Comparing DATA Step Match-Merges and PROC SQL Joins


You have seen that it is possible to create identical results with a DATA step match-merge and a PROC SQL inner join. Although the results might be identical, these two processes are very different, and trade-offs are associated with choosing one method over the other. The following tables summarize some of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these two methods.
Table 15.1 DATA Step Match-Merge
  • There is no limit to the number of input data sets.
  • Allows for complex business logic to be incorporated into the new data set by using DATA step processing, including arrays and DO loops, in addition to MERGE features.
  • Multiple BY variables enable lookups that depend on more than one variable.
  • Data sets must be sorted by or indexed on the BY variable or variables before merging.
  • The BY variable or variable must be present in all data sets, and the names of the key variable or variables must match exactly.
  • An exact match on the key value or value must be found.
Table 15.2 PROC SQL Join
  • Data sets do not have to be sorted or indexed, but an index can be used to improve performance.
  • Multiple data sets can be joined in one step without having common variables in all data sets.
  • You can create data sets (tables), views, or reports with the combined data.
  • The maximum number of tables that can be joined at one time is 256.
  • Complex business logic is difficult to incorporate into the join.
  • PROC SQL might require more resources than the DATA step with the MERGE statement for simple joins.
Although it is possible to produce identical results with a DATA step match-merge and a PROC SQL join, these two processes will not always produce results that are identical by default.
Consider the following simplified examples to see how each method works in various circumstances.
The following two steps show two different ways to produce the same combination of two data sets, Data1 and Data2, that have a common variable, X. If Data1 contains two variables, X and Y, and Data2 contains two variables, X and Z, then both of the following steps produce an output data set named Data3 that contains three variables, X, Y, and Z.
Note: The code shown in the following two steps illustrates a simple comparison of a DATA step match-merge and a PROC SQL join. This comparison will be explored in the next several sections.
data data3;
   merge data1 data2;
   by x;

proc sql;
   create table data3 as
      select data1.x, data1.y, data2.z
         from data1, data2
         where data1.x=data2.x;
The contents of Data3 will vary depending on the values that are in each input data set and on the method used for merging. Consider the following examples.


One-to-one matches produce identical results whether the data sets are merged in a DATA step or joined in a PROC SQL step. Suppose that Data1 and Data2 contain the same number of observations. Also, suppose that in each data set, the values of X are unique, and that each value appears in both data sets.
When these data sets are either merged in a DATA step or joined in a PROC SQL step, Data3 will contain one observation for each unique value of X, and it will have the same number of observations as Data1 and Data2.
Comparing DATA Step Match-Merges
One-to-many matches produce identical results whether the data sets are merged in a DATA step or joined in a PROC SQL step. Suppose that Data1contains unique values for X, but that Data2 does not contain unique values for X. That is, Data2 contains multiple observations that have the same value of X and therefore contains more observations than Data1.
When these two data sets are either merged in a DATA step or joined in a PROC SQL step, Data3 will contain the same number of observations as Data2. In Data3, one observation from Data1 that has a particular value for X might be matched with multiple observations from Data2 that have the same value for X.
Comparing DATA Step Match-Merges
Many-to-many matches produce different results depending on whether the data sets are merged in a DATA step or joined in a PROC SQL step. Suppose the values of X are not unique in both Data1 and Data2.
When the data sets are merged in a DATA step, the observations are matched and combined sequentially.
In the example below, Data3 will contain the same number of observations as the larger of the two input sets. In cases where there is a many-to-many match on the values of the BY variable, a DATA step match-merge probably does not produce the desired output because the output data set will not contain all of the possible combinations of matching observations.
When the data sets are joined in a PROC SQL step, each match appears as a separate observation in the output data set. In the example below, the first observation that has a value of 1 for X in Data1 is matched and combined with each observation from Data2 that has a value of 1 for X. Then, the second observation that has a value of 1 for X in Data1is matched and combined with each observation from Data2 that has a value of 1 for X, and so on.
Comparing DATA Step Match-Merges
Nonmatching data between the data sets produces different results depending on whether the data sets are merged in a DATA step or combined by using a PROC SQL inner join.
When data sets that contain nonmatching values for the BY variable are merged in a DATA step, the observations in each are processed sequentially. Data3 will contain one observation for each unique value of X that appears in either Data1 or Data2. For nonmatching values of X, the observation in Data3 will have a missing value for the variable that is taken from the other input data set.
In this PROC SQL step, the output data set will contain only those observations that have matching values for the BY variable. In the example below, Data3 does not have any observations with missing values, because any observation from Data1 or from Data2 that contains a nonmatching value for X is not included in Data3.
Comparing DATA Step Match-Merges
You have seen the results of DATA step match-merges and PROC SQL joins in several simple scenarios. To help you understand the differences more fully, consider how the DATA step processes a match-merge and how PROC SQL processes a join.

DATA Step Match-Merge

When you merge data sets in a DATA step, the observations in each input data set are read sequentially and are matched and combined in the output data set. The example below depicts a DATA step match-merge of two simple input data sets.

Execution of a DATA Step Match-Merge

  1. This example shows the execution of the DATA step below. This DATA step creates a new data set by performing a basic match-merge on two input data sets.
    data work.data3;
       merge data1 data2;
       by x;
  2. During the compilation phase, SAS reads the descriptor portions of the input data sets and creates the PDV with every variable from every input data set, by default.
  3. Execution begins. SAS looks at the first observation in each input data set to determine whether the BY values match. If so, SAS reads the first observation from each data set into the PDV.
  4. SAS writes the merged observation to the output data set.
  5. If the BY values do not match, SAS reads from the input data set with the lowest BY value. If the BY value matches the BY value from the previous observation, SAS does not reinitialize the PDV but overwrites the values in the PDV. If the BY value does not match the previous BY value, SAS reinitializes the PDV. The PDV and the output data set then contain missing values for variables that are unique to the other data set.
  6. SAS continues to match-merge observations until all observations from all input data sets have been read and written to the new data set. In this example, Work.Data3 contains three variables and four observations.


A PROC SQL join uses a different process than a DATA step merge to combine tables
Conceptually, PROC SQL first creates a Cartesian product of all input tables. That is, PROC SQL first matches each row with every other row in the other input tables. Then, PROC SQL eliminates any observations from the result set that do not satisfy the WHERE clause. The PROC SQL query optimizer uses methods to minimize the Cartesian product that must be built.

Execution of a PROC SQL Join

  1. This example shows the execution of the PROC SQL step below. This PROC SQL step creates a new table to hold the results of an inner join on two input tables. This discussion provides a conceptual view of how PROC SQL works rather than a literal depiction of the join process. In reality, PROC SQL uses optimization routines that make the process more efficient.
    proc sql;
       create table work.data3 as
          select *
            from data1, data 2
            where data1.x=data2.x;
  2. Conceptually, PROC SQL first creates a Cartesian product of the two input tables, where each row from the first table is combined with each row from the second table. PROC SQL starts by taking the first row from Work.Data1 and combining it with every row of Work.Data2.
  3. Next, PROC SQL takes the second row from Work.Data1 and combines it with every row from Work.Data2.
  4. PROC SQL continues in this manner until it has combined each row from Work.Data1 with every row from Work.Data2. This is the Cartesian product of the two input tables.
  5. Finally, PROC SQL eliminates from the output table those rows that do not satisfy the condition in the WHERE clause. In this example, rows that do not have matching values for X are eliminated so that the two columns for X have identical values for each row.
  6. The results are written to the output table. In SAS tables, column names must be unique. Only one column X is in the output table Work.Data4. In this example, Work.Data3 contains three columns and four rows. None of the rows in Work.Data3 contains any missing values.
Earlier in this chapter, you learned that a DATA step match-merge will probably not produce the desired results when the data sources that you want to combine have a many-to-many match. You also learned that PROC SQL and the DATA step match-merge do not, by default, produce the same results when you combine data sources that contain nonmatching data. Now that you have seen how DATA step match-merges and PROC SQL joins work, consider an example of using each of these techniques to combine data from a many-to-many match that also contains nonmatching data.

Example: Combining Data from a Many-to-Many Match

Suppose you want to combine the data from Sasuser.Flightschedule and Sasuser.Flightattendants. The Sasuser.Flightschedule data set contains data about flights that have been scheduled for a fictional airline. The data set Sasuser.Flightattendants contains information about the flight attendants of a fictional airline. A partial listing of each of these data sets is shown below.
Table 15.3 SASuser.Flightschedule (Partial Listing)
Table 15.4 Sasuser.Flightattendants (Partial Listing)
Suppose you want to combine all variables from the Sasuser.Flightschedule data set with the first and last names of each flight attendant who is scheduled to work on each flight. Sasuser.Flightschedule contains data for 45 flights. Three flight attendants are scheduled to work on each flight. Therefore, your output data set should contain 135 observations (three for each flight).
You could use the following PROC SQL step to combine Sasuser.Flightschedule with Sasuser.Flightattendants.
proc sql;
   create table flightemps as
      select flightschedule.*, firstname, lastname
         from sasuser.flightschedule, sasuser.flightattendants
            where flightschedule.empid=flightattendants.empid;
The resulting Flightemps data set contains 135 observations.
Now, suppose you use the following DATA step match-merge to combine these two data sets.
proc sort data=sasuser.flightattendants out=fa;
   by empid;

proc sort data=sasuser.flightschedule out=fs;
   by empid;

data flightemps2;
   merge fa fs;
   by empid;
The resulting Flightemps2 data set contains 272 observations. The DATA step match-merge does not produce the correct results because it combines the data sequentially. In the correct results, there are three observations for each unique flight from Sasuser.Flightschedule, and there are no missing values in any of the observations. By contrast, the results from the DATA step match-merge contain six observations for each unique flight and many observations that have missing values.
In the last example, data was combined from two data sets that have a many-to-many match. The PROC SQL join produced the correct results, but the DATA step match-merge did not. However, you can produce the correct results in a DATA step. First, consider using multiple SET statements to combine data.

Using Multiple SET Statements

You can use multiple SET statements to combine observations from several SAS data sets.
For example, the following DATA step creates a new data set named Combine. Each observation in Combine contains data from one observation in Dataset1 and data from one observation in Dataset2.
data combine;
   set dataset1;
   set dataset2;
When you use multiple SET statements, the following results occur:
  • Processing stops when SAS encounters the end-of-file (EOF) marker on either data set (even if there is more data in the other data set). Therefore, the output data set contains the same number of observations as the smallest input data set.
  • The variables in the program data vector (PDV) are not reinitialized when a second SET statement is executed.
  • For any variables that are common to both input data sets, the value or values from the data set in the second SET statement will overwrite the value or values from the data set in the first SET statement in the PDV.
Keep in mind that using multiple SET statements to combine data from multiple input sources that do not have a one-to-one match can be complicated. If you are working with data sources that do not have a one-to-one match, or that contain nonmatching data, you will need to add additional DATA step syntax in order to produce the results that you want.

Example: Using Multiple SET Statements with a Many-to-Many Match

Remember that in the previous example you wanted to combine Sasuser.Flightschedule with Sasuser.Flightattendants. Your resulting data set should contain all variables from the Sasuser.Flightschedule data set with the first and last names of each flight attendant who is scheduled to work on each flight. Sasuser.Flightschedule contains data for 45 flights, and three flight attendants are scheduled to be on each flight. Therefore, your output data set should contain 135 observations (three for each flight).
You can use the following DATA step to perform this table lookup operation. In this program, the first SET statement reads an observation from the Sasuser.Flightschedule data set. Then the DO loop executes, and the second SET statement reads each observation in Sasuser.Flightattendants. The EmpID variable in Sasuser.Flightattendants is renamed so that it does not overwrite the value for EmpID that has been read from Sasuser.Flightschedule. Instead, these two values are used for comparison to control which observations from Sasuser.Flightattendants should be included in the output data set for each observation from Sasuser.Flightschedule.
data flightemps3(drop=empnum jobcode);
   set sasuser.flightschedule;
   do i=1 to num;
      set sasuser.flightattendants
          nobs=num point=i;
      if empid=empnum then output;
The resulting Flightemps3 data set contains 135 observations and no missing values. Keep in mind that although it is possible to use a DATA step to produce the same results that a PROC SQL join creates by default, the PROC SQL step might be much more efficient.
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