Chapter 1. Understanding the Essentials of MariaDB

This chapter provides a generic overview of the MariaDB architecture. Note that this description is not meant to teach MariaDB to new users; some knowledge of the software is necessary to fully understand this book.

The following topics will be discussed in this chapter:

  • The MariaDB architecture
  • The workflow of SQL statement processing
  • Usage and tricks of the command-line client used, in all chapters of this book
  • Storage engines and their characteristics
  • Logs
  • Caches
  • User authentication and permissions
  • Compatibility with MySQL and other DBMS
  • Resources on the Web

The MariaDB architecture

MariaDB is a community-driven fork of MySQL that was started in 2009 by Monty Widenius, the original author of MySQL, after the old project was acquired by Oracle. The first version of MariaDB was based on MySQL 5.1, and the improvements to MySQL base code are regularly merged into the MariaDB project. Other features are also merged from the Percona Server, another fork that is very similar to the mainstream product.

The most important Percona feature merged into MariaDB is XtraDB, a fork of the InnoDB storage engine. InnoDB is the default storage engine in modern MySQL and MariaDB versions. XtraDB fixes bugs that are still present in InnoDB before the official bug fixes are released by Oracle. It also has performance improvements and other minor features. The protocol, API, and most SQL statements that work with MySQL also fully work with MariaDB. The plugins that are written for MySQL work with MariaDB too. Thanks to these characteristics, most of the applications for MySQL work with MariaDB, without any modifications required. But, at the same time, switching to MariaDB allows one to use interesting features that are not available with MySQL. If an application's developer ignores these features, the application can use the features of both—MariaDB and MySQL. While the reader is probably familiar with DBMS in general, and particularly MariaDB or MySQL, a quick architecture review might be useful. In this introductory chapter, the main components and operations performed by the server are listed. The details are left for discussion in the remaining chapters.

The following schema represents the architecture of MariaDB:

The MariaDB architecture

Basically, from a user's point of view, MariaDB receives some SQL queries or statements, elaborates them, and returns a result set. Let's see this process and the components involved in more detail:

  • When a client connects to MariaDB, an authentication is performed based on the client's hostname, username, and password. Authentication can optionally be delegated to a plugin.
  • If the login succeeds, the client can send a SQL query to the server.
  • The parser understands the SQL string.
  • The server checks whether the client has the permissions required for the requested action.
  • If the query is stored in the query cache, the results are immediately returned to the client.
  • The optimizer will try to find the fastest execution strategy, or query plan. This means that the optimizer decides the order in which the tables will be read. It also decides which indexes will be accessed and whether a temporary internal table will be used. A good strategy can greatly reduce the access to the disks and reduce the complexity of the operations by some order of magnitude. This topic will be discussed in Chapter 3, Optimizing Queries.
  • The storage engines read and write the data and index files and any cache that they may use to speed up operations. Some important features, such as the transactions and foreign keys, are implemented at the storage engine level.

MariaDB and the storage engines maintain a set of logs to keep a track of the received statements, errors occurred, changes to the data, and so on. Most of the logs are optional; however, some logs are necessary for some administrative tasks. For example, the binary log enables backups or replication. Logs will be explained in the later chapters.

MariaDB has several options that affect the server's behavior. Many of them are dynamic, which means that they can be changed at runtime; others are static, which means that the value assigned during a server's startup cannot change. Most of them exist in both—the session level, which means that any individual users can change the value for the current connection, and the global level, which applies to all users who did not set a session value. An option can be specified in several ways, such as server command-line parameters, in configuration files, or if it is dynamic, via a SQL statement. MariaDB reads a set of configuration files in a given order. The exact location and read order are dependent on the operating system. Typically, only one MariaDB instance runs on a machine, so only one configuration file is needed and usually it is /etc/my.cnf on Linux and my.ini in the MariaDB install directory on Windows, for example, C:MariaDB 10.0my.ini.

However, this modular configuration system is useful if several MariaDB (and perhaps MySQL) servers are installed on the same machine. Some settings are likely to be valid for all servers, but each server can specify more options or override the generic values. A file can also be placed in a user's home directory, so that it will only be read if MariaDB runs with that identity (the --user start up parameter). The configuration file patch is listed in Chapter 8, Backup and Disaster Recovery. Starting a server with command-line parameters overrides the file's settings. These techniques are useful when testing the behavior of different versions of the server, or with different settings.

This book does not describe all the existing options. The reader should already be familiar with the most important options and server variables. Some of them will, however, be explained when they are relevant to the topics discussed in the book. MariaDB Knowledge Base documents all the existing options.

The MariaDB server is the mysqld file. On Linux, it is possible to run the server directly but it is usually invoked by another script. The mysqld_safe script starts the server and also restarts it in cases where it is terminated abnormally. This is much safer in the production environments. The mysql.server script is also available for the System V-like systems, where the runlevel exists. This script is distributed with another name by many Linux distributions. When several installations are present on the same machine, it is possible to manage them using mysql_multi.

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