Chapter 1 From User-Land to Kernel-Land Attacks

Information in this Chapter

  • Introducing the Kernel and the World of Kernel Exploitation

  • Why Doesn't My User-Land Exploit Work Anymore?

  • An Exploit Writer's View of the Kernel

  • Open Source versus Closed Source Operating Systems


This chapter introduces our target, the kernel. After a short discussion of kernel basics, we analyze why exploit writers have shifted their attention from user-land applications to the kernel itself, and we outline the differences between a user-land and a kernel-land exploit. Then we focus on the differences between various kernels. As well as discussing the ways in which Windows kernels are different from UNIX kernels, we explore how architectural variations play a significant role in the development of kernel exploits; for instance, the same piece of code might be exploitable only on a 32-bit system and not on a 64-bit system, or only on an x86 machine and not on a SPARC. We finish the chapter with a brief discussion of the differences between kernel exploitation on open source and closed source systems.

Introducing the Kernel and the World of Kernel Exploitation

We start our journey through the world of kernel exploitation with an obvious task: explaining what the kernel is and what exploitation means. When you think of a computer, most likely you think of a set of interconnected physical devices (processor, motherboard, memory, hard drive, keyboard, etc.) that let you perform simple tasks such as writing an e-mail, watching a movie, or surfing the Web. Between these bits of hardware and the applications you use every day is a layer of software that is responsible for making all of the hardware work efficiently and building an infrastructure on top of which the applications you use can work. This layer of software is the operating system, and its core is the kernel.

In modern operating systems, the kernel is responsible for the things you normally take for granted: virtual memory, hard-drive access, input/output handling, and so forth. Generally larger than most user applications, the kernel is a complex and fascinating piece of code that is usually written in a mix of assembly, the low-level machine language, and C. In addition, the kernel uses some underlying architecture properties to separate itself from the rest of the running programs. In fact, most Instruction Set Architectures (ISA) provide at least two modes of execution: a privileged mode, in which all of the machine-level instructions are fully accessible, and an unprivileged mode, in which only a subset of the instructions are accessible. Moreover, the kernel protects itself from user applications by implementing separation at the software level. When it comes to setting up the virtual memory subsystem, the kernel ensures that it can access the address space (i.e., the range of virtual memory addresses) of any process, and that no process can directly reference the kernel memory. We refer to the memory visible only to the kernel as kernel-land memory and the memory a user process sees as user-land memory. Code executing in kernel land runs with full privileges and can access any valid memory address on the system, whereas code executing in user land is subject to all the limitations we described earlier. This hardware- and software-based separation is mandatory to protect the kernel from accidental damage or tampering from a misbehaving or malicious user-land application.

Protecting the kernel from other running programs is a first step toward a secure and stable system, but this is obviously not enough: some degree of protection must exist between different user-land applications as well. Consider a typical multiuser environment. Different users expect to have a “private” area on the file system where they can store their data, and they expect that an application that they launch, such as their mail reader software, cannot be stopped, modified, or spied on by another user. Also, for a system to be usable there must be some way to recognize, add, and remove users or to limit the impact they can have on shared resources. For instance, a malicious user should not be able to consume all the space available on the file system or all the bandwidth of the system's Internet connection. This abstraction would be too expensive to implement in hardware, and therefore it is provided at the software level by the kernel.

Users are identified by a unique value, usually a number, called the userid, and one of these values is used to identify a special user with higher privileges who is “responsible” for all the administrative tasks that must be performed, such as managing other users, setting usage limits, configuring the system, and the like. In the Windows world this user is called the Administrator, whereas in the UNIX world he or she is traditionally referred to as root and is generally assigned a uid (userid) of 0. Throughout the rest of this book, we will use the common term of super user to refer to this user.

The super user is also given the power to modify the kernel itself. The reason behind this is pretty obvious: just like any other piece of software, the kernel needs to be updated; for example, to fix potential bugs or include support for new devices. A person who reaches super-user status has full control over the machine. As such, reaching this status is the goal of an attacker.


The super user is distinguished from “the rest of the (unprivileged) world” via a traditional “privilege separation” architecture. This is an all-or-nothing deal: if a user needs to perform privileged operation X, that user must be designated as the super user, and he or she can potentially execute other privileged operations besides X. As you will see, this model can be improved from a security standpoint by separating the privileges and giving to any user only the privileges he or she needs to perform a specific task. In this scenario, becoming the “super user” might not mean having full control over the system, since what really controls what a specific user-land program can or cannot do are the privileges assigned to it.

The Art of Exploitation

“I hope I managed to prove that exploiting buffer overflows should be an art.” 1

Solar Designer

Among the various ways an attacker can reach the desired status of super user, development of an exploit is the one that usually generates the most excitement. Novices often view exploitation as some sort of magic process, but no magic is involved—only creativity, cleverness, and a lot of dedication. In other words, it is an art. The idea behind exploitation is astonishingly simple: software has bugs, and bugs make the software misbehave, or incorrectly perform a task it was designed to perform properly. Exploiting a bug means turning this misbehavior into an advantage for the attacker. Not all bugs are exploitable; the ones that are, are referred to as vulnerabilities. The process of analyzing an application to determine its vulnerabilities is called auditing. It involves:

  • Reading the source code of the application, if available

  • Reversing the application binary; that is, reading the disassembly of the compiled code

  • Fuzzing the application interface; that is, feeding the application random or pattern-based, automatically generated input

Auditing can be performed manually or with the support of static and dynamic analysis tools. As a detailed description of the auditing process is beyond the scope of this book, if you are interested in learning more about auditing refer to the “Related Reading” section at the end of this chapter for books covering this topic.

Vulnerabilities are generally grouped under a handful of different categories. If you are a casual reader of security mailing lists, blogs, or e-zines, you no doubt have heard of buffer (stack and heap) overflows, integer overflows, format strings, and/or race conditions.


We provide a more detailed description of the aforementioned vulnerability categories in Chapter 2.

Most of the terms in the preceding paragraph are self-explanatory and a detailed understanding of their meaning is not of key importance at this point in the book. What is important to understand is that all the vulnerabilities that are part of the same category exhibit a common set of patterns and exploitation vectors. Knowing these patterns and exploitation vectors (usually referred to as exploiting techniques) is of great help during exploit development. This task can be extremely simple or amazingly challenging, and is where the exploit writer's creativity turns the exploitation process into an art form. First, an exploit must be reliable enough to be used on a reasonably wide range of vulnerable targets. An exploit that works on only a specific scenario or that just crashes the application is of little use. This so-called proof of concept (PoC) is basically an unfinished piece of work, usually written quickly and only to demonstrate the vulnerability. In addition to being reliable, an exploit must also be efficient. In other words, the exploit writer should try to reduce the use of brute forcing as much as possible, especially when it might sound alarms on the targeted machine.

Exploits can target local or remote services:

  • A local exploit is an attack that requires the attacker to already have access to the target machine. The goal of a local exploit is to raise the attacker's privileges and give him or her complete control over the system.

  • A remote exploit is an attack that targets a machine the attacker has no access to, but that he or she can reach through the network. It is a more challenging (and, to some extent, more powerful) type of exploit. As you will discover throughout this book, gathering as much information about the target as possible is a mandatory first step toward a successful exploitation, and this task is much easier to perform if the attacker already has access to the machine. The goal of a remote exploit is to give the attacker access to the remote machine. Elevation of privileges may occur as a bonus if the targeted application is running with high privileges.

If you dissect a “generic” exploit, you can see that it has three main components:

  • Preparatory phase Information about the target is gathered and a favorable environment is set up.

  • Shellcode This is a sequence of machine-level instructions that, when executed, usually lead to an elevation of privileges and/or execution of a command (e.g., a new instance of the shell). As you can see in the code snippet on the next page, the sequence of machine instructions is encoded in its hex representation to be easily manipulated by the exploit code and stored in the targeted machine's memory.

  • Triggering phase The shellcode is placed inside the memory of the target process (e.g., via input feeding) and the vulnerability is triggered, redirecting the target program's execution flow onto the shellcode.

char kernel_stub[] =

"xbexe8x03x00x00" // mov $0x3e8,%esi

"x65x48x8bx04x25x00x00x00x00" // mov %gs:0x0,%rax

"x31xc9" // xor %ecx, %ecx(15

"x81xf9x2cx01x00x00" // cmp $0x12c,%ecx

"x74x1c" // je 400af0


"x8bx10" // mov (%rax),%edx

"x39xf2" // cmp %esi,%edx

"x75x0e" // jne 400ae8


"x8bx50x04" // mov 0x4 (%rax),%edx

"x39xf2" // cmp %esi,%edx

"x75x07" // jne 400ae8


"x31xd2" // xor %edx,%edx

"x89x50x04" // mov %edx, 0x4(%rax)

"xebx08" // jmp 400af0


"x48x83xc0x04" // add $0x4,%rax

"xffxc1" // inc %ecx

"xebxdc" // jmp 400acc


"x0fx01xf8" // swapgs (54

"x48xc7x44x24x20x2bx00x00x00" // movq $0x2b, 0x20(%rsp)

"x48xc7x44x24x18x11x11x11x11" // movq $0x11111111, 0x18(%rsp)

"x48xc7x44x24x10x46x02x00x00" // movq $0x246,0x10(%rsp)

"x48xc7x44x24x08x23x00x00x00" // movq $0x23, 0x8 (%rsp) /* 23

32-bit, 33 64-bit cs */

"x48xc7x04x24x22x22x22x22" // movq $0x22222222,(%rsp)

"x48xcf"; // iretq

One of the goals of the attacker is to increase as much as possible the chances of successful execution flow redirection to the memory area where the shellcode is stored. One naïve (and inefficient) approach is to try all the possible memory addresses: every time the attacker hits an incorrect address the program crashes, and the attacker tries again with the following value; at some point he or she eventually triggers the shellcode. This approach is called brute forcing, and it is time- and usually resource-intensive (imagine having to do that from a remote machine). Also, it is generally inelegant. As we said, a good exploit writer will resort to brute forcing only when it is necessary to achieve maximum reliability, and will always try to reduce as much as possible the maximum number of tries he or she attempts to trigger the shellcode. A very common approach in this case is to increase the number of “good addresses” that the attacker can jump to by extending the shellcode with a sequence of no operation (NOP) or NOP-like instructions in front of it. If the attacker redirects the execution flow onto the address of one of those NOP instructions, the CPU will happily just execute them one after the other, all the way up to the shellcode.


All modern architectures provide a NOP instruction that does nothing. On x86 machines, the NOP instruction is represented by the 0x90 hexadecimal opcode (operation code). A NOP-like instruction is an instruction that, if executed multiple times before the shellcode, does not affect the shellcode's behavior. For example, say your shellcode clears a general-purpose register before using it. Any instruction whose only job is to modify this register can be executed as many times as you want before the shellcode without affecting the correct execution of the shellcode itself. If all the instructions are of the same size, as is the case on Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architectures, any instruction that does not affect the shellcode can be used as a NOP. Alternatively, if the instructions are of variable sizes, as is the case on Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) architectures, the instruction has to be the same size as the NOP instruction (which is usually the smallest possible size). NOP-like instructions can be useful for circumventing some security configurations (e.g., some intrusion detection systems or IDSs) that try to detect an exploit by performing pattern matching on the data that reaches the application that gets protected.

It is easy to imagine that a sequence of standard NOPs would not pass such a check.

You might have noticed that we made a pretty big assumption in our discussion so far: when the victim application is re-executed, its state will be exactly the same as it was before the attack. Although an attacker can successfully predict the state of an application if he or she has a deep enough understanding of the specific subsystem being targeted, obviously this does not generally occur. A skilled exploit writer will always try to lead the application to a known state during the preparatory phase of the attack. A good example of this is evident in the exploitation of memory allocators. It is likely that some of the variables that determine the sequence and outcome of memory allocations inside an application will not be under the attacker's control. However, on many occasions an attacker can force an application to take a specific path that will lead to a specific request/set of requests. By executing this specific sequence of requests multiple times, an attacker gathers more and more information to predict the exact layout of the memory allocator once he or she moves to the triggering phase.

Now let's jump to the other side of the fence: Imagine that you want to make the life of an exploit writer extremely difficult, by writing some software that will prevent a vulnerable application from being exploited. You might want to implement the following countermeasures:

  • Make the areas where the attacker might store the shellcode nonexecutable. In the end, if these areas are supposed to contain data, there is no reason for the application to execute code from there.

  • Make it difficult for the attacker to find the loaded executable areas, since an attacker could always jump to some interesting sequence of instructions in your program. In other words, you want to increase the number of random variables the attacker has to take care of so that brute forcing becomes as effective as flipping a coin.

  • Track applications that crash multiple times in a short period (a clear indication of a brute force attack), and prevent them from respawning.

  • Delimit the boundaries of sensible structures (the memory allocator's chunks of memory, stack frames, etc.) with random values, and check the integrity of those values before using them (in the stack frame case, before returning to the previous one). In the end, an attacker needs to overwrite them to reach the sensible data stored behind.

This is just a starting point for what the software should do, but where should you put this power? Which entity should have such a degree of control and influence over all the other applications? The answer is: the kernel.

Why Doesn't My User-Land Exploit Work Anymore?

People working to protect against user-land exploitation have been considering the same list of countermeasures we provided in the preceding section (actually, many more!), and they have found that the kernel has been one of the most effective places in which to implement those countermeasures. Simply skim through the feature list of projects such as PaX/grsecurity (, ExecShield (, or Openwall ( for the Linux kernel, or the security enhancements in, for example, OpenBSD (W^X, Address Space Layout Randomization [ASLR]) or Windows (data execution prevention, ASLR), to get an idea how high the barrier has been raised for user-land exploit developers.

Defend Yourself

Defense is a Multilevel Approach

Concentrating all of your defenses into a single place has never proven to be a good approach, and this principle applies to development of anti-exploitation countermeasures as well. Although kernel-level patches are probably the most widely effective patches in place, security countermeasures can be placed at other levels as well. Compilers are an interesting target for patches: how better to protect your code than by including defenses directly inside it? For example, newer versions of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC, tool chain come with Fortify Source,A and options for Stack Smashing Protector, also known as ProPolice ( General-purpose libraries are another interesting place for patches: they are a part of all dynamic linked binaries and they contain sensible subsystems such as the memory allocator. An example of a project that includes all of these kinds of patches is the ExecShield project by Red Hat/Fedora.

In addition to protecting potentially vulnerable code from exploitation, you also can protect a system by mitigating the effects of a successful exploitation. During our introduction to the world of exploitation, we mentioned a classic user model implemented by most of the operating systems covered in this book. The strength of this user model, its simplicity, is also its major drawback: it does not properly capture the usage model of the applications running on a system. A simple example will clarify this point.

Opening a lower TCP or UDP port (ports 1–1023, inclusive) and deleting a user from the system are two common privileged operations. In the naïve user model that we have described, both of these operations have to be carried out with super-user privileges. However, it is very unlikely that an application will need to perform both of those actions. There is really no reason for a Web server to include the logic to manage user accounts on a system. On the other hand, a vulnerability inside the Web server application would give an attacker full control over the system. The idea behind privilege separation is to reduce as much as possible the amount of code that runs with full privileges. Consider the Web server, where super-user privileges are needed only to open the listening socket on the traditional HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) port (port 80); after that operation is performed, there is no need to keep the super-user status. To reduce the effects of a successfully exploited vulnerability, applications such as HTTP servers drop the super-user status as soon as the privileged operations have been performed. Other daemons, such as sshd, divide the application into different parts based on the type of operation they must execute. Full privileges are assigned to the parts that need them, which in turn are designed to be as minimal as possible. All of the various parts, therefore, communicate during the application's lifetime via some sort of interprocess communications (IPC) channel.

Can we do better? Well, we can take a step back and apply the same principle of least privilege to the whole system. Media Access Control (MAC), access control list (ACL), and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) systems apply, in different flavors, the aforementioned principle to the whole system, destructing the super-user concept. Each user is allocated the smallest set of privileges necessary to perform the tasks he or she needs to accomplish. Examples of this kind of system include Solaris Trusted Extensions, Linux grsecurity, and patches for NSA SELinux (, included in the Linux mainstream kernel since Version 2.6), as well as Windows Vista Mandatory Integrity Control.

Writing a successful and reliable user-land exploit that bypasses the protection we just described is a challenging task, and we have taken for granted that we already found a vulnerability to target. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your position), the bar has been raised there too. Exploit-based attacks have been increasingly popular in the past two decades. Consequently, all major user-land software has been audited many times by many different hackers and security researchers around the world. Obviously, software evolves, and it would be silly to assume that this evolution does not bring new bugs. However, finding new vulnerabilities is not as prolific a task as it was 10 years ago.


We focused our attention on software approaches to prevent exploitation, but some degree of protection can be achieved at the hardware level as well. For example, the x86-64 architecture (the 64-bit evolution of the x86 architecture) provides an NXB bit for physical pages. Modern kernels may take advantage of this bit to mark areas of the address space as nonexecutable, thereby reducing the number of places where an attacker can store shellcode. We will go into more detail about this (and see how to bypass this protection scheme) in Chapter 3.

Kernel-Land Exploits Versus User-Land Exploits

We described the kernel as the entity where many security countermeasures against exploitation are implemented. With the increasing diffusion of security patches and the contemporary reduction of user-land vulnerabilities, it should come as no surprise that the attention of exploit writers has shifted toward the core of the operating system. However, writing a kernel-land exploit presents a number of extra challenges when compared to a user-land exploit:

  • The kernel is the only piece of software that is mandatory for the system. As long as your kernel runs correctly, there is no unrecoverable situation. This is why user-land brute forcing, for example, is a viable option: the only real concern you face when you repeatedly crash your victim application is the noise you might generate in the logs. When it comes to the kernel, this assumption is no longer true: an error at the kernel level leaves the system in an inconsistent state, and a manual reboot is usually required to restore the machine to its proper functioning. If the error occurs inside one of the sensible areas of the kernel, the operating system will just shut down, a condition known as panic. Some operating systems, such as Solaris, also dump, if possible, the information regarding the panic into a crash dump file for post-mortem analysis.

  • The kernel is protected from user land via both software and hardware. Gathering information about the kernel is a much more complicated job. At the same time, the number of variables that are no longer under the attacker's control increases exponentially. For example, consider the memory allocator. In a user-land exploit, the allocator is inside the process, usually linked through a shared system library. Your target is its only consumer and its only “affecter.” On the other side, all the processes on the system may affect the behavior and the status of a kernel memory allocator.

  • The kernel is a large and complex system. The size of the kernel is substantive, perhaps on the order of millions of lines of source code. The kernel has to manage all the hardware on the computer and most of the lower-level software abstractions (virtual memory, file systems, IPC facilities, etc.). This translates into a number of hierarchical, interconnected subsystems that the attacker may have to deeply understand to successfully trigger and exploit a specific vulnerability. This characteristic can also become an advantage for the exploit developer, as a complex system is also less likely to be bug-free.

The kernel also presents some advantages compared to its user-land counterpart. Since the kernel is the most privileged code running on a system (not considering virtualization solutions; see the following note), it is also the most complicated to protect. There is no other entity to rely on for protection, except the hardware.


At the time of this writing, virtualization systems are becoming increasingly popular, and it will not be long before we see virtualization-based kernel protections. The performance penalty discussion also applies to this kind of protection. Virtualization systems must not greatly affect the protected kernel if they want to be widely adopted.

Moreover, it is interesting to note that one of the drawbacks of some of the protections we described is that they introduce a performance penalty. Although this penalty may be negligible on some user-land applications, it has a much higher impact if it is applied to the kernel (and, consequently, to the whole system). Performance is a key point for customers, and it is not uncommon for them to choose to sacrifice security if it means they will not incur a decrease in performance. Table 1.1 summarizes the key differences between user-land exploits and kernel-land exploits.

Table 1.1 Differences between user-land and kernel-land exploits

Attempting to… User-land exploits Kernel-land exploits
Brute-force the vulnerability This leads to multiple crashes of the application that can be restarted (or will be restarted automatically; for example, via inetd in Linux). This leads to an inconsistent state of the machine and, generally, to a panic condition or a reboot.
Influence the target The attacker has much more control (especially locally) over the victim application (e.g., the attacker can set the environment it will run in). The application is the only consumer of the library subsystem that uses it (e.g., the memory allocator). The attacker races with all the other applications in an attempt to “influence” the kernel. All the applications are consumers of the kernel subsystems.
Execute shellcode The shellcode can execute kernel system calls via user-land gates that guarantee safety and correctness. The shellcode executes at a higher privilege level and has to return to user land correctly, without panicking the system.
Bypass anti-exploitation protections This requires increasingly more complicated approaches. Most of the protections are at the kernel level but do not protect the kernel itself. The attacker can even disable most of them.

The number of “tricks” you can perform at the kernel level is virtually unlimited. This is another advantage of kernel complexity. As you will discover throughout the rest of this book, it is more difficult to categorize kernel-land vulnerabilities than user-land vulnerabilities. Although you can certainly track down some common exploitation vectors (and we will!), every kernel vulnerability is a story unto itself.

Sit down and relax. The journey has just begun.

An Exploit Writer's View of the Kernel

In the preceding section, we outlined the differences between user-land and kernel-land exploitation; from this point on we will focus only on the kernel. In this section, we will go slightly deeper into some theoretical concepts that will be extremely useful to understand; later we will discuss kernel vulnerabilities and attacks. Since this is not a book on operating systems, we decided to introduce the exploitation concepts before this section in the hopes that the exploitation-relevant details will more clearly stand out. Notwithstanding this, the more you know about the underlying operating system, the better you will be able to target it. Studying an operating system is not only fascinating, but also remunerative when it comes to attacking it (for more on operating system concepts, see the “Related Reading” section at the end of this chapter).

User-Land Processes and the Scheduler

One of the characteristics that we take for granted in an operating system is the ability to run multiple processes concurrently. Obviously, unless the system has more than one CPU, only one process can be active and running at any given time. By assigning to each process a time frame to spend on the CPU and by quickly switching it from process to process, the kernel gives the end-user the illusion of multitasking. To achieve that, the kernel saves and associates to each running process a set of information representing its state: where it is in the execution process, whether it is active or waiting for some resource, the state of the machine when it was removed from the CPU, and so on. All this information is usually referred to as the execution context and the action of taking a process from the CPU in favor of another one is called context switching. The subsystem responsible for selecting the next process that will run and for arbitrating the CPU among the various tasks is the scheduler. As you will learn, being able to influence the scheduler's decisions is of great importance when exploiting race conditions.

In addition to information for correctly performing a context switch, the kernel keeps track of other process details, such as what files it opened, its security credentials, and what memory ranges it is using. Being able to successfully locate the structures that hold these details is usually the first step in kernel shellcode development. Once you can get to the structure that holds the credentials for the running process, you can easily raise your privileges/capabilities.

Virtual Memory

Another kernel subsystem any exploit developer needs to be familiar with is the one providing the virtual memory abstraction to processes and to the kernel itself. Computers have a fixed amount of physical memory (random access memory or RAM) that can be used to store temporary, volatile data. The physical address space range is the set of addresses that goes from 0 to RAM SIZE − 1. At the same time, modern operating systems provide to each running process and to various kernel subsystems the illusion of having a large, private address space all for themselves. This virtual address space is usually larger than the physical address space and is limited by the architecture: on an n-bit architecture it generally ranges from 0 to 2 n  − 1. The virtual memory subsystem is responsible for keeping this abstraction in place, managing the translation from virtual addresses to physical addresses (and vice versa) and enforcing the separation between different address spaces. As we said in the previous sections, one of the building blocks of a secure system is the isolation between the kernel and the processes, and between the processes themselves. To achieve that, nearly all the operating systems (and indeed, the ones we will cover in this book) divide the physical address range in fixed-size chunks called page frames, and the virtual address range in equally sized chunks called pages. Anytime a process needs to use a memory page, the virtual memory subsystem allocates a physical frame to it. The translation from physical frames to virtual pages is done through page tables, which tell to which specific physical page frame a given virtual address maps. Once all the page frames have been allocated and a new one is needed, the operating system picks a page that is not being used and copies it to the disk, in a dedicated area called swap space, thereby freeing a physical frame that will be returned to the process. If the evicted page is needed again, the operating system will copy another page to the disk and bring the previous one back in. This operation is called swapping. Since accessing the hard drive is a slow operation, to improve performance the virtual memory subsystem first creates a virtual address range for the process and then assigns a physical page frame only when that address is referenced for the first time. This approach is known as demand paging.

Tools & Traps…

Observing the Virtual Address Space of a Process

We just gave you a primer on what virtual memory is and how it works. To see it in action you can use some of the tools that your operating system provides you. On Linux machines, you can execute the command cat /proc/<pid>/maps (where <pid> is the numeric PID of the process you are interested in) to see a list of all the memory that the process mapped (i.e., all the virtual address ranges that the process requested). Here is an example:

luser@katamaran:~$ cat /proc/3184/maps

00400000-004c1000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 703138 /bin/bash

006c1000-006cb000 rw-p 000c1000 03:01 703138 /bin/bash

006cb000-006d0000 rw-p 006cb000 00:00 0

00822000-008e2000 rw-p 00822000 00:00 0 [heap]

7f7ea5627000-7f7ea5632000 r-xp 00000000 03:01 809430 /lib/

7f7ea5632000-7f7ea5831000---p 0000b000 03:01 809430 /lib/


As you can see, a variety of information is provided, such as the address ranges (indicated on the left), page protections (rwxp as read/write/execute/private), and the eventual backing file of the mapping. You can get similar information on nearly all the operating systems out there. On OpenSolaris you would use the pmap command—for example, pmap –x <pid>—whereas on Mac OS X you would execute the vmmap command—for instance, vmmap <pid> or vmmap <procname>, where <procname> is a string that will be matched against all the processes running on the system. If you are working on Windows, we suggest that you download the Sysinternals Suite by Mark Russinovich (, which provides a lot of very useful system and process analysis tools in addition to vmmap.

Depending on the architecture, there might be more or less hardware support to implement this process. Leaving the gory details aside for a moment (details that you can find precisely described in any architecture or operating system book), the inner core of the CPU needs to address physical memory, while we (as exploit writers) will nearly always play with virtual memory.

We just said the virtual-to-physical translation is performed by consulting a particular data structure known as the page table. A different page table is created for each process, and at each context switch the correct one is loaded. Since each process has a different page table and thus a different set of pages, it sees a large, contiguous, virtual address space all for itself, and isolation among processes is enforced. Specific page attributes allow the kernel to protect its pages from user land, “hiding” its presence. Depending on how this is implemented, you have two possible scenarios: kernel space on behalf of user space or separated kernel and user address space. We will discuss why this is a very interesting characteristic from an exploitation point of view in the next section.

User Space on Top of Kernel Space Versus Separated Address Spaces

Due to the user/supervisor page attribute, sitting in user land you see hardly any of the kernel layout; nor do you know about the addresses at which the kernel address space is mapped. On the other end, though, it is from user land that your attack takes off. We just mentioned that two main designs can be encountered:

  • Kernel space on behalf of user space In this scenario, the virtual address space is divided into two parts—one private to the kernel and the other available to the user-land applications. This is achieved by replicating the kernel page table entries over every process's page tables. For example, on a 32-bit x86 machine running Linux, the kernel resides in the 0xc00000000–0xffffffff range (the “top” gigabyte of virtual memory), whereas each process is free to use all the addresses beneath this range (the “lower” 3GB of virtual memory).

  • Separated kernel and process address space In this scenario, the kernel and the user-land applications get a full, independent address space. In other words, both the kernel and the user-land applications can use the whole range of virtual addresses available.

From an exploitation perspective, the first approach provides a lot of advantages over the second one, but to better understand this we need to introduce the concept of execution context. Anytime the CPU is in supervisor mode (i.e., it is executing a given kernel path), the execution is said to be in interrupt context if no backing process is associated with it. An example of such a situation is the consequence of a hardware-generated interrupt, such as a packet on the network card or a disk signaling the end of an operation. Execution is transferred to an interrupt service routine and whatever was running on the CPU is scheduled off. Code in interrupt context cannot block (e.g., waiting for demand paging to bring in a referenced page) or sleep: the scheduler has no clue when to put the code to sleep (and when to wake it up).

Instead, we say that a kernel path is executing in process context if there is an associated process, usually the one that triggered the kernel code path (e.g., as a consequence of issuing a system call). Such “code” is not subject to all the limitations that affect code running in interrupt context, and it's the most common mode of execution inside the kernel. The idea is to minimize as much as possible the tasks that an interrupt service routine needs to perform.

We just briefly explained what “having a backing process” implies: that a lot of process-specific information is available and ready to be used by the kernel path without having to explicitly load or look for it. This means a variable that holds this information relative to the current process is kept inside the kernel and is changed anytime a process is scheduled on the CPU. A large number of kernel functions consume this variable, thereby acting based on the information associated to the backing process.

Since you can control the backing process (e.g., you can execute a specific system call), you clearly control the lower portion of the address space. Now assume that you found a kernel vulnerability that allows you to redirect the execution flow wherever you want. Wouldn't it be nice to just redirect it to some address you know and control in user land? That is exactly what systems implementing a kernel space on behalf of user space allow you to do. Because the kernel page table entries are replicated over the process page tables, a single virtual address space composed of the kernel portion plus your process user-land mappings is active and you are free to dereference a pointer inside it. Obviously, you need to be in process context, as in interrupt context, you may have no clue what process was interrupted. There are many advantages to combining user and kernel address spaces:

  • You do not have to guess where your shellcode will be and you can write it in C; the compiler will take care of assembling it. This is a godsend when the code to trigger the vulnerability messes up many kernel structures, thereby necessitating a careful recovery phase.

  • You do not have to face the problem of finding a large, safe place to store the shellcode. You have 3GB of controlled address space.

  • You do not have to worry about no-exec page protection. Since you control the address space, you can map it in memory however you like.

  • You can map in memory a large portion of the address space and fill it with NOPs or NOP-like code/data, sensibly increasing your chances of success. Sometimes, as you will see, you might be able to overwrite only a portion of the return address, so having a large landing point is the only way to write a reliable exploit.

  • You can easily take advantage of user space dereference (and NULL pointer dereference) bugs, which we will cover in more detail in Chapter 2.

All of these approaches are inapplicable in a separated user and kernel space environment. On such systems, the same virtual address has a different meaning in kernel land and in user land. You cannot use any mapping inside your process address space to help you during the exploitation process. You could say that the combined user and kernel address space approach is best: to be efficient, the separated approach needs some help from the underlying architecture, as happens with the context registers on UltraSPARC machines. That does not mean it is impossible to implement such a design on the x86 architecture. The problem concerns how much of a performance penalty is introduced.

Open Source Versus Closed Source Operating Systems

We spent the last couple of sections introducing generic kernel implementation concepts that are valid among the various operating systems we will cover in this book. We will be focusing primarily on three kernel families: Linux (as a classic example of a UNIX operating system), Mac OS X (with its hybrid microkernel/UNIX design), and Windows. We will discuss them in more detail in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. To conclude this chapter, we will provide a quick refresher on the open source versus closed source saga.

One reason Linux is so popular is its open source strategy: all the source code of the operating system is released under a particular license, the GNU Public License (GPL), which allows free distribution and download of kernel sources. In truth, it is more complicated than it sounds and precisely dictates what can and cannot be done with the source code. As an example, it imposes that if some GPL code is used as part of a bigger project, the whole project has to be released under GPL too. Other UNIX derivates are (fully or mostly) open source as well, with different (and, usually, more relaxed) licenses: FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, OpenSolaris, and, even though it's a hybrid kernel, Mac OS X let you dig into all or the vast majority of their kernel source code base. On the other side of the fence there is the Microsoft Windows family and some commercial UNIX derivates, such as IBM AIX and HP-UX.

Having the source code available helps the exploit developer, who can more quickly understand the internals of the subsystem/kernel he or she is targeting and more easily search for exploitation vectors. Auditing an open source system is also generally considered a simpler task than searching for vulnerability on a closed source system: reverse-engineering a closed system is more time-consuming and requires the ability to grasp the overall picture from reading large portions of assembly code. On the other hand, open source systems are considered more “robust,” under the assumption that more eyes check the code and may report issues and vulnerabilities, whereas closed source issues might go unseen (or, indeed, just unreported) for potentially a long time. However, entering such a discussion means walking a winding road. Systems are only as good and secure as the quality of their engineering and testing process, and it is just a matter of time before vulnerabilities are found and reliably exploited by some skilled researcher/hacker.


In this chapter, we introduced our target, the kernel, and why many exploit developers are interested in it. In the past, kernel exploits have proven to be not only possible, but also extremely powerful and efficient, especially on systems equipped with state-of-the-art security patches. This power comes with the expense of requiring a wide and deep understanding of the kernel code and a bigger effort in the development of the exploit. We started down the road toward the world of kernel exploitation by introducing some generic, mandatory kernel concepts: how the kernel keeps track of and selects processes to run, and how virtual memory allows each process to run as though it has a large, contiguous, and private address space. Of course, this was just a superficial tour: we will go deeper into the gory subsystem details in the rest of the book. Readers who want more information now can refer to the “Related Reading” section at the end of this chapter for a list of material on exploiting, auditing, and shellcode development.

In this chapter we also talked about combined user and kernel address space versus separated address space design. We dedicated a whole section to this concept because it highly affects the way we write exploits. In fact, on combined systems we have a lot more weapons on our side. We can basically dereference any address in a process address space that we control.

We finished the chapter with a small refresher on the open versus closed source saga just to point out that most of the operating systems we will cover (with the notable exception of the Windows family) provide their source code free for download. As you can imagine, this is of great help during exploit development and vulnerability research.

Now that you have learned how challenging, fascinating, and powerful kernel exploitation can be, we can move on to Chapter 2 where we will discuss how to perform this process efficiently and, most importantly, extremely reliably. Let the fun begin.

Related Reading


Dowd M., McDonald J., Schuh J. The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities, 2006, (Addison-Wesley Professional).

General Operating System Concepts

Tanenbaum A. Modern Operating Systems, Third Edition, 2007, (Prentice Hall Press).

Silberschatz A., Galvin P., Gagne G. Operating System Concepts, Eighth Edition, 2008, (Wiley).

Specific Operating System Design and Implementation

Bovet D., Cesati M. Understanding the Linux Kernel, Third Edition, 2005, (O'Reilly).

Singh A. Mac OS X Internals, 2006, (Addison-Wesley Professional).

Russinovich M.E., Solomon D., Ionescu A. Microsoft Windows Internals, Fifth Edition, 2009, (Microsoft Press).

Mauro J., McDougall R. Solaris Internals, Second Edition, 2006, (Prentice Hall PTR).


1. Solar Designer. Getting around non-executable stack (and fix). E-mail sent to the bugtraq mailing list,; 1997 [accessed 07.18.10].

A For example, at compile time, the compiler knows the size of certain buffers and can use this information to take a call to an unsafe function such as strcpy and redirect it to a safe function such as strncpy.

B The NX (or nonexecutable) bit can also be enabled on 32-bit x86 machines that support Physical Address Extension (PAE). We will discuss this in more detail in Chapter 3.

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