

2D sound, playing, 186-189

AddCost function, 83-84

AddSpell function, 126-127

adventure type, 25-26

Agility stat, 35-36

Akalabeth: World of Doom, 3-4

alignment of entity, specifying, 60-61, 113, 140

AlignmentBitwise enum, 140

AlignmentFlags enum, 113

ambient lighting, 30

Arena, 9

armor, specifying location of, 146-147

Armor class, 145-147

Armor skill, 90

ArmorArea enum, 146-147

AssignedQuest class, 241

AssignQuest function, 257


selecting, 163-165

types of, 161-162

AttackTypes enum, 161

audio, see sound

AudioEngine object, 181

Autoduel, 4-5


Baldur’s Gate, 13-14

BaseItem class, 134-135

BaseTrapDamage enum, 197

Betrayal at Krondor, 8

BioShock, 19

Body Development skill, 91

Bonus structure, 42

bonuses, 82

for stats, 95-96


CalledShot attack type, 161-162

camera, 24, 29-30

CaseType enum, 259-260

Cast method, 122-124

CastSpell method, 121-122

casual games, 24

character, 1

designing, 33-34

multi-class, 51-52

character classes, 25

and skills, 94

Charisma stat, 36

chat, in-game, 280-281

CheckForQuestCompletion function, 258

Chest class, 147-151

class alignment combinations, 64

class-based system vs. skill-based system, 25

client-server network, 271-272

combat, 158-161

real-time, 23, 159-160

turn-based, 23, 160-161

combat engine, 165-168

combat simulator, 169-171

combat system, features to add, 171-172

CombatEngine class, 165-167

CompleteQuest function, 258

Constitution stat, 36

context menus, using to cast spells, 119-120

Conversation class, 248-253

ConversationFunctions enum, 255

ConversationManager class, 265-267

ConversationNode class, 253-255

conversations, 21, 247

testing, 260-265

CreateSession function, 283

Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool, see XACT

Cue object, 181



resistance, 59

specifying, 197

types of, 58-59, 144

weakness, 59

Damager structure, 58-59, 143, 197

DamageType enum, 58-59, 144

design document, 22

for sample game, 28-32

Detect Trap skill, 92

Dexterity stat, 35

Diablo, 11

DieType enum, 39

difficulty, specifying, 87

Difficulty enum, 87

Disarm Trap skill, 92

Disengage attack type, 162

dnd, 3

Dodge skill, 91

Doom, 9

Draw method, 206-207

Dungeon, 3

Dungeon Keeper, 16

Dungeon Keeper 2, 16

Dungeon Siege, 11-12

Dungeons and Dragons, 3

Dunjonquest: Temple of Apshai, 4


race type, 47

stats and skills, 48



race type, 47

stats and skills, 46-47

entities, 33-34

alignment of, 60-61

specifying type of, 54

Entity class, 53-62

EntityAlignment enum, 60

EntityClass class, 50-52

EntityItem class, 152-153

EntitySpell class, 117-119

EntityStat class, 40-42

EntityType enum, 54

event, audio, 181

experience, level of, 55-56


Fable, 17-18

factions, 237-238

Fallout, 12-13

FedEx quest, 234

FillGroundLayer method, 206

FillSkillObject function, 98-99

FindSession function, 285

First Aid skill, 93

FirstTime function, 256

Freedom Force, 11

FunctionType enum, 255


Game class, 295

Game Master, 276

GamerJoined event, 287

GamerLeft event, 288

GamerPresence class, 282

GamerPresenceMode enum, 282

GameStarted event, 288

gamestate, 301-302

GetCost function, 83-84

GetRandomNumber function, 39

GetTotalDefBonus function, 88

graphics, 191-192

graphics engine, 23-24

griefing, 275

GUI, see interface

GUI libraries, 227-228



race type, 48

stats and skills, 48


race type, 49

stats and skills, 49

HasQuest function, 256-257

Hellgate: London, 20

Hide skill, 92

hit points, 56-57

calculating, 57

host, 270

hotkeys, using to cast spells, 119

Human race type, 47


Icewind Dale, 15

Icewind Dale II, 15

in-game chat, adding, 280-281

Initialize function, 279

Intelligence stat, 36

interactions, 247

checking, 255

specifying type of, 240

InteractionType enum, 240

interface, 211-213

creating inventory window, 217-226

creating toolbar, 214-216

features to add, 228-230

IntermediateSerializer class, 43-45, 99-100, 243

Inventory class, 154-156

inventory items, drawing, 225-226

inventory management, 153-154

inventory window, 217

creating, 217-226

InventoryWindow class, 217-226

Item class, 138-141

items, 133-134

adding, 298-299

distributing, 133

implementing damage to, 140

limiting use of, 139-140

managing, 153-154

specifying types of, 139, 150

ItemType enum, 139, 150


Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, 17


Layer enum, 206

layers, specifying type of, 206

LearnSpell method, 116

Level class, 200-207

level editor, 208

levels, 200, 297-298

LevelSquare class, 193

lighting, 30

LoadContent method, 186

LoadQuest function, 243-245

LoadSkill function, 100

LoadStat function, 45

LockUnlock trigger type, 199

LongRangeShot attack type, 162


magic, 109-110

using, 119-124

mana, 2, 109

Mass Effect, 19-20

MaxWeight function, 64

MediaLibrary class, 178

MediaPlayer class, 178

MediaQueue class, 179

Melee Weapons skill, 90

Message trigger type, 199

metadata, 135

Might and Magic series, 7

Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven, 10


Money class, 136-138

Morrowind, 9

mouse gestures, using to cast spells, 120

Move Silently skill, 93

MoveSpell function, 128-129

multi-class characters, 51-52

multiplayer capability, 269

setting up for, 278-290

multiplayer experience, features to add, 277

multiple-player party, 273-275


NetworkSessionType enum, 283

Neverwinter Nights, 16-17

Neverwinter Nights 2, 17

Normal attack type, 161

Nox, 16


objects, specifying type of, 199

ObjectType enum, 199


PacketTypes enum, 288

PacketWriter class, 288

Parry attack type, 161

pedit5, 3

peer-to-peer network, 270-271

Perception skill, 93

Pick Lock skill, 93

PickLock function, 151

Planescape: Torment, 14-15

Playlist class, 179

point-based skill system, 78-79

Pool of Radiance, 5

presence information, 281-282

primary stat, 35

ProcessPackets function, 289-290

progress, saving and loading, 300-301


Quest class, 233-240

QuestAssigned function, 257

QuestRewardType enum, 235

quests, 22, 231-233

adding, 298

checking, 256-259

designing, 242-245

specifying type of, 234

QuestStep class, 239

QuestType enum, 234


race alignment combinations, 63

race bonuses for skills, 94-95

race types, 47-50

race/class combinations, 63

races, 46

Ranged Weapons skill, 90

ranks, 78

real-time combat, 23, 159-160

RemoveCost function, 83-84

RemoveTile method, 205

resistance to damage, 57-59

ResolveAttack method, 167-168

resources, 303-306

rewards, 140

specifying type of, 235

Riposte attack type, 161

Rogue, 3

RPG, 1

designing, 22-32

history of, 3-20

objects in, 21-22

system, 24-25

RPGGame class, 66


Sacred, 11

sample game,

camera, 29-30

characters, 30-31

combat simulator, 169-171

creating entity classes in, 70-73

creating races in, 69

creating skills in, 97

creating stats in, 67-68

design document, 28-32

designing quests, 242-245

features to add, 296-302

game world overview, 28-29

items, 31

learning skills in, 101-103

music, 31

putting it all together, 293-294

single-player, 32

testing conversation, 260-265

user interface, 31

save system, 26

SaveSkills function, 99-100

SaveStats function, 43-44

scripting system, 27-28

scripts, 22

server, 271-272

SessionCreated function, 284

SessionEnded event, 288


creating, 283-284

displaying, 286

joining, 286-287

SetTile method, 205

SetTrap trigger type, 199

Shield Use skill, 91

skill-based system vs. class-based system, 25

Skill class, 80-84

skill data, storing, 96-101

skill points, 78-79

calculating, 89-90

skills, 2, 21, 77-80

cost of, 82, 94

learning, 94, 101-104

loading, 100

race bonuses for, 94-95

saving, 99-100

specifying types of, 81

tracking, 89

types of, 90-93

using, 104-107

SkillType enum, 81

Song class, 178

songs, playing, 178-180

sound, 175

adding to sound bank, 183-184

creating with XACT, 182-185

playing, 177-178

playing 2D, 186-189

sound bank, adding sounds to, 183-184

SoundBank object, 181

SoundEffect class, 177-178

SoundEffectInstance class, 177-178

Spawn trigger type, 199

spells, 21

adding to spell book, 126-127

difficulty in casting, 111

learning, 115-116, 118

moving in spell book, 128-129

specifying duration of, 112

specifying effects of, 111-112

specifying range of, 112

specifying rate of, 114

specifying type of, 111

spell book, 124-126

adding spell to, 126-127

moving spell in, 128-129

using to cast spells, 120-121

spell casting, implementing, 119-121

Spell class, 110-115

Spellbook class, 126

SpellBookPage class, 130-131

SpellCastRate enum, 114

Spellcraft skill, 91

SpellType enum, 111

Stalk skill, 92

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, 17

stat bonuses, 95-96

Stat class, 36-37

stats, 1-2, 35-36

loading, 45

saving, 43-44

specifying types of, 37-38

StatType enum, 37

story, 296-297

Strength stat, 35

subquest, 231-232


target, selecting, 163

The Bard’s Tale, 4-5

The Witcher, 18-19

tiles, 21, 192

creating, 193-200

removing, 205

setting, 205

tileset, 194

ToolBar class, 214-216

toolbar, creating, 214-216

tools, 27

toolset, see XNA RPG Toolset

track, audio, 181

trap, specifying type of, 150, 196

Trap structure, 196

TrapType enum, 150, 196

Trigger structure, 198


specifying, 198

types of, 199

TriggerType enum, 198

turn-based combat, 23, 160-161


Ultima 1: The First Age of Darkness, 4

Ultima series, 6-8

Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss, 7

Unarmed Combat skill, 91

Unlimited Adventures, 5

Update method, 187-188, 279

Use function, 84-87

user interface, 31

see also interface

UseSkill method, 104-105

UseUnarmedCombat function, 106-107


Warcraft, 10-11

Wasteland, 5

WaveBank object, 181

Weapon class, 141-144

weapons, specifying types of, 143

WeaponType enum, 143

weather, 29

Wisdom stat, 36

Wizardry series, 7


XACT, 176, 180-181

creating sounds with, 182-185

XNA RPG Toolset, 65-75

combat simulator, 169-171

creating skills in, 97

designing quests, 242-245

learning skills in, 101-103

testing conversation, 260-265

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