
In der Beschränkung zeigt sich erst der Meister. (In simplicity one recognizes true skill.)

J.W. von Goethe

After 15 years of consulting about software quality, we at the Software Improvement Group (SIG) have learned a thing or two about maintainability.

First, insufficient maintainability is a real problem in the practice of software development. Low maintainability means that developers spend too much time on maintaining and fixing old code. That leaves less time available for the most rewarding part of software development: writing new code. Our experience, as well as the data we have collected, shows that maintaining source code takes at least twice as long when maintainability is measured as below average, compared to when maintainability is above average. See Appendix A to learn how we measure maintainability.

Second, lack of maintainability is to a large extent caused by simple issues that occur over and over again. Consequently, the most efficient and effective way to improve maintainability is to address these simple issues. Improving maintainability does not require magic or rocket science. A combination of relatively simple skills and knowledge, plus the discipline and environment to apply them, leads to the largest improvement in maintainability.

At SIG, we have seen systems that are essentially unmaintainable. In these systems, bugs are not fixed, and functionality is not changed or extended because it is considered too time-consuming and risky. Unfortunately, this is all too common in today’s IT industry, but it does not have to be like that.

That is why we have written the 10 guidelines. We want to share the knowledge and skills that any practicing software developer should master to consistently write maintainable source code. We are confident that after reading and understanding the 10 guidelines, as a software developer you will be able to write maintainable source code. What is left, then, is the environment to apply these skills to maximum effect, including shared development practices, appropriate tooling, and more. We cover these development environment essentials in a second book, called Building Software Teams.

The Topic of This Book: Ten Guidelines for Building Maintainable Software

The guidelines in the following chapters are independent of the type of system. The guidelines are about the size and number of parameters in units of code (methods in Java), the number of decision points, and other properties of source code. They are well-known guidelines that many programmers may have heard about in their training. The chapters also provide examples, mostly in the form of refactoring patterns, of how to apply the guidelines in practice. Although the guidelines are presented in Java, they are independent of the programming language used. Eight out of 10 of them are are derived from the SIG/TÜViT1 Evaluation Criteria for Trusted Product Maintainability,2 a set of metrics to systematically rate source code maintainability.

Why You Should Read This Book

Taken in isolation, the guidelines presented in this book are well known. In fact, many commonly used tools for code analysis check a number of the guidelines presented here. For instance, Checkstyle (Java), StyleCop+ (for C#), Pylint (for Python), JSHint (for JavaScript), RuboCop (for Ruby), and PMD (covers multiple languages, including C# and Java) all check compliance with the guideline presented in Chapter 2. The following three characteristics, however, set this book apart from other books on software development:

We have selected the 10 most important guidelines from experience

Style guides and static code analysis tools can be daunting. Checkstyle version 6.9 contains some 150 rules, each of which implies a guideline. They all make sense, but their effect on maintainability is not equal. We have selected the 10 guideline chapters because they have the highest impact on maintainability. The box “Why These Ten Specific Guidelines?” explains how we have chosen our guidelines.

We teach how to comply with these 10 guidelines

Stating what a programmer should or should not do is one thing (and many style guides do just that). Providing guidance on how to comply with the guidelines is another. In this book, for each guideline we provide concrete examples of how to build code that complies with it.

We present statistics and examples from real-world systems

At SIG, we have seen a lot of source code made by real-world programmers under real-world constraints. That source code contains compromises. Therefore, we are sharing data from our benchmark to show how real-world source code compares with the guidelines.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is aimed at software developers who know how to program in Java. We distinguish between two groups of such developers. The first group comprises developers who received comprehensive training in computer science or software engineering (e.g., by majoring in one of those fields in college or university). For those developers, our book should reinforce basic principles that they have been taught in introductory programming courses.

The second group comprises software developers who entered the field without any comprehensive training in computer science or software engineering. We are thinking of developers who are self-taught, or who majored in a totally different field in college or university and then made a career switch. Our experience is that this group often received very little training beyond the syntax and semantics of the programming language they are using. This is the group for whom we have specifically written.

What This Book Is Not

This book uses Java (and only Java) to illustrate and explain our guidelines. Yet it does not teach Java in itself. We assume that the reader is at least able to read Java and the API of the standard libraries that come with it. We have tried to keep the code examples simple, using basic features of the language.

This is also not a book about Java idioms—that is, about Java-specific conventions on how to express functionality in code. We do not believe that you achieve maintainability by using specific language-dependent idiom. To the contrary, the guidelines presented here are to a very large extent language-independent, and therefore also independent of language idioms.

While we introduce and explain a number of refactoring patterns, what follows is not meant to be a comprehensive catalogue of such patterns. There are already books and websites out there that are very good pattern catalogues. Our book focuses on why and how a number of selected refactoring patterns contribute to maintainability. Therefore, this book serves as a stepping stone for such catalogues.

The Follow-up Book

We know that individual developers do not control all parts of the development process. Which development tools are used, how quality control is organized, how deployment pipelines are set up, and so on are all important factors that influence software quality but are also a team responsibility. Those topics are therefore outside the scope of this book. We do discuss them in a follow-up book, Building Software Teams. That book deals with discussing best practices in that field and how to measure their implementation.

About the Software Improvement Group

Although the front cover lists one name, the real author of this book is much more than just one person. The real author is SIG, a software management consulting company. That is, the book consolidates the collective experience and knowledge of the SIG consultants that have been measuring software quality and advising about it since 2000. We run a unique, certified,3 software analysis laboratory that performs standardized inspections against the ISO 25010 international standard for software product quality.

One of the services provided by SIG is our Software Risk Monitoring service. Our clients using this service upload their source code at regular intervals (usually once a week). These uploads are then automatically inspected in our software analysis laboratory. Anything out of the ordinary detected by this automatic analysis is then assessed by SIG consultants and discussed with the client. At the time of writing, in total SIG has analyzed 7.1 billion lines of code, and 72.7 million new lines of code are uploaded to SIG weekly.

SIG was established in 2000. Its roots can be traced back to the Dutch National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science (Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica [CWI] in Dutch). Even after 15 years, we still keep and value our links with the academic software engineering research community. SIG consultants regularly contribute to scientific publications, and several PhD theses have been based on research to develop and improve the SIG quality model.

About This Edition

This is the Java edition of the book. All code examples are in Java (and in Java only), and the text frequently refers to tools and terms that are widely used in the Java community, but not necessarily outside of it. We assume that the reader has experience in Java programming. As previously noted, the guidelines, while presented in this edition in Java, are independent of the programming language used. A C# edition is being published concurrently by O’Reilly.

Conventions Used in This Book

The following typographical conventions are used in this book:


Indicates new terms, URLs, email addresses, filenames, and file extensions.

Constant width

Used for program listings, as well as within paragraphs to refer to program elements such as variable or function names, databases, data types, environment variables, statements, and keywords.


This element signifies a tip or suggestion.


This element signifies a general note.


This element indicates a warning or caution.


This element indicates an important remark.

Generic Names for Elements of Source Code

Although in the book we use Java to illustrate maintainability guidelines, these guidelines are not specific to Java. The guidelines are inspired by the SIG maintainability model, which is technology-independent and has been applied to about a hundred programming languages and related technologies (such as JSP).

Programming languages differ in the features they provide and (of course) their syntax. For example, where Java uses the keyword final for a constant, C# uses readonly for exactly the same thing. As another example, C# provides a feature called partial classes, which Java (currently) does not provide.

In addition to differences in syntax, programming languages also differ in the terminology they use in textbooks, tutorials, and their individual specifications. For instance, the concept of a group of code lines that can be executed as a whole is known in almost every programming language. In Java and C#, this concept is called a method. In Visual Basic, it is called a subroutine. In JavaScript and C, it is known as a function. In Pascal, it is known as a procedure.

That is why a technology-independent model needs generic names for grouping concepts. Table P-1 presents the generic names that we use throughout the chapters.

Table P-1. A generic grouping of concepts and their representation in Java.
Generic name Generic definition In Java


Smallest grouping of lines that can be executed independently

Method or constructor


Smallest grouping of units

Top-level class, interface, or enum


Top-level division of a system as defined by its software architecture

(Not defined by the language)


The entire codebase under study

(Not defined by the language)

The following list further clarifies the relationship between the grouping constructs described in Table P-1 and the practice of Java programming:

From smallest to largest

The grouping concepts in Table P-1 are ordered from smallest to largest. A unit itself consists of statements, but statements are not a grouping construct.


In Java, as in many other programming languages, there is a complex relationship between statements and lines in the .java file in which they appear. A line may have more than one statement, but a statement can be spread over multiple lines. We simply look at lines of code (LoC): any line in source code that ends with an Enter/Return, and neither is empty nor contains only a comment.

Some concepts are not defined in a particular language

As Table P-1 shows, some generic concepts are not represented in Java. For instance, in Java there is no syntax to describe the boundaries of a system. This concept is introduced in the generic terminology because we do need it. It is not a problem that Java lacks the syntax: in practice we have other ways to determine these boundaries.

Some well-known generic concepts play no role

You might be surprised that Table P-1 does not define well-known terms such as subcomponent and subsystem. The reason is simple: we do not need them for the guidelines.

Not all grouping constructs of a language are represented

Java has more grouping constructs than those listed in Table P-1. Java has packages to group classes and interfaces. Java also has inner classes. They are not listed in Table P-1 because we do not need them for the guidelines. For example, we do not need to distinguish between classes and inner classes to formulate our guidelines about coupling.


A Java package is not the same as a component in the generic terminology. In very small Java systems, there may be a one-to-one mapping between components and packages. In larger Java systems, there are usually far more packages than components.

Build tooling plays no role in the generic terminology

In Java development, teams that use Apache Ant have an additional grouping concept: targets. Likewise, teams that use Maven may use several POM files, each for a different part of the system. However, Ant targets and Maven POM files play no role in the guidelines. There may be a one-to-one relationship between components on the one hand and targets or POM files on the other, but this is not a rule.

Components are determined by the architecture of the system

A component is not a Java concept. Components are not packages, nor Ant targets or Maven POM files. Instead, components are the highest-level building blocks as identified by the software architecture of the system. They are the blocks in a “blocks-and-arrows” diagram of the system. Chapter 7 further explains the concept of components and presents some examples.

Using Code Examples

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We appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Building Maintainable Software: Ten Guidelines for Future-Proof Code by Joost Visser. Copyright 2016 Software Improvement Group B.V., 978-1-4919-5352-5.”

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We would like to thank the following people for writing this book:

  • Yiannis Kanellopoulos (SIG) as our project manager, overseeing everything.

  • Tobias Kuipers (SIG) as initiator of this project.

  • Lodewijk Bergmans (SIG) for helping to develop the book structure.

  • Zeeger Lubsen (SIG) for his thorough review.

  • Ed Louwers (SIG) for his help with the visuals in this book.

  • All SIG (former) employees that are working and have worked on perfecting models for measuring, benchmarking, and interpreting software quality.

From our publisher, O’Reilly:

  • Nan Barber as our text reviewer.

  • Keith Conant as our technical reviewer.

And Arie van Deursen for granting permission to include JPacman code snippets.

1 TÜViT is part of TÜV, a worldwide organization of German origin for technical quality management. It specializes in certification and consulting for IT in general and security in particular.

2 See Maintainability Evaluation Criteria.

3 That is, ISO/IEC 17025 certified.

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