Acheson, Dean, xi

Addis Ababa, Third International Conference on Financing for Development in, xi, 63, 66–67, 69, 177

Addis Ababa Action Agenda, 63, 163

Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030), 64, 72, 161, 162, 233n6

Airline tax, 139–140

Airplane tickets, a small levy on, 139–140

Annan, Kofi, xii, xvi, 22, 146

Asian financial crisis of 1997, 41, 77, 154, 156

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), 177, 178

Asset management, 60

Aviation tax, 139–140

Ayadi, Rym, 132

B20 (Business 20), 161

Banking. See also Sustainable Banking Network

correspondent, 118

shadow, 41, 59, 60, 116–118

Banks. See also Multilateral development banks; specific banks

financial crisis of 2007–2008 and, 54, 59, 78, 118, 178

regulatory changes and the need for MDBs to step up their game, 178–181

transformation of their role in financing the economy, 178

Bessudo, Sandra, 194–195

Big data, 8, 163, 165, 217

“Billions to trillions,” going from, 180

“Billions to trillions” approach, 67

“Billions to trillions” roadmap, 17

Black Monday (1987), 50

Black swan theory, 96

Blockchains, 34, 119, 230n13

Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital, 228n8

Boissonat, Jean, 108

Bond credit rating, 188, 189

Bonds, 7, 79, 141, 171–172, 188, 236n17

green, 12, 132, 134–136, 180

social impact, 134

Bremmer, Ian, 91, 95–97, 103

Bretton Woods Agreement, viii, 7, 38, 39, 111, 191, 232n2

Bretton Woods institutions, xviii, 16, 146. See also specific institutions

Bretton Woods system, 38–39, 191

Brexit, 7, 83, 158, 159

Brexit referendum, 90, 96, 157, 217

BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), xvii, 12, 27

BRICS Development Bank (New Development Bank), 177, 178

Britain. See United Kingdom

Brown, Gordon, 10, 142, 201, 211, 233n1

Business 20 (B20), 161

C-A-lifornia strategy (Collective Action), 103, 145

Camdessus, Michel, 10, 102, 108, 138, 148, 199, 200, 218, 225n8, 228n12

Cameron, David, 96

Capitalism, 89, 122, 132

and the Chinese, 52, 76

globalization and, xiii, 215

trust and, 57

Car accidents, 141–142, 209

Carbon budget, 136

Carbon Disclosure Project, 164

Carbon economy, 164

Carbon emissions, xii, 100, 164. See also Greenhouse gas emissions

Carbon price, viii, 69, 126, 137, 165, 225n4

Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, 164–165, 208

Carbon tax, 137, 208. See also Green tax

Cárdenas Santamaría, Mauricio, 194–195

Carney, Mark, 229–230nn10–11

on accountability in finance, 125

on climate change, climate risk, and global finance, 99–100, 128, 136–137, 164

on correspondent banking, 118

positions held by, 99, 125–126

speeches, 99–100, 128, 164

on transition risk, 100, 136

Catastrophe bonds (cat bonds), 171–172

Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Options (Cat DDO), 172

Catholic Church, 123

Chalendar, Jacques de, 98, 104, 228n6

Char, René, 100, 228n11

Chidambaram, P., 51

China, 75–76, 81–82, 91, 150, 151, 181, 185, 223n12

commodity importation and consumption, 77

demographics and population, 28, 29

economic growth, 24, 26–29, 52, 76–77, 117, 228n7

economic slowdown, 76–77

and the environment, 68, 161

G20 and, 161–162

and globalization, 77

mobilization of domestic savings, 110–111

trade, 42, 77

World Bank and, 152, 181, 184–185

Chirac, Jacques, 139, 156, 199, 232n18

Chirac tax, 139–140

Chronique sociale de France. See Semaines sociales de France

Cicurel, Michel, 94

Cities, 28–29

sustainable development of, 29–30

Climate and finance, 17, 18, 99, 100, 128, 208. See also Climate finance

toward a community of shared destiny, 135–137

Climate change, 63, 68–69, 84–85, 99, 100. See also Carbon emissions China and, 68, 161

Mark Carney on, 99–100, 128, 136–137, 164

multilateral development banks (MDBs) and, 164, 180, 207, 233n10, 238n10

risks/threats posed by, 84–85, 99–100

scientific opinion and consensus on, 34, 208

and the tragedy of the commons, 128

Climate change mitigation, xii, 8, 99. See also Climate and finance; Climate finance; Greenhouse gas emissions: reducing; Paris climate accord

addressing the challenge of, 64, 66

Climate finance, 164, 180, 193, 218. See also Climate and finance; Green finance

silent revolution and, 135, 218

when consensus might falter, 207–208

Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, Task Force on, 164

Cohen, Ronald, ix, 134

Coletivo initiative, 237n7

Collective action, 103, 145, 165

Colombia, 194–195

Commodities super cycle (2000s commodities boom), 76

end of the, 77–78

Concessional loans, 170, 222n1, 234n1

Condominium, redesign of our, 97

Confidence, 8, 39, 50

in capitalism, 89

crises of, 8, 53–55, 57, 89, 196

excess, 41–42

in finance, 218

in insurers, 171

lack of, 7–8, 91, 171

loss of, 39, 45, 53, 54, 89, 218

in the market, 188

promoting, 137, 189

Control. See also specific topics

hand controlling the tool vs. tool controlling the hand, 13–14

over finance, 12

over globalization, xi, xiii, 13, 92, 102, 123–124, 139, 143, 217, 218

over money, regaining, 4–5, 14–17, 58–59

Cooperation. See also P4C; Publicprivate partnerships

emergence of a new spirit of, 66

multilateral approach to. See

Multilateral approach promoting decentralized, 212–214

role of international organizations in enabling global, 99

COP21 (21st Conference of the Parties), 64, 66. See also Copenhagen Agreement; Copenhagen Summit of 2009; Paris climate accord Copenhagen Agreement, xii, 68. See also

COP21 Copenhagen Summit of 2009, 135. See also COP21

Correspondent banking, 118

Côte d’Ivoire, Republic of, 194

Cowan, Tyler, xiv

Crédit Agricole, 54, 133

Badré at, 10, 44–46, 54, 56–57, 98, 107

finances, 44, 54

meetings, 45–46, 54, 98

Cultural transition, baby steps to, 71–74

Cultures, learning the unspoken language of, 149–152

Cynicism, avoiding the temptation of, Danone Communities project, 206–207, 238n8

De-carbonization of the economy, 137. See also Low-carbon economy

Decentralized cooperation, promoting, 212–214

Deindustrialization, premature, xiv

Democracies, 91, 92

Democracy and trust, 57

Demography prevailing, 27–28

Deng Xiaoping, 185

Deregulation, 40, 52, 53. See also Regulation(s)

Development, ix–x. See also specific topics vs. growth, 112–113

Development bank model, validity of, 176–178

Development finance, 66–67, 177, 187, 193, 203. See also From Billions to Trillions; Multilateral development finance; specific topics

insurance underutilizied in, 170

Digital natives, 33

Digital revolution, ix, 32–34

digital anxiety on the rise, 85–86

Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and

Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act), 113–115, 124

Domestic resource mobilization (DRM), 235n5

Dot-com bubble, bursting of the, 42

Drinking water, sustainable tariff on, 138. See also Water

Driving accidents, 141–142, 209

Ebola virus epidemic, West African, 86, 170, 172, 211–212

Eco-investing. See Green investing Economic cartography, a new, 26–27

Ecotax. See Green tax

Education, 24, 210–211

Efficiency, improving legitimacy without smashing, 152–155

El-Erian, Mohammed, 77, 79, 80

Energy industry, 136

Energy transition, 85, 100, 111, 136

Environment, viii–ix, x. See also Carbon emissions; Climate change; Green finance

China and the, 68, 161

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, 129

Environmental sustainability. See Sustainability

Epidemics. See Pandemics

Ethics, 122, 123

Kantian, 228n12

no longer ignoring ethical fault lines, 123–124

Euro crisis, 46, 83–84, 157

European Central Bank (ECB), 45, 47, 56

European debt crisis. See Euro crisis

European Union (EU), 27, 46–47, 83, 84, 116, 119, 151, 158

Consumer Classroom, 124

instability, 83

United Kingdom and, 157, 228n5. See also Brexit

Exponential organizations (ExOs), 33

Exposure Exchange Agreements (EEAs), 173

Favier, Jean, 129

Federal Reserve, US, 45, 56, 78, 79, 115, 226n5

Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 41

Finance. See also specific topics

can become the great servant, 17–18

at the crossroads, 1–18

definitions and meanings of, 1

financing development, 112–113

as a global governance tool, 160–161

innovative approaches to, 169–172

making finance intelligible for all, 124–125

a new way to mobilize, 196–198

as a powerful tool like no other, 109–110

reenchanting, 108, 113, 125, 127

silent revolution in. See Markets, silent revolution of the

as a tool, 12–13, 108–109

uncharted waters of, 78–81

universal appeal of, 110–111

Financial crisis of 2007–2008, 16, 38

Badré and, 10, 101, 107, 127

banks and, 54, 59, 78, 118, 178

causes, 2, 14, 44, 49–51, 96, 111

compared with other financial crises, 30, 38. See also Subprime mortgage crisis

consequences and ramifications, viii, xii, 7, 14–15, 47–49, 57, 59, 60, 62, 73–74, 78, 80, 89, 98, 104, 107, 118, 119

as a crisis of financial innovation out of control, 49–51

as a crisis of inappropriate and poorly supervised regulation, 52–53

as a crisis of incomplete globalization, 51–52

economic liberalization and, 39–41

the fall of the Tower of Babel (20072011), 43–48

Financial Stability Board (FSB) and, xii

financial system and, viii

a first hint of the, 30–31

G20 and, 52, 98–99, 156, 157

as global, 51–52

lessons from, viii, xii, 18, 38, 49–50

MDGs and, xii, 62

overconfidence and, 41–42

Financial engineering, 140–141

Financial management, 60

Financial Stability Board (FSB), xii, 3, 12, 46, 115, 116, 153, 164

G20 and, 115, 154, 159, 164

Mark Carney and, 99, 125–126

Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), 115

Financial system. See International financial system Financial tools, 1. See also Finance;

Insurance; Multilateral development banks Financing for Development, Third International Conference on, 63

Fink, Larry, 126, 128–129

“Fintech” (financial technology), emergence of, 34

France, 88, 133, 200. See also Crédit Agricole; Semaines sociales de France

2016 Nice attack, 73

Badré and, 54, 248

COP21 and, 68

defiance of authority and fear of the unknown in, 90

divide between public and private culture and mentalities in, 103

economic policies, ix, 39, 45, 55–56, 83, 107, 139–140, 158, 172

economics, 10, 27, 42, 47, 55, 92, 98, 107, 158

England and, 149–150

and the environment, viii–ix

Europe, European Union (EU), and, 159

floods, 85

G8 2003 summit in, 199

globalization and, 8, 158

presidents of, 10, 47, 55, 138, 139, 158, 200, 232n3

Semaines sociales de France, 10, 123, 221n3 Trente Glorieuses (“The Glorious

Thirty”), 92, 98

Francis, Pope, 123–124

Franco–German partnership, 90, 158

Franssu, Jean-Baptiste de, 202 From Billions to Trillions: Transforming Development Finance Post-2015 Financing for Development: Multilateral Development Finance, 187, 193–194, 235n5, 238n10

how to walk the talk, 204–205

a paradigm shift, 66–69

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, 71

“From Billions to Trillions” proposals, xi. See also “Billions to trillions” approach

G7 (Group of 7), 116, 122, 149, 153, 173, 211

China and, 27

(former) dominance, 27, 51, 91, 154

G20 and, 149, 154

G8 (Group of 8) 2003 summit, 199

G20 (Group of 20), 9, 58, 153, 157, 159, 160, 162, 164

1997 Asian financial crisis and, 154, 156

Badré and, 3

climate change and, 161–164

creation of, 104, 154, 156

Development Working Group (DWG) and, 233n6

financial crisis of 2007–2008

and, 52, 98–99, 156, 157

financial reforms undertaken by, 119

Financial Stability Board (FSB) and, 115, 154, 159, 164

G7 and, 149, 154

Global Infrastructure Hub and, 206, 237n5

membership, 91, 159, 160

multilateral development banks (MDBs) and, 163, 184

Mutual Assessment Process, 233n6

nature of, 9, 157, 160

role in coordinating financial and economic policies, 47

satellite organizations around, 161

summits/meetings, 3, 46, 52, 115, 148–149, 154, 161, 211

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, 161

World Bank Group and, 3

Gender equality, 24. See also Women

Geopolitical clashes, 81–84

Germany, 83, 158, 207

Global challenges, viii–x

“Global compact of shared values,” call for a, xii, xvi

Global concerns, emergence of new, 34

Global financial reboot, 103–104. See also Rebooting finance

Global funds, 181, 213

Global Future Council on International

Governance, Public-Private

Cooperation and Sustainable

Development, 212

Global Infrastructure Facility (GIF), 205, 206

Global Infrastructure Forum, 163

Global Infrastructure Hub, 206, 237n5

Global partnerships, 65, 69, 208. See also Partnerships

developing a global partnership for development, 25

Globalization, 8, 61, 70, 80, 97, 102, 104

Badré and, xi, xiii

capitalism and, xiii, 215

China and, 77

control over, xi, xiii, 13, 92, 102, 123–124, 139, 143, 217, 218

a crisis of incomplete, 51–52

debate over, 21

effects of, xv, 13, 51, 80, 96, 97, 102, 104, 124, 140, 149, 162, 179, 207

France and, 8, 158

future of, 7, 8, 12, 36, 80, 81, 88, 92, 94–97, 112

G20 and, 160

governance and, 35

of indifference, 123, 217

influence and control over, 102, 123–124, 139, 143, 217, 218

Kofi Annan on, xii multilateral system and, 149

nature of, xiii, xv, 4, 8, 102

organizations shaping, 86

perspectives on, xiii policies and, xv possible trajectories for, 95–97, 112

private savings made available to by, 179

responsible, 139

rise of a new, 149

vulnerabilities of and backlashes against, xii

Globalized financial system, “scale for good” principle and a new, 207

“Glorious Thirty.” See Trente Glorieuses

Gourdault-Montagne, Maurice, 200

Governance, 35–36. See also “Triangle of governance”

emergence of the idea of, 35

nature of, 35


a primary responsibility for, 193–195

unable to do it all alone, 195–196

Great Moderation, 6, 23, 42, 53, 98, 122

Great Recession, 53

Greece, 46–47, 83

Greek government-debt crisis, 98

Greed, 115

Green bonds, 12, 132, 134–136, 180

Green finance, ix, 16. See also Climate finance

Green investing, 136, 208

Green tax, 137, 139. See also Carbon tax

Greenhouse gas emissions. See also Carbon emissions

reducing, 66, 68, 73, 85, 137

Greenhouse gases, largest producers of, 68, 73

Greenspan, Alan, 45, 224n5

Group of 7. See G7

Group of 8. See G8

Group of 20. See G20


vs. development, 112–113

Guarantees, 180, 182, 234n1, 236n7

Haidt, Jonathan, xv Hammarskjöld, Dag, 148

Health, global, 24, 209–210. See also Pandemics; Vaccination

Helsinki Accords, 101

Henry the Navigator, Prince, 130

Hirsch, Martin, 55

Hollande, François, 53–54

IDA. See International Development Association

IDA+, 169, 170

Impact investment, 133–134

India, 188–189

Infrastructure, financing, 70, 162–166, 205–207

Innovation, ix, x. See also under Financial crisis of 2007–2008

a crisis of innovation out of control, 49–51

innovative approaches to finance, 169–172

as a prerequisite, 189

Insurance, 99, 100, 173, 207

underutilization of, 170–172

Interest rates, 113, 134

concessional loans and, 234n1

low, 7, 15, 78, 80, 93, 98

lowering, 79, 211

negative, 7, 15, 30, 79, 93, 207

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), 173, 186, 236n9

International Conference on Financing for Development. See Addis Ababa; Monterrey Consensus International Development Association (IDA), 170, 182, 234n2. See also IDA+ International finance, simplified, 140–141

International Finance Corporation (IFC), 3, 181, 186–188, 207, 234n3, 236n8

International Finance Facility for

Education (IFFEd), 142

International Finance Facility for

Immunization (IFFIm), 141

International financial system, 11, 23, 118–119. See also Rebooting the financial system; specific topics

asset managers and, 59

learning to maintain the stability of the, 60

middle class in Western democracies and the, 92

opportunity to reinvent the, 104

rebuilding the, 59

reform of, 58–59

International institutions, 160. See also Multilateral institutions; specific institutions; specific topics

the (useful but frustrating) miracle of current, 146–147

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 139, 153, 200

creation/establishment of, 111, 232n2

directors, 80. See also Camdessus, Michel

European Union (EU) and, 47

forecasts, 80, 81

G20 and, 115, 159, 160

meetings, 63, 165

mission, 232n2

multilateral development banks (MDBs) and, 187

OECD and, 46

shadow banking system and, 60

World Bank and, 153, 159, 160, 165, 222n2, 232n2

International organizations, 14, 147, 153, 210–211. See also specific organizations

and reform, 126

role in enabling global cooperation, 99

Investors, institutional, 59–60

Ivory Coast. See Côte d’Ivoire

Joseph Dominique, Baron Louis. See Louis, Baron

Kantian morality, 228n12

Kell, Georg, xiii, xvi–xvii

Kerviel, Jérôme, 45, 229n1

L20 (Labor 20), 161

Landau, Jean-Pierre, 139, 200


making leaders summits into leadership summits, 91

momentum and, 157–160

Legitimacy, improving

without smashing efficiency, 152–155

Lehman Brothers, bankruptcy of, 45

Liability-related risk, 100

Liberalism, economic, 39, 40, 126–127. See also Neoliberalism

Liberalization of financial markets, 40

Lipton, David, 80–81, 95, 228n7

Liquidation value approach, 124–125

Loss absorption mechanisms, 116

Louis, Baron, 107

Low-carbon economy, 137, 207

MacArthur, Douglas, 93

Macron, Emmanuel, 90, 158

Mark-to-market approach, 124–125

Market-based finance. See Shadow banking system

Market economy and trust, 57

Markets, silent revolution of the, 66, 130, 132–133, 135, 161, 218

Match Point (film), 94

Máxima of the Netherlands, Queen, 109

Merkel, Angela, 72

Mestrallet, Gérard, 137

Middle class in Western democracies, 92

Millennium, dawn of the new, 5–6, 21, 32

Millennium Declaration, 22, 37, 44

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), xi–xii, 24–25, 36, 44, 138

and the future, 36–37

soaring hope in 2000 with the adoption of the, 22–23

Millennium Summit, 6, 22

fifteen years after the, 23–26

high hopes from the, 21–37

Monetary policies, unconventional U.S., 78

Money, 12, 111–112, 219. See also specific topics

regaining control over, 4–5, 58–59

Money management, 60

Monterrey Consensus, 23, 63, 70, 139. See also Addis Ababa

Multilateral approach, 3–4, 117, 178

Multilateral development banks (MDBs), 185, 191, 202–204. See also Multilateral institutions

big data and, 163, 165

climate change and, 164, 180, 207, 233n10, 238n10

credit portfolios, 234n5

as engines, 203–204

examples of, 176, 234n7

financial solutions that can be provided by, 174

G20 and, 163, 184

Global Infrastructure Forum and, 163

International Development Association (IDA) and, 170

as key tool in our toolbox, 174–175

as a laboratory, 169–175, 189, 191

oriented toward the public sector, 186

philanthropic groups and, 176

private sector banks, deregulation of, and, 178–181

ratings, 234n5

recommendations and implications for, 174, 204, 207

roles and functions, 163, 165, 179, 187–189, 191, 206, 207, 222n2

unleashing billions of dollars, 169–170

World Bank Group, 185–187, 189, 235n2

Multilateral development finance, 178. See also From Billions to Trillions

Multilateral institutions, xi, 9, 13, 181–182, 211. See also Multilateral development banks

Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), 173, 234nn2–3, 236n8, 236n10

Multilateral system, 149, 169

Multilateralism, xiii, 4, 151, 190–191

Nawandish, M. Y., 29

Neoliberalism, viii, xvi, 52. See also Liberalism

New Development Bank, 177, 178

Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 199, 214. See also specific topics

O-H-I-O (own house in order) strategy, 95, 145, 157

resistance to, 95

Obama, Barack, 85, 149

October 1987 crash (Black Monday), 50

Official development assistance (ODA), 71, 139, 176, 196, 222n2

defined, 222n2

increasing, 23

multilateral development banks (MDBs) and, 23

slowing of ODA growth, 31

target level, 26

Oil crisis, 82

O’Neill, Jim, 162

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 46

Ouattara, Alassane, 194

P4C (painful but profitable public private cooperation), 198, 203, 207

as the key to an economy with a purpose, 208–209

role in preventing pandemics, 211

Pandemics, ix, 172–173, 211–212. See also Ebola virus epidemic

best defense against, 212

higher pandemic risks in a connected world, 8, 86–87

insurance and, 170

prevention, 140–141, 211

tools in the fight against, 8

Paris climate accord, 8, 68, 73, 85, 165, 208. See also COP21

Partnerships, 70–72, 167, 205, 208–211. See also Publicprivate partnerships

defined, 70

between nations, 23, 90, 165. See also Global partnerships

Péguy, Charles, 228n12

Peyrefitte, Alain, 57

Politics. See Geopolitical clashes Porter, Michael, 132–133

Premature deindustrialization, xiv Prince, Chuck, 14

Private initiatives, 31–32

Publicprivate partnerships (PPPs), xvi, 17, 141, 186, 193, 197, 198. See also P4C

Putin, Vladimir, 148, 149

Quantitative easing, 79

Rajan, Raghuram, 224n5

Rebooting finance, 107, 131

Rebooting the financial system, 103–104

while preserving its essence, 181–182

Reenchanting finance, 108, 113, 125, 127

Reform. See also specific topics

international organizations and, 126

a system awaiting rebuilding and, 58–59

Refugees, 211. See also Syrian refugee crisis

Regulation(s), 126. See also Deregulation

a crisis of inappropriate or poorly supervised, 52–53

the temptation of total, 114–116

unintended consequences of, 118–120


of governments, 193–195

reestablishing a culture of, 121–122

Responsible globalization, 139

Risk management, 174

sharing risk at a global level, 173

Risks that threaten global financial

stability, 99–100

Road safety, 141–142, 209

Rodrik, Dani, xiv Roman Empire, 95, 96, 159

Rwanda, bonds issued in, 188

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 18, 88–89

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 55, 57, 200

“Scale for good” principle, 207

Secular stagnation, xvii Securitization, 41, 110, 119, 224n4

Semaines sociales de France, 10, 123, 221n3

September 11

attacks, 9, 42–43

Shadow banking system, 41, 59, 60

rise of, 116–118

Shanmugaratnam, Tharman, 54–55

Shared objectives, 71, 75

Shared prosperity, 8, 12, 21

Shared-value approach, 237n7

Shared-value initiatives, 133

Shared value(s), 132–133, 206

global compact of, xii, xvi Short-termism, moving away from the tyranny of, 127–130

Silent revolution, 66, 130, 132–133, 135, 161, 218

Social business networks, 207

Social finance, 134

Social frustration, unprecedented, 88–89

Social impact investment, 133–134

Société Générale, 108

2008 Société Générale trading loss, 45, 229n1

Badré at, 10, 107–108, 113, 133

Solidarity tax on airplane tickets (France), 139–140

Solomon Islands, 214–215

Soviet Union, 101

Subprime mortgage crisis, 12, 38, 41, 43–45, 49

Summers, Larry, 80

Sustainability, 25, 192

Sustainable, defined, 192

Sustainable Banking Network, 207, 238n9

Sustainable development, 4. See also Sustainable Development Goals

of cities, urbanization and, 29–30

dimensions, 64

financing/funding, 17–18, 67, 71, 176, 180

future of, 195

governance and, 192

humanity’s commitment to, 8

UN conference on, 36

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). See also Agenda for Sustainable Development; Sustainable development

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and, 72, 161

financing/funding, xvi, 63, 71, 167, 173, 180, 193, 235n6

G20 and, 161, 162, 233n6

governments and, 73

implementation, 193, 195, 233n6

initiatives supporting, 163, 174

list of, 65

multilateral development banks (MDBs) and, 64

roles, functions, and objectives, xiii, 64, 111, 112, 180, 196

United Nations and, 63, 64

Sustainable development initiatives, UN agreement on, 101

Sustainable Development Investment Platform, 206

Sustainable development plan of United Nations (UN), 99

Sustainable Energy for All, 208

Syrian refugee crisis, 83–85, 95, 157

T20 (Think 20), 161

Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, 96

Tariff principle for the sustainable recovery of costs, 138

Taxation, 139–140

carbon, 137, 208

green, 137, 139

of international financial transactions, 199–201

Technological disruption, 60–61

Technology. See also Digital revolution financial, 34

Teresa of Ávila, 111

Terrorism, 82–83. See also September 11 attacks

“Thirty glorious years.” See Trente Glorieuses

Tier 1 (T1), 113, 229n5, 229n7

Tipping point (sociology), 50

Todt, Jean, 141

Tolerance threshold, 50

Total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC), 116, 229n8

Trade, 42, 77. See also World Trade Organization

as a financial instrument, 45–46

Trade agreements, 90

Trade policies, 81, 90

Trade protectionism, xiii, 90, 138

Traffic accidents, 141–142, 209

Tragedy of the commons, climate change and, 128

Transition to clean energy, 85, 111, 136

transition risk, 100, 136

Trente Glorieuses (“The Glorious Thirty”), 92, 98

“Triangle of governance,” 126

building a balanced, 125–127

Trust. See also Confidence

ethos of, 57

by institutional investors, 59–60

loss of, 57–58

rebuilding, 58

Trust capital, loss of, 57

Turner, Adair, 40–41, 53

Unitaid, 140

United Kingdom (UK), 53

European Union (EU) and, 157, 228n5. See also Brexit

France and, 149–150

United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016 (Brexit referendum), 90, 96, 157, 217

United Nations (UN), 149. See also Addis Ababa; Millennium Declaration; Monterrey Consensus

“has avoided hell,” 148

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and, 63, 64

sustainable development plan, 99

United Nations Climate Change

Conference. See COP21; Copenhagen Summit of 2009

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, 36

United Nations General Assembly, 64

Urbanization, galloping, 28–30

Vaccination, 140–141

Values. See “Global compact of shared values”

Volcker, Paul, 50

Water, access to, 70, 212–214

financing, 70, 138, 198–199

Wealth creation, unprecedented level of, 89

Women, 24, 109–110

moving up the ladder, 34–35

World Bank, 152, 180, 182–185, 197, 233n8. See also specific topics

Badré as Chief Financial Officer of, xi

Badré as managing director of, 11

Badré in senior management team of, 63

Badré’s involvement in, 10, 34, 102–103, 111, 169, 170, 182, 189, 201, 211

bonds issued by, 188

Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, 164, 208

carbon tax and, 208

China and, 184–185

compared with Vatican, 202

COP21 and, 69

creation/establishment of, 111, 232n2

as doubly global, 190

energy and, 111

finances, 182, 188

financial model of, 201

financial reform and, 182–184

G20 and, 159

history, 232n2

insurance and, 170–172

International Finance Corporation (IFC) and, 3, 181, 186, 188, 232n2

International Monetary Fund (IMF) and, 153, 159, 160, 165, 222n2, 232n2

mission/purpose, 111, 155, 191, 214, 232n2

multilateral development finance and, 178

nature of, 11, 152–155, 185, 186, 189–191, 214, 232n2

and the problem of legitimacy, 154

programs, 32, 111, 181

reforming the, 201–202

shareholder governments, 147

training programs, 32

village projects, 109

World Bank Group, 155, 182, 189–191, 198, 235n2

Badré as representative of, 3

catastrophe bonds issued by, 171–172

finances, 169–170, 182

International Development Association (IDA) and, 169–170

and other multilateral development banks (MDBs), 185–187, 189, 235n2

overview and nature of, 183, 185–186

pandemics and, 172–173

risk management and, 173

World Bank Live platform, 165

World Economic Forum, xvii, 212, 237n6

World Trade Organization (WTO), 75, 146

Xi Jinping, 162

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