
The first people we want to thank are the hundreds of you who contribute to the Cucumber community. Whether you’re sharing ideas, experiences, and opinions on the mailing list, helping people in the IRC channel, or contributing new features and bug fixes to the codebase, it all helps. Without your contribution, there would be no Cucumber and therefore no book.

Writing this book has taken much more effort than either of us had anticipated. Throughout it all, our editor Jackie Carter has patiently been there at our side, cajoling us when we needed it, chiding us when we deserved it, and giving us thoughtful feedback at every opportunity. Jackie has made a massive contribution to the quality of what you’re reading, and her name fully deserves its place on the cover.

Thanks to our reviewers:

Lasse KoskelaGeorge Dinwiddie
Rachel DaviesIan Dees
Arti MathandaRobert Chatley
Kevin RutherfordLuis Lavena
Gojko AdzicCrain Riecke
Sean MillerMike Sassak

Your suggestions and encouragement were greatly appreciated.

Thanks to all the beta readers who left us feedback, helping us iron out the little mistakes we would never have seen ourselves.

Thanks to Dan North for his enthusiastic and generous foreword. Matt blames Dan for introducing him to the idea of BDD, and it was his experiments with JBehave and RBehave that caused Aslak to create Cucumber in the first place. Dan has a lot to answer for.

From Matt: I want to thank the team at Songkick, especially Sabrina Leandro, Niko Felger, Dan Lucraft, Phil Cowans, and Matt Johnson. Many of the lessons in this book I learned with you. Greatest thanks go to my wonderful wife, Anna, for believing in this project and giving me the support I needed to actually get it done. Imagine all the things we’ll be able to do now that it’s finished!

From Aslak: Dad, thanks for having the foresight to buy me a Commodore 64 in 1981. Patricia, my dear wife—thank you for the countless hours of patience and encouragement. And for coming up with the silly but catchy name Cucumber!

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