Day 2: REST, Indexes, and Algorithms

Today we’ll start with Neo4j’s REST interface. First, we’ll use the REST interface to create and index nodes and relationships, and to execute full-text search. Then we’ll look at a plugin that lets us execute Cypher queries on the server via REST, freeing our code from the confines of the web console.

Taking a REST

Just like HBase, Mongo, and CouchDB, Neo4j ships with a REST interface. One reason all of these databases support REST is that it allows language-agnostic interactions in a standard connection interface. You can connect to Neo4j—which requires Java to work—from a separate machine that isn’t running Java at all.

Before beginning today’s exercises, check to make sure that the REST server is running by issuing a curl command to the base URL. It runs on the same port as the web admin tool you used yesterday, at the /db/data/ path (note the slash at the end).

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/
  "extensions" : { },
  "node" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node",
  "relationship" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship",
  "node_index" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node",
  "relationship_index" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/relationship",
  "extensions_info" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/ext",
  "relationship_types" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship/types",
  "batch" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/batch",
  "cypher" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/cypher",
  "indexes" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/schema/index",
  "constraints" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/schema/constraint",
  "transaction" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/transaction",
  "node_labels" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/labels",
  "neo4j_version" : "3.0.7"

If the server is running, this request will return a nice JSON object describing the URLs that you can use for other commands, such as node-, relationship-, and index-related actions.

Creating Nodes and Relationships Using REST

It’s as easy to create nodes and relationships over REST in Neo4j as in CouchDB or Mongo. Creating a node requires a POST to the /db/data/node path with JSON data. As a matter of convention, it pays to give each node a name property. This makes viewing any node’s information easy: just call name.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-i​​ ​​-XPOST​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/node​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "name": "P.G. Wodehouse"
  "genre": "British Humour"

When posted, you’ll get the node path in the header and a body of metadata about the node (both are truncated here for brevity). All of this data is retrievable by calling GET on the given header Location value (or the self property in the metadata).

 HTTP/1.1 201 Created
 Location: http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/341
 Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "extensions" : { },
  "metadata" : {
  "id" : 341,
  "labels" : [ ]
  "paged_traverse" : "...",
  "outgoing_relationships": "...",
  "data" : {
  "name" : "P.G. Wodehouse",
  "genre" : "British Humour"

If you just want to fetch the node properties (not the metadata), you can GET that by appending /properties to the node URL or even an individual property by further appending the property name.

 $​​ ​​curl​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9/properties/genre
 "British Humour"

One node doesn’t do us much good, so go ahead and create another one with these properties: ["name" : "Jeeves Takes Charge", "style" : "short story"].

Because P. G. Wodehouse wrote the short story “Jeeves Takes Charge,” we can make a relationship between them.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-i​​ ​​-XPOST​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9/relationships​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "to": "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/10",
  "type": "WROTE",
  "data": {"published": "November 28, 1916"}

A nice thing about the REST interface is that it actually reported on how to create a relationship early in the body metadata’s create_relationship property. In this way, the REST interfaces tend to be mutually discoverable.

Finding Your Path

Through the REST interface, you can find the path between two nodes by posting the request data to the starting node’s /paths URL. The POST request data must be a JSON string denoting the node you want the path to, the type of relationships you want to follow, and the path-finding algorithm to use.

For example, we’re looking for a path following relationships of the type WROTE from node 1 using the shortestPath algorithm and capping out at a depth of 10.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-X​​ ​​POST​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9/paths​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "to": "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/10",
  "relationships": {"type": "WROTE"},
  "algorithm": "shortestPath",
  "max_depth": 10
 [ {
  "start" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9",
  "nodes" : [
  "length" : 1,
  "relationships" : [ "http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship/14" ],
  "end" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/10"
 } ]

The other path algorithm choices are allPaths, allSimplePaths, and dijkstra. You can find information on these algorithms in the online documentation,[40] but detailed coverage is outside the scope of this book.


Like other databases we’ve seen, Neo4j supports fast data lookups by constructing indexes. We briefly mentioned indexing toward the end of Day 1. There is a twist, though. Unlike other database indexes where you perform queries in much the same way as without one, Neo4j indexes have a different path because the indexing service is actually a separate service.

The simplest index is the key-value or hash style. You key the index by some node data, and the value is a REST URL, which points to the node in the graph. You can have as many indexes as you like, so we’ll name this one authors. The end of the URL will contain the author name we want to index and pass in node 1 as the value (or whatever your Wodehouse node was).

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-X​​ ​​POST​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/authors​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "uri": "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9",
  "key": "name",
  "value": "P.G.+Wodehouse"

Retrieving the node is simply a call to the index, which you’ll notice doesn’t return the URL we specified but rather the actual node data.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/authors/name/P.G.+Wodehouse

Besides key-value, Neo4j provides a full-text search inverted index, so you can perform queries like this: “Give me all books that have names beginning with Jeeves.” To build this index, you need to build it against the entire dataset, rather than our one-offs earlier. Neo4j incorporates Lucene to build our inverted index.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-X​​ ​​POST​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "name": "fulltext",
  "config": {"type": "fulltext", "provider": "lucene"}

The POST will return a JSON response containing information about the newly added index.

  "template": "http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/...",
  "provider": "lucene",
  "type": "fulltext"

Now if you add Wodehouse to the full-text index, you get this:

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-X​​ ​​POST​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/fulltext​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "uri": "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/9",
  "key": "name",
  "value" : "P.G.+Wodehouse"

Then a search is as easy as a Lucene syntax query on the index URL.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/node/fulltext?query=name:P*

Indexes can also be built on edges like we did previously; you just have to replace the instances of node in the URLs with relationship—for example, http://localhost:7474/db/data/index/relationship/published/date/1916-11-28.

REST and Cypher

We spent much of Day 1 using Cypher and the first half of today using the REST interface. If you wondered which you should use, fear not. The Neo4j REST interface has a Cypher plugin (which is installed by default in the version of Neo4j we’re using).[41] You can send through REST any commands you could in the Cypher console. This allows you the power and flexibility of both tools in production. This is a great combination because Cypher is better geared toward powerful queries, where REST is geared toward deployment and language flexibility.

The following code will return the names of all relationships. You only need to send the data to the plugin URL as a JSON string value, under the field query.

 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-X​​ ​​POST​​ ​​
  ​​http://localhost:7474/db/data/cypher​​ ​​
  ​​-H​​ ​​"Content-Type: application/json"​​ ​​
  ​​-d​​ '​​{
  "query": "MATCH ()-[r]-() RETURN r;"
  "columns" : [ "" ],
  "data" : [ [ "Prancing Wolf" ], [ "P.G. Wodehouse" ] ]

From here on out, code samples will use Cypher (as on Day 1) because it has a much more clean and compact syntax. The REST interface is a good thing to bear in mind, though, for use cases in which it would be beneficial to set up an HTTP client to fetch information from Neo4j.

Big Data

Up until now, we’ve dealt with very small datasets, so now it’s time to see what Neo4j can do with some big data. We’ll explore a dataset covering information about over 12,000 movies and over 40,000 actors, 6,000 directors, and others involved in those movies.

This dataset has been made available[42] by the good folks at Neo4j, who have conveniently made the data directly digestible by Neo4j; thus, we don’t need to convert it from CSV, XML, or some other format.

First, let’s download the dataset as a Zip file, unzip it, and add it to the /data folder in our Neo4j directory:

 $ ​​cd​​ ​​/path/to/neo4j
 $ ​​curl​​ ​​-O​​ ​​<copy​​ ​​URL​​ ​​from​​ ​​footnote​​ ​​4>
 $ ​​unzip​​ ​​
 $ ​​mv​​ ​​cineasts_12k_movies_50k_actors.db​​ ​​data/movies.db

That dataset was generated to work with version 2.1.6 of Neo4j, but we’re using a much later version (3.0.7). We’ll need to make one small configuration change to enable it to work with our version. In the /conf folder there’s a file called neo4j.conf, and inside that file there’s a line that looks like this:


Delete the # at the beginning of the line. That will instruct Neo4j to automatically migrate the format to fit our version. Now, fire up the Neo4j shell, specifying our movies.db database and the config file we just modified:

 $ ​​bin/neo4j-shell​​ ​​-path​​ ​​data/movies.db​​ ​​-config​​ ​​conf/neo4j.conf

This is our first encounter with the Neo4j shell. It’s somewhat like the web console we used earlier in this chapter, but with the crucial difference that it returns raw values rather than pretty charts. It is a more direct and no-frills way to interact with Neo4j and better to use once you have gotten the hang of the database. When the shell fires up, you should see a shell prompt like this:

 neo4j-sh (?)$

You can enter help to get a list of available shell commands. At any time in the shell, you can either enter one of those commands or a Cypher query.

Our shell session is already pointing to our movie database, so let’s see what nodes are there:

 neo4j>​​ ​​MATCH​​ ​​(n)​​ ​​RETURN​​ ​​n;

Whoa! That’s a lot of nodes, 63,042 to be exact (you can obtain that result by returning count(n) instead of just n). We warned you that this is a Big Data section! Let’s make some more specific queries now. First, let’s see what types of relationships exist:

 neo4j>​​ ​​MATCH​​ ​​()-[r]-()​​ ​​RETURN​​ ​​DISTINCT​​ ​​type(r);
 | type(r) |
 | "ACTS_IN" |
 | "RATED" |
 | "FRIEND" |
 4 rows

Here, the ()-[r]-() expresses that we don’t care what the nodes look like; we just want to know about the relationship between them, which we’re storing in the variable r. You can also see that in Cypher you use type(r) instead of, say, r.type to get the relationship type (because types are a special attribute of relationships). As you can see, there are four types of relationships present in the database. Now, let’s look at all the nodes and see both which labels are applied to them and how many nodes are characterized by that label:

 $ ​​MATCH​​ ​​(n)​​ ​​RETURN​​ ​​DISTINCT​​ ​​labels(n),​​ ​​count(n);
 | labels(n) | count(*) |
 | ["Person","Actor","Director"] | 846 |
 | ["Person","User"] | 45 |
 | ["Person","Actor"] | 44097 |
 | ["Person","Director"] | 5191 |
 | [] | 1 |
 | ["Movie"] | 12862 |
 6 rows

As you can see, all nodes that aren’t movies have the Person label (or no label); of those, all Persons are either Actors, Directors, Users (the folks who put the dataset together), or a Director and Actor (we’re looking at you, Clint Eastwood). Let’s perform some other queries to explore the database.

Let’s see everyone who’s both an actor and a director, and then get the count of people who share that distinction:

 > MATCH (p:Actor:Director) RETURN;
 > MATCH (p:Actor:Director) RETURN count(;

Now let’s see who directed the immortal Top Gun:

 > MATCH (d:Director)-[:DIRECTED]-(m:Movie {title: "Top Gun"}) RETURN;

Let’s see how many movies the legendary Meryl Streep has acted in:

 > MATCH (a:Actor {name: "Meryl Streep"})-[:ACTS_IN]-(m:Movie)
  RETURN count(m);

Finally, let’s get a list of actors who have appeared in over fifty movies:

 > MATCH (a: Actor)-[:ACTS_IN]->(m:Movie)
  WITH a, count(m) AS movie_count
  WHERE movie_count > 50
  RETURN; ​# only 6 actors!

Now that we’ve played with this specific dataset a little bit, let’s solve a more challenging algorithmic problem that uses Neo4j more like the high-powered graph database that it really is. What’s the most common algorithmic problem in showbiz? You may have guessed already...

Six Degrees of... guessed it: Kevin Bacon. We’re going to solve the six degrees of Kevin Bacon problem here so that you can memorize some of the key results and be a big hit at your next dinner party. More specifically, we want to know how many actors are within six degrees of Mr. Bacon, what percentage of the actors in the database have that distinction, what the shortest "path" from an actor to Kevin Bacon happens to be, and so on. You’ll find some similar Neo4j exercises online but this one utilizes a very large dataset that can generate more true-to-life results.

What you may find in this exercise is that Cypher has a lot already baked into the language. To get the results we’re after, we won’t need to write a sophisticated algorithm on the client side or traverse a node tree or anything like that. We just need to learn a little bit more about how Cypher works.

In the last section, you saw that you can make very specific queries about nodes and relationships. Let’s find out which Movies nodes Kevin Bacon has the relationship ACTED_IN with (let’s see the number of movies first and then list the titles):

 > MATCH (Actor {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN]-(m:Movie) RETURN count(m);
 > MATCH (Actor {name:"Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN]-(m:Movie) RETURN m.title;

Only thirty movies in our database! Amazing that such a not-exceedingly prolific actor is so well connected in Hollywood. But remember, the magic of Kevin Bacon is not the number of movies he’s been in; it’s the variety of actors he’s shared the screen with. Let’s find out how many actors share this distinction (this query will make more sense later):

 > MATCH (Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN]->(Movie)
  RETURN count(DISTINCT other);
 | count(a) |
 | 304 |

Still not a huge number, but remember this is only one degree of Kevin Bacon. Here, we can see that you can actually reverse the direction of the relationship arrow in a query, which is quite useful in more complex queries like this.

Now let’s find out how many actors are two degrees from Kevin Bacon. From the previous expression, it’s not entirely clear how to write that query because we’d need to make that relationship chain much more complex, resulting in a mess of arrows and brackets. Fortunately, Cypher provides us with some syntactical sugar for this using star notation (*).

 > MATCH (Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN*1..2]-(other:Actor)
  RETURN count(DISTINCT other);
 | count(a) |
 | 304 |

Two things to be aware of. First, there’s no Movie label anywhere here. That’s because Actors can only have ACTS_IN relationships with Movies, so we can safely leave that part out. Second, note that that’s the same result as before (a count of 313), so something is not quite right. It turns out that this Cypher star notation is a bit tricky because each "jump" between nodes counts. So you’ll need to think of this query in terms of a four-jump chain (actor-movie-actor-movie-actor) and rewrite the query:

 > MATCH (Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN*1..4]-(other:Actor)
  RETURN count(DISTINCT other);
 | count(DISTINCT other) |
 | 9096 |

If you use 5 instead of 4 in that query, you’ll get the same result and for the same reason. You need to make an actor-to-movie jump to include more actors in the result set.

As you can see, the quotient between 2 degrees and 1 degree is about 79, so the web of relationships fans out very quickly. Calculating 3 degrees yields 31,323. Counting 4 degrees takes minutes and might even time out on your machine, so we don’t recommend running that query unless you need a (long) hot chocolate break.

Thus far, we’ve only really been counting nodes that share some trait, though our ability to describe those traits has been enhanced. We’re still not equipped to answer any of our initial questions, such as how many degrees lie between Kevin Bacon and other actors, what percentage of actors lie within N degrees, and so on.

To get traction into those questions, we need to begin querying for path data, as we did in the REST exercises. Once again, Cypher comes through in the clutch for us with its shortestPath function, which enables you to easily calculate the distance between two nodes. You can specify the relationship type you’re interested in specifically or just use * if the relationship type doesn’t matter.

We can use the shortestPath function to find the number of degrees separating Kevin Bacon and another dashing actor, Sean Penn, using this query:

 > MATCH (
  bacon:Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"}),
  (penn:Actor {name: "Sean Penn"}
  RETURN length(p);
 | length(p) / 2 |
 | 2 |

But wait a second. According to IMDB, Messieurs Bacon and Penn starred together in Mystic River. So why does it take 2 degrees to connect these two when it should be one? Well, it turns out that Mystic River isn’t in our database.

 > MATCH (m:Movie {name: "Mystic River"})
 | count(DISTINCT m) |
 | 0 |

Looks like our database is lacking some crucial bits of cinema. So maybe don’t use these results to show off at your next dinner party just yet; you might want to find a more complete database for that. But for now, you know how to calculate shortest paths, so that’s a good start. Try finding the number of degrees between some of your favorite actors.

Another thing we’re interested in beyond the shortest path between any two actors is the percentage of actors that lie within N degrees. We can do that by using a generic other node with the Actor label and counting the number of shortest paths that are found within a number of degrees. We’ll start with 2 degrees and divide the result by the total number of actors, making sure to specify that we don’t include the original Kevin Bacon node in the shortest path calculation (or we’ll get a nasty and long-winded error message).

 > MATCH p=shortestPath(
  (bacon:Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN*1..2]-(other:Actor)
  WHERE bacon <> other
  RETURN count(p);
 | count(p) |
 | 304 |

Just as expected, the same result as before. What happened there is that Neo4j traversed every relationship within 1 degree of Kevin Bacon and found the number that had shortest paths. So in this case, p returns a list of many shortest paths between Kevin Bacon and many actors rather than just a single shortest path to one actor. Now let’s divide by the total number of actors (44,943) and add an extra decimal place to make sure we get a float:

 > MATCH p=shortestPath(
  (bacon:Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN*1..2]-(other:Actor)
  WHERE bacon <> other
  RETURN count(p) / 44943.0;
 | count(p) / 44943.0 |
 | 0.006764123445252876 |

That’s a pretty small percentage of actors. But now re-run that query using 4 instead of 2 (to symbolize 2 degrees rather than 1):

 > MATCH p=shortestPath(
  (bacon:Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN*1..4]-(other:Actor)
  WHERE bacon <> other
  RETURN count(p) / 44943.0;
 | count(p) / 44943.0 |
 | 0.2023674432058385 |

Already up to 20 percent within just 1 extra degree. Running the same query gets you almost 70 percent for 3 degrees, a little over 90 percent for 4 degrees, 93 percent for 5, and about 93.4 percent for a full 6 degrees. So how many actors have no relationship with Kevin Bacon whatsoever in our database? We can find that out by not specifying an N for degrees and just using any degree:

 > MATCH p=shortestPath(
  (bacon:Actor {name: "Kevin Bacon"})-[:ACTS_IN*]-(other:Actor)
  WHERE bacon <> other
  RETURN count(p) / 44943.0;
 | count(p) / 44943.0 |
 | 0.9354960728033287 |

Just a little bit higher than the percentage of actors within 6 degrees, so if you’re related to Kevin Bacon at all in our database, then you’re almost certainly within 6 degrees.

Day 2 Wrap-Up

On Day 2, we broadened our ability to interact with Neo4j by taking a look at the REST interface. You saw how, using the Cypher plugin, you can execute Cypher code on the server and have the REST interface return results. We played around with a larger dataset and finally finished up with a handful of algorithms for diving into that data.

Day 2 Homework


  1. Bookmark the documentation for the Neo4j REST API.
  2. Bookmark the API for the JUNG project and the algorithms it implements.
  3. Find a binding or REST interface for your favorite programming language.


  1. Turn the path-finding portion of the Kevin Bacon algorithm into its own step. Then implement a general-purpose Groovy function (for example, def actor_path(g, name1, name2) {...}) that accepts the graph and two names and compares the distance.

  2. Choose and run one of the many JUNG algorithms on a node (or the dataset, if the API demands it).

  3. Install your driver of choice, and use it to manage your company graph with the people and the roles they play, with edges describing their interactions (reports to, works with). If your company is huge, just try your close teams; if you’re with a small organization, try including some customers. Find the most well-connected person in the organization by closest distance to all other nodes.

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