The BoxSelect extension

Ext.ux.form.field.BoxSelect is a combobox, extended for more intuitive multiselect capabilities using individually labeled selected items, developed by Kevin Vaughan.

In the following screenshot you can see how multiple items are selected within a BoxSelect combobox:

The BoxSelect extension

In the following screenshot you can see how the selected values and the dropdowns are both configured via templates:

The BoxSelect extension

The following are some of the features of BoxSelect:

  • Individually removable labeled items for each selected value.
  • Customizable item templates, in addition to combobox's support of customizable drop-down list templates.
  • Keyboard-based selection and navigation of selected values (left/right, Shift, Ctrl + A, Backspace, Delete).
  • On-demand loading of values from remote stores when an unknown value is set, that is, setting queryMode = 'remote' and forceSelection = true.
  • Creation of new value records for forceSelection = false.
  • Configurable pinning of combo pick list for multiSelect = true.
  • Configurable rendering of labeled items (auto-sized or stacked).
  • As BoxSelect extends ComboBox, most (if not all) of the functionality and configuration options of ComboBox should work as expected.

This extension is licensed under MIT. Examples and reference for this extension are available at The download link, details of the copyright, and license for this extension are available at

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