
A background section in a feature file allows you to specify a set of steps that are common to every scenario in the file. Instead of having to repeat those steps over and over for each scenario, you move them up into a Background element. There are a couple of advantages to doing this:

  • If you ever need to change those steps, you have to change them in only one place.

  • The importance of those steps fades into the background so that when you’re reading each individual scenario, you can focus on what is unique and important about that scenario.

To show you what we mean, let’s take an existing scenario that uses only the basic Gherkin Scenario element and improve its readability by refactoring it to use a Background. Here’s our feature before the refactoring starts:

 Feature​: Change PIN
  Customers being issued new cards are supplied with a Personal
  Identification Number (PIN) that is randomly generated by the
  In order to be able to change it to something they can easily
  remember, customers with new bank cards need to be able to
  change their PIN using the ATM.
 Scenario​: Change PIN successfully
  Given I have been issued a new card
  And I insert the card, entering the correct PIN
  When I choose ​"Change PIN"​ from the menu
  And I change the PIN to 9876
  Then the system should remember my PIN is now 9876
 Scenario​: Try to change PIN to the same as before
  Given I have been issued a new card
  And I insert the card, entering the correct PIN
  When I choose ​"Change PIN"​ from the menu
  And I try to change the PIN to the original PIN number
  Then I should see a warning message
  And the system should not have changed my PIN

You can see that there are two scenarios here, but without reading them carefully, it’s quite hard to see what exactly is going on in each one. The first three steps in each scenario, while necessary to clarify the context of the scenario, are completely repeated in both scenarios. That repetition is distracting, making it harder to see the essence of what each scenario is testing.

Let’s factor out the three repeated steps into a Background, like this:

 Feature​: Change PIN
  As soon as the bank issues new cards to customers, they are
  supplied with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) that
  is randomly generated by the system.
  In order to be able to change it to something they can easily
  remember, customers with new bank cards need to be able to
  change their PIN using the ATM.
  Given I have been issued a new card
  And I insert the card, entering the correct PIN
  And I choose ​"Change PIN"​ from the menu
 Scenario​: Change PIN successfully
  When I change the PIN to 9876
  Then the system should remember my PIN is now 9876
 Scenario​: Try to change PIN to the same as before
  When I try to change the PIN to the original PIN number
  Then I should see a warning message
  And the system should not have changed my PIN

Our refactoring hasn’t changed the behavior of the tests at all: at runtime, the steps in the background are executed at the beginning of each scenario, just as they were before. What we have done is made each individual scenario much easier to read.

You can have a single Background element per feature file, and it must appear before any of the Scenario or Scenario Outline elements. Just like all the other Gherkin elements, you can give it a name, and you have space to put a multiline description before the first step. For example:

 Feature​: Change PIN
  In order to be able to change it to something they can easily
  remember, customers with new bank cards need to be able to
  change their PIN using the ATM.
 Background​: Insert a newly issued card and sign in
  Whenever the bank issues new cards to customers, they are supplied
  with a Personal Identification Number (PIN) that is randomly
  generated by the system.
  Given I have been issued a new card
  And I insert the card, entering the correct PIN

Using a Background element isn’t always necessary, but it’s often useful to improve the readability of your features by removing repetitive steps from individual scenarios. Here are some tips for using it well:

  • Don’t use Background to set up complicated state unless that state is something the reader actually needs to know. For example, we didn’t mention the actual digits of the system-generated PIN in the previous example, because that detail wasn’t relevant to any of the scenarios.

  • Keep your Background section short. After all, you’re expecting the user to actually remember this stuff when reading your scenarios. If the background is more than four lines long, can you find a way to express that action in just one or two steps?

  • Make your Background section vivid. Use colorful names and try to tell a story, because your reader can keep track of stories much better than they can keep track of dull names like User A, User B, Site 1, and so on. If it’s worth mentioning at all, make it really stand out.

  • Keep your scenarios short, and don’t have too many. If the Background is more than three or four steps long, think about using higher-level steps or splitting the feature file in two. You can use a background as a good indicator of when a feature is getting too long: if the new scenarios you want to add don’t fit with the existing background, consider splitting the feature.

  • Avoid putting technical details such as clearing queues, starting backend services, or opening browsers in a background. Most of these things will be assumed by the reader, and there are ways to push those actions down into your support code that we’ll explain later in the book, such as in Tagged Hooks.

Backgrounds are useful for taking Given (and sometimes When) steps that are repeated in each scenario and moving them to a single place. This helps keep your scenarios clear and concise.

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