Chapter 6. Reliable Data Delivery

Reliable data delivery is one of the attributes of a system that cannot be left as an afterthought. Like performance, it has to be designed into a system from its very first whiteboard diagram. You cannot bolt on reliability after the fact. More so, reliability is a property of a system—not of a single component—so even when we are talking about the reliability guarantees of Apache Kafka, you will need to keep the entire system and its use cases in mind. When it comes to reliability, the systems that integrate with Kafka are as important as Kafka itself. And because reliability is a system concern, it cannot be the responsibility of just one person. Everyone—Kafka administrators, Linux administrators, network and storage administrators, and the application developers—must work together to build a reliable system.

Apache Kafka is very flexible about reliable data delivery. We understand that Kafka has many use cases, from tracking clicks in a website to credit card payments. Some of the use cases require utmost reliability while others prioritize speed and simplicity over reliability. Kafka was written to be configurable enough and its client API flexible enough to allow all kinds of reliability trade-offs.

Because of its flexibility, it is also easy to accidentally shoot yourself in the foot when using Kafka—believing that your system is reliable when in fact it is not. In this chapter, we will start by talking about different kinds of reliability and what they mean in the context of Apache Kafka. Then we will talk about Kafka’s replication mechanism and how it contributes to the reliability of the system. We will then discuss Kafka’s brokers and topics and how they should be configured for different use cases. Then we will discuss the clients, producer, and consumer, and how they should be used in different reliability scenarios. Last, we will discuss the topic of validating the system reliability, because it is not enough to believe a system is reliable—the assumption must be thoroughly tested.

Reliability Guarantees

When we talk about reliability, we usually talk in terms of guarantees, which are the behaviors a system is guaranteed to preserve under different circumstances.

Probably the best known reliability guarantee is ACID, which is the standard reliability guarantee that relational databases universally support. ACID stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. When a vendor explains that their database is ACID-compliant, it means the database guarantees certain behaviors regarding transaction behavior.

Those guarantees are the reason people trust relational databases with their most critical applications—they know exactly what the system promises and how it will behave in different conditions. They understand the guarantees and can write safe applications by relying on those guarantees.

Understanding the guarantees Kafka provides is critical for those seeking to build reliable applications. This understanding allows the developers of the system to figure out how it will behave under different failure conditions. So, what does Apache Kafka guarantee?

  • Kafka provides order guarantee of messages in a partition. If message B was written after message A, using the same producer in the same partition, then Kafka guarantees that the offset of message B will be higher than message A, and that consumers will read message B after message A.

  • Produced messages are considered “committed” when they were written to the partition on all its in-sync replicas (but not necessarily flushed to disk). Producers can choose to receive acknowledgments of sent messages when the message was fully committed, when it was written to the leader, or when it was sent over the network.

  • Messages that are committed will not be lost as long as at least one replica remains alive.

  • Consumers can only read messages that are committed.

These basic guarantees can be used while building a reliable system, but in themselves, don’t make the system fully reliable. There are trade-offs involved in building a reliable system, and Kafka was built to allow administrators and developers to decide how much reliability they need by providing configuration parameters that allow controlling these trade-offs. The trade-offs usually involve how important it is to reliably and consistently store messages versus other important considerations such as availability, high throughput, low latency, and hardware costs. We next review Kafka’s replication mechanism, introduce terminology, and discuss how reliability is built into Kafka. After that, we go over the configuration parameters we just mentioned.


Kafka’s replication mechanism, with its multiple replicas per partition, is at the core of all of Kafka’s reliability guarantees. Having a message written in multiple replicas is how Kafka provides durability of messages in the event of a crash.

We explained Kafka’s replication mechanism in depth in Chapter 5, but let’s recap the highlights here.

Each Kafka topic is broken down into partitions, which are the basic data building blocks. A partition is stored on a single disk. Kafka guarantees order of events within a partition and a partition can be either online (available) or offline (unavailable). Each partition can have multiple replicas, one of which is a designated leader. All events are produced to and consumed from the leader replica. Other replicas just need to stay in sync with the leader and replicate all the recent events on time. If the leader becomes unavailable, one of the in-sync replicas becomes the new leader.

A replica is considered in-sync if it is the leader for a partition, or if it is a follower that:

  • Has an active session with Zookeeper—meaning, it sent a heartbeat to Zookeeper in the last 6 seconds (configurable).

  • Fetched messages from the leader in the last 10 seconds (configurable).

  • Fetched the most recent messages from the leader in the last 10 seconds. That is, it isn’t enough that the follower is still getting messages from the leader; it must have almost no lag.

If a replica loses connection to Zookeeper, stops fetching new messages, or falls behind and can’t catch up within 10 seconds, the replica is considered out-of-sync. An out-of-sync replica gets back into sync when it connects to Zookeeper again and catches up to the most recent message written to the leader. This usually happens quickly after a temporary network glitch is healed but can take a while if the broker the replica is stored on was down for a longer period of time.

Out-of-Sync Replicas

Seeing one or more replicas rapidly flip between in-sync and out-of-sync status is a sure sign that something is wrong with the cluster. The cause is often a misconfiguration of Java’s garbage collection on a broker. Misconfigured garbage collection can cause the broker to pause for a few seconds, during which it will lose connectivity to Zookeeper. When a broker loses connectivity to Zookeeper, it is considered out-of-sync with the cluster, which causes the flipping behavior.

An in-sync replica that is slightly behind can slow down producers and consumers—since they wait for all the in-sync replicas to get the message before it is committed. Once a replica falls out of sync, we no longer wait for it to get messages. It is still behind, but now there is no performance impact. The catch is that with fewer in-sync replicas, the effective replication factor of the partition is lower and therefore there is a higher risk for downtime or data loss.

In the next section, we will look at what this means in practice.

Broker Configuration

There are three configuration parameters in the broker that change Kafka’s behavior regarding reliable message storage. Like many broker configuration variables, these can apply at the broker level, controlling configuration for all topics in the system, and at the topic level, controlling behavior for a specific topic.

Being able to control reliability trade-offs at the topic level means that the same Kafka cluster can be used to host reliable and nonreliable topics. For example, at a bank, the administrator will probably want to set very reliable defaults for the entire cluster but make an exception to the topic that stores customer complaints where some data loss is acceptable.

Let’s look at these configuration parameters one by one and see how they affect reliability of message storage in Kafka and the trade-offs involved.

Replication Factor

The topic-level configuration is replication.factor. At the broker level, you control the default.replication.factor for automatically created topics.

Until this point, throughout the book, we always assumed that topics had a replication factor of three, meaning that each partition is replicated three times on three different brokers. This was a reasonable assumption, as this is Kafka’s default, but this is also a configuration that users can modify. Even after a topic exists, you can choose to add or remove replicas and thereby modify the replication factor.

A replication factor of N allows you to lose N-1 brokers while still being able to read and write data to the topic reliably. So a higher replication factor leads to higher availability, higher reliability, and fewer disasters. On the flip side, for a replication factor of N, you will need at least N brokers and you will store N copies of the data, meaning you will need N times as much disk space. We are basically trading availability for hardware.

So how do you determine the right number of replicas for a topic? The answer is based on how critical a topic is and how much you are willing to pay for higher availability. It also depends a bit on how paranoid you are.

If you are totally OK with a specific topic being unavailable when a single broker is restarted (which is part of the normal operations of a cluster), then a replication factor of 1 may be enough. Don’t forget to make sure your management and users are also OK with this trade-off—you are saving on disks or servers, but losing high availability. A replication factor of 2 means you can lose one broker and still be OK, which sounds like enough, but keep in mind that losing one broker can sometimes (mostly on older versions of Kafka) send the cluster into an unstable state, forcing you to restart another broker—the Kafka Controller. This means that with a replication factor of 2, you may be forced to go into unavailability in order to recover from an operational issue. This can be a tough choice.

For those reasons, we recommend a replication factor of 3 for any topic where availability is an issue. In rare cases, this is considered not safe enough—we’ve seen banks run critical topics with five replicas, just in case.

Placement of replicas is also very important. By default, Kafka will make sure each replica for a partition is on a separate broker. However, in some cases, this is not safe enough. If all replicas for a partition are placed on brokers that are on the same rack and the top-of-rack switch misbehaves, you will lose availability of the partition regardless of the replication factor. To protect against rack-level misfortune, we recommend placing brokers in multiple racks and using the broker.rack broker configuration parameter to configure the rack name for each broker. If rack names are configured, Kafka will make sure replicas for a partition are spread across multiple racks in order to guarantee even higher availability. In Chapter 5 we provided details on how Kafka places replicas on brokers and racks, if you are interested in understanding more.

Unclean Leader Election

This configuration is only available at the broker (and in practice, cluster-wide) level. The parameter name is unclean.leader.election.enable and by default it is set to true.

As explained earlier, when the leader for a partition is no longer available, one of the in-sync replicas will be chosen as the new leader. This leader election is “clean” in the sense that it guarantees no loss of committed data—by definition, committed data exists on all in-sync replicas.

But what do we do when no in-sync replica exists except for the leader that just became unavailable?

This situation can happen in one of two scenarios:

  • The partition had three replicas, and the two followers became unavailable (let’s say two brokers crashed). In this situation, as producers continue writing to the leader, all the messages are acknowledged and committed (since the leader is the one and only in-sync replica). Now let’s say that the leader becomes unavailable (oops, another broker crash). In this scenario, if one of the out-of-sync followers starts first, we have an out-of-sync replica as the only available replica for the partition.

  • The partition had three replicas and, due to network issues, the two followers fell behind so that even though they are up and replicating, they are no longer in sync. The leader keeps accepting messages as the only in-sync replica. Now if the leader becomes unavailable, the two available replicas are no longer in-sync.

In both these scenarios, we need to make a difficult decision:

  • If we don’t allow the out-of-sync replica to become the new leader, the partition will remain offline until we bring the old leader (and the last in-sync replica) back online. In some cases (e.g., memory chip needs replacement), this can take many hours.

  • If we do allow the out-of-sync replica to become the new leader, we are going to lose all messages that were written to the old leader while that replica was out of sync and also cause some inconsistencies in consumers. Why? Imagine that while replicas 0 and 1 were not available, we wrote messages with offsets 100-200 to replica 2 (then the leader). Now replica 2 is unavailable and replica 0 is back online. Replica 0 only has messages 0-100 but not 100-200. If we allow replica 0 to become the new leader, it will allow producers to write new messages and allow consumers to read them. So, now the new leader has completely new messages 100-200. First, let’s note that some consumers may have read the old messages 100-200, some consumers got the new 100-200, and some got a mix of both. This can lead to pretty bad consequences when looking at things like downstream reports. In addition, replica 2 will come back online and become a follower of the new leader. At that point, it will delete any messages it got that are ahead of the current leader. Those messages will not be available to any consumer in the future.

In summary, if we allow out-of-sync replicas to become leaders, we risk data loss and data inconsistencies. If we don’t allow them to become leaders, we face lower availability as we must wait for the original leader to become available before the partition is back online.

Setting unclean.leader.election.enable to true means we allow out-of-sync replicas to become leaders (knowns as unclean election), knowing that we will lose messages when this occurs. If we set it to false, we choose to wait for the original leader to come back online, resulting in lower availability. We typically see unclean leader election disabled (configuration set to false) in systems where data quality and consistency are critical—banking systems are a good example (most banks would rather be unable to process credit card payments for few minutes or even hours than risk processing a payment incorrectly). In systems where availability is more important, such as real-time clickstream analysis, unclean leader election is often enabled.

Minimum In-Sync Replicas

Both the topic and the broker-level configuration are called min.insync.replicas.

As we’ve seen, there are cases where even though we configured a topic to have three replicas, we may be left with a single in-sync replica. If this replica becomes unavailable, we may have to choose between availability and consistency. This is never an easy choice. Note that part of the problem is that, per Kafka reliability guarantees, data is considered committed when it is written to all in-sync replicas, even when all means just one replica and the data could be lost if that replica is unavailable.

If you would like to be sure that committed data is written to more than one replica, you need to set the minimum number of in-sync replicas to a higher value. If a topic has three replicas and you set min.insync.replicas to 2, then you can only write to a partition in the topic if at least two out of the three replicas are in-sync.

When all three replicas are in-sync, everything proceeds normally. This is also true if one of the replicas becomes unavailable. However, if two out of three replicas are not available, the brokers will no longer accept produce requests. Instead, producers that attempt to send data will receive NotEnoughReplicasException. Consumers can continue reading existing data. In effect, with this configuation, a single in-sync replica becomes read-only. This prevents the undesirable situation where data is produced and consumed, only to disappear when unclean election occurs. In order to recover from this read-only situation, we must make one of the two unavailable partitions available again (maybe restart the broker) and wait for it to catch up and get in-sync.

Using Producers in a Reliable System

Even if we configure the brokers in the most reliable configuration possible, the system as a whole can still accidentally lose data if we don’t configure the producers to be reliable as well.

Here are two example scenarios to demonstrate this:

  • We configured the brokers with three replicas, and unclean leader election is disabled. So we should never lose a single message that was committed to the Kafka cluster. However, we configured the producer to send messages with acks=1. We send a message from the producer and it was written to the leader, but not yet to the in-sync replicas. The leader sent back a response to the producer saying “Message was written successfully” and immediately crashes before the data was replicated to the other replicas. The other replicas are still considered in-sync (remember that it takes a while before we declare a replica out of sync) and one of them will become the leader. Since the message was not written to the replicas, it will be lost. But the producing application thinks it was written successfully. The system is consistent because no consumer saw the message (it was never committed because the replicas never got it), but from the producer perspective, a message was lost.

  • We configured the brokers with three replicas, and unclean leader election is disabled. We learned from our mistakes and started producing messages with acks=all. Suppose that we are attempting to write a message to Kafka, but the leader for the partition we are writing to just crashed and a new one is still getting elected. Kafka will respond with “Leader not Available.” At this point, if the producer doesn’t handle the error correctly and doesn’t retry until the write is successful, the message may be lost. Once again, this is not a broker reliability issue because the broker never got the message; and it is not a consistency issue because the consumers never got the message either. But if producers don’t handle errors correctly, they may cause message loss.

So how do we avoid these tragic results? As the examples show, there are two important things that everyone who writes applications that produce to Kafka must pay attention to:

  • Use the correct acks configuration to match reliability requirements

  • Handle errors correctly both in configuration and in code

We discussed producer modes in depth in Chapter 3, but let’s go over the important points again.

Send Acknowledgments

Producers can choose between three different acknowledgment modes:

  • acks=0 means that a message is considered to be written successfully to Kafka if the producer managed to send it over the network. You will still get errors if the object you are sending cannot be serialized or if the network card failed, but you won’t get any error if the partition is offline or if the entire Kafka cluster decided to take a long vacation. This means that even in the expected case of a clean leader election, your producer will lose messages because it won’t know that the leader is unavailable while a new leader is being elected. Running with acks=0 is very fast (which is why you see a lot of benchmarks with this configuration). You can get amazing throughput and utilize most of your bandwidth, but you are guaranteed to lose some messages if you choose this route.

  • acks=1 means that the leader will send either an acknowledgment or an error the moment it got the message and wrote it to the partition data file (but not necessarily synced to disk). This means that under normal circumstances of leader election, your producer will get LeaderNotAvailableException while a leader is getting elected, and if the producer handles this error correctly (see next section), it will retry sending the message and the message will arrive safely to the new leader. You can lose data if the leader crashes and some messages that were successfully written to the leader and acknowledged were not replicated to the followers before the crash.

  • acks=all means that the leader will wait until all in-sync replicas got the message before sending back an acknowledgment or an error. In conjunction with the min.insync.replicas configuration on the broker, this lets you control how many replicas get the message before it is acknowledged. This is the safest option—the producer won’t stop trying to send the message before it is fully committed. This is also the slowest option—the producer waits for all replicas to get all the messages before it can mark the message batch as “done” and carry on. The effects can be mitigated by using async mode for the producer and by sending larger batches, but this option will typically get you lower throughput.

Configuring Producer Retries

There are two parts to handling errors in the producer: the errors that the producers handle automatically for you and the errors that you as the developer using the producer library must handle.

The producer can handle retriable errors that are returned by the broker for you. When the producer sends messages to a broker, the broker can return either a success or an error code. Those error codes belong to two categories—errors that can be resolved after retrying and errors that won’t be resolved. For example, if the broker returns the error code LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE, the producer can try sending the message again—maybe a new broker was elected and the second attempt will succeed. This means that LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE is a retriable error. On the other hand, if a broker returns an INVALID_CONFIG exception, trying the same message again will not change the configuration. This is an example of a nonretriable error.

In general, if your goal is to never lose a message, your best approach is to configure the producer to keep trying to send the messages when it encounters a retriable error. Why? Because things like lack of leader or network connectivity issues often take a few seconds to resolve—and if you just let the producer keep trying until it succeeds, you don’t need to handle these issues yourself. I frequently get asked “how many times should I configure the producer to retry?” and the answer really depends on what you are planning on doing after the producer throws an exception that it retried N times and gave up. If your answer is “I’ll catch the exception and retry some more,” then you definitely need to set the number of retries higher and let the producer continue trying. You want to stop retrying when the answer is either “I’ll just drop the message; there’s no point to continue retrying” or “I’ll just write it somewhere else and handle it later.” Note that Kafka’s cross-DC replication tool (MirrorMaker, which we’ll discuss in Chapter 8) is configured by default to retry endlessly (i.e., retries = MAX_INT)—because as a highly reliable replication tool, it should never just drop messages.

Note that retrying to send a failed message often includes a small risk that both messages were successfully written to the broker, leading to duplicates. For example, if network issues prevented the broker acknowledgment from reaching the producer, but the message was successfully written and replicated, the producer will treat the lack of acknowledgment as a temporary network issue and will retry sending the message (since it can’t know that it was received). In that case, the broker will end up having the same message twice. Retries and careful error handling can guarantee that each message will be stored at least once, but in the current version of Apache Kafka (0.10.0), we can’t guarantee it will be stored exactly once. Many real-world applications add a unique identifier to each message to allow detecting duplicates and cleaning them when consuming the messages. Other applications make the messages idempotent—meaning that even if the same message is sent twice, it has no negative impact on correctness. For example, the message “Account value is 110$” is idempotent, since sending it several times doesn’t change the result. The message “Add $10 to the account” is not idempotent, since it changes the result every time you send it.

Additional Error Handling

Using the built-in producer retries is an easy way to correctly handle a large variety of errors without loss of messages, but as a developer, you must still be able to handle other types of errors. These include:

  • Nonretriable broker errors such as errors regarding message size, authorization errors, etc.

  • Errors that occur before the message was sent to the broker—for example, serialization errors

  • Errors that occur when the producer exhausted all retry attempts or when the available memory used by the producer is filled to the limit due to using all of it to store messages while retrying

In Chapter 3 we discussed how to write error handlers for both sync and async message-sending methods. The content of these error handlers is specific to the application and its goals—do you throw away “bad messages”? Log errors? Store these messages in a directory on the local disk? Trigger a callback to another application? These decisions are specific to your architecture. Just note that if all your error handler is doing is retrying to send the message, you are better off relying on the producer’s retry functionality.

Using Consumers in a Reliable System

Now that we have learned how to produce data while taking Kafka’s reliability guarantees into account, it is time to see how to consume data.

As we saw in the first part of this chapter, data is only available to consumers after it has been committed to Kafka—meaning it was written to all in-sync replicas. This means that consumers get data that is guaranteed to be consistent. The only thing consumers are left to do is make sure they keep track of which messages they’ve read and which messages they haven’t. This is key to not losing messages while consuming them.

When reading data from a partition, a consumer is fetching a batch of events, checking the last offset in the batch, and then requesting another batch of events starting from the last offset received. This guarantees that a Kafka consumer will always get new data in correct order without missing any events.

When a consumer stops, another consumer needs to know where to pick up the work—what was the last offset that the previous consumer processed before it stopped? The “other” consumer can even be the original one after a restart. It doesn’t really matter—some consumer is going to pick up consuming from that partition, and it needs to know in which offset to start. This is why consumers need to “commit” their offsets. For each partition it is consuming, the consumer stores its current location, so they or another consumer will know where to continue after a restart. The main way consumers can lose messages is when committing offsets for events they’ve read but didn’t completely process yet. This way, when another consumer picks up the work, it will skip those events and they will never get processed. This is why paying careful attention to when and how offsets get committed is critical.

Committed Messages Versus Commited Offsets

This is different from a committed message, which, as discussed previously, is a message that was written to all in-sync replicas and is available to consumers. Committed offsets are offsets the consumer sent to Kafka to acknowledge that it received and processed all the messages in a partition up to this specific offset.

In Chapter 4 we discussed the consumer API in detail and covered the many methods for committing offsets. Here we will cover some important considerations and choices, but refer you back to Chapter 4 for details on using the APIs.

Important Consumer Configuration Properties for Reliable Processing

There are four consumer configuration properties that are important to understand in order to configure your consumer for a desired reliability behavior.

The first is, as explained in great detail in Chapter 4. The basic idea is that if two consumers have the same group ID and subscribe to the same topic, each will be assigned a subset of the partitions in the topic and will therefore only read a subset of the messages individually (but all the messages will be read by the group as a whole). If you need a consumer to see, on its own, every single message in the topics it is subscribed to—it will need a unique

The second relevant configuration is auto.offset.reset. This parameter controls what the consumer will do when no offsets were committed (e.g., when the consumer first starts) or when the consumer asks for offsets that don’t exist in the broker (Chapter 4 explains how this can happen). There are only two options here. If you choose earliest, the consumer will start from the beginning of the partition whenever it doesn’t have a valid offset. This can lead to the consumer processing a lot of messages twice, but it guarantees to minimize data loss. If you choose latest, the consumer will start at the end of the partition. This minimizes duplicate processing by the consumer but almost certainly leads to some messages getting missed by the consumer.

The third relevant configuration is This is a big decision: are you going to let the consumer commit offsets for you based on schedule, or are you planning on committing offsets manually in your code? The main benefit of automatic offset commits is that it’s one less thing to worry about when implementing your consumers. If you do all the processing of consumed records within the consumer poll loop, then the automatic offset commit guarantees you will never commit an offset that you didn’t process. (If you are not sure what the consumer poll loop is, refer back to Chapter 4.) The main drawbacks of automatic offset commits is that you have no control over the number of duplicate records you may need to process (because your consumer stopped after processing some records but before the automated commit kicked in). If you do anything fancy like pass records to another thread to process in the background, the automatic commit may commit offsets for records the consumer has read but perhaps did not process yet.

The fourth relevant configuration is tied to the third, and is If you choose to commit offsets automatically, this configuration lets you configure how frequently they will be committed. The default is every five seconds. In general, committing more frequently adds some overhead but reduces the number of duplicates that can occur when a consumer stops.

Explicitly Committing Offsets in Consumers

If you go with the automatic offset commits, you don’t need to worry about explicitly committing offsets. But you do need to think about how you will commit offsets if you decide you need more control over the timing of offset commits—either in order to minimize duplicates or because you are doing event processing outside the main consumer poll loop.

We will not go over the mechanics and APIs involved in committing offsets here, since they were covered in great depth in Chapter 4. Instead, we will review important considerations when developing a consumer to handle data reliably. We’ll start with the simple and perhaps obvious points and move on to more complex patterns.

Always commit offsets after events were processed

If you do all the processing within the poll loop and don’t maintain state between poll loops (e.g., for aggregation), this should be easy. You can use the auto-commit configuration or commit events at the end of the poll loop.

Commit frequency is a trade-off between performance and number of duplicates in the event of a crash

Even in the simplest case where you do all the processing within the poll loop and don’t maintain state between poll loops, you can choose to commit multiple times within a loop (perhaps even after every event) or choose to only commit every several loops. Committing has some performance overhead (similar to produce with acks=all), so it all depends on the trade-offs that work for you.

Make sure you know exactly what offsets you are committing

A common pitfall when committing in the middle of the poll loop is accidentally committing the last offset read when polling and not the last offset processed. Remember that it is critical to always commit offsets for messages after they were processed—committing offsets for messages read but not processed can lead to the consumer missing messages. Chapter 4 has examples that show how to do just that.


When designing your application, remember that consumer rebalances will happen and you need to handle them properly. Chapter 4 contains a few examples, but the bigger picture is that this usually involves committing offsets before partitions are revoked and cleaning any state you maintain when you are assigned new partitions.

Consumers may need to retry

In some cases, after calling poll and processing records, some records are not fully processed and will need to be processed later. For example, you may try to write records from Kafka to a database, but find that the database is not available at that moment and you may wish to retry later. Note that unlike traditional pub/sub messaging systems, you commit offsets and not ack individual messages. This means that if you failed to process record #30 and succeeded in processing record #31, you should not commit record #31—this would result in committing all the records up to #31 including #30, which is usually not what you want. Instead, try following one of the following two patterns.

One option, when you encounter a retriable error, is to commit the last record you processed successfully. Then store the records that still need to be processed in a buffer (so the next poll won’t override them) and keep trying to process the records. You may need to keep polling while trying to process all the records (refer to Chapter 4 for an explanation). You can use the consumer pause() method to ensure that additional polls won’t return additional data to make retrying easier.

A second option is, when encountering a retriable error, to write it to a separate topic and continue. A separate consumer group can be used to handle retries from the retry topic, or one consumer can subscribe to both the main topic and to the retry topic, but pause the retry topic between retries. This pattern is similar to the dead-letter-queue system used in many messaging systems.

Consumers may need to maintain state

In some applications, you need to maintain state across multiple calls to poll. For example, if you want to calculate moving average, you’ll want to update the average after every time you poll Kafka for new events. If your process is restarted, you will need to not just start consuming from the last offset, but you’ll also need to recover the matching moving average. One way to do this is to write the latest accumulated value to a “results” topic at the same time you are committing the offset. This means that when a thread is starting up, it can pick up the latest accumulated value when it starts and pick up right where it left off. However, this doesn’t completely solve the problem, as Kafka does not offer transactions yet. You could crash after you wrote the latest result and before you committed offsets, or vice versa. In general, this is a rather complex problem to solve, and rather than solving it on your own, we recommend looking at a library like Kafka Streams, which provides high level DSL-like APIs for aggregation, joins, windows, and other complex analytics.

Handling long processing times

Sometimes processing records takes a long time. Maybe you are interacting with a service that can block or doing a very complex calculation, for example. Remember that in some versions of the Kafka consumer, you can’t stop polling for more than a few seconds (see Chapter 4 for details). Even if you don’t want to process additional records, you must continue polling so the client can send heartbeats to the broker. A common pattern in these cases is to hand off the data to a thread-pool when possible with multiple threads to speed things up a bit by processing in parallel. After handing off the records to the worker threads, you can pause the consumer and keep polling without actually fetching additional data until the worker threads finish. Once they are done, you can resume the consumer. Because the consumer never stops polling, the heartbeat will be sent as planned and rebalancing will not be triggered.

Exactly-once delivery

Some applications require not just at-least-once semantics (meaning no data loss), but also exactly-once semantics. While Kafka does not provide full exactly-once support at this time, consumers have few tricks available that allow them to guarantee that each message in Kafka will be written to an external system exactly once (note that this doesn’t handle duplications that may have occurred while the data was produced into Kafka).

The easiest and probably most common way to do exactly-once is by writing results to a system that has some support for unique keys. This includes all key-value stores, all relational databases, Elasticsearch, and probably many more data stores. When writing results to a system like a relational database or Elasticsearch, either the record itself contains a unique key (this is fairly common), or you can create a unique key using the topic, partition, and offset combination, which uniquely identifies a Kafka record. If you write the record as a value with a unique key, and later you accidentally consume the same record again, you will just write the exact same key and value. The data store will override the existing one, and you will get the same result that you would without the accidental duplicate. This pattern is called idempotent writes and is very common and useful.

Another option is available when writing to a system that has transactions. Relational databases are the easiest example, but HDFS has atomic renames that are often used for the same purpose. The idea is to write the records and their offsets in the same transaction so they will be in-sync. When starting up, retrieve the offsets of the latest records written to the external store and then use to start consuming again from those offsets. Chapter 4 contains an example of how this can be done.

Validating System Reliability

Once you have gone through the process of figuring out your reliability requirements, configuring the brokers, configuring the clients, and using the APIs in the best way for your use case, you can just relax and run everything in production, confident that no event will ever be missed, right?

You could do that, but we recommend doing some validation first. We suggest three layers of validation: validate the configuration, validate the application, and monitor the application in production. Let’s look at each of these steps and see what you need to validate and how.

Validating Configuration

It is easy to test the broker and client configuration in isolation from the application logic, and it is recommended to do so for two reasons:

  • It helps to test if the configuration you’ve chosen can meet your requirements.

  • It is good exercise to reason through the expected behavior of the system. This chapter was a bit theoretical, so checking your understanding of how the theory applies in practice is important.

Kafka includes two important tools to help with this validation. The package includes VerifiableProducer and VerifiableConsumer classes. These can run as command-line tools, or be embedded in an automated testing framework.

The idea is that the verifiable producer produces a sequence of messages containing numbers from 1 to a value you choose. You can configure it the same way you configure your own producer, setting the right number of acks, retries, and rate at which the messages will be produced. When you run it, it will print success or error for each message sent to the broker, based on the acks received. The verifiable consumer performs the complementary check. It consumes events (usually those produced by the verifiable producer) and prints out the events it consumed in order. It also prints information regarding commits and rebalances.

You should also consider which tests you want to run. For example:

  • Leader election: what happens if I kill the leader? How long does it take the producer and consumer to start working as usual again?

  • Controller election: how long does it take the system to resume after a restart of the controller?

  • Rolling restart: can I restart the brokers one by one without losing any messages?

  • Unclean leader election test: what happens when we kill all the replicas for a partition one by one (to make sure each goes out of sync) and then start a broker that was out of sync? What needs to happen in order to resume operations? Is this acceptable?

Then you pick a scenario, start the verifiable producer, start the verifiable consumer, and run through the scenario—for example, kill the leader of the partition you are producing data into. If you expected a short pause and then everything to resume normally with no message loss, make sure the number of messages produced by the producer and the number of messages consumed by the consumer match.

The Apache Kafka source repository includes an extensive test suite. Many of the tests in the suite are based on the same principle—use the verifiable producer and consumer to make sure rolling upgrades work, for example.

Validating Applications

Once you are sure your broker and client configuration meet your requirements, it is time to test whether your application provides the guarantees you need. This will check things like your custom error-handling code, offset commits, and rebalance listeners and similar places where your application logic interacts with Kafka’s client libraries.

Naturally, because it is your application, there is only so much guidance we can provide on how to test it. Hopefully you have integration tests for your application as part of your development process. However you validate your application, we recommend running tests under a variety of failure conditions:

  • Clients lose connectivity to the server (your system administrator can assist you in simulating network failures)

  • Leader election

  • Rolling restart of brokers

  • Rolling restart of consumers

  • Rolling restart of producers

For each scenario, you will have expected behavior, which is what you planned on seeing when you developed your application, and then you can run the test to see what actually happens. For example, when planning for a rolling restart of consumers, you may plan for a short pause as consumers rebalance and then continue consumption with no more than 1,000 duplicate values. Your test will show whether the way the application commits offsets and handles rebalances actually works this way.

Monitoring Reliability in Production

Testing the application is important, but it does not replace the need to continuously monitor your production systems to make sure data is flowing as expected. Chapter 9 will cover detailed suggestions on how to monitor the Kafka cluster, but in addition to monitoring the health of the cluster, it is important to also monitor the clients and the flow of data through the system.

First, Kafka’s Java clients include JMX metrics that allow monitoring client-side status and events. For the producers, the two metrics most important for reliability are error-rate and retry-rate per record (aggregated). Keep an eye on those, since error or retry rates going up can indicate an issue with the system. Also monitor the producer logs for errors that occur while sending events that are logged at WARN level, and say something along the lines of “Got error produce response with correlation id 5689 on topic-partition [topic-1,3], retrying (two attempts left). Error: …”. If you see events with 0 attempts left, the producer is running out of retries. Based on the discussion in the section “Using Producers in a Reliable System”, you may want to increase the number of retries—or solve the problem that caused the errors in the first place.

On the consumer side, the most important metric is consumer lag. This metric indicates how far the consumer is from the latest message committed to the partition on the broker. Ideally, the lag would always be zero and the consumer will always read the latest message. In practice, because calling poll() returns multiple messages and then the consumer spends time processing them before fetching more messages, the lag will always fluctuate a bit. What is important is to make sure consumers do eventually catch up rather than fall farther and farther behind. Because of the expected fluctuation in consumer lag, setting traditional alerts on the metric can be challenging. Burrow is a consumer lag checker by LinkedIn and can make this easier.

Monitoring the flow of data also means making sure all produced data is consumed in a timely manner (your requirements will dictate what “timely manner” means). In order to make sure data is consumed in a timely manner, you need to know when the data was produced. Kafka assists in this: starting with version 0.10.0, all messages include a timestamp that indicates when the event was produced. If you are running clients with an earlier version, we recommend recording the timestamp, name of the app producing the message, and hostname where the message was created, for each event. This will help track down sources of issues later on.

In order to make sure all produced messages are consumed within a reasonable amount of time, you will need the application producing the code to record the number of events produced (usually as events per second). The consumers need to both record the number of events consumed (also events per second) and also record lags from the time events were produced to the time they were consumed, using the event timestamp. Then you will need a system to reconcile the events per second numbers from both the producer and the consumer (to make sure no messages were lost on the way) and to make sure the time gaps between the time events were produced in a reasonable amount of time. For even better monitoring, you can add a monitoring consumer on critical topics that will count events and compare them to the events produced, so you will get accurate monitoring of producers even if no one is consuming the events at a given point in time. These type of end-to-end monitoring systems can be challenging and time-consuming to implement. To the best of our knowledge, there is no open source implementation of this type of system, but Confluent provides a commercial implementation as part of the Confluent Control Center.


As we said in the beginning of the chapter, reliability is not just a matter of specific Kafka features. You need to build an entire reliable system, including your application architecture, the way your application uses the producer and consumer APIs, producer and consumer configuration, topic configuration, and broker configuration. Making the system more reliable always has trade-offs in application complexity, performance, availability, or disk-space usage. By understanding all the options and common patterns and understanding requirements for your use case, you can make informed decisions regarding how reliable your application and Kafka deployment needs to be and which trade-offs make sense for you.

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