
A Technique for Producing Ideas (Young), 8

A Time to Kill (Grishham), 179

A Whack on the Side of the Head (von Oech), 124

accomplishments, deadlines, 115

achievement, creative, 90

action, putting ideas into, 174–175

Adams, Thomas, 178–179

Ade, George, criticism of his writing style, 174


agencies, 17

nature of, 87

Aeolian Piano Company, 150–151

age, mental image, 32

airplanes, the first, 88

Allen, Fred

boring adults, 25

the molehill man, 173

Allen, Steve, allergies and asthma, 117

Allen, Woody

believing in God, 18

fear of dying, 83

taking action, 173

America, discovery of, 87

analogues, using comparisons, 118–119


easy, 41

alternative, 162

Apple Computer, 179

architecture, new designs, 120


children’s, 21

individual pursuits, 94

new techniques, 119–120

Asimov, Isaac

exciting phrases, 17

letting your unconscious solve a problem, 170

Ask, researching on the Internet, 153

assignments. See exercises


changing, 138–141

limiting choices, 109–110

astronauts, NASA recruit selection, 63

astronomy, modern, 126

athletics, new techniques, 120

atom, image of an, 103

attention, attracting, 36–37

attitude, performance, 46

attorneys, patent, 177

bacon, advertisement for, 146–150

bar, Capo d’astro, 151

barbed wire, Winner, 177

Bartley, Bill

Knudsen yogurt billboard, 96

leadership images, 104

baseball, center fielding, 53–54

basketball, free throw exercise, 54–55

Baudelaire, Charles, childhood genius, 26

Bean, Bob, observation game, 76–78

Becquerel, Henri, 87

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 120

Bell, Alexander Graham, 86

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, 22

Bernbach, Bill, need of a springboard, 152

Berrett–Koehler, Steven Piersanti, 65

billboards, Knudsen yogurt, 96

bisociation, 7, 17–18

Black Plague, burial of victims, 138

boats, burning your, 178

Bohr, Niels, 103

Bolles, Richard, What Color Is Your Parachute?, 179

boss, teamwork presentations to, 99


crossing disciplinary, 124

unconscious, 109–110

Boyd, Bud

poster on persistence, 181

bacon advertisement research, 146–150

Boyd, Johnny–Boy, accident prone, 36

Bradbury, Ray, writing short stories, 71, 88

brainstorming, teamwork, 99

brakes, air, 125


fun, 21

taking, 168

Bronowski, Jacob, creative activity, 5, 6

Brower, Charles, fragility of ideas, 84

Brown, Charlie, 153

Brown, Norm, knowing your destination, 132

Burnett, Leo, making mistakes, 59

Butts, Alfred Mosher, 64

Caesar, Julius, no retreat, 178

Camus, Albert, 85

Capo d’astro bar, 151

Carême, Antonin, 121

Carlson, Chester F., 64

cars, design of, 31

Cartier, Francis H., discovering relationships, 6

cash register, 125

Catch 22,65


drawing a, 78–80

new designs, 120

Chamberlain, Wilt, free throws, 43

chances, taking, 62–63, 126–127


enabling, 46–47

fear of, 85–86

personal mental image, 48

Chekov, Anton, belief in self, 46

chewing gum, 178–179

Chicken Soup for the Soul, 65

clock, alarm, 19


Columbus, Christopher, 87

comfort, performance level, 44–45


heated shaving cream, 97

Knudsen yogurt, 96

Smokey Bear, 32, 39–40

commitment, to making it work, 176


analogues, 118–119

evaluating solutions, 61

of similar products, 150–151


capturing, 3–4

infinity, 103

insight, 4

mind over body, 47

conditioning, problem solving 10


childhood, 27

following rejection, 65

performance, 43–45


new, 89–90

quick, 72

consciousness, focusing attention on a subject, 153–154

constraints, assuming, 109

conversations, between fruit and vegetables, 32


breaking the rules, 121

proliferation of, 38


creating recipes, 115

creation of, 18

learning from failure, 60

cookoff, office chili, 22

Coover, Harry, 87

Corby, Larry

about the illustrator, 201–202

capturing ideas, 42

Coué, Émile, easy answers, 41


finding, 84–85

taking action, 174–175

Craig, Jean, targeting the right market, 97–98


basis of, 17–18

and failure, 62

humor, 19

mental, 9

unlikely juxtapositions, 7

within a limited framework, 114

criticism, taking honest, 83

Crocker, Jim, 126

Crum, George, 86

cummings, e.e., 120

No Thanks,179

Cuppy, Will, Aristotle’s teachings on brain function, 145

Curie, Madame, 86

curiosity, insatiable, 30–31, 68–69


alternating, 163

electric, 86

da Vinci, Leonardo, disciplined creativity, 114

Dali, Salvador, 18


mentally throwing, 55

playing, 21

Darwin, Charles, 19, 125

Daugerre, Louis–Jacques–Mande, 87

Davenport, Guy, Goethe’s humor, 15

days, dress–up, 22

de Bono, Edward, lateral thinking, 106–109


accomplishments, 115

setting, 176–177

Della Femina, Jerry

failure and creativity, 62

quick connections, 72

Descarte, René, 126

design, automobile, 31

desserts, breaking the rules, 121

diapers, disposable, 179

Diller, Phyllis, beauty parlors, 51


implementing, 180–181

from bad ideas, 86–87

from breaking the rules, 119–121

from changing the question, 133

from unrelenting effort, 163

See also inventions

Donovan, Marion, 179

donuts, increasing sales, 139–140

dots, connecting nine, 110

doubt, self–image, 44–45

downsizing, free time, 49

Dr. Seuss, 65

Drew, Richard, 86

drivers, race car, 60

Dryden, John, rhymed verses, 115

Durant, Will, cosmic truth, 28

Eames, Charles, 120

Edison, Thomas

deadlines, 176–177

extent of human knowledge, 145

on failure, 62

ideas in the air, 42

inventing the lightbulb, 88

the mind of a child, 28

Einstein, Albert, 28

getting good ideas, 167

images, 102–103

problem statements, 132

Einstein, Cliff

generating ideas, 158


electromagnetism, field of, 126

elements, combining old, 4, 69, 71

elevators, waiting for, 134–136

Eliot, T. S.

creating a new whole, 6

creativity within a framework, 114–115

Ellington, Duke, music for specific instruments, 115

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

enthusiasm, 175

nature of a child, 25

employees, solving management

problems with lateral thinking, 106–109

enthusiasm, accomplishments, 175

Essay on Population (Malthus), 125

Eureka Effect, 168

excuses, eliminating, 178


basketball free throw, 54–55

classroom, 111–113

half of thirteen, 160–162

paper airplane, 111

Ping Pong ball, 111–112

Swiss Army knife, 40–41

the 2x2x2 wood block, 159

See also problems

experiences, opening yourself to new, 72–74

explanations, using analogues, 118–119


fear of, 63–64

refusing to accept, 64

searching far enough, 60

self–image, 45

success, 61

fairs, arts and crafts, 21

family day, at work, 21

Faraday, Michael, 126

Farmer, Fanny, 121


criticism, 84–86

failure, 63–64

fences, swinging for, 89–90

Fischer, Martin H., reaching a conclusion, 101

Fleming, Alexander, 87

Florida, spring break behavior, 136–137

focus, subconscious attention, 153

Ford, Henry,

changing the question, 133

positive attitude, 46

worker’s wages, 120

Fosbury, Dick, 120

Foster, Jack, about the author, 199–200

Fowler, Gene, writing, 157

framework, solving problems, 113–114

freedom, taking chances, 62

Freud, Sigmund, 103, 120

friends, teamwork, 94

Frost, Robert

mental abilities, 51

remembering associations, 6

frustration, using distraction to reduce, 134–136


idea conditioning, 16

workplace ambiance of, 19–22

Galvani, Luigi, 86

galvanometer, mirror, 103


observation, 76–78

Scrabble, 64

“What If?” , 121–123

white horse, 75

gasoline, antiknock, 86

Gatling, Richard, 163

Gaudi, Antoni, 120

gears, switching, 169

genius, childhood, 26


analytical, 126

Euclidean, 120

Gide, André, reading about new subjects, 72

gifts, great, 97–98

Glidden, Joseph, 177


staying with your, 182–183

visualization, 52–54

Goethe, humor of, 15

Gogolak, Pete, 120

Goldberg, Philip, The Babinski Reflex, 168

Goldwyn, Samuel, truth, 93

golf, tournament leaders, 43

Goodyear, Charles, 86

Googling, on the Internet, 153

Graham, Bette Nesmith, 64


law of, 180

theory, 18

Greatbatch, Wilson, 87

Greenfield, Jerry, fun at work, 22

Grishham, John, A Time to Kill, 179

groceries, delivering to the customer, 133

Grudin, Robert

creative achievement, 90

The Grace of Great Things,85

guns, machine, 163

Gutenberg, Johannes, 18, 125

Hadamard, Jacques, invention, 5

handicapped, hiring the, 108–109

Harvey, William, images, 102

Heller, Joseph

focusing imagination, 114–115

ideas in the air, 42

Hemingway, Ernest, 85

Hilbert, David, concept of infinity, 103

hockey, hallway, 21

Hoffer, Eric, researching subjects, 154

Hooke, Robert, 180

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 120

Housman, A.E., recognizing objects, 2

Hubble telescope, 126

Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 179

humor, creativity, 17–19

Hunt, Walter, 115

Huntsman, Benjamin, 125

Hutchins, Levi, 19


being possessed by, 154

capturing, 42

defined, 2

expectation of finding, 38

frequency of, 36

generating multiple, 89, 158–159

producing, 11

recognizing, 2–4

visualization, 104


being childlike, 24

defining the problem, 130

digging up ideas, 128–129

failure, 58

gathering information, 144–145

generating energy, 92–93

getting into condition, 13

having courage, 82

having fun, 14–15

incubating an idea, 164

multiple inputs, 66

raining ideas, 34–35

rethinking, 100–101

searching for ideas, 156–157

selecting the best solutions, 172–173

unusual combinations, 116

visualizing success, 50

wondering about a question, xiv

images, thought process, 102–105

immunology, 86

impasse, overcoming an, 168–169

inaction, eliminating excuses for, 178

incubation, subconscious, 8–9

inertia, breaking, 176

infinity, concept of, 103


data gathering, 146–150

gathering background, 177

knowing when you have enough, 163

resources, 152–154

insight, mental, 4, 9

inspiration, illumination, 8–9

instinct, sublimation of, 103

intelligo, 5

Internet, researching on, 73, 152–153

invention, father of, 17


great gift, 97–98

from a refusal to accept failure, 64–65

from crossing disciplinary boundaries, 125–126

from image comparisons, 103

from specific needs, 115

selling it yourself, 178–179

See also discoveries

James, Richard, 87

James, William, attitude adjustment, 46

Jenner, Edward, 133

Jobs, Steve, 179

Johnson, Samuel, lacking ideas, 35

Jones, Franklin P., taking criticism, 83

Kelvin, Lord, 103

Kennedy, Florynce, inaction, 157

Kepler, Johannes, 89, 126

Kettering, Charles, 86

Kirkegaard, Søren, 85

Knebel, Fletcher, statistics, 67

knowledge, gaining specific, 152

Koestler, Arthur

asking the right questions, 133

bisociation, 17–18

solving problems, 42

The Act of Creation,7

Kravitz, Steve, rejecting alternative solutions, 145

Krazy Glue, 87

L’Amour, Louis, opening yourself to new experiences, 74

Lardner, Ring, humorous commands, 18

Latin proverb, finding alternatives, 157

Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 179

lessons, learning from failure, 61

Levenson, Sam, hereditary insanity, 25

Lichtenberg, G.C., real genius, 35

lightbulb, inventing the, 88

limitations, assumptions, 109, 113

limits, solution framework, 113–114

Lipman, Hyman L., 19

Lippershey, Hans, 87

Liquid paper, 64

lists, to do action, 177–178

literature, analogues, 119

Lobachevsky, Nicolay Ivanovich, 120

locks, comparative images, 104

logic, lateral thinking, 106–109

looking, vs. seeing, 75–76

Malthus, Thomas, Essay on Population,125

Mann, Thomas, being possessed by an idea, 154

Mars, the orbit of, 89

Master locks, comparative images, 104

matches, friction, 87

Maxwell, James Clark, 180

May, Rollo

sources of inspiration, 168

The Courage to Create,114

writing poetry, 115

Mays, Willie, center fielding, 53–54

medicine, new treatments, 120

meetings, in the park, 21

memory, observation, 80

Mencken, H.L.

failure, 59

human knowledge, 67

methods, idea production, 8–9

mind, altering your self image, 47–48

mindset, conditioning to solve problems, 10

Minsky, Marvin, The Society of Mind,2–3


committing resources, 176

increasing saving, 141

Monk, Thelonious, taking chances, 127

moon, motion of the, 103

mop, inventing the, 19

Morecambe, Eric and Ernie Wise, on forgetting, 165

Morgan, Lloyd, waiting for answers, 168


finding, 162–163

satisfaction, 183

Mumford, Ethel Watts, knowledge and power, 67

music, creating, 64, 120, 127

natural selection theory, 19, 125

negativity, avoiding, 99

Negroponte, Nicholas, creativity, 7

Newman, Paul, epitaph, 59

Newton, Sir Isaac, 18, 103

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 85

No Thanks (cummings), 179

notebook, keeping a personal, 81

now, knowing about, 30


conscious, 75

the game of, 76–78

memory, 80

Oersted, Hans Christian, 126

Ogilvy, David, 120

making work fun, 17

spreading gloom, 99

operations, household, 31

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, childhood sensory perception, 28


recognizing, 39

rejection as an, 88

Osborne, Alex, brainstorming, 99

ovens, microwave, 87

pacemaker, 87

packaging, product, 31

Pareto, Vilfredo, Speculators and Rentiers, 37

park, meetings in the, 21

Pascal, Blaise, 86

Pasteur, Louis, 86, 120

patent attorneys, 177


new products, 38

sewing machines, 180–181

Winner barbed wire, 177

Pauling, Linus, getting good ideas, 158–159

Peanuts, Charlie Brown’s tongue, 153

pencils, with erasers, 19

penicillin, 87

perception, childhood sensory, 28

performance, confidence, 43–45

persistence, omnipotence of, 181–182


a cat’s, 32

childhood, 28–29

playing “What If?” to change, 121–123

Peters, Tom J., fun at work, 22

Phillips, Bum, Don Shula’s coaching prowess, 117

photography, 87

Piaget, Jean, being more creative, 27

pianos, researching, 150–151

Picasso, Pablo

breaking rules, 120

and computers, 131


baby, 21

thinking in images, 104

Ping–Pong ball, class exercise, 111–112

Pirsig, Robert, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,29

Plunkett, Roy, 87

poetry, breaking the rules, 120

Poincaré, Henri, taking a break, 167

police, Florida spring break problems, 136–137

Poole, Mary Pettibone, laughter, 15

posters, omnipotence of persistence, 181–182

Postman, Neil, effect of school on children, 30

potato chips, 86

Predator of the Universe: The Human Mind (Wakefield), 9

presentations, to the boss, 99

press, printing, 18

Presume, Dr. Livingston I, 117

Price, Ralph, handling rejection, 61, 87–88

Priestley, Joseph, 86

printing press, 125


changing the definition, 134

connecting nine dots, 110

forgetting about, 166–171

scientific method of solving, 8–9

solving with “What If?” , 121–123

stating correctly, 132–133

unconsciously solving, 170

using analogues to solve, 118–119

using lateral thinking to resolve, 106–109

See also exercises, solutions

procedures, improving workplace, 31

production, improving, 141

products, researching, 150–154

proverbs, Jamaican on courage, 83

publishing, self, 179


asking, 30–31, 138–141, 146–150

changing the, 141–142

scientific, 30

queue, use of a, 31

radio waves, transmission of, 180

radioacitivity, 87

radium, 86

rationalizations, staying with your goal, 182–183

Ray, Man, images, 103


changing your self–image, 48

new experiences, 72–74

research, 153

regrets, actions not taken, 182


confidence following, 65

fear of, 84

as an opportunity, 88


fun and work, 20–22

identifying existing, 8

overlooked, 152

between unrelated objects, 30

between work and effort, 171

relativity, theory of, 28

relaxation, mental, 168–169

Rentiers, 37

research, surfing the Internet, 152–153

Research Quarterly, improving performance, 54–55

resources, committing, 176


assuming, 109

unconscious boundaries, 110


evaluating, 62–63

magazine ad, 69–71

retention, employee, 107–109

rewards, new ideas, 33

Richardson, Owen Willans, 126

Riney, Hal, the creative process, 158

Ritty, James J., 125

Robbins, Bud, advertising grand pianos, 150–151

Roentgen, Wilhelm, 87

Rogers, Will, taking action, 173

Rombauer, Irma, The Joy of Cooking, 179

Rooney, Andy, meeting deadlines, 166

Rosseau, Jean–Jacques, word combinations, 117

roulette, 86

routine, changing daily, 71–74

rubber, vulcanized, 86

Rubinstein, Moshe F., scientific problem solving, 8–9

rules, breaking, 30, 119

Runyon, Damon, betting on a race, 18

Russell, Bertrand

thinking, 101

working underground, 167

Russell, James, 64

rut, changing routine, 71–74

Ruth, Kent, new thoughts, 35

Saarinen, Eero, 120

safety pin, 115

Sagan, Carl

children’s questions, 30

unconscious problem solution, 170

Saint, Thomas, 181

salad, Caesar, 115

sales, improving cold sales call results, 142

Salk, Jonas, asking the right questions, 133

Sartre, Jean–Paul

courage, 85

self–concept, 46

word combinations, 117

savings, increasing, 141

Schick Electric Company, 97–98

school, effect on children, 30

Schultz, Charles

knowing the answer, 1

running away from problems, 131

Scotch tape, 86

Scotchgard, 87

Scrabble, 64

search engines, research with Internet, 153

security, endangering our, 85

seeds, fun at work, 20–22

seeing, vs. looking, 75–76

self–image, performance, 43–48

self–publishing, 179

sewing machines, 180–181

shaving cream, heated, 97–98

Shaw, George Bernard, wasted youth, 25

Sherman, Patsy, 87

Shula, Don, coaching prowess, 117

Silverman, Hal, 162

working with, 78, 95

simplicity, ideas, 3–4

Sinatra, Frank, word combinations, 117

Sister Carrie,65

smallpox vaccine, 133

Smokey Bear, 32, 39–40



changing the problem definition, 134–136

childlike, 33

conditioning, 10

finding, 49, 61

limited by assumptions, 109–110, 113

multiple, 41, 111–113

problems, 38, 40, 105

teamwork, 98–99

verification of, 9

visualizing, 105

See also problems

speaking, public, 44

Speculators, 37

Spencer, Percy LeBaron, 87

spirit, team, 16

spring break, student behavior, 136–137

springboard, need for a, 152

St. Augustine, intelligo, 5

start, waiting to, 176

statement, mission, 132

steel, crucible, 125

Steffens, Lincoln, improving the existing world, 39

Stevens, Rise, moving the Met to Lincoln Center, 151


failure to implement a discovery, 180

writing short, 88

strategy, creative, 132

Stravinsky, Igor, 120

stubbornness, refusing to accept failure, 64–65

students, Florida spring break behavior, 136–137

subconscious, incubation in the, 8–9


failure, 61

self–image, 45

Suits, C.G., General Electric research laboratories, 167

surfing, the Internet, 73, 152–153

surrealism, 18

Svevo, Italo, forgetting, 165

Swiss Army knife, 40–41

Syrus, Publilius, forgetting who we are, 165

tables, radical new designs, 120

tapes, altering your self image, 48

tardiness, employee, 106–107


friends, 94

placing blame, 93

team size, 99

Teflon, 87

telephone, 86

telescope, 87

Hubble, 126

tenacity, legendary, 163

Tesla, Nikola, 163

The Act of Creation (Kostler), 7

The Babinski Reflex (Goldberg), 168

The Courage to Create (May), 114

The Dancing Wu Li Masters (Zukav), 26–27

The Grace of Great Things (Gruden), 85

The Joy of Cooking (Rombauer), 179

The Society of Mind (Minsky), 2–3

Theorem, Pierre de Fermat’s Last, 163


gravity, 18

natural selection, 19, 125

relativity, 28

Thimonnier, Barthelemy, 181


in images, 102–105

lateral, 105–109

milking cows, 167

thirteen, half of, 160–162

Thomas, Dylan, childhood perspectives, 28–29

thought, joining matricies of, 18

Thurber, James

knowing the questions, 131

thinking, 101

time, getting ideas, 49

Tomlin, Lily

answering questions, 1

individual responsibility, 93

the rat race, 51

toys, Slinky, 87

training, employee retention, 107–109

trees, bark, 73

tunnel, light at tne end of the, 93

Twain, Mark

answering questions, 1

Huckleberry Finn, 179

underground, working, 167, 170

Upton, F.R., Edison’s work habits, 177

vaccine, smallpox, 133

Valéry, Paul, serious people, 17

van Gogh, Vincent, breaking rules, 119

Vidal, Gore

human problems, 131

success and failure, 59

videos, altering your self image, 48

Virgil, self–image, 45

visualization, methods, 52–54, 56

von Helmholtz, Hermann

getting ideas, 167

three steps to new thoughts, 8

von Oech, Roger

A Whack on the Side of the Head, 124

father of invention, 17

Wakefield, Charles S., Predator of the Universe: The Human Mind,9

Walker, John, 87

water, carbonated, 86

Weakley, Jeff, magazine ad resume, 69–71

Wegener, Alfred, relationships of images, 103

Westinghouse, George, 125

What Color Is Your Parachute? (Bolles), 179

“What If?” , playing, 121–123

white horse game, 75

Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass, 179

Wiener, Norbert, scientific problem solving, 42

Wilde, Oscar, seriousness, 15

Wiles, Andrew, 163

Winner barbed wire, 177

Wise, Ernie and Eric Morecambe, forgetting, 165

wonder, childlike sense of, 30

wood block, finding uses for a 2x2x2, 159

Wood, Grant, getting good ideas, 167


the assembly line, 133

attire at, 20

fun at, 16–22

taking breaks, 168–169

work plan, creative, 132

workers, compensation of, 120

Wozniak, Steve, 179

Wright, Frank Lloyd, imagining concepts, 102

Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 88

writer’s block, 29


new styles of, 120

in teams, 94–95

x–rays, 86–87

Xerox machine, 64

Yahoo, researching on the Internet, 153

yogurt, billboard for Knudsen, 96

Young, James Webb

A Technique for Producing Ideas,8

combining old elements, 4, 7, 69

producing ideas, 11

specific knowledge, 152

Zen, story of Nan–in, 27

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Pirzig), 29, 65

Zukav, Gary, The Dancing Wu Li Masters,26–27

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