Dedication xi
Preface xiii
Section 1: The Human Learner—What Research Tells Us 1
Chapter 1: Learning Is Not Easy (Especially When Others Make It So Hard) 3
  Challenge 1 3
  Challenge 2 4
  What Is This Book About? 8
Chapter 2: An Introduction to Some “Familiar Terms” 9
  Basic Vocabulary—The Terms of the Trade 9
  Two Key Principles: Your Mantra as a Trainer (Educator, Instructor) 13
  Live or Technology-Based: It’s All the Same 14
  What’s in This Book and Why 15
  Remember This 16
Chapter 3: The Human Learner 19
  What Is Learning? 19
  How We Learn: Senses, Filters, and Memory 21
  What Does This Mean for the Learner … and the Trainer? 27
  Remember This 27
Section 2: What You Must Know to Be a Better Trainer 31
Chapter 4: Getting Learners to Learn 33
  Different Types of Knowledge: Declarative and Procedural 36
  Key Ingredients for Learning 40
  Adapting for Differences in Ability, Prior Knowledge, and Motivation 44
  Remember This 46
Chapter 5: Adult Learning Principles 49
  Good Classes and Bad Classes 49
  Four Key Adult Learning Principles 52
  The Bottom Line on Adult Learning Principles 66
  Remember This 67
Chapter 6: A Five-Step Model for Creating Terrific Training Sessions 71
  Six Universal Principles From Research on Learning 72
  A Universal Model for Structuring Any Learning Session 79
  The Training Session Planning Session 84
  The Training Session Scripting Sheet 87
  Using the Five-Step Model to Retrofit Existing Training Sessions 94
  Final Review of the Five-Step Model 95
  Remember This 95
Chapter 7: Getting Learners to Remember 99
  Metacognition: The Executive Learning Controls 100
  Cognitive Strategies: How to Build Learning Faster, Better, Cheaper 105
  Remember This 117
Section 3: Applying What You Have Learned—Making Learning Research Work 119
Chapter 8: Training Approaches and a Cornucopia of Learning Activities 121
  Four Major Types of Training 122
  Pulling the Four Types of Training Together 125
  25 Training Activities You Can Use 126
  Summarizing the Activities 149
  Closing the Door on This Active Chapter 149
  Remember This 152
Chapter 9: Testing or Examining—What’s the Difference? 155
  What Was That All About? 157
  Testing Versus Exams 159
  How Do I Go About Creating Tests? 163
  Creating Tests 167
  Remember This 174
Section 4: Training-Learning With Technology and Beyond 177
Chapter 10: Training and Technology 179
  What Is Technology and What Does It Do for Learning? 180
  Ideal Versus Real 181
  What Can We Realistically Expect From the Use of Technology in Learning? 182
  Should We Ignore Technology? 182
  Caveat Emptor (Let the Buyer Beware) 183
  Promises, Promises, Promises 191
  Remember This 193
Chapter 11: Learning With Technology: Making It Work 197
  Hit or Myth? 197
  What Makes for Quality Online Learning? 199
  Online Learning Is Not the First Decision You Make 202
  Blended Learning 206
  How Would You Blend? 206
  Beyond Traditional Blended Learning 206
  New Informal Learning Approaches 209
  The Rise of Web 2.0 211
  Integrating Web 2.0 Into Training 213
  Resources and Examples: Ideas for Using New Media in Learning 213
  The New Blended Learning and the Future of Training 213
  Remember This 219
  Closing Out on Learning With Technology: Making It Work 223
Section 5: Wrapping It Up 225
Chapter 12: Hit or Myth: What’s the Truth? 227
  The Bottom Line on Learning 237
  Hit or Myth—A Final Match-Up 237
Chapter 13: Concluding Reflections on Telling Ain’t Training 241
  A Rapid Review of Telling Ain’t Training 241
  Something to Think About—Reflections From Carl Jung 244
Endnotes 247
About the Authors 283
Index 287
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