Coding authorization with the help of a Navigator

You might have heard about the Navigator class in Vaadin Framework. In short, the Navigator class allows you to pair URI fragments with UI components. When the fragment part changes in the browser, the associated UI component is rendered. It also allows you to programmatically navigate to a specific UI component by specifying its associated fragment. For example:

public class VaadinUI extends UI { 
    protected void init(VaadinRequest vaadinRequest) { 
        Navigator navigator = new Navigator(this, this); 
        navigator.addView("view1", new View1()); 
        navigator.addView("view2", new View2()); 

When you create a Navigator, you specify the UI to which the Navigator is attached and a ComponentContainer (such as VerticalLayout, for example), whose content will be replaced when the view is made visible (when changing the fragment in the browser, for example). You associate view names to UI components by using the addView method. In the previous example, we passed instances of the UI components (using the new keyword). The Navigator class will use these instances throughout the session, so the state of each view is maintained even after navigating away from a view. You can let the Navigator class create a new instance of the UI component each time the view is requested by using the overloaded addView(String, Class<? extends View>) method. Here's an example:

navigator.addView("view1", View1.class);

The UI components you can add to a Navigator must implement the View interface, as shown in the following class:

public class View1 extends Composite implements View { 
    public View1() { 
        setContent(new Label("View 1")); 
Since Vaadin Framework 8.0, the View interface includes a Java 8 default enter method so you don't have to implement it. Vaadin Framework 8.1 includes some additional default methods you can implement if needed. Take a look at the reference API of the View interface for more information:

But let's get back to the discussion of authorization strategies. The Navigator class allows you to add a ViewChangeListener. We can use this listener to introduce authorization rules and secure UI components. For example:

public class AuthViewListener implements ViewChangeListener { 
    public boolean beforeViewChange(ViewChangeEvent event) { 
        if (AuthService.userCanAccess(event.getViewName())) { 
            return true; 
        return false; 

The beforeViewChange method must return true to allow the view change and false to block it.

Vaadin Framework 8.0 added support for the HTML 5 History API. With it, you can avoid having hashbangs in the URL (that little !# sequence). Vaadin Framework 8.2 added support for the HTML 5 History API with the Navigator class. You can activate this support by annotating the UI implementation with @PushStateNavigation.
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