Chapter 13
Creating Samples and Indexes





Creating a Systematic Sample from a Known Number of Observations




Creating a Systematic Sample from an Unknown Number of Observations



Creating a Random Sample with Replacement

Using the RANUNI Function


Using a Multiplier with the RANUNI Function

Using the CEIL Function



Creating a Random Sample without Replacement


Using Indexes


Types of Indexes

Creating Indexes in the DATA Step




Determining Whether SAS Is Using an Index


Managing Indexes with PROC DATASETS



Managing Indexes with PROC SQL



Documenting and Maintaining Indexes




Copying Data Sets


Renaming Data Sets


Renaming Variables




Text Summary


Sample Programs

Points to Remember




Some of the SAS data sets that you work with might be quite large. Large data sets can take a relatively long time to process because, by default, SAS reads observations in a data set sequentially. For example, assume that your data set has five hundred observations. In order to read the five-hundredth observation, SAS first reads the observations numbered 1 through 499, and then reads observation number 500. Sometimes, you might want to make SAS access specific observations directly for greater speed and efficiency.

You will need to access specific observations directly when you want to create a representative sample of a large data set, which can be much easier to work with than the full data set. For example, if you are concerned about the accuracy of the data in a large data set, you could audit a small sample of the data in order to determine whether a full audit is necessary. A representative sample is a subset of the full data set. The subset should contain observations that are taken from throughout the original data set so that the subset gives an accurate representation of the full data set. This chapter discusses two types of representative samples:

systematic samples

random samples.

Indexes can also make working with very large data sets easier. An index is a separate data structure that is associated with a data set, and that contains information about the specific location of observations in the data set according to the value of key variables. An index enables you to access a particular observation directly, without needing to read all of the observations that precede it in the data set. Indexes are useful in many instances, including WHERE and BY processing. This chapter discusses how to create and maintain both simple and composite indexes.


In this chapter, you learn to

• create a systematic sample from a known number of observations

• create a systematic sample from an unknown number of observations

• create a random sample with replacement

• create a random sample without replacement

• use indexes

• create indexes in the DATA step

• manage indexes with PROC DATASETS

• manages indexes with PROC SQL

• document and maintain indexes.


Before beginning this chapter, you should complete the following chapter:

• “Performing Queries Using PROC SQL” on page 4.

Creating a Systematic Sample from a Known Number of Observations


One type of representative sample that you might want to create is a systematic sample. A systematic sample contains observations that are chosen from the original data set at regular intervals. For example, a systematic sample could contain every hundredth observation of a very large data set.

To create a systematic sample from a data set that has a known number of observations, you use the POINT= option in the SET statement.

General form, SET statement with POINT= option:

SET data-set-name POINT= point-variable;



• names a temporary numeric variable whose value is the observation number of the observation to be read

• must be given a value before the execution of the SET statement

• must be a variable and not a constant value.

The value of the variable that is named by the POINT= option should be an integer that is greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of observations in the SAS data set. SAS uses the value to point to a specific observation in the SET statement. You must assign this value within the program so that the POINT= variable has a value when the SET statement begins execution. Also, in order for SAS to read different observations into the sample, the value of the POINT= variable must change during execution of the DATA step.


You can place the SET statement with the POINT= option inside a DO loop that will assign a different value to the POINT= variable on each iteration. In the following code sample, the DO loop assigns a value to the variable pickit, which is used by the POINT= option to select every tenth observation from Sasuser.Sale2000. Notice that the following example is not a complete step.

do pickit=1 to 142 by 10;
   set sasuser.sale2000 point=pickit;

Note: In general, samples are most useful when you are working with very large data sets. However, the sample data sets that are included in this chapter are relatively small. The basics of creating samples and indexes are the same no matter the size of the data set, and you can apply the techniques in this chapter to larger data sets.

By default, SAS reads a data set sequentially, beginning with the first observation. A DATA step stops processing when SAS reaches the end-of-file marker after reading the last observation in the data set.

The POINT= option uses direct-access read mode, which means that SAS reads only those observations that you direct it to read. In direct-access read mode, SAS does not detect the end-of-file marker. Therefore, when you use the POINT= option in a SET statement, you must use a STOP statement to prevent the DATA step from looping continuously.

The STOP statement causes SAS to stop processing the current DATA step immediately and resume processing statements after the end of the current DATA step.

General form, STOP statement:



The Sasuser.Revenue data set contains 142 observations. Suppose you want to select a ten-observation subset of the data set Sasuser.Revenue by reading every fifteenth observation. You can use the POINT= option in a SET statement inside a DO loop to create this sample.

data sasuser.subset;
   do pickit=1 to 142 by 15;
      set sasuser.revenue point=pickit;

proc print data=sasuser.subset;

The program above creates the Sasuser.Subset data set, shown below.


Creating a Systematic Sample from an Unknown Number of Observations


Sometimes you might not know how many observations are in the original data set from which you want to create a systematic sample. In order to make a systematic sample, you need to know the total number of observations in the original data set so that you can choose observations that are evenly distributed from it.

You can use the NOBS= option in the SET statement to determine how many observations there are in a SAS data set.

General form, SET statement with NOBS= option:

SET SAS-data-set NOBS=variable;



names a temporary numeric variable whose value is the number of observations in the input data set.

Note: If multiple data sets are listed in the SET statement, the value of the NOBS= variable is the total number of observations in all of the data sets that are listed.

The value of the NOBS= variable is assigned automatically during compilation when SAS reads the descriptor portion of the data file. Therefore, this value is available at any time during execution of the DATA step.

Note: The total that is used as a value for the NOBS= variable includes observations that have been marked for deletion but have not been physically removed from the data set.

You can use the NOBS= option in conjunction with the POINT= option to create a systematic sample of a data set if you do not know how many observations are in the data set.


Suppose you want to create a systematic sample of the Sasuser.Revenue data set, and you do not know how many observations are in it. In the following example, totobs is assigned the value of the total number of observations in the data set Sasuser.Revenue during compilation. Then, totobs is used as the upper limit for the DO loop that controls how many observations are chosen for the systematic sample.

data sasuser.subset;
   do pickit=1 to totobs by 10;
      set sasuser.revenue point=pickit nobs=totobs;

The resulting Sasuser.Subset data set contains every tenth observation from the Sasuser.Revenue data set. When the program above is submitted, the DATA step iterates only once, and the DO loop iterates multiple times within the DATA step.

Creating a Random Sample with Replacement

Another type of representative sample that you might want to create is a random sample. A random sample contains observations that are chosen from the original data set on a random basis. When you create a random sample with replacement, it is possible for one observation to appear in the sample multiple times. You can think of the original data set as a pool of possible observations that might be chosen for inclusion in the sample. For each observation in the sample data set, SAS chooses an observation randomly from the original pool, copies it to the sample data set, and replaces it in the pool.

Using the RANUNI Function

In order to create a random sample, you need to generate a random number. SAS provides several random number functions to generate random numbers from various distributions. One example of a random number function is the RANUNI function.

General form, RANUNI function:

RANUNI (seed)



is a nonnegative integer with a value less than 231-1 (2,147,483,647).

The RANUNI function generates streams of random numbers from an initial starting point, called the seed. If you use a positive seed, you can always replicate the stream of random numbers by using the same DATA step. If you use 0 as the seed, the computer clock initializes the stream, and the stream of random numbers is not replicable.

The numbers that the RANUNI function returns are all between 0 and 1 (noninclusive). Examples of the type of number RANUNI returns include .01253689 and .95196500. If you use RANUNI in a DATA step that generates only one random number, RANUNI returns only the first number from the stream. If you use RANUNI in a DATA step that generates multiple numbers, such as in a DO loop, RANUNI will return a different random number each time the loop iterates.

Here are some examples.


The following DATA step creates one observation with one variable named varone and assigns a random number to it. You can submit this DATA step multiple times, or in multiple SAS sessions, and varone will have the same value.

data random1;

The following DATA step creates ten observations with one variable named varone and assigns a random number as a value for varone. You can submit this DATA step multiple times, or in multiple SAS sessions, and varone will have the same ten values.

data random2;
   do i=1 to 10 by 1;

If you changed the seed value from 10 to a different value in either of the two DATA steps above, the values for varone would be different when you submitted the DATA step than it was when the seed value was 10. However, varone will have the same ten values each time you submit the DATA step with a constant seed value.

Note: For clarity and consistency in the sample programs, all remaining examples of the RANUNI function in this chapter will use a seed of 0.

Using a Multiplier with the RANUNI Function

By default, RANUNI generates numbers that are between 0 and 1. To increase the interval from which the random number is chosen, you use a multiplier on the RANUNI function. For example, if you want to generate a random number between 0 and 50, you use the following code:


You have seen that the RANUNI function generates a random number between 0 and 1. However, in order to create a random sample, you need to generate a random integer that will match one of the observation numbers in the original data set.

Using the CEIL Function

You can use the CEIL function in conjunction with the RANUNI function to generate a random integer.

General form, CEIL function:

CEIL (argument)



is numeric.

The CEIL function returns the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to the argument. Therefore, if you apply the CEIL function to the result of the RANUNI function, you can generate a random integer.


The following example creates a random integer between 1 and 50:


Now that you have seen how to use the CEIL function in conjunction with the RANUNI function, let us consider how to use these functions in a DATA step to create a random sample. You use the CEIL and RANUNI functions together to generate a random integer that is assigned as a value for the variable to which the POINT= option points.


In the following example, the CEIL and RANUNI functions are used together in the assignment statement for pickit, which is the variable that is pointed to by the POINT= option. The NOBS= option assigns the total number of observations in the Sasuser.Revenue data set as a value for the totobs variable. The variable totobs is then used as the multiplier in the CEIL function, so that for each iteration of the DO loop, every observation in Sasuser.Revenue has an equal chance of being picked for inclusion in the sample.

data work.rsubset (drop=i sampsize);
   do i=1 to sampsize;
      set sasuser.revenue point=pickit nobs=totobs;

proc print data=work.rsubset label;
   title 'A Random Sample with Replacement';

Since the program uses a seed of 0 for the RANUNI function, the Work.Rsubset data set will be different each time you submit this code. Here is an example of the possible output.


Creating a Random Sample without Replacement

You can also create a random sample without replacement. A sample without replacement cannot contain duplicate observations because after an observation is chosen from the original data set and output to the sample, it is programmatically excluded from being chosen again.


You can use a DO WHILE loop to avoid replacement as you create your random sample. In the following example

Sasuser.Revenue is the original data set.

sampsize is the number of observations to read into the sample.

Work.Rsubset is the data set that contains the random sample that you are creating.

obsleft is the number of observations in the original data set that have not yet been considered for selection.

totobs is the total number of observations in the original data set.

pickit is the number of the observation to be read into the sample data set (if the RANUNI expression is true), and its starting value is 0.

With each iteration of the DO loop, pickit is incremented by 1. If the RANUNI expression is true, the observation that is indicated by the value of pickit is selected for the sample, and sampsize is decreased by 1. If the RANUNI expression is not true, the observation that is indicated by the value of pickit is not added to the sample. On each iteration of the loop, obsleft is decreased by 1 regardless of whether the observation is selected for the sample. The process ends when the value of sampsize is 0 and no additional observations are needed.

data work.rsubset(drop=obsleft sampsize);
   do while(sampsize>0);
      if ranuni(0)<sampsize/obsleft then do;
         set sasuser.revenue point=pickit

proc print data=work.rsubset label;
   title 'A Random Sample without Replacement';

Note that each observation is considered for selection once and only once.

Because the program above uses a seed of 0 for the RANUNI function, Work.Rsubset will contain different observations each time you run this code. Here is an example of the possible output.


Using Indexes


An index can help you quickly locate one or more particular observations that you want to read. An index is an optional file that you can create for a SAS data set in order to specify the location of observations based on values of one or more key variables. Indexes can provide direct access to observations in SAS data sets to

• yield faster access to small subsets of observations for WHERE processing

• return observations in sorted order for BY processing

• perform table lookup operations

• join observations

• modify observations.

Without an index, SAS accesses observations sequentially, in the order in which they are stored in a data set. For example, if you want to access the observation in the sample SAS data set shown below that has a value of Smith for the variable Name, SAS begins with the first observation and reads through each one until it reaches the observation that satisfies the condition.


An index stores values in ascending value order for a specific variable or variables and includes information about the location of those values within observations in the data file. That is, an index consists of value/identifier pairs that enable you to locate an observation by value. For example, if you create an index on the sample SAS data set shown below based on the variable Name, SAS uses the index to find the observation that has a value of Smith for Name directly without having to read all the prior observations.


Types of Indexes

You can create two types of indexes:

• a simple index

• a composite index.

A simple index consists of the values of one key variable, which can be character or numeric. When you create a simple index, SAS assigns the name of the key variableas the name of the index.

A composite index consists of the values of multiple key variables, which can be character, numeric, or a combination. The values of these key variables are concatenated to form a single value. For example, if an index is built on the key variables Lastname and Firstname, a value for the index is composed of the value for Lastname followed by the value for Firstname. When you create a composite index, you must specify a unique index name that is not the name of any existing variable or index in the data set.

Often, only the first variable of a composite index is used. For example, you could use the composite index specified in the example above (Lastname plus Firstname) for a WHERE expression that uses only Lastname. For example, the expression where Lastname='Smith' uses the composite index because Lastname is the first variable in the index. That is, the value for Lastname is the first part of the value listed in the index.

Creating Indexes in the DATA Step


To create an index at the same time that you create a data set, use the INDEX= data set option in the DATA statement.

General form, DATA statement with the INDEX= option:

DATA SAS-data-file-name (INDEX=





is a valid SAS data set name.


for a simple index is the name of the key variable.


for a composite index is (index-name=(variable-1...variable-n)).


option specifies that values for the key variable must be unique for each observation.

Note: SAS stores the name of a composite index exactly as you specify it in the INDEX= option. Therefore, if you want the name of your index to begin with a capital letter, you must specify the name with an initial capital letter in the INDEX= option.

You can create multiple indexes on a single SAS data set. However, keep in mind that creating and storing indexes does use system resources. Therefore, you should create indexes only on variables that are commonly used in a WHERE condition or on variables that are used to combine SAS data sets.

Note: You can create an index on a SAS data file but not on a SAS data view.

The UNIQUE option guarantees that values for the key variable or the combination of a composite group of variables remain unique for every observation in the data set. In an existing data set, if the variable(s) on which you attempt to create a unique index has duplicate values, the index is not created. Similarly, if an update tries to add a record with a duplicate value for the index variable to that data set, the update is rejected. You will see examples of updating and maintaining indexes later in this chapter.


The following example creates a simple index on the Simple data set. The index is named Division, and it contains values of the Division variable.

data simple (index=(division));
   set sasuser.empdata;

The following example creates two simple indexes on the Simple2 data set. The first index is named Division, and it contains values of the Division variable. The second index is called EmpID, and it contains unique values of the EmpID variable.

data simple2 (index=(division empid/unique));
   set sasuser.empdata;

The following example creates a composite index on the Composite data set. The index is named Empdiv, and it contains concatenated values of the Division variable and the EmpID variable.

data composite (index=(Empdiv=(division empid)));
   set sasuser.empdata;

When you create or use an index, you might want to verify that it has been created or used correctly. To display information in the SAS log concerning index creation or index usage, set the value of the MSGLEVEL= system option to I.

General form, MSGLEVEL= system option:




prints notes, warnings, and error messages only. This is the default.


prints additional notes or INFO messages pertaining to index usage, merge processing, and sort utilities along with standard notes, warnings, and error messages.


The following code sets the MSGLEVEL= system option to I and creates the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set with two indexes:

options msglevel=i;
data sasuser.sale2000(index=(origin
     flightdate=(flightid date)/unique));
   infile sale2000 dsd;
   input FlightID $ RouteID $ Origin $
         Dest $ Cap1st CapBusiness
         CapEcon CapTotal CapCargo
         Date Psgr1st PsgrBusiness
         PsgrEcon Rev1st RevBusiness
         RevEcon SaleMon $ CargoWgt
   format date date9.;

Here are the messages that are written to the SAS log when the program above is submitted.

Table 13.1 SAS Log

NOTE: The infile SALE2000 is:
      File Name=C:My SAS Files9.0sale2000.dat,

NOTE: 153 records were read from the infile SALE2000.
      The minimum record length was 82.
      The maximum record length was 100.
NOTE: The data set SASUSER.SALE2000 has 153 observations
      and 19 variables.
NOTE: Composite index flightdate has been defined.
NOTE: Simple index origin has been defined.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           1.08 seconds
      cpu time            0.04 seconds

Determining Whether SAS Is Using an Index

It is not always possible or more efficient for SAS to use an existing index to access specific observations directly. An index is not used

• with a subsetting IF statement in a DATA step

• with particular WHERE expressions

• if SAS determines it is more efficient to read the data sequentially.


You can use the MSGLEVEL= option to determine whether SAS is using an index. The following SAS log messages show examples of the INFO messages that indicate whether an index was used.

Table 13.2 SAS Log

6 options msglevel=i;
8 proc print data=sasuser.revenue;
9     where flightid ne 'IA11200';
INFO: Index FlightID not used. Increasing bufno to 3 may help.

Table 13.3 SAS Log

11 options msglevel=i;
13 data somflights;
14     set sasuser.revenue;
15     where flightid > 'IA11200';
INFO: Index FlightID selected for WHERE clause optimization.

Managing Indexes with PROC DATASETS


You have seen how to create an index at the same time that you create a data set. You can also create an index on an existing data set, or delete an index from a data set. One way to accomplish either of these tasks is to rebuild the data set. However, rebuilding the data set is not the most efficient method for managing indexes.

You can use the DATASETS procedure to manage indexes on an existing data set. This uses fewer resources than it would to rebuild the data set. You use the MODIFY statement with the INDEX CREATE statement to create indexes on a data set. You use the MODIFY statement with the INDEX DELETE statement to delete indexes from a data set. You can also use the INDEX CREATE statement and the INDEX DELETE statement in the same step.

General form, PROC DATASETS to create and delete an index:


MODIFY SAS-data-set-name;

INDEX DELETE index-name;

INDEX CREATE index-specification;




points to the SAS library that contains SAS-data-set-name.


option suppresses the printing of the directory of SAS files in the SAS log and as ODS output.


is the name of an existing index to be deleted.


for a simple index is the name of the key variable.


for a composite index is index-name=(variable-1...variable-n).

The INDEX CREATE statement in PROC DATASETS cannot be used if the index to be created already exists. In this case, you must delete the existing index of the same name, and then create the new index.

TIP PROC DATASETS executes statements in order. Therefore, if you are deleting and creating indexes in the same step, you should delete indexes first so that the newly created indexes can reuse space of the deleted indexes.


The following example creates an index named Origin on the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set. Origin is a simple index that is based on the key variable Origin.

proc datasets library=sasuser nolist;
   modify sale2000;
   index create origin;

The following example first deletes the Origin index from the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set, and creates two new indexes on the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set. FlightID is a simple index that is based on the values of the key variable FlightID. Fromto is a composite index that is based on the concatenated values of the key variables Origin and Dest.

proc datasets library=sasuser nolist;
   modify sale2000;
   index delete origin;
   index create flightid;
   index create Fromto=(origin dest);

Managing Indexes with PROC SQL


You can also create indexes on or delete indexes from an existing data set within a PROC SQL step. The CREATE INDEX statement enables you to create an index on a data set. The DROP INDEX statement enables you to delete an index from a data set.

General form, PROC SQL to create and delete an index:



ON table-name(column-name-l<...,column-name-n>);

DROP INDEX index-name FROM table-name;




is the same as column-name-1 if the index is based on the values of one column only.


is not the same as any column-name if the index is based on multiple columns.


is the name of the data set to which index-name is associated.


The following example creates a simple index named Origin on the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set. The index is based on the values of the Origin column.

proc sql;
   create index origin on sasuser.sale2000(origin);

The following example deletes the Origin index from the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set and creates a new index named Tofrom that is based on the concatenation of the values from the columns Origin and Dest:

proc sql;
   create index Tofrom
      on sasuser.sale2000(origin, dest);
   drop index origin from sasuser.sale2000;

Documenting and Maintaining Indexes


Indexes are stored in the same SAS library as the data set that they index, but in a separate SAS file from the data set. Index files have the same name as the associated data file, and have a member type of INDEX. There is only one index file per data set; all indexes for a data set are stored together in a single file.

The following image shows the relationship of SAS data set files and SAS index files in a Windows operating environment. Notice that although they have different file extensions, the index files have the same name as the data set with which they are associated. Also, notice that each index file can contain one or more indexes, and that different index files can contain indexes with identical names.


Note: Although index files are stored in the same location as the data sets to which they are associated

• index files do not appear in the SAS Explorer window

• index files do not appear as separate files in z/OS operating environment file lists.

Sometimes, you might want to view a list of the indexes that exist for a data set. You might also want to see information about the indexes such as whether they are unique, and what key variables they use. Let us consider some ways to document indexes.

Information about indexes is stored in the descriptor portion of the data set. You can use either the CONTENTS procedure or the CONTENTS statement in PROC DATASETS to list information from the descriptor portion of a data set.

Output from the CONTENTS procedure or from the CONTENTS statement in PROC DATASETS contains the following information about the data set:

• general and summary information

• engine/host dependent information

• alphabetic list of variables and attributes

• alphabetic list of integrity constraints

alphabetic list of indexes and attributes.

General form, PROC CONTENTS:

PROC CONTENTS DATA=<libref.>SAS-data-set-name;




specifies the data set for which the information will be listed.

General form, PROC DATASETS with the CONTENTS statement:


CONTENTS DATA=<libref.>SAS-data-set-name;




specifies the data set for which the information will be listed.


option suppresses the printing of the directory of SAS files in the SAS log and as ODS output.

Note: If you use the LIBRAR Y= option, you do not need to specify a libref in the DATA= option. Likewise, if you specify a libref in the DATA= option, you do not need to use the LIBRARY= option.


The following example prints information about the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set. Notice that the library is specified in the LIBRARY= option of the PROC DATASETS statement.

proc datasets library=sasuser nolist;
   contents data=sale2000;

The following example also prints information about the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set. Notice that the library is specified in the CONTENTS statement.

proc datasets nolist;
   contents data=sasuser.sale2000;

The following example also prints information about the Sasuser.Sale2000 data set:

proc contents data=sasuser.sale2000;

The PROC DATASETS and PROC CONTENTS output from these programs is identical. The last piece of information printed in each set of output is a list of the indexes that have been created for Sasuser.Sale2000, as shown below.


You can also use either of these methods to list information about an entire SAS library rather than an individual data set. To list the contents of all files in a SAS library with either PROC CONTENTS or with the CONTENTS statement in PROC DATASETS, you specify the keyword _ALL_ in the DATA= option.


The following example prints information about all of the files in the Work data library:

proc contents data=work._all_;

The following example also prints information about all of the files in the Work data library:

proc datasets library=work nolist;
   contents data=_all_;

Remember that indexes are stored in a separate SAS file. When you perform maintenance tasks on a data set, there might be resulting effects on the index file. If you alter the variables or values within a data set, there might be a resulting effect on the value/identifier pairs within a particular index.

The following table describes the effects on an index or an index file that result from several common maintenance tasks.



Add observation(s) to data set

Value/identifier pairs are added to index(es).

Delete observation(s) from data set

Value/identifier pairs are deleted from index(es).

Update observation(s) in data set

Value/identifier pairs are updated in index(es).

Delete data set

The index file is deleted.

Rebuild data set with DATA step

The index file is deleted.

Sort the data in place with the FORCE option in PROC SORT

The index file is deleted.

Let us consider some of the other common tasks that you might perform on your data sets, as well as the actions that SAS performs on the index files as a result.

Copying Data Sets

You might want to copy an indexed data set to a new location. You can copy a data set with the COPY statement in a PROC DATASETS step. When you use the COPY statement to copy a data set that has an index associated with it, a new index file is automatically created for the new data file.

General form, PROC DATASETS with the COPY statement:


COPY OUT=new-libref;

SELECT SAS-data-set-name;




names the library from which the data set will be copied.


names the library to which the data set will be copied.


names the data set that will be copied.

You can also use the COPY procedure to copy data sets to a new location. Generally, PROC COPY functions the same as the COPY statement in the DATASETS procedure. When you use PROC COPY to copy a data set that has an index associated with it, a new index file is automatically created for the new data file. If you use the MOVE option in the COPY procedure, the index file is deleted from the original location and rebuilt in the new location.

General form, PROC COPY step:

PROC COPY OUT=new-librefIN=old-libref


SELECT SAS-data-set-name(s);





names the library from which the data set will be copied.


names the library to which the data set will be copied.


names the data set or data sets that will be copied.


The following programs produce the same result. Both programs copy the Sale2000 data set from the Sasuser library and place it in the Work library. Likewise, both of these programs cause a new index file to be created for Work.Sale2000 that contains all indexes that exist in Sasuser.Sale2000.

proc datasets library=sasuser nolist;
   copy out=work;
   select sale2000;

proc copy out=work in=sasuser;
   select sale2000;

Note: If you copy and paste a data set in either SAS Explorer or in SAS Enterprise Guide, a new index file is automatically created for the new data file.

Renaming Data Sets

Another common task is to rename an indexed data set. To preserve the index, you can use the CHANGE statement in PROC DATASETS to rename a data set. The index file will be automatically renamed as well.

General form, PROC DATASETS with the CHANGE statement:


CHANGE old-data-set-name = new-data-set-name;




names the SAS library where the data set is stored.


is the current name of the data set.


is the new name of the data set.


The following example copies the Revenue data set from Sasuser into Work, and renames the Work.Revenue data set to Work.Income. The index file that is associated with Work.Revenue is also renamed to Work.Income.

proc copy out=work in=sasuser;
   select revenue;

proc datasets library=work nolist;
   change revenue=income;

Renaming Variables

You have seen how to use PROC DATASETS to rename an indexed data set. Similarly, you might want to rename one or more variables within an indexed data set. In order to preserve any indexes that are associated with the data set, you can use the RENAME statement in the DATASETS procedure to rename variables.

General form, PROC DATASETS with the RENAME statement:


MODIFY SAS-data-set-name;

RENAME old-var-name-1 = new-var-name-1

<...old-var-name-n = new-var-name-n>;




names the SAS library where the data set is stored.


is the name of the data set that contains the variables to be renamed.


is the original variable name.


is the new name to be assigned to the variable.

When you use the RENAME statement to change the name of a variable for which there is a simple index, the statement also renames the index. If the variable that you are renaming is used in a composite index, the composite index automatically references the new variable name. However, if you attempt to rename a variable to a name that has already been used for a composite index, you will receive an error message.


The following example renames the variable FlightID as FlightNum in the Work.Income data set. If a simple index exists that is named FlightID, the index will be renamed FlightNum.

proc datasets library=work nolist;
   modify income;
   rename flightid=FlightNum;



This section contains the following topics.

• “Text Summary” on page 492

• “Syntax” on page 493

• “Sample Programs” on page 494

• “Points to Remember” on page 496

Text Summary

Creating a Systematic Sample from a Known Number of Observations

Sometimes you might want to create a representative sample of a large data set. One type of representative sample, called a systematic sample, contains observations that are chosen from the original data set at regular intervals. You can use the POINT= option in the SET statement to make SAS read a specific observation into the sample. Since SAS uses direct-access read mode with the POINT= option, you must use a STOP statement to prevent the DATA step from looping continuously.

Creating a Systematic Sample from an Unknown Number of Observations

You might want to create a systematic sample from a data set that contains an unknown number of observations. In order to be sure that your sample observations are chosen from regular intervals across the entire original data set, you need to know how many observations are in the data set. You can use the NOBS= option in the SET statement to determine how many observations are in the input data set. You can use the NOBS= option in conjunction with the POINT= option to direct SAS to read specific observations that will form a systematic sample.

Creating a Random Sample with Replacement

Another type of representative sample that you might want to create is a random sample, in which observations are chosen randomly from the original data set. You can use the RANUNI function in conjunction with the CEIL function to generate a random integer. With a random integer, you can direct SAS to read a specific (but random) observation into the sample. When you create a random sample with replacement, each observation in the original data set has an equal chance of being chosen for inclusion in the sample each time SAS chooses an observation. That is, in a random sample with replacement, one observation might be chosen from the original data set and included in the sample multiple times.

Creating a Random Sample without Replacement

You can also create a random sample without replacement. This means that once an observation has been included in the sample it is no longer eligible to be chosen again. You can use a DO WHILE loop to prevent replacement in your random samples.

Using Indexes

An index is a SAS file that is associated with a data set and that contains information about the location and the values of key variables in the data set. Indexes enable SAS to directly access specific observations rather than having to read all observations sequentially. An index can be simple or composite.

Creating Indexes in the DATA Step

You can create an index at the same time that you create a data set by using the INDEX= option in the DATA statement. Both simple and composite indexes can be unique, if there are no duplicate values for any key variable in the data set. You can create multiple indexes on one data set. You can use the MSGLEVEL= system option to write informational messages to the SAS log that pertain to indexes. Indexes can improve the efficiency of SAS, but there are certain instances where indexes will not improve efficiency and therefore will not be used.

Managing Indexes with PROC DATASETS and PROC SQL

You can use the INDEX CREATE statement or the INDEX DELETE statement in PROC DATASETS to create an index on or delete an index from an existing data set. Using PROC DATASETS to manage indexes uses less system resources than it would to rebuild the data set and update indexes in the DATA step. If you want to delete an index and create an index in the same PROC DATASETS step, you should delete the old index before you create the new index so that SAS can reuse space from the deleted index. You can also use PROC SQL to create an index on or delete an index from an existing data set.

Documenting and Maintaining Indexes

All indexes that are created for a particular data set are stored in one file in the same SAS library as the data set. You can use PROC CONTENTS to print a list of all indexes that exist for a data set, along with other information about the data set. The CONTENTS statement of the PROC DATASETS step can generate the same list of indexes and other information about a data set.

Many of the maintenance tasks that you perform on your data sets will affect the index file that is associated with the data set. When you copy a data set with the COPY statement in PROC DATASETS, the index file is reconstructed for you. When you rename a data set or rename a variable with PROC DATASETS, the index file is automatically updated to reflect this change.


DATA SAS-data-set-name;

point-variable=CEIL(RANUNI(seed) *nobs-variable);

SET SAS-data-set-name POINT=point-variable NOBS=nobs-variable;




DATA SAS-data-file-name (INDEX=

(index-specification-1 </UNIQUE><... index-specification-n</UNIQUE>>));

SET SAS-data-set-name;



MODIFY SAS-data-set-name;

INDEX DELETE index-name;

INDEX CREATE index-specification;




ON table-name(column-name-1<...,column-name-n>);

DROP INDEX index-name FROM table-name;


PROC CONTENTS DATA=<libref.>SAS-data-set-name;



CONTENTS DATA=<libref>SAS-data-set-name;



COPY OUT=new-libref;

SELECT SAS-data-set-name;


PROC COPY OUT=new-librefIN=old-libref<MOVE>;

SELECT SAS-data-set-name(s);




CHANGE old-data-set-name = new-data-set-name;



MODIFY SAS-data-set-name;

RENAME old-var-name-1 = new-var-name-1

<...old-var-name-n = new-var-name-n>;


Sample Programs

Creating a Systematic Sample from a Known Number of Observations

data sasuser.subset;
   do pickit=1 to 142 by 15;
      set sasuser.revenue point=pickit;

Creating a Systematic Sample from an Unknown Number of Observations

data sasuser.subset;
   do pickit=1 to totobs by 10;
      set sasuser.revenue point=pickit

Creating a Random Sample with Replacement

data work.rsubset (drop=i sampsize);
   do i=1 to sampsize;
      set sasuser.revenue point=pickit

proc print data=work.rsubset label;
   title 'A Random Sample with Replacement';

Creating a Random Sample without Replacement

data work.rsubset(drop=obsleft sampsize);
   do while(sampsize>0);
      if ranuni(0)<sampsize/obsleft then do;
         set sasuser.revenue point=pickit

proc print data=work.rsubset heading=h label;
title 'A Random Sample without Replacement';

Creating an Index in the DATA Step

options msglevel=i;
data sasuser.sale2000(index=(origin FlightDate=
                      (flightid date)/unique));
   infile 'sale2000.dat';
   input FlightID $7. RouteID $7. Origin $3.
         Dest $3. Cap1st 8. CapBusiness 8.
         CapEcon 8. CapTotal 8. CapCargo 8.
         Date date9. Psgr1st 8./
         PsgrBusiness 8. PsgrEcon 8.
         Rev1st dollar15.2
         RevBusiness dollar15.2
         RevEcon dollar15.2 SaleMon $7.
         CargoWgt 8./ RevCargo dollar15.2;

Managing Indexes with PROC DATASETS

proc datasets library=sasuser nolist;
   modify sale2000;
   index delete origin;
   index create flightid;
   index create Tofrom=(origin dest);

Managing Indexes with PROC SQL

proc sql;
   create index Tofrom on
          sasuser.sale2000(origin, dest);
   drop index origin from sasuser.sale2000;

You can also generate reports using the Dictionary. Indexes table

proc sql;
         from dictionary.indexes
           where libname='SASUSER' and

Points to Remember

• If you use direct-access read mode to create a representative sample of a data set, you must use a STOP statement to prevent the DATA step from looping continuously.

• An index can enable SAS to more efficiently access specific observations of a data set. However, because indexes use system resources, they should be created only on variables that are commonly used in a WHERE condition or on variables that are used to combine SAS data sets.

• An index is associated with a data set but is stored as a separate file. You can use PROC DATASETS or the CONTENTS statement to generate a report on a data set's indexes. You can also right-click on a data set in SAS Explorer and select view columns to view a list of the data set's indexes. You should view this information after you have performed maintenance tasks on your data set to ensure that the index file has been maintained.


Select the best answer for each question. After completing the quiz, check your answers using the answer key in the appendix.

  1. The variable that is created by the POINT= option is assigned a value

    1. automatically during compilation of the DATA step.

    2. automatically during execution of the DATA step.

    3. during compilation of the DATA step, by program statements.

    4. during execution of the DATA step, by program statements.

  2. Which of the following programs correctly creates a systematic sample from a data set with an unknown number of observations and outputs these sample observations to a data set named Sample?

    1. data sample;
         set sasuser.sale2000 point=thisone nobs=totnum;

    2. data sample;
         do thisone=100 to totnum by 100;
            set sasuser.sale2000 point=thisone nobs=totnum;

    3. data sample;
         do thisone=100 to 1000 by 100;
            set sasuser.sale2000 point=thisone;

    4. data sample;
         do thisone=100 to totnum by 100;
            set sasuser.sale2000 point=thisone nobs=totnum;

  3. Which of the following expressions will generate a random integer between 1 and 50?

    1. ceil(ranuni(50))

    2. ranuni(50)

    3. ceil(ranuni(0)*50)

    4. ceil(ranuni(0))*50

  4. An index

    1. is an optional file that is associated with a data set.

    2. provides direct access to specific observations of a data set, based on the value of one or more key variables.

    3. can be classified as simple or composite, either of which can consist of unique values.

    4. all of the above

  5. Which of the following correctly creates a data set named Flights from the Sasuser.Revenue data set, creates a composite index named Fromto that is based on the values of Origin and Dest, and prints informational messages about the index to the SAS log?

    1. options msglevel=i;
      data flights index=(Fromto=origin dest);
         set sasuser.revenue;

    2. options msglevel=n;
      data flights (index=(Fromto=origin dest));
         set sasuser.revenue;

    3. options msglevel=i;
      data flights (index=(Fromto=(origin dest)));
         set sasuser.revenue;

    4. options msglevel=n;
      data flights (index=Fromto);
         set sasuser.revenue;

  6. Which of the following is true?

    1. When you add observations to a data set, the index(es) are automatically updated with additional value/identifier pairs.

    2. When you rename a variable that is used as the key variable in a simple index, you must re-create the index.

    3. When you delete a data set, the index file remains until you delete it as well.

    4. When you copy a data set with the COPY statement, you must also copy the index file in another step.

  7. To create an index on an existing data set, you use


    2. PROC SQL.

    3. the DATA step with the INDEX= option, to rebuild the data set.

    4. any of the above

  8. Which of the following correctly creates a simple index named Origin on the Revenue data set?

    1. proc sql;
         create index origin on revenue(origin);

    2. proc sql;
         modify revenue;

    3. proc sql data=revenue;
         create index origin;

    4. proc sql;
         index=origin on revenue;

  9. To view a list of the indexes that are associated with a data set, you use

    1. PROC COPY or the COPY statement in PROC DATASETS.

    2. PROC CONTENTS or the CONTENTS statement in PROC DATASETS.

    3. the MSGLEVEL= system option and a PROC PRINT step.

    4. any of the above

  10. Suppose that the Sasuser.Revenue data set has a simple index named FlightID. For which of the following programs will the index be used?

    1. proc print data=sasuser.revenue;
         where flightid ne 'IA11200';

    2. data someflights;
         set sasuser.revenue;
         where flightid > 'IA11200';

    3. data someflights;
         set sasuser.revenue;
         if flightid > 'IA11200';

    4. proc print data=sasuser.revenue;
         where origin='RDU' or flightid='IA03400';

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