Lazy loading with the Grid component

A Grid component can take advantage of the offset and limit parameters described in the previous section by using the setDataProvider method, as follows:

    (sortOrders, offset, limit) ->
            CallRepository.findAll(offset, limit).stream(),
    () -> CallRepository.count()

The previous code defines two lambda expressions:

  • (sortOrders, offset, limit) -> service.find(...): This lambda expression should return all the items used in slice defined by the offset and limit parameters (we will see how to use the sortOrders parameters later)
  • () -> service.count(): This lambda expression should return the total count of items available with no slices

The setDataProvider method we used in the previous example receives an instance of FetchItemsCallback, a functional interface that defines a method to fetch the items (or rows):

public interface FetchItemsCallback<T> extends Serializable {

public Stream<T> fetchItems(
List<QuerySortOrder> sortOrder, int offset, int limit);

You can also use another version of the setDataProvider method that accepts an instance of DataProvider. There's a static helper method in the DataProvider interface that allows you to implement it from lambda expressions similar to the ones we used before:

DataProvider<Call, Void> dataProvider = DataProvider.fromCallbacks(
query -> CallRepository.find(
query -> CallRepository.count()


The difference with the previous version is that we get the offset and limit values from a Query instance, so we need to use the corresponding getters.

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