
When I tell people around me that I now program in Scala rather than Java, I often get the question, "So, in simple words, what is the main advantage of using Scala compared to Java?" I tend to respond with this: "With Scala, you reason and program closer to the domain, closer to plain English". Raising the level of abstraction is often the terminology employed to describe programs in a more readable and natural way for humans to understand rather than the zeros and ones understood by computers.

As computer systems that are encountered in telecom, manufacturing or financial applications mature and grow, different forms of complexity tend to emerge, which are as follows:

  • Complexity due to the addition of supported features, for example, the variety of contract alternatives in an insurance system or the introduction of complicated algorithms to solve new challenges in our evolving society
  • Complexity to offset the limitations of technologies; for instance, making a system distributed to handle larger loads or improve reliability and response time
  • Accidental complexity, which is introduced because of factors other than the problem at stake, such as integration between legacy systems and not really compatible technologies, short-term workarounds to reach the consumer market in a quicker way, or misunderstanding how a large system is designed as a whole when many resources with different backgrounds and styles are contributing in a short period of time to a large code base

The third complexity is clearly unwanted and should be reduced to a minimum if not eliminated, whereas the other two should remain manageable. Scala tackles all of them, and the complexity of the business domain is something that will be manageable only if a system can be described in code as if it was described in well-written English.

In the past few years, the ability of many languages to express behaviors in a more concise way than the traditional object-oriented way is largely due to the increasing popularity of functional programming (FP), a paradigm that has been around for a very long time but until recently thought of as a competitor to the so-called imperative programming languages such as C or Java. Michael Feathers nicely outlined the apparent duality between the two in the following statement:

"OO makes code understandable by encapsulating moving parts. FP makes code understandable by minimizing moving parts."

The former focuses on breaking a large system into smaller, reusable parts. These parts are easy to reason about as they are modeled according to real-life objects. They use interfaces between them and are meant to encapsulate a mutating state. The latter emphasizes on the combination of functions that have ideally no side effects. It means that their result depends only on their input arguments, leading to minimizing or removing a mutating state in a program.

The declarative nature of FP, supported by Scala, aims at writing code to express "what is to be done" rather than "how to do it". Moreover, the FP approach tends to make algorithms more concise by composing (combining functions together), whereas the imperative approach tends to introduce side effects, that is, changes in the program state that will make it more difficult to see the algorithm, in its whole, in a concise way.

This book will show Java developers that Scala is a significant yet natural evolution from Java by reasoning at a higher level of abstraction. Making the transition should ultimately lead to a more robust, maintainable, and fun software.

The intent of this book is not so much about exploring the design or deep features of the language as well as its exhaustive syntax; there are already a number of excellent books about the Scala language, notably by the creator of the language himself, Martin Odersky, and people working with him at Typesafe.

Our aim is to concentrate on helping current Java developers to get started and feel comfortable using the language, and to make their daily job more productive and fun.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Programming Interactively within Your Project, provides a short introduction about the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and some of the key features that have made Java successful. We will then start getting our hands dirty and experiment with the Scala REPL (short for, Read Eval Print Loop), a powerful tool to program interactively. We will introduce some of the powerful constructs of Scala that make programming not only enjoyable but also intuitive and productive.

Chapter 2, Code Integration, is about making Scala and Java code collaborate under the same code base. Topics of interest in this chapter are interoperability between Java and Scala collections, and wrapping existing Java libraries with Scala. Moreover, we will touch on the topic of coding style, in particular, by comparing the well-established Java coding best practices to the more recent Scala guidelines.

Chapter 3, Understanding the Scala Ecosystem, helps you to know the Scala development ecosystem and its surrounding tools, most of which are being more or less inherited from Java. In particular, Java frameworks such as Maven, and IDEs such as Eclipse, cannot be overlooked. In addition to the essential elements of the development cycle, we will cover Scala-specific tools such as SBT, Scala Worksheets, and the introduction of Typesafe's Activator and its templates.

Chapter 4, Testing Tools, is a follow-up on the essential tools of a Scala developer, focusing on reviewing most of the useful tools for unit, integration, and functional testing of test data as well automated property-based testing.

Chapter 5, Getting Started with the Play Framework, will give you a concrete introduction to the Play Framework, where we will show you some of the cool features of Play that make one want to migrate from a more traditional servlet/J2EE model.

Chapter 6, Database Access and the Future of ORM, covers tackling the persistence of data in relational databases, whether you want to reuse well-established technologies such as JPA/Hibernate, or move to more innovative yet promising alternatives such as SLICK (Scala Language-Integration Connection Kit), an interesting alternative to traditional ORM merely based on the power of the Scala language. Moreover, we will see how to reverse-engineer the existing relational databases into Play CRUD applications as a starting point in migrating Java projects.

Chapter 7, Working with Integration and Web Services, covers technologies that are found everywhere in today's Java development. In this chapter, we will explore how integrating with the external systems applies to the Scala world and what the benefits are. Topics included in this chapter relate to Web Services through SOAP XML, REST, and JSON.

Chapter 8, Essential Properties of Modern Applications – Asynchrony and Concurrency, refers to two aspects of scalable applications' development. To achieve better performance, software projects are often encouraged to introduce asynchronous invocations and concurrent code. Through this chapter, we will show that the more functional side of Scala can make this complexity more manageable and maintainable. We will also introduce the Akka framework, a toolkit to simplify the development of concurrent applications.

Chapter 9, Building Reactive Web Applications, takes the previous chapter one step further and introduces a new class of applications that has emerged in the market: reactive applications. They are characterized by their interactivity, the ability to push information to end users, elasticity to adapt to changes in load, and the ability to recover from failures. The aim of this chapter is to build such an app in Play using concepts learned throughout the book as well as emerging technologies such as WebSockets.

Chapter 10, Scala Goodies, concludes this book with some perspectives on the future of web development. For example, Java developers are more and more exposed to JavaScript on the client side, whether they like it or not. Another example is the emergence of Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), a nontrivial task to achieve in Java.

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