
A book with the size and scope of this one is never the work of just the authors, even if there are three of them. It requires the effort of many very smart people with superhuman eyes spotting as many mistakes as possible and providing valuable insights into the details of these technologies.

We’d like to thank, in no particular order, all of the folks who provided their time and expertise:

Dave ParfittJerry SievertJesse Hallett
Matthew OldhamBen RadyNick Capito
Jesse AndersonSean Moubry

Finally, thanks to Bruce Tate for his experience and guidance.

We’d also like to sincerely thank the entire team at the Pragmatic Bookshelf. Thanks for entertaining this audacious project and seeing us through it. We’re especially grateful to our editor, Jackie Carter. Your patient feedback made this book what it is today. Thanks to the whole team who worked so hard to polish this book and find all of our mistakes.

For anyone we missed, we hope you’ll accept our apologies. Any omissions were certainly not intentional.

From Eric: Dear Noelle, you’re not special; you’re unique, and that’s so much better. Thanks for living through another book. Thanks also to the database creators and committers for providing us something to write about and make a living at.

From Luc: First, I have to thank my wonderful family and friends for making my life a charmed one from the very beginning. Second, I have to thank a handful of people who believed in me and gave me a chance in the tech industry at different stages of my career: Lucas Carlson, Marko and Saša Gargenta, Troy Howard, and my co-author Eric Redmond for inviting me on board to prepare the most recent edition of this book. My journey in this industry has changed my life and I thank all of you for crucial breakthroughs.

From Jim: First, I want to thank my family: Ruthy, your boundless patience and encouragement have been heartwarming. Emma and Jimmy, you’re two smart cookies, and your daddy loves you always. Also, a special thanks to all the unsung heroes who monitor IRC, message boards, mailing lists, and bug systems ready to help anyone who needs you. Your dedication to open source keeps these projects kicking.

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