Chapter 17: Formatting Data

  1. Correct answer: d
    By default, SAS searches for custom formats in the Work and Library libraries. The FMTSEARCH= system option specifies other catalogs to search when a format is referenced.
  2. Correct answer: c
    A non-inclusive range is used such that the age at the high end of the range is not included. To create the picture format, three zeros are used to create a position for a three-digit numeric value. Because zero is used as a digit selector rather than a nonzero value, leading zeros are not included in the formatted value.
  3. Correct answer: b
    By default, FMTERR is in effect so SAS stops processing if it cannot find a format that is referenced. When NOFMTERR is in effect, SAS substitutes the $w. or w. format and continues processing.
  4. Correct answer: b
    A data set that is used to create a format with the CNTLIN= option must have the variables FmtName, Start, and Label. If a range is specified, it must also include the variable End.
  5. Correct answer: a
    The format created by this value statement has overlapping ranges, so the MULTILABEL option must be used. A multilabel format can be used by any procedure that supports the MLF option.
  6. Correct answer: c
    The CNTLOUT= option is used to create a SAS data set from a format.
  7. Correct answer: b
    SAS will search in the order specified on the FMTSEARCH= option. By default, SAS searches in the Work and Library libraries first unless they are specified on the option. Because Library is not specified here, it is searched after Work.
  8. Correct answer: d
    The FMTLIB keyword is used to document the formats in a catalog. You can use the SELECT and EXCLUDE statements to process specific formats rather than the entire catalog.
  9. Correct answer: c
    In the COPY statement, OUT= specifies the catalog to which you want to copy the format catalog entry. In the SELECT statement, you specify the catalog entries by their entire name. Remember that numeric formats are stored with the extension .FORMAT and character formats are stored with the extension .FORMATC.
  10. Correct answer: c
    The value 6.1 falls in the range 6<-9, which is labeled 'Good.' The non-inclusive range does not include the value 6, but it does include values above 6.
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