topic, and log.segment.bytes.per.topic. These parameters are no longer supported, and overrides must be specified using the administrative tools.


The num.partitions parameter determines how many partitions a new topic is created with, primarily when automatic topic creation is enabled (which is the default setting). This parameter defaults to one partition. Keep in mind that the number of partitions for a topic can only be increased, never decreased. This means that if a topic needs to have fewer partitions than num.partitions, care will need to be taken to manually create the topic (discussed in Chapter 9).

As described in Chapter 1, partitions are the way a topic is scaled within a Kafka cluster, which makes it important to use partition counts that will balance the message load across the entire cluster as brokers are added. Many users will have the partition count for a topic be equal to, or a multiple of, the number of brokers in the cluster. This allows the partitions to be evenly distributed to the brokers, which will evenly distribute the message load. This is not a requirement, however, as you can also balance message load by having multiple topics.

How to Choose the Number of Partitions

There are several factors to consider when choosing the number of partitions:

  • What is the throughput you expect to achieve for the topic? For example, do you expect to write 100 KB per second or 1 GB per second?

  • What is the maximum throughput you expect to achieve when consuming from a single partition? A partition will always be consumed completely by a single consumer (as even when not using consumer groups, the consumer must read all messages in the partition). If you know that your slower consumer writes the data to a database and this database never handles more than 50 MB per second from each thread writing to it, then you know you are limited to 50 MB/sec throughput when consuming from a partition.

  • You can go through the same exercise to estimate the maximum throughput per producer for a single partition, but since producers are typically much faster than consumers, it is usually safe to skip this.

  • If you are sending messages to partitions based on keys, adding partitions later can be very challenging, so calculate throughput based on your expected future usage, not the current usage.

  • Consider the number of partitions you will place on each broker and available diskspace and network bandwidth per broker.

  • Avoid overestimating, as each partition uses memory and other resources on the broker and will increase the time for leader elections.

With all this in mind, it’s clear that you want many partitions but not too many. If you have some estimate regarding the target throughput of the topic and the expected throughput of the consumers, you can divide the target throughput by the expected consumer throughput and derive the number of partitions this way. So if I want to be able to write and read 1 GB/sec from a topic, and I know each consumer can only process 50 MB/s, then I know I need at least 20 partitions. This way, I can have 20 consumers reading from the topic and achieve 1 GB/sec.

If you don’t have this detailed information, our experience suggests that limiting the size of the partition on the disk to less than 6 GB per day of retention often gives satisfactory results.

The most common configuration for how long Kafka will retain messages is by time. The default is specified in the configuration file using the log.retention.hours parameter, and it is set to 168 hours, or one week. However, there are two other parameters allowed, log.retention.minutes and All three of these specify the same configuration—the amount of time after which messages may be deleted—but the recommended parameter to use is, as the smaller unit size will take precedence if more than one is specified. This will make sure that the value set for is always the one used. If more than one is specified, the smaller unit size will take precedence.

Retention By Time and Last Modified Times

Retention by time is performed by examining the last modified time (mtime) on each log segment file on disk. Under normal cluster operations, this is the time that the log segment was closed, and represents the timestamp of the last message in the file. However, when using administrative tools to move partitions between brokers, this time is not accurate and will result in excess retention for these partitions. More information on this is provided in Chapter 9 when discussing partition moves.


Another way to expire messages is based on the total number of bytes of messages retained. This value is set using the log.retention.bytes parameter, and it is applied per-partition. This means that if you have a topic with 8 partitions, and log.retention.bytes is set to 1 GB, the amount of data retained for the topic will be 8 GB at most. Note that all retention is performed for individual partitions, not the topic. This means that should the number of partitions for a topic be expanded, the retention will also increase if log.retention.bytes is used.

Configuring Retention by Size and Time

If you have specified a value for both log.retention.bytes and (or another parameter for retention by time), messages may be removed when either criteria is met. For example, if is set to 86400000 (1 day) and log.retention.bytes is set to 1000000000 (1 GB), it is possible for messages that are less than 1 day old to get deleted if the total volume of messages over the course of the day is greater than 1 GB. Conversely, if the volume is less than 1 GB, messages can be deleted after 1 day even if the total size of the partition is less than 1 GB.


The log-retention settings previously mentioned operate on log segments, not individual messages. As messages are produced to the Kafka broker, they are appended to the current log segment for the partition. Once the log segment has reached the size specified by the log.segment.bytes parameter, which defaults to 1 GB, the log segment is closed and a new one is opened. Once a log segment has been closed, it can be considered for expiration. A smaller log-segment size means that files must be closed and allocated more often, which reduces the overall efficiency of disk writes.

Adjusting the size of the log segments can be important if topics have a low produce rate. For example, if a topic receives only 100 megabytes per day of messages, and log.segment.bytes is set to the default, it will take 10 days to fill one segment. As messages cannot be expired until the log segment is closed, if is set to 604800000 (1 week), there will actually be up to 17 days of messages retained until the closed log segment expires. This is because once the log segment is closed with the current 10 days of messages, that log segment must be retained for 7 days before it expires based on the time policy (as the segment cannot be removed until the last message in the segment can be expired).

Retrieving Offsets by Timestamp

The size of the log segment also affects the behavior of fetching offsets by timestamp. When requesting offsets for a partition at a specific timestamp, Kafka finds the log segment file that was being written at that time. It does this by using the creation and last modified time of the file, and looking for a file that was created before the timestamp specified and last modified after the timestamp. The offset at the beginning of that log segment (which is also the filename) is returned in the response.

Another way to control when log segments are closed is by using the parameter, which specifies the amount of time after which a log segment should be closed. As with the log.retention.bytes and parameters, log.segment.bytes and are not mutually exclusive properties. Kafka will close a log segment either when the size limit is reached or when the time limit is reached, whichever comes first. By default, there is no setting for, which results in only closing log segments by size.

Disk Performance When Using Time-Based Segments

When using a time-based log segment limit, it is important to consider the impact on disk performance when multiple log segments are closed simultaneously. This can happen when there are many partitions that never reach the size limit for log segments, as the clock for the time limit will start when the broker starts and will always execute at the same time for these low-volume partitions.


The Kafka broker limits the maximum size of a message that can be produced, configured by the message.max.bytes parameter, which defaults to 1000000, or 1 MB. A producer that tries to send a message larger than this will receive an error back from the broker, and the message will not be accepted. As with all byte sizes specified on the broker, this configuration deals with compressed message size, which means that producers can send messages that are much larger than this value uncompressed, provided they compress to under the configured message.max.bytes size.

There are noticeable performance impacts from increasing the allowable message size. Larger messages will mean that the broker threads that deal with processing network connections and requests will be working longer on each request. Larger messages also increase the size of disk writes, which will impact I/O throughput.

Coordinating Message Size Configurations

The message size configured on the Kafka broker must be coordinated with the fetch.message.max.bytes configuration on consumer clients. If this value is smaller than message.max.bytes, then consumers that encounter larger messages will fail to fetch those messages, resulting in a situation where the consumer gets stuck and cannot proceed. The same rule applies to the replica.fetch.max.bytes configuration on the brokers when configured in a cluster.

Hardware Selection

Selecting an appropriate hardware configuration for a Kafka broker can be more art than science. Kafka itself has no strict requirement on a specific hardware configuration, and will run without issue on any system. Once performance becomes a concern, however, there are several factors that will contribute to the overall performance: disk throughput and capacity, memory, networking, and CPU. Once you have determined which types of performance are the most critical for your environment, you will be able to select an optimized hardware configuration that fits within your budget.

Disk Throughput

The performance of producer clients will be most directly influenced by the throughput of the broker disk that is used for storing log segments. Kafka messages must be committed to local storage when they are produced, and most clients will wait until at least one broker has confirmed that messages have been committed before considering the send successful. This means that faster disk writes will equal lower produce latency.

The obvious decision when it comes to disk throughput is whether to use traditional spinning hard drives (HDD) or solid-state disks (SSD). SSDs have drastically lower seek and access times and will provide the best performance. HDDs, on the other hand, are more economical and provide more capacity per unit. You can also improve the performance of HDDs by using more of them in a broker, whether by having multiple data directories or by setting up the drives in a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) configuration. Other factors, such as the specific drive technology (e.g., serial attached storage or serial ATA), as well as the quality of the drive controller, will affect throughput.

Disk Capacity

Capacity is the other side of the storage discussion. The amount of disk capacity that is needed is determined by how many messages need to be retained at any time. If the broker is expected to receive 1 TB of traffic each day, with 7 days of retention, then the broker will need a minimum of 7 TB of useable storage for log segments. You should also factor in at least 10% overhead for other files, in addition to any buffer that you wish to maintain for fluctuations in traffic or growth over time.

Storage capacity is one of the factors to consider when sizing a Kafka cluster and determining when to expand it. The total traffic for a cluster can be balanced across it by having multiple partitions per topic, which will allow additional brokers to augment the available capacity if the density on a single broker will not suffice. The decision on how much disk capacity is needed will also be informed by the replication strategy chosen for the cluster (which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 6).


The normal mode of operation for a Kafka consumer is reading from the end of the partitions, where the consumer is caught up and lagging behind the producers very little, if at all. In this situation, the messages the consumer is reading are optimally stored in the system’s page cache, resulting in faster reads than if the broker has to reread the messages from disk. Therefore, having more memory available to the system for page cache will improve the performance of consumer clients.

Kafka itself does not need much heap memory configured for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Even a broker that is handling 150,000 messages per second and a data rate of 200 megabits per second can run with a 5 GB heap. The rest of the system memory will be used by the page cache and will benefit Kafka by allowing the system to cache log segments in use. This is the main reason it is not recommended to have Kafka collocated on a system with any other significant application, as they will have to share the use of the page cache. This will decrease the consumer performance for Kafka.


The available network throughput will specify the maximum amount of traffic that Kafka can handle. This is often the governing factor, combined with disk storage, for cluster sizing. This is complicated by the inherent imbalance between inbound and outbound network usage that is created by Kafka’s support for multiple consumers. A producer may write 1 MB per second for a given topic, but there could be any number of consumers that create a multiplier on the outbound network usage. Other operations such as cluster replication (covered in Chapter 6) and mirroring (discussed in Chapter 8) will also increase requirements. Should the network interface become saturated, it is not uncommon for cluster replication to fall behind, which can leave the cluster in a vulnerable state.


Processing power is not as important as disk and memory, but it will affect overall performance of the broker to some extent. Ideally, clients should compress messages to optimize network and disk usage. The Kafka broker must decompress all message batches, however, in order to validate the checksum of the individual messages and assign offsets. It then needs to recompress the message batch in order to store it on disk. This is where the majority of Kafka’s requirement for processing power comes from. This should not be the primary factor in selecting hardware, however.

Kafka in the Cloud

A common installation for Kafka is within cloud computing environments, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS provides many compute instances, each with a different combination of CPU, memory, and disk, and so the various performance characteristics of Kafka must be prioritized in order to select the correct instance configuration to use. A good place to start is with the amount of data retention required, followed by the performance needed from the producers. If very low latency is necessary, I/O optimized instances that have local SSD storage might be required. Otherwise, remote storage (such as the AWS Elastic Block Store) might be sufficient. Once these decisions are made, the CPU and memory options available will be appropriate for the performance.

In real terms, this will mean that for AWS either the m4 or r3 instance types are a common choice. The m4 instance will allow for greater retention periods, but the throughput to the disk will be less because it is on elastic block storage. The r3 instance will have much better throughput with local SSD drives, but those drives will limit the amount of data that can be retained. For the best of both worlds, it is necessary to move up to either the i2 or d2 instance types, which are significantly more expensive.

Kafka Clusters

A single Kafka server works well for local development work, or for a proof-of-concept system, but there are significant benefits to having multiple brokers configured as a cluster, as shown in Figure 2-2. The biggest benefit is the ability to scale the load across multiple servers. A close second is using replication to guard against data loss due to single system failures. Replication will also allow for performing maintenance work on Kafka or the underlying systems while still maintaining availability for clients. This section focuses on configuring only a Kafka cluster. Chapter 6 contains more information on replication of data.

ktdg 0202
Figure 2-2. A simple Kafka cluster

How Many Brokers?

The appropriate size for a Kafka cluster is determined by several factors. The first factor to consider is how much disk capacity is required for retaining messages and how much storage is available on a single broker. If the cluster is required to retain 10 TB of data and a single broker can store 2 TB, then the minimum cluster size is five brokers. In addition, using replication will increase the storage requirements by at least 100%, depending on the replication factor chosen (see Chapter 6). This means that this same cluster, configured with replication, now needs to contain at least 10 brokers.

The other factor to consider is the capacity of the cluster to handle requests. For example, what is the capacity of the network interfaces, and can they handle the client traffic if there are multiple consumers of the data or if the traffic is not consistent over the retention period of the data (e.g., bursts of traffic during peak times). If the network interface on a single broker is used to 80% capacity at peak, and there are two consumers of that data, the consumers will not be able to keep up with peak traffic unless there are two brokers. If replication is being used in the cluster, this is an additional consumer of the data that must be taken into account. It may also be desirable to scale out to more brokers in a cluster in order to handle performance concerns caused by lesser disk throughput or system memory available.

Broker Configuration

There are only two requirements in the broker configuration to allow multiple Kafka brokers to join a single cluster. The first is that all brokers must have the same configuration for the zookeeper.connect parameter. This specifies the Zookeeper ensemble and path where the cluster stores metadata. The second requirement is that all brokers in the cluster must have a unique value for the parameter. If two brokers attempt to join the same cluster with the same, the second broker will log an error and fail to start. There are other configuration parameters used when running a cluster—specifically, parameters that control replication, which are covered in later chapters.

OS Tuning

While most Linux distributions have an out-of-the-box configuration for the kernel-tuning parameters that will work fairly well for most applications, there are a few changes that can be made for a Kafka broker that will improve performance. These primarily revolve around the virtual memory and networking subsystems, as well as specific concerns for the disk mount point that is used for storing log segments. These parameters are typically configured in the /etc/sysctl.conf file, but you should refer to your Linux distribution’s documentation for specific details regarding how to adjust the kernel configuration.

Virtual Memory

In general, the Linux virtual memory system will automatically adjust itself for the workload of the system. We can make some adjustments to both how swap space is handled, as well as to dirty memory pages, to tune it for Kafka’s workload.

As with most applications—specifically ones where throughput is a concern—it is best to avoid swapping at (almost) all costs. The cost incurred by having pages of memory swapped to disk will show up as a noticeable impact on all aspects of performance in Kafka. In addition, Kafka makes heavy use of the system page cache, and if the VM system is swapping to disk, there is not enough memory being allocated to page cache.

One way to avoid swapping is just to not configure any swap space at all. Having swap is not a requirement, but it does provide a safety net if something catastrophic happens on the system. Having swap can prevent the OS from abruptly killing a process due to an out-of-memory condition. For this reason, the recommendation is to set the vm.swappiness parameter to a very low value, such as 1. The parameter is a percentage of how likely the VM subsystem is to use swap space rather than dropping pages from the page cache. It is preferable to reduce the amount of memory available for the page cache rather than utilize any amount of swap memory.

Why Not Set Swappiness to Zero?

Previously, the recommendation for vm.swappiness was always to set it to 0. This value used to have the meaning “do not swap unless there is an out-of-memory condition.” However, the meaning of this value changed as of Linux kernel version 3.5-rc1, and that change was backported into many distributions, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux kernels as of version 2.6.32-303. This changed the meaning of the value 0 to “never swap under any circumstances.” It is for this reason that a value of 1 is now recommended.

There is also a benefit to adjusting how the kernel handles dirty pages that must be flushed to disk. Kafka relies on disk I/O performance to provide good response times to producers. This is also the reason that the log segments are usually put on a fast disk, whether that is an individual disk with a fast response time (e.g., SSD) or a disk subsystem with significant NVRAM for caching (e.g., RAID). The result is that the number of dirty pages that are allowed, before the flush background process starts writing them to disk, can be reduced. This is accomplished by setting the vm.dirty_background_ratio value lower than the default of 10. The value is a percentage of the total amount of system memory, and setting this value to 5 is appropriate in many situations. This setting should not be set to zero, however, as that would cause the kernel to continually flush pages, which would then eliminate the ability of the kernel to buffer disk writes against temporary spikes in the underlying device performance.

The total number of dirty pages that are allowed before the kernel forces synchronous operations to flush them to disk can also be increased by changing the value of vm.dirty_ratio, increasing it to above the default of 20 (also a percentage of total system memory). There is a wide range of possible values for this setting, but between 60 and 80 is a reasonable number. This setting does introduce a small amount of risk, both in regards to the amount of unflushed disk activity as well as the potential for long I/O pauses if synchronous flushes are forced. If a higher setting for vm.dirty_ratio is chosen, it is highly recommended that replication be used in the Kafka cluster to guard against system failures.

When choosing values for these parameters, it is wise to review the number of dirty pages over time while the Kafka cluster is running under load, whether in production or simulated. The current number of dirty pages can be determined by checking the /proc/vmstat file:

# cat /proc/vmstat | egrep "dirty|writeback"
nr_dirty 3875
nr_writeback 29
nr_writeback_temp 0


Outside of selecting the disk device hardware, as well as the configuration of RAID if it is used, the choice of filesystem used for this disk can have the next largest impact on performance. There are many different filesystems available, but the most common choices for local filesystems are either EXT4 (fourth extended file system) or Extents File System (XFS). Recently, XFS has become the default filesystem for many Linux distributions, and this is for good reason—it outperforms EXT4 for most workloads with minimal tuning required. EXT4 can perform well, but it requires using tuning parameters that are considered less safe. This includes setting the commit interval to a longer time than the default of five to force less frequent flushes. EXT4 also introduced delayed allocation of blocks, which brings with it a greater chance of data loss and filesystem corruption in the case of a system failure. The XFS filesystem also uses a delayed allocation algorithm, but it is generally safer than the one used by EXT4. XFS also has better performance for Kafka’s workload without requiring tuning beyond the automatic tuning performed by the filesystem. It is also more efficient when batching disk writes, all of which combine to give better overall I/O throughput.

Regardless of which filesystem is chosen for the mount that holds the log segments, it is advisable to set the noatime mount option for the mount point. File metadata contains three timestamps: creation time (ctime), last modified time (mtime), and last access time (atime). By default, the atime is updated every time a file is read. This generates a large number of disk writes. The atime attribute is generally considered to be of little use, unless an application needs to know if a file has been accessed since it was last modified (in which case the relatime option can be used). The atime is not used by Kafka at all, so disabling it is safe to do. Setting noatime on the mount will prevent these timestamp updates from happening, but will not affect the proper handling of the ctime and mtime attributes.


Adjusting the default tuning of the Linux networking stack is common for any application that generates a high amount of network traffic, as the kernel is not tuned by default for large, high-speed data transfers. In fact, the recommended changes for Kafka are the same as those suggested for most web servers and other networking applications. The first adjustment is to change the default and maximum amount of memory allocated for the send and receive buffers for each socket. This will significantly increase performance for large transfers. The relevant parameters for the send and receive buffer default size per socket are net.core.wmem_default and net.core.rmem_default, and a reasonable setting for these parameters is 131072, or 128 KiB. The parameters for the send and receive buffer maximum sizes are net.core.wmem_max and net.core.rmem_max, and a reasonable setting is 2097152, or 2 MiB. Keep in mind that the maximum size does not indicate that every socket will have this much buffer space allocated; it only allows up to that much if needed.

In addition to the socket settings, the send and receive buffer sizes for TCP sockets must be set separately using the net.ipv4.tcp_wmem and net.ipv4.tcp_rmem parameters. These are set using three space-separated integers that specify the minimum, default, and maximum sizes, respectively. The maximum size cannot be larger than the values specified for all sockets using net.core.wmem_max and net.core.rmem_max. An example setting for each of these parameters is “4096 65536 2048000,” which is a 4 KiB minimum, 64 KiB default, and 2 MiB maximum buffer. Based on the actual workload of your Kafka brokers, you may want to increase the maximum sizes to allow for greater buffering of the network connections.

There are several other network tuning parameters that are useful to set. Enabling TCP window scaling by setting net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling to 1 will allow clients to transfer data more efficiently, and allow that data to be buffered on the broker side. Increasing the value of net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog above the default of 1024 will allow a greater number of simultaneous connections to be accepted. Increasing the value of net.core.netdev_max_backlog to greater than the default of 1000 can assist with bursts of network traffic, specifically when using multigigabit network connection speeds, by allowing more packets to be queued for the kernel to process them.

Production Concerns

Once you are ready to move your Kafka environment out of testing and into your production operations, there are a few more things to think about that will assist with setting up a reliable messaging service.

Garbage Collector Options

Tuning the Java garbage-collection options for an application has always been something of an art, requiring detailed information about how the application uses memory and a significant amount of observation and trial and error. Thankfully, this has changed with Java 7 and the introduction of the Garbage First (or G1) garbage collector. G1 is designed to automatically adjust to different workloads and provide consistent pause times for garbage collection over the lifetime of the application. It also handles large heap sizes with ease by segmenting the heap into smaller zones and not collecting over the entire heap in each pause.

G1 does all of this with a minimal amount of configuration in normal operation. There are two configuration options for G1 used to adjust its performance:


This option specifies the preferred pause time for each garbage-collection cycle. It is not a fixed maximum—G1 can and will exceed this time if it is required. This value defaults to 200 milliseconds. This means that G1 will attempt to schedule the frequency of GC cycles, as well as the number of zones that are collected in each cycle, such that each cycle will take approximately 200ms.


This option specifies the percentage of the total heap that may be in use before G1 will start a collection cycle. The default value is 45. This means that G1 will not start a collection cycle until after 45% of the heap is in use. This includes both the new (Eden) and old zone usage in total.

The Kafka broker is fairly efficient with the way it utilizes heap memory and creates garbage objects, so it is possible to set these options lower. The GC tuning options provided in this section have been found to be appropriate for a server with 64 GB of memory, running Kafka in a 5GB heap. For MaxGCPauseMillis, this broker can be configured with a value of 20 ms. The value for InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent is set to 35, which causes garbage collection to run slightly earlier than with the default value.

The start script for Kafka does not use the G1 collector, instead defaulting to using parallel new and concurrent mark and sweep garbage collection. The change is easy to make via environment variables. Using the start command from earlier in the chapter, modify it as follows:

# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35
-XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.awt.headless=true"
# /usr/local/kafka/bin/ -daemon

Datacenter Layout

For development systems, the physical location of the Kafka brokers within a datacenter is not as much of a concern, as there is not as severe an impact if the cluster is partially or completely unavailable for short periods of time. When serving production traffic, however, downtime means dollars lost, whether through loss of services to users or loss of telemetry on what the users are doing. This is when it becomes critical to configure replication within the Kafka cluster (see Chapter 6), which is also when it is important to consider the physical location of brokers in their racks in the datacenter. If not addressed prior to deploying Kafka, expensive maintenance to move servers around may be needed.

As of Kafka version 0.10, the broker can assign new partitions to brokers in a rack-aware manner, making sure that replicas for a single partition do not share a rack. In order to do this, the broker.rack configuration for each broker must be set properly. However, this only applies to partitions that are newly created. The Kafka cluster does not monitor for partitions that are no longer rack-aware (for example, as a result of a partition reassignment), nor does it automatically correct this situation.

The best practice is to have each Kafka broker in a cluster installed in a different rack, or at the very least not share single points of failure for infrastructure services such as power and network. This typically means at least deploying the servers that will run brokers with dual power connections (to two different circuits) and dual network switches (with a bonded interface on the servers themselves to failover seamlessly). Even with dual connections, there is a benefit to having brokers in completely separate racks. From time to time, it may be neccessary to perform physical maintenance on a rack or cabinet that requires it to be offline (such as moving servers around, or rewiring power connections).

Colocating Applications on Zookeeper

Kafka utilizes Zookeeper for storing metadata information about the brokers, topics, and partitions. Writes to Zookeeper are only performed on changes to the membership of consumer groups or on changes to the Kafka cluster itself. This amount of traffic is minimal, and it does not justify the use of a dedicated Zookeeper ensemble for a single Kafka cluster. In fact, many deployments will use a single Zookeeper ensemble for multiple Kafka clusters (using a chroot Zookeeper path for each cluster, as described earlier in this chapter).

Kafka Consumers and Zookeeper

Prior to Apache Kafka, consumers, in addition to the brokers, utilized Zookeeper to directly store information about the composition of the consumer group, what topics it was consuming, and to periodically commit offsets for each partition being consumed (to enable failover between consumers in the group). With version, a new consumer interface was introduced which allows this to be managed directly with the Kafka brokers. This is the consumer discussed in Chapter 4.

However, there is a concern with consumers and Zookeeper under certain configurations. Consumers have a configurable choice to use either Zookeeper or Kafka for committing offsets, and they can also configure the interval between commits. If the consumer uses Zookeeper for offsets, each consumer will perform a Zookeeper write at every interval for every partition it consumes. A reasonable interval for offset commits is 1 minute, as this is the period of time over which a consumer group will read duplicate messages in the case of a consumer failure. These commits can be a significant amount of Zookeeper traffic, especially in a cluster with many consumers, and will need to be taken into account. It may be neccessary to use a longer commit interval if the Zookeeper ensemble is not able to handle the traffic. However, it is recommended that consumers using the latest Kafka libraries use Kafka for committing offsets, removing the dependency on Zookeeper.

Outside of using a single ensemble for multiple Kafka clusters, it is not recommended to share the ensemble with other applications, if it can be avoided. Kafka is sensitive to Zookeeper latency and timeouts, and an interruption in communications with the ensemble will cause the brokers to behave unpredictably. This can easily cause multiple brokers to go offline at the same time, should they lose Zookeeper connections, which will result in offline partitions. It also puts stress on the cluster controller, which can show up as subtle errors long after the interruption has passed, such as when trying to perform a controlled shutdown of a broker. Other applications that can put stress on the Zookeeper ensemble, either through heavy usage or improper operations, should be segregated to their own ensemble.


In this chapter we learned how to get Apache Kafka up and running. We also covered picking the right hardware for your brokers, and specific concerns around getting set up in a production environment. Now that you have a Kafka cluster, we will walk through the basics of Kafka client applications. The next two chapters will cover how to create clients for both producing messages to Kafka (Chapter 3), as well as consuming those messages out again (Chapter 4).

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