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Chapter 2

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8.   Fisher, R. and W. Ury. 1981. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

9.   Frame, J.D. 1987. Managing Projects in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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Chapter 3

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Chapter 4

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4.   Thamhain, H.J. and J.R. Gemmill. 1974. Influence styles of project managers: Some project performance correlates. Academy of Management Journal, 17: 216–224.

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Chapter 5

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Chapter 7

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2.   Maslow, A.H. 1970. Motivation and Personality, 2nd Ed. New York: Harper & Row.

3.   Alderfer, C.P. 1972. Existence, Relatedness, and Growth. New York: Free Press.

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Chapter 8

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2.   Thamhain, H.J. and D.L. Wilemon. 1975. Conflict management in project life cycles. Sloan Management Review, 16 (3): 31–50.

3.   Thamhain, H.J. and D.L. Wilemon. 1977. Leadership, conflict, and program management effectiveness. Sloan Management Review, 19 (1): 69–89.

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8.   Kilmann, R.H. and K.W. Thomas. 1977. Developing a forced-choice measure of conflict-handling behavior: The MODE instrument. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37: 309–325.

9.   Robbins, S.P. 1978. “Conflict management” and “conflict resolution” are not synonymous terms. California Management Review, 21 (2): 67–75.

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13. Chan, M. 1989. Intergroup conflict and conflict management in the R&D divisions of four aerospace companies. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, EM–36: 95–104.

Chapter 9

1.   Dill, D.D. and Pearson, A.W. 1984. The effectiveness of project managers: Implications of a political model of influence. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, EM-31, 138-146.

2.   Talbott, G.M. 1994. Advance your career through networking. Chemical Engineering Progress, January: 50-53.

3.   Lovell, R.J. 1993. Power and the project manager. International Journal of Project Management, 11 (2): 73–78.

4.   Payne, H.J. 1993. Introducing formal project management into a traditionally structured organization. International Journal of Project Management, 11: 239–243.

5.   Keys, B. and T. Case. 1990. “How to become an influential manager,” Academy of Management Executive, IV (4), 38–51.

6.   Thamhain, H.J. and J.R. Gemmill. 1974. Influence styles of project managers: Some project performance correlates. Academy of Management Journal, 17: 216–224.

7.   Fisher, R. and W. Ury. 1981. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York: Houghton Mifflin.

8.   Pinto, J.K. and O.P. Kharbanda. 1995. Successful Project Managers: Leading Your Team to Success. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

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