Job Aid

Exploring Current Company Culture

This tool can be used to help managers think about the company's current culture in very practical terms and begin to design a vision of the new culture.


Distribute this form to a group of managers and give them time to answer the questions. Then have managers share their answers with others in the group. Discuss the answers and ask the group to agree on one set of answers that best describes the current culture.

During a later session, have the group of managers complete the questions again, this time describing how the company as it will be in the future (following the change).

Welcome to Our Company

Imagine that a new employee has just joined your organization. It often takes time for people to get to know a new organization. Your task is to help the employee understand what our company is really like. Share your impressions of our company by completing the following sentences. Remember to describe our company as it is now—not the way you might like it to be.


When you begin working here, one of the first things you'll notice is that everyone focuses on



Three adjectives that describe our company are:

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

We measure our success by



People who work here can be described as ______________________________________________and

have given up the idea that______________________________________________________________

As a new employee, you'll learn how to do your job by ________________________________________

To be promoted here, you'll need to ______________________________________________________

The biggest mistake you can make here is



Although it isn't written down, our company really values


That means you should ________________________________________________________________

We view our customers as _____________________________________________________________

Because we're so good at ______________________________________________________________

our customers never have to worry about ___________________________________________________________


If we could solve these two problems:

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

we would be an even better company

In the past our company has been successful because of________________________________________


Other organizations wish they could duplicate our ability to ______________________________________


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