
Micro deals with getting places within a file. These tools are perhaps what I end up using the most in my development.

The Structure panel

The Structure panel gives you a bird's eye view of the file that you are currently have your cursor on. This panel is indispensable when trying to understand a project that one is not familiar with.

The Structure panel

The yellow arrow indicates the option to show inherited fields and methods. The red arrow indicates the option to show field names, meaning that, if it is turned off, you will only see properties and methods. The orange arrow indicates the option to scroll to and from the source. If both are turned on (scroll to and scroll from), where your cursor is will be synchronized with whatever method, field, or property is highlighted in the structure panel. Inherited fields are grayed out in the display.

Ace Jump

This is my favorite navigation plugin, and was made by John Lindquist who is a developer at JetBrains (creators of PyCharm). Ace Jump is inspired by the Emacs mode with the same name. It allows you to jump from one place to another within the same file. Before one can use Ace Jump, one has to install the plugin for it (see Chapter 7, The PyCharm Ecosystem). Ace Jump is usually invoked using Ctrl or command + ; (semicolon). You can search for Ace Jump in Keymap as well, and it is called Ace Jump. Once invoked, you get a small box in which you can input a letter. Choose a letter from the word that you want to navigate to, and you will see letters on that letter pop up immediately.

Ace Jump

If we were to hit D, the cursor would move to the position indicated by D. This might seem long winded, but it actually leads to really fast navigation.

If we wanted to select the word indicated by the letter, then we'd invoke Ace Jump twice before entering a letter.

Ace Jump

This turns the Ace Jump box red. Upon hitting B, the named parameter rounding will be selected.

Often, we don't want to go to a word, but rather the beginning or the end of a line. In order to do this, just hit Invoke Ace Jump and then the left arrow for line beginnings or the right arrow for line endings.

Ace Jump

In this case, we'd just hit V to jump to the beginning of the line that starts with num_type.

Ace Jump

This is an example where we hit left arrow instead of the right one, and we get line-ending options.

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