List of Listings

Chapter 2. Getting started

Listing 2.1. User data model

Listing 2.2. CRUD operations in

Listing 2.3. UsersTool, a command-line interface to the users table

Chapter 3. Distributed HBase, HDFS, and MapReduce

Listing 3.1. A Shakespearean twit counter

Chapter 4. HBase table design

Listing 4.1. Implementing a custom filter to check password length

Chapter 5. Extending HBase with coprocessors

Listing 5.1. FollowsObserver

Listing 5.2. server half of implementing an endpoint

Listing 5.3. Client portion of the endpoint; snippet from

Chapter 6. Alternative HBase clients

Listing 6.1. UNIX shell replacement for

Listing 6.2. TwitBase.jrb: programming the HBase shell

Listing 6.3. connecting to TwitBase from Python via Thrift

Listing 6.4. Complete asynchbase client to TwitBase: AsyncUsersTool

Chapter 7. HBase by example: OpenTSDB

Listing 7.1. Scripting the HBase shell to create the tables used by OpenTSDB

Listing 7.2. Registering metrics in the tsdb-uid table

Listing 7.3. Pseudo-code for inserting a tag into the tsdb-uid table

Listing 7.4. Reduced Java code for UniqueId.getOrCreateId()

Listing 7.5. Pseudo-code for generating a rowkey template

Listing 7.6. Java code for IncomingDataPoints.rowKeyTemplate()

Listing 7.7. Pseudo-code for inserting a tsdb record

Listing 7.8. Java code for TSDB.addPoint()

Listing 7.9. Creating a scanner over tsdb-uid in UniqueId.getSuggestScanner()

Listing 7.10. Reduced Java code for UniqueId.suggest()

Listing 7.11. Java code for TsdbQuery.createAndSetFilter()

Chapter 9. Deploying HBase

Listing 9.1. Whirr recipe (file named my_cdh_recipe) to spin up a CDH3 cluster

Listing 9.2. A sample file

Listing 9.3. Format of the hbase-site.xml configuration file

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