
Scheduling is one of the most important aspects of any technology we use. We need to schedule the process so that the process regularly gets executed at the specified interval. Using the schedule, you can define the frequency with which you wish to execute the workflow. Based on the frequency you have defined, the workflow will automatically get triggered. Informatica PowerCenter comes with an internal scheduler. To create a schedule, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the workflow in the Workflow Manager for which you wish to define a scheduler, and navigate to Workflows | Schedulers.
  2. In the new window, you can add a scheduler. Then, click on New.
  3. In the new window, specify the name of the scheduler as per your requirement, and click on Schedule.

Various options present on the schedule screen are described as follows:



Run on Integration Service initialization

When you check this option, the workflow will get triggered as per your defined schedule. When you check this option, various options under the schedule option get enabled, and you can specify the time at and frequency with which you wish to execute the workflow.

Run on demand

When you check this option, you can run the workflow manually.

Run continuously

When you check this option, the workflow will keep on running continuously from the time you define as the start time.

Run once

This option indicates that the workflow will run only once at the scheduled time.

Run Every

When you check this option, you can schedule the workflow to run at a particular interval.

If you wish to run the workflow every day, mention 1 under Days and define Start data and End date.

Customized Repeat

With this, you can customize the schedule with which you wish to run your workflow. This option is helpful in scenarios where you might only need to run your workflow on Mondays.

Start Date/Start Time

This option indicates the date at and the time from which you wish to schedule your workflow.

End On

This option indicates the date till which you wish to schedule your workflow.

End after

This option indicates the number of times you wish to let the workflow run.


If you check this option, the schedule will keep on running forever with no end date.

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