Using In-Line Views

Introducing In-Line Views

Sometimes, you might want to specify an in-line view rather than a table as the source of data for a PROC SQL query. An in-line view is a nested query that is specified in the outer query's FROM clause. (You should already be familiar with a subquery, which is a nested query that is specified in a WHERE clause.) An in-line view selects data from one or more tables in order to produce a temporary (or virtual) table that the outer query then uses to select data for output.
For example, the following FROM clause specifies an in-line view:
 from (select flightnumber, date,
              as pctfull
              format=4.1 label='Percent Full'
         from sasuser.marchflights)
This in-line view selects two existing columns (FlightNumber and Date) and defines the new column PctFull based on the table Sasuser.Marchflights.
Unlike a table, an in-line view exists only during query execution. Because it is temporary, an in-line view can be referenced only in the query in which it is defined. In addition, an in-line view can be assigned an alias but it cannot be assigned a permanent name.
Note: In a FROM clause, you can also specify a PROC SQL view, which is a query that has been created (using the CREATE statement) and stored. You can learn more about creating PROC SQL views in Creating and Managing Views Using PROC SQL.
Note: Unlike other queries, an in-line view cannot contain an ORDER BY clause.
There are two potential advantages to using an in-line view instead of a table in a PROC SQL query:
  • The complexity of the code is usually reduced, so that the code is easier to write, and understand.
  • In some cases, PROC SQL might be able to process the code more efficiently.

Referencing an In-Line View with Other Views or Tables

The preceding FROM clause is from a simple PROC SQL query that references just one data source: the in-line view. However, a PROC SQL query can join multiple tables and in-line views. For example, the FROM clause shown below specifies both a table (Sasuser.Flightschedule) and an in-line view.
 from sasuser.flightschedule,
      (select flightnumber, date,
              as pctfull
              format=4.1 label='Percent Full'
         from sasuser.marchflights)

Referencing Multiple Tables in an In-Line View

You can specify more than one table in the FROM clause of an in-line view, as shown in the following example:
  from (select marchflights.flightnumber, 
               as pctfull
               format=4.1 label='Percent Full',
           from sasuser.marchflights, 
           where marchflights.flightnumber=
In other words, you can base an in-line view on a join.
Note: Remember that each table that is referenced in an in-line view counts toward the 256-table limit for an inner join.

Assigning an Alias to an In-Line View

You can assign an alias to an in-line view just as you can to a table. In the following example, the alias f has been added in the first FROM clause to reference the table Sasuser.Flightschedule and the alias m is associated with the results from the in-line view. After the main FROM clause, a WHERE clause that uses both of the aliases has been added.
from sasuser.flightschedule as f,
     (select flightnumber, date
             as pctfull
             format=4.1 label='Percent Full'
         from sasuser.marchflights) as m
where m.flightnumber=f.flightnumber

Example: Query That Contains an In-Line View

Suppose you want to identify the air travel destinations that experienced the worst delays in March. You would like your output to show all of the following data:
  • destination
  • average delay
  • maximum delay
  • probability of delay.
Your PROC SQL query uses an in-line view to calculate all of the new columns except for the last one:
proc sql;
title "Flight Destinations and Delays";
   select destination, 
          average format=3.0 label='Average Delay',
          max format=3.0 label='Maximum Delay', 
          late/(late+early) as prob format=5.2
          label='Probability of Delay'
      from (select destination,
                   avg(delay) as average,
                   max(delay) as max,
                   sum(delay > 0) as late,
                   sum(delay <= 0) as early
                   from sasuser.flightdelays
                   group by destination)
      order by average;
Consider each clause of the outer query, starting with the FROM clause, because PROC SQL evaluates the FROM clause before the SELECT clause.
The FROM clause specifies an in-line view rather than a table. The in-line view (nested query) specifies the following columns that are in the table Sasuser.Flightdelays or are based on a column in that table:
  • the existing column Destination
  • the new column Average
  • the new column Max
  • the new column Late
  • the new column Early.
The columns Average, Max, Late, and Early are all calculated by using summary functions.
In the calculation for the columns Late and Early, a Boolean expression is used as the argument for the summary function. A Boolean function resolves either to 1 (true) or 0 (false). For example, Late is calculated by taking the sum of the Boolean expression delay > 0. For every value of Delay that is greater than 0, the Boolean expression resolves to 1; values that are equal to or less than 0 resolve to 0. The SUM function adds all values of Delay to indicate the number of delays that occurred for each destination.
The in-line view concludes with the clause group by destination, specifying that the in-line view data should be grouped, and summarized by the values of Destination.
If you submitted this in-line view (nested query) as a separate query, it would generate the following output.
in-line view (nested query)
Consider the outer query's SELECT and ORDER BY clauses:
proc sql;
title "Flight Destinations and Delays";
   select destination,
          average format=3.0 label='Average Delay',
          max format=3.0 label='Maximum Delay',
          late/(late+early) as prob format=5.2
          label='Probability of Delay'
      from (select destination,
                   avg(delay) as average,
                   max(delay) as max,
                   sum(delay > 0) as late,
                   sum(delay <= 0) as early
                   from sasuser.flightdelays
                   group by destination)
      order by average;
The outer query's SELECT clause specifies columns as follows:
  • Destination is an existing column in the table.
  • Average and Max are calculated in the in-line view, and are assigned labels and formats in this SELECT clause.
  • Prob (with the label “Probability of Delay”) is calculated in this SELECT clause by using two columns that were calculated in the in-line view: Late and Early. The outer query's SELECT clause can refer to the calculated columns Late and Early without using the keyword CALCULATED because PROC SQL evaluates the in-line view (the outer query's FROM clause) first.
The outer query's last clause is an ORDER BY clause. The output is sorted by the values of Average.
This PROC SQL query generates the following output.
PROC SQL query
Later in this chapter, a PROC SQL query that combines multiple tables and uses an in-line view is explained.
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