The TreeViewDragDrop plugin

This plugin provides a drag and/or drop functionality for a TreeView class. It creates a specialized instance of DragZone, which knows how to drag out of a TreeView class, and loads the data object which is passed on to the cooperating methods of DragZone with the following properties:

  • copy: Boolean

    It is the value of the copy property of TreeView or true if the TreeView class was configured with allowCopy set to true and the Ctrl key was pressed when the drag operation was begun.

  • view: TreeView

    It is the source TreeView from which the drag originated.

  • ddel: HtmlElement

    It is the drag proxy element which moves with the mouse.

  • item: HtmlElement

    It is the TreeView node upon which the mousedown event was registered.

  • records: Array

    It is an array of models representing the selected data being dragged from the source TreeView.

It also creates a specialized instance of Ext.dd.DropZone, which cooperates with other DropZone classes. These DropZone classes are members of the same ddGroup, which processes such data objects. Adding this plugin to a view means that two new events may be fired from the client TreeView, before the drag-and-drop.


Note that the plugin must be added to the tree view, and not to the tree panel. For example, by using viewConfig:

viewConfig: {
    plugins: { ptype: 'treeviewdragdrop' }

Here, in the following code snippet, a tree class has been defined, in which the TreeViewDragDrop plugin is used to drag-and-drop the nodes:

Ext.define('Examples.view.treeviewdragdrop.TreeViewDragDropTree', {
    extend : 'Ext.tree.Panel',
    alias : 'widget.treeviewdragdroptree',
    requires : ['',

    constructor : function(config) {

        Ext.apply(this, {
            border : false,
            store : Ext.create(''),
            viewConfig : {
                plugins : [
            useArrows : true



In the following screenshot you can see the result of the TreeViewDragDropTree class that we have defined, which is used within a window:

The TreeViewDragDrop plugin

You can see that when we are dragging the 09/29/2006 node, a visible floating message stating that one node is selected, is shown, and then we can easily drop that node within other nodes.

This plugin is well documented at!/api/Ext.tree.plugin.TreeViewDragDrop, where you will get all the available configuration options, properties, methods, and events for this plugin.

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