
Numbers in bold are illustrations and numbers in italics are for the definitions of terms

5x4 view camera 171, 171

35mm SLR cameras 170


abstraction 68, 73

Action Sampler photography 178, 179

Action Shot 16 camera 179, 180

Action Tracker 169, 169

Adams, Ansel 58, 62, 136, 193, 264

The Tetons and the Snake River 59

Adbusters Media Foundation 111

advertising 67, 37, 63, 656, 74, 10811, 135, 139, 1412, 184, 230, 23940, 248, 251

airbrush 255

albumen prints/printing 255

albums 106, 157

Alexander, Daniel

Kim 119

Screaming Heads 213

ambient light 214, 255

ambiguity 152

ambrotype 255

anaglyph 255

Apagya, Philip Kwame 39

aperture 192200, 255

Araki, Nobuyoshi 158

Arbus, Diane 28, 100, 102, 135, 201, 217, 251

architectural photography 241

archival 255

archives 24950

Arnold, Eve 25, 45, 241

art directors 108, 231, 23940, 243, 247, 249

Arthus-Bertrand, Yann 61

artificial light 214, 255

artist photographers 1359

ASA 196

assistant, photographer’s 2434

Atget, Eugène 49

Autochrome 209, 255

autofocus 255

automatic cameras 176, 196

available light see ambient light

Avedon, Richard 8, 26, 30, 45, 118, 201, 228

Dovima with Elephants 78

In the American West 30

Ronald Fischer, beekeeper, Davis, California, May 9 1981 31


back light/back lighting 255

back projection 255

backgrounds, for portraits 303, 63, 128

Bailey, David 80, 108, 178, 228

Baker-Wilbraham, Charlotte, Untitled 205

Ballen, Roger 93, 217, 251

Banksy 225

Barnak, Oscar 85

barn doors 255

batch 255

Battista della Porta, Giovanni 17

Bayard, Hippolyte 41

Beard, Peter 34, 104, 113

‘I’ll Write Whenever I Can…’ 44

Beaton, Cecil 30, 77, 107, 155, 228

Broken German Tanks at Sidi Rezegh 98

beauty editors 238

Becher, Bernd and Hilla 105

bellows cameras 22

Benetton 108, 11112

Billingham, Richard 100, 102

Ray’s a Laugh 102, 158

Black, James Wallace 61

black and white 12, 16, 2027

blonde 220, 255

‘bloody news’ 85

blueprint see cyanotypes

Blumenfeld, Erwin 78, 114, 146, 154

Marua Motherwell 148

body, the 66

Bohnchang Koo, In the Beginning #10 134

books of pictures 100

bounced light 29, 188, 217, 220 255

Bourdin, Guy 80

Bourke-White, Margaret 88

bracket/bracketing 197, 255

Brady, Mathew 37, 94

The Gallery of Illustrious Americans 37

Brandt, Bill 29, 68, 88, 118, 188, 2056

Belgravia 189

The Magic Lantern of a Car’s Headlights 221

Brassaï 51

Brazil 91

Breton, André 181

Bridges, Marilyn 61

briefs 231, 247

Britain 37, 68, 80, 88, 912, 136, 155, 176, 254

Brodovitch, Alexey 102, 231

Ballet 723

Brook, Will, Pinhole project 132

Brown, Isobel, Les objets de désir 163

Browne, Malcolm 86

Brownie camera 23

burning in 205, 255

Burrows, Larry, Reaching Out 99

Burtynsky, Edward, Nickel Tailings No. 34 62


C type print 212, 257

C41 processing 211, 255

cabinet print 256

cable release 256

Calotype 22, 100, 256

cameras 14, 58, 118, 134, 161, 167

choice and types of 118, 1423, 16783

controls of 188200

digital cameras 7, 12, 22, 1405, 1668, 1724, 196, 203, 208, 210

early models 17, 1924

camera lucida 256

camera obscura 1719, 212

camera phones 140, 167, 1723, 179, 254

camera shake 256

Cameron, Julia Margaret 136, 191, 204, 255

Sir John Herschel 136

Capa, Robert 967, 149

D-Day Landings 96

captions 156

card reader 256

careers 2289, 231, 241, 251

carrier pigeons 85

Carter, Kevin 86

cartes-de-visite 37, 157, 256

Cartier-Bresson, Henri 45, 889, 96, 100, 118, 135, 176, 189, 201, 214

Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare 89

CCD 14, 168, 191, 196, 256

celebrity portraits 37, 70, 236

censorship 99

CGI 81, 141

Che Guevara 150, 153

chemogram 225

China 82, 86, 89, 110

‘chrono-photography’ 104

Chung, Ken, and Kim von Coels, Face 221

cibachrome 256

city, photographs of 39, 4957

Civiale, Aimé 58

Clark, Larry 93

Clerk Maxwell, James 209

cliché-verre 2256, 256

clipping 197, 211, 256

Close, Chuck 13, 29, 135

close-up lens 190

CND photomontage 115

Cobain, Kurt, portrait (Goodacre) 153

collage 68, 1126, 138, 213

collections 104

college courses 2478

Collishaw, Mat 13

collodion process 22, 257

colour balance 210

colour cast 256

colour correction 256

colour filters 256

colour negative film 196, 21012, 256

colour photography 12, 16, 20812

colour reversal film 256

colour slides 21012, 256

colour temperature 210, 220, 222, 256

colour transparency 210, 257

communication 245, 248

competitions 249

composition 201

compression 257

computers see digital photography; Photoshop

Constantine, Elaine, Girls on Bikes 75

contact sheet/contact print 84, 103, 144, 184, 205, 226, 257

contrast 206, 257

Cooper, Ross, and Jussi Ängeslevä, the ‘Last’

clock 161

copyright 254

correction filter 220, 257

cove 257

cover pictures 2378

Cranham, Gerry 73

Croner, Ted, Central Park South 124

crop/cropping 201, 257

cross-processing 2123, 257

Cunningham, Imogen 193

curator 257

cut out 257

cyanotypes 178, 226, 257


Dada movement 114

Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé 19, 212, 41

daguerreotypes 19, 212, 29, 135, 178, 186, 209, 257

Daley, Eric 205

Dalí, Salvador 34, 44, 181

dance 72

darkroom 257

darkslide 257

Davatz, Barbara, As Time Goes By 161

Davidson, Bruce 90, 93, 102, 169

Davies, Robert, Epiphany 73

Davis, Chalkie 65

Dawson, Derek, A Life in Pictures 9

daylight film 220, 257

Deardorff camera 30, 61, 171

death, as subject 8, 41, 84, 94

dedicated flash 257

deletion, digital 141

depth of field 29, 138, 166, 193, 197200, 214, 220, 257

designer/photographers 142

design groups 230, 239

developer 257

Dex Growing (snapshots) 162

Diana camera 178

Díaz, Alberto, (known as Korda), Guerrillero Heroico (Che Guevara) 150, 153

diCorcia, Philip-Lorca, 51, 251

Eddie Anderson: 21 years old: Houston,

Texas; $20 53

Heads 36

Tinseltown 53

Dieuzaide, Jean 34

diffuse 257

digital cameras 7, 12, 22, 141, 1669, 1724, 196, 203, 208, 210

digital fog 141

digital grain 203

digital imaging 258

digital photography 7, 12, 50, 140, 1425, 154, 166, 175, 248

ISO and colour 196, 2034, 208, 210, 212, 214, 222

black and white 205

and manipulation 41, 116, 139

news photography 82, 84, 86, 94, 1556, 217, 2334

self-portraits 39, 41, 45

digital zoom 173

digitize 258

Dijkstra, Rineke 218

Hilton Head Island, S.C., USA, June 24 33

DIN 196, 258

direct flash 214, 217

direct positive imaging 258

Disfarmer, Mike 39

disposable (single-use) cameras 181

distortion 68, 102, 188, 190

Dobson, Jamie, Sound project 133

documentary photography 82, 90, 92, 241

dodging 205, 258

Doisneau, Robert 33, 49, 88, 104, 153

Le Baiser de l’Hôtel de Ville 1523

Dreams of a Tattooed Man 70

Donovan, Terence 80

Drew, Richard, The Falling Man 82, 86

DSLR cameras 1402, 1723

Duffy, Brian 80

dupe 258

DX 258

Dyche, Ernest 39

dye coupler print 258

dye-transfer print 258

dyeline see cyanotypes


E6 processing 258

Eastman, George 234

edge reversal 258

Edgerton, Harold 104, 146, 161, 195, 21617, 219

Milk Drop Coronet 147

editorial photography 231, 23940

Eggleston, William 92, 157

Eisenstaedt, Alfred 87

A Sailor’s Kiss, Times Square 82, 152

Ekhorn, Kjell 8, 212

Classmates project 128

Ektacolour print 258

emulsion 258

enlargement 258

enlargers 22, 258

Ermanox camera 84

Ernst, Max 28, 1134

Erwitt, Elliott 66, 104, 152

Not That Naïve, New York City 105

Evans, Walker 36, 91

event photographers 241

exhibitions 136, 230, 232, 248, 251

exposure 21, 24, 166, 170, 194, 1968, 258

long and multiple 21, 61, 78, 120, 1234, 128, 139, 161, 176, 178, 194, 200, 218, 221, 224

extension tubes/extension rings 190, 258

eyes, and the camera 14


f stop/f number 166, 192, 196, 198, 259

fashion 7481, 116, 159, 232, 237

fashion magazines 74, 2378

fast film 203, 214, 258

fast lenses 193, 214

Fenton, Roger 94

The Valley of the Shadow of Death 95

fibre-based paper 258

fill-in 218, 258

film 12, 14, 85, 140, 166, 168, 178, 1967, 2034, 20912, 220, 258

film cameras 118, 16870, 173, 176

film cassette 258

film noir 118

films (movies) 97, 118, 131, 149, 176

films, documentary 90

film speed 2034, 210, 220, 258

fish-eye lens 190, 199, 258

fish fryer 258

five-by-four (5x4) view camera 171

fix/fixing 258

flare 258

flash 28, 51, 84, 104, 157, 210, 21421, 258

flash and blur 218

flash head 258

flash meter 216, 259

flash pack 259

flat 259

focal length 173, 18890, 1923, 199, 259

focus191 see also autofocus; soft focus

format 259

formatting 174, 259

found photographs 114

Frank, Robert 92, 1002, 110

The Americans 101

fresnel screen 259

Friedlander, Lee 28, 45

Hill Crest, NY 125

Frissel, Toni 78

front projection 259

FSA project (US) 91

full bleed 259


galleries 118, 134, 251

Gameboy camera 180

Gandolficamera 169

Garnett, William 61

Geilhausen, Katrin, Eye (Close-up) 15

gelatin dry-plate process 24

gelatin silver print 259

Georghiou, Nick, Maasai 109

Giant Camera, San Francisco 17

gigabyte 174, 259

Gilden, Bruce 218

glossy print 259

Goldbeck, Eugene O., Indoctrination Division 40

Goldin, Nan 8, 106, 159

‘gonzo snapshot’ 159

Goodacre, Martin 153

grade/graded paper 259

Graham, Paul 219

grain 2034, 259

Graphex camera 85

Greenfield, Lois 73, 202, 217

Griffin, Brian, self-portrait 47

Griffith, Phillip Jones 92

Group f64 136, 138, 193

group portraits 40

Guest, Peter 204

gum-bichromate 259

Gursky, Andreas, Rhein II 139

Gysin, Brion 113


Haas, Ernst 241

The Cross, NYC 48

Halsman, Philippe 34

Hardy, Bert 88

Harries, Steve, and Mel Bles, Locations project 131

Hatakeyama, Naoya 49

‘head shots’ 29

health and safety 259

Heartfield, John 1146

The Spirit of Geneva 114

heliograph 19, 259

Henderson, Nigel 45, 114, 225

Hendley, Dave 128, 143

Jamaican roots reggae project 129

high contrast 66, 78, 119, 206, 212, 259

high-key photographs 260

highlights 260

Hine, Lewis 901

Hines, Babbette 181

Hiroshima 98

Hiscock, David 68

Hockney, David 68, 114, 135, 1389

multiple-image portraits 161

Pearblossom Hwy., 11–18th April 1986 138, 146

Photo Collage Nude, 17th June 1984 68

Hoepker, Thomas, World Heavyweight Champion Muhammad Ali 199

Holga camera 179

Hong Kong (Monheim) 567

‘Hooded Iraqi prisoner in Abu Ghraib jail’ 150

Hoppen, Michael 6

Horst, Horst P. 77

hot shoe 216, 260

Hou Bo 110

Hoyningen-Huene, George 77

Hunter, Tom 179

Hurley, Frank 91, 146

Hurrell, George, Jean Harlow 38


iconic pictures 148, 1523

impact 108

incident light 260

Indrontino, Paula, pinhole images 177

infrared 118, 186, 206, 211, 2212, 260

inkjet printer 260

installations 163

internet images 99, 118, 229, 249

IR or R 260

iris print 260

ISO 166, 196, 2034, 214, 220, 260

and colour 208, 21012


Jackson, Alison 11, 204, 243, 259

Jacobs, Harry 39

Jarecke, Kenneth 99

Jewell, Dick 45, 72, 1056, 184

A Change of Face 115

Olympic Incident 106

‘Passport Approved Photo Album’ 181

joiners 114, 138, 260

Jones, Peter, and Lynne Dickens, Colourscape sculpture 208

joule 260

JPEG 175, 260


Karsh, Yousuf 29

Keïta, Seydou 39

Kelvins (K) 210, 220, 222, 260

Kennard, Peter 115

Kertész, André 63, 68, 87, 96, 135

Klein, William 50, 78, 91, 100, 102, 118, 135, 18890, 218, 224

Close Up 217

Variation on Gun I 50

Knight, Nick 11, 63, 74, 76, 81, 100, 108, 110, 167, 219, 224

Snakes 80

knuckle 260

Kodachrome 209, 260

Kodak cameras 23

Koh, Robin 58

Konttinen, Sirkka-Liisa 51, 53

Korda see Díaz, Alberto

Kruger, Barbara 111, 163


L shapes 261

LaChapelle, David 37, 76, 81, 108, 110, 208, 224

‘Giving birth to a shoe’ story 79

Lamda print 260

Land, Edwin 178

landscape 5862

Lange, Dorothea 901, 149, 151

Migrant Mother 151

large format 28, 58, 84, 260

Lartigue, Jacques-Henri 6, 28, 1067, 183, 209, 228

Bichonnade Leaping 107

‘Last’ clock (Cooper and Ängeslevä) 161

Latchley, Alan 118, 156, 169, 202, 240, 244

latent image 260

latitude 260

law, and photography 254

Lazertran 226

LCD 168, 172, 260

Lee, Vincent 11

Leibovitz, Annie 37, 218

Leica camera 85, 89, 176

Leifer, Neil 73, 236

lenses 188, 19093, 260

and aperture 192

lens hood 260

lenticular photography 260

Leonard, Hayley, Nan’s Hands 29

Life (magazine) 88, 978

light 21422

and aperture 196

and shutter speed 218

light box 260

light meter 1967, 260

light-sensitivity 12, 166, 168, 196, 203, 210

light waves 222

lighting gels 260

limited editions 252

linen tester (or lupe) 260

liquid photographic emulsion/liquid light 163, 205, 260

lith printing 261

Li Zhensheng 86

Logan, George, Loch Scridain 223

Loher, Natalie, 360º Female Nude 69

Lomo camera 13, 160, 167, 169, 176, 261

London 17, 26, 39, 49, 51, 54, 63, 90, 115, 139, 153, 177, 181, 221, 225, 228, 237

Long, Richard 26, 27, 61

long exposures 123, 161, 176, 194, 218, 221, 224

long focal-length lenses 190

Lorant, Stefan 878

Los Angeles 53, 202

Lubitel camera 179

Lumière brothers 209

lupe (or linen tester) 261


Maas, Tina, Untitled 163

macro lens 190, 261

Madame Yevonde 30, 146, 209

Madani, Hashem El 39

magazines 746, 8788, 113, 232, 2378

magic eye 261

magic lantern 19, 105, 209, 261

Magnum 82, 889, 92

Makin Ma,Gazza 163

Mamiya camera 54, 131, 169, 173

manipulation 1123, 116, 1545,

Man Ray 63, 68, 137, 146, 225, 252

Le Violin d’Ingres 68, 137

manual camera 261

Mapplethorpe, Robert 43, 63, 66

Lisa Lyon 67

Marey, Etienne-Jules 104, 135, 146

Mark, Mary Ellen, Twins series 178

marketing 229

Martens, Friedrich von 186

mask 261

Mass Observation project (UK) 91

matt paper 261

Mayne, Roger 49, 90

McBean, Angus 30, 146, 154

McBroom, Bruce 72

McCabe, David 190

McCabe, Eamonn 73

McCorry, Kitty 119, 243

McCullin, Don 99, 156

medium formats 170, 173, 1789, 261

megabytes/MB 174, 261

megapixels 1723, 261

memory card/stick 168, 174, 261

Meny, Patrick,Isolated 164

Metinides, Enrique 85

Michals, Duane, I Build a Pyramid 104

Mili, Gjon 217

Picasso at the Madoura Pottery Workshop 219

Minox camera 176

mixed light 261

modelling light 261

models 748, 801, 159

Moholy-Nagy, László 110, 225

Mole & Thomas 40

Monheim, Fabian 13, 81, 113, 160, 169, 176, 180, 213

Hong Kong 567

mono pod 261

Monroe, Marilyn 68, 70, 152

The Seven Year Itch 152

Moon, Sarah 80

moonlight 221

Morimura, Yasumasa 70, 72

Self-Portrait (Actress), Red Marilyn 43

Morley, Lewis 68

Morse, Ralph 217

Morton, William 72

motordrive 261

movement 1034, 106, 146, 157, 1945, 197, 200, 2178

movies 97, 118, 131, 149, 176

mugshots 36, 90

multigrade printing 205, 261

multi-lens cameras 15, 179

multiple exposures 78, 123, 128, 178, 217, 224

Muniz, Vik 61, 113

Munkácsi, Martin 77, 87, 89, 176

Museum of Modern Art, New York (‘New Documents’ exhibition) 28

Muybridge, Eadweard 22, 1034, 135, 146, 161, 194

The Horse in Motion 103


Nagasaki 98

naked body 6672

Naples 17, 545

National Portrait Gallery, London 26

natural light see ambient light

negatives 2045, 212, 261

colour negative film 2112, 256

Neshat, Shirin 139

Neto, José Luís 204

Newcastle 53

Newman, Arnold, Georgia O’Keeffe, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico 35

news agencies 83, 85

news photography 827, 2334

careers in 211, 22834, 238, 243

war as news 94

Newton, Helmut 45, 72, 80, 219

High-Heel X-Ray and Cartier Bracelet 207

New York 502, 84, 86, 934, 105, 107, 124, 217

New York Daily Graphic newspaper 83

New York Daily News newspaper 84

Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore 19, 22

night images 124

night-vision cameras 186

Nilsson, Lennart 72

Nixon, Nicholas 161

normal (medium) focal length 189

nudes 135, 137, 189


Ojeda, Alejandro, The Hand of God 153

Oktomat camera 179

Onslow, Neil 177

opaline pictures 261

opening up 1923

over-exposure 196, 261


Page, Tim 93

panning 261

panoramas 58

panoramic camera 186, 261

paparazzi/paparazzo 241, 243

Paris 49, 51, 83, 89

Parkinson, Norman, Portrait after Kees Van Dongen 191

Parr, Martin 11, 65, 208, 219

Sedlescombe 92

Patterson, Guy, pinhole postcards 176

Penn, Irving 30, 63, 656, 78, 80, 110

American Summer Still Life 63

Joe Louis 32

perspective-control lens 261

persuasion 1089

Petzval, Josef Max 21

phone cameras 167, 172, 179

photo-booth self-portraits 45, 181

photocopiers 118, 138, 184

photograms 137, 212, 225, 261

photograph 261

photographer 146, 156, 228

and manipulation 1123, 116

and the sitter 2831, 34

as subject 39, 41, 45

photographer/designers 142

photographic agents 240

photographic studio 224

photogravure 262

photojournalism 82, 879, 110, 156, 2334

photomontage 112, 1146, 155, 262

photo opportunities 22844

Photo Secessionist movement 136

Photoshop 113, 116, 1402, 144, 148, 223, 262

photo stencil 225

physiogram 262

Picasso, Pablo 61, 113, 1356, 219

Pictorialists 136

picture editing/editors 201, 2323

picture magazines 878

Picture Post (magazine) 87, 88, 97

Pierre et Gilles, Self-Portrait 42, 43

pinhole photography 132, 169, 177, 178, 180

pin-ups 70, 72

Pippin, Steven 178

pixel 262

plate camera 262

platinum print 262

polarizing filter 262

Polaroid 80, 138, 143, 157, 169, 1789, 262

Polaroid film back 262

political campaigns 108, 114

Pop 9 camera 179

pornography 72

portfolios 22930

portraits 2640, 234

self-portraits 417

Print Club camera 181

print film 262


black and white 2045

colour 212

prints 163, 204, 2512, 262

processing numbers 166

projects 12833

propaganda photojournalism 108, 110, 114, 156

proxar 190, 262

Pulitzer Prize 83, 86, 149, 152, 156


RA 4 262

Rauschenberg, Robert 137

RAW 175

raw lighting 217

Ray-Jones, Tony 214

reality, and manipulation 1123, 116

red-eye 219, 262

redhead 220, 262

reflected images 125

reflex camera 1703, 262

reformatting 168

reportage 82, 87

resin-coated paper 262

resolution 172, 262

retouching 81, 155, 223, 236, 262

Revell, Giles, Scarab 10

Richardson, Terry 37, 81, 159

Riis, Jacob 216

How the Other Half Lives 90

ringflash 219, 262

Röntgen, Wilhelm 206

Rosenthal, Joe 83, 86

Old Glory Goes Up on Mt. Suribachi (‘Raising the Flag in Iwo Jima’) 149, 152

Roversi, Paolo 80, 221

Rowell, Spencer, Man and Baby 71

royalties 153, 251, 254

R-type print 262


Sabatier effect see solarization

safelight 262

Salgado, Sebastião 91

Salomon, Erich 36, 84

Samaras, Lucas 178

Sawada, Tomoko 45

scan 243

scanners 7, 118, 1845

Schadograph see photogram

‘scoop’ pictures 84

security camera 118, 184, 186

seeing 130, 1247

self-portraits 417

self-promotion 141, 230

sequence 9, 1036, 127

settings 166, 194, 196, 2034, 208, 210, 214, 220

shadows 121

Shand Kydd, Johnnie, 144, 169

Naples 545

Sherman, Cindy, 72, 118

Untitled Film Stills 41

short focal length 188

‘shutter lag’ 173

shutters 22, 146, 194, 218

shutter speed 1948, 218

Sidibé, Malick 39

silhouettes 126, 262

silver salts 19, 203

Sinar camera 68, 169, 171

single-use cameras 181

Siskind, Aaron 61, 137

sitters 26, 2830, 34, 36

fashion models 7481

slave 263

slides 263

colour slides 210, 256

slide shows 105

slow film 2034, 210

SLR cameras 170

Smith, Chris 73

Smith, W. Eugene 99

Smithee, Alison 240

Snap camera 180

snapshots 15760, 158, 160, 263

snoot 263

Sodano, Sandro 63, 148

fashion photography 122

still lifes of bags 65

soft box 214, 220, 263

soft focus 263

soft-focus lenses 263

software programs 142, 223

solarization 78, 137, 263

South Africa 93, 108

Southall, Doug 183

Speed Graphic camera 845

sport 73, 153, 217, 232, 2346

spot meter 263

standardization 166

standard lens 189

Stanton, Hannah, and Vanessa Marisak, Photographic behaviour project 130

Steele-Perkins, Chris 82, 88

The Teds 90

Steichen, Edward 45, 136

stencils 225

stereoscopic cameras/photographs 14, 183, 183, 263

Steiglitz, Alfred 136

still life 635

stills photographers 241

stock libraries 142, 241, 24950

stop bath 263

stopping down 1923

story-telling 82, 94

books of pictures 1001

fashion ‘stories’ 756

photojournalism 87

Strand, Paul 36

strobe/stroboscopic light 216, 263

student shows 23940, 247

student work

Heroic self-portraits 46

Classmates project 128

Sightings of Che 150

Sketchbook of photogram experiments 225

studio lighting 30, 214, 221, 224

studio portraits 303

Sugimoto, Hiroshi 37, 61, 146, 202

Cabot Street Cinema, Massachusetts 16

Sundsbø, Sølve 81

Super Sampler camera 179

Surrealism 78, 135

swimming-pool light 263

SX70 camera 178

synchroballistic photography 263

sync lead 263

syndication 250

Szarkowski, John 26, 28

‘New Documents’ exhibition 28


tabloids 84

Talbot, William Henry Fox 22, 225

Latticed Window at Laycock Abbey 20

The Pencil of Nature 100

Talbotype see Calotype

Tamano, Tetsuya,Untitled 112

telephoto lenses 190, 263

Teller, Juergen 81, 159, 208

Burning Jacket 77

Testino, Mario 37

test strip 263

Thain, Alastair 169

Richard Long 27

thermal-imaging 186

three-dimensional works 163

TIFF 175

Tillmans, Wolfgang 81, 208, 251

If One Thing Matters Everything Matters 157

Tinseltown 53

tintype 263

Tokyo 36, 49, 181

tones 263

toning 263

Tooth, Roger 155

Toscani, Oliviero 108, 111

training courses 2478

transparency 210, 263

tripod 263

trust 154

TTL 216, 264

tungsten film 211, 264

tungsten light 2145, 220


ultraviolet light 2212, 264

umbrella 264

under-exposure 196

universal settings 166

uprating 211, 264

USB 168, 180, 264

Ut, Nick 83, 149

‘Girl Fleeing Napalm Strike’ 86


variable focal length 190

Vietnam 86, 967, 99, 149

view camera 171, 264

viewfinder 1912, 201, 264

viewpoints 122

vignette 264

vintage prints 252, 264

Vivex colours 209

Vogue magazine 66, 778, 159, 167, 190, 231

Voigtländer, Peter von 21

von Coels, Kim, and Ken Chung, Face 221


Walker, Brendan, The Thrill-Sensing Auto-Portrait Machine 164

war 949, 152, 155, 161

Warhol, Andy 30, 445, 104, 137, 152, 157, 178, 181, 190

Watson, Andrew 9, 61

Figsbury Ring and A303 and Tumuli, Salisbury Plain 60

Weber, Bruce 801

websites 140, 142, 168, 230, 244, 248, 250

Weegee 512, 84, 221

The Critic (Opening Night at the Opera) 52

Crowd at Coney Island, Temperature 89

Degrees 200

Lovers at the Palace Theatre 206

Weisz, Minnie, Norfolk Suite Camera Obscura 18

Welch, Gary 183, 183

West, Adam 63, 169

Weston, Brett 61

Weston, Edward 61, 656, 136, 193

Pepper No. 30 64

wet-collodion/wet-plate process 22, 264

White, Minor 61, 137

white balance 264

Widdows, Lee 74, 76, 118

wide-angle lenses 68, 73, 78, 188, 190, 199

Wilson-Pajic, Nancy, Les Apparitions: Felicia 226

Winogrand, Garry 28, 73, 110, 152, 217

Los Angeles, California 202

wire photos 85

work, as a photographer 22849


Xerox see photocopiers

X-rays 72, 118, 206, 222, 264


Yamanaka, Manabu, Gyahtei 66

Yass, Catherine, Descent 139

Yosemite National Park 58


zone system 264

zoom, digital 173

zoom lenses 190, 264

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