Storage engines

As explained in the previous section, storage engines implement data handling at the physical level. They handle the data files, the data, and the index caches if they exist, and whatever is necessary to efficiently manage and read the data.

The .frm files are an exception. For each table, one .frm file exists. These files contain the definition of the table, and are created and used by the server.

Using the SHOW ENGINES statement or querying the information_schema.ENGINES table, it is possible to see the available storage engines. The following output is obtained with a standard MariaDB 10.0.6 installation:

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT ENGINE, SUPPORT FROM information_schema.ENGINES G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
*************************** 2. row ***************************
*************************** 3. row ***************************
*************************** 4. row ***************************
*************************** 5. row ***************************
*************************** 6. row ***************************
*************************** 7. row ***************************
*************************** 8. row ***************************
*************************** 9. row ***************************
*************************** 10. row ***************************

A list of available engines will be displayed along with a SUPPORT column that indicates whether the engine is available.

When a table is created, a storage engine should be specified. If not, the default storage engine will be used. The default storage engine is specified in the storage_engine system variable, as showed in the following example:

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT @@global.storage_engine;
| @@global.storage_engine |
| InnoDB                  |

The TABLES table in the information_schema database has a column called ENGINE, which can be read to check which storage engine is used for a particular table, shown as follows:

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT ENGINE FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='test' AND TABLE_NAME='t1';
| InnoDB |

A brief description of the available storage engine follows the preceding code.

XtraDB and InnoDB

InnoDB became the default engine with MariaDB 5.5 and MySQL 5.5. Percona maintains an InnoDB fork called XtraDB; it is InnoDB with bug fixes applied by Percona, and some unique features (mainly for performance and monitoring). By default, MariaDB uses XtraDB. For compatibility with InnoDB and MySQL, the commands still mention InnoDB but the XtraDB fork is used instead. However, this behavior can be changed by compiling the server with InnoDB, instead of XtraDB. This is not necessary since any new code can come with new bugs or unexpected performance problems, and XtraDB is not an exception.


In this book, the default engine will generally be called InnoDB. In some cases, the XtraDB name will be used, to indicate that we are talking about a feature that is not supported by the mainstream InnoDB.

InnoDB is a high-performance, general-purpose storage engine that supports transactions with savepoints, XA transactions, and foreign keys. Savepoints are intermediate states that can be saved in the middle of a transaction and can then be restored if necessary. XA is a special type of transaction designed for operations that involve multiple resources, not necessarily SQL databases. In most cases, InnoDB performance is better than other engines. For this reason, this book will focus on XtraDB, which will be used for examples where another engine is not explicitly specified. For simplicity, XtraDB will be generally called InnoDB, except when describing features that are not supported by InnoDB.

InnoDB transactions are implemented via a complex locking system and undo logs. Each lock involves a single row or a range of rows; rows are identified using index records. Undo logs are used to rollback transactions when necessary, and can be stored in the system tablespace or elsewhere.


This storage engine is developed by Tokutek and has been included in MariaDB since Version 5.5, though it must be installed and enabled separately. It supports transactions with savepoints, XA transactions, but not foreign keys and full-text indexes. It is very different from InnoDB. Its main peculiarity is the use of a new data structure for indexes: the fractal trees. They are very similar to the commonly used B-trees, but each node has a buffer. This buffer contains the changes that need to be applied to the nodes that are more in-depth. Only when the buffer is full are the changes applied altogether. If the changes need to be written to disk, this is an important optimization, because writing fewer and bigger blocks is usually much faster. Also, this is not a problem with fractal trees fragmentation.

Another important feature of TokuDB is data compression. Of course, its compression level depends on the dataset, but it is generally much higher than the one provided by other storage engines. This happens because the write operations are grouped together. Data compression is always used in TokuDB and cannot be disabled.

Fractal trees and compression make TokuDB suitable to work with datasets that are too big to be entirely stored in memory. For such workloads, TokuDB can be faster than InnoDB. For most purposes, TokuDB offers reduced performance and has fewer features.

MyISAM and Aria

MyISAM was historically the default storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB, before Version 5.5. It is a relatively simple engine, optimized for read-heavy workloads where there are just a few writes or no writes at all. In practice, MyISAM is good for data warehousing and more generally for data reporting where data can be appended to tables, but not modified or deleted.

MyISAM writes two files for each table: a data file and an index file. The index file can always be rebuilt if it gets damaged for some reason. Copying data files (and the .frm files), even across different machines, is sufficient to back up and restore MyISAM tables.

Three data formats are available: FIXED, DYNAMIC, and COMPRESSED. The FIXED data format assigns a fixed length to columns, while DYNAMIC saves space when possible. The FIXED data format is faster, more reliable, and harder to fragment. The COMPRESSED data format is used to create small read-only tables.

Aria is designed to be MyISAM's successor. It uses logs that allow data recovery after a crash. Data changes are atomic in Aria; they are applied entirely, or the table is damaged. Aria uses a different data format called PAGE that is generally faster and never fragments too much, but it is possible to use the FIXED or DYNAMIC formats for compatibility with MyISAM (where the table will not be crash-safe).

Aria can be better than MyISAM in environments where there is concurrency, and the MariaDB Knowledge Base suggests using Aria for new applications. Yet, users should be aware that bulk writes are slower in Aria, particularly where duplicate indexed values exist.

Both MyISAM and Aria do not support transactions and foreign keys, but as explained previously, each statement on an Aria table can be considered a transaction. Even full-text indexes are supported by MyISAM and Aria.

The MRG_MyISAM storage engine, also called MERGE, can be used to build a table on multiple MyISAM identical tables, to work around the file size limit of the operating system.

Other engines

The storage engines described up to this point are of general purpose, even if some of them are only suitable for some particular workloads. Other storage engines use non-standard input or output methods, or process queries in a non-standard way, and thus are used for very specific purposes described as follows:

  • The OQGRAPH storage engine is developed by OpenQuery. It is meant to handle tree and graph data structures. Trees can be handled in several ways in SQL databases but, whichever method is used, there are some drawbacks because the relational theory does not suit tree structures. OQGRAPH solves this problem by translating SQL queries into tree-specific requests. OQGRAPH was introduced in MariaDB 5.2, temporarily disabled in 5.5, and then reintroduced in MariaDB 10.
  • The BLACKHOLE storage engine is inherited from MySQL. BLACKHOLE tables are always empty. Modifications have no effect on them and queries always return an empty result set.
  • The SPIDER storage engine is developed by Kentoku Shiba. It reads and writes data into other instances of MariaDB. XA transactions are supported. SPIDER has been designed for data sharding and will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 11, Data Sharding.
  • The CONNECT storage engine is a MariaDB-specific storage engine that allows reading and writing data from and to external sources. The data sources can be MariaDB or MySQL connections, ODBC connections, files, and directories. Files can use several formats, including but not limited to CSV, HTML tables, and binary data. An API exists to develop additional formats. Data can also be compressed with the gzip format. A CONNECT table can also be used to transform data contained in other tables, for example, to merge tables or reorganize data into a pivot table. This storage engine will probably obsolete some older storage engines: CSV, which accesses the CSV files; FEDERATED, an engine inherited from MySQL, which can access tables from other MariaDB or MySQL instances; and FEDERATEDX, added in MariaDB because FEDERATED was no longer maintained.
  • The ARCHIVE storage engine handles compressed tables. It has several limitations, such as the inability to modify or delete data after an insertion, and is quite slow. Nowadays, compressed InnoDB, MyISAM, or TokuDB tables are always preferable.
  • The CassandraSE storage engine connects to the Apache Cassandra NoSQL server to read and write data. It converts MariaDB's data types and logic into Cassandra and vice versa. It is a MariaDB-specific storage engine because it uses MariaDB's dynamic columns to emulate Cassandra's column families.
  • The SphinxSE storage engine is used to allow MariaDB to access a table that is stored in the Sphinx database server. Sphinx is mainly used and known for its good full-text searches.
  • The mroonga storage engine is specifically designed for full-text searches. These involve the Japanese, Chinese, or Korean character sets and languages. It also includes fast geometric indexes for geolocation.
  • The SEQUENCE storage engine cannot be used to physically create a table. If it is enabled, queries can involve virtual tables whose names follow a certain pattern. Based on the name, the SEQUENCE storage engine returns an integer series. For example, the seq_1_to_10 virtual table returns a result set with numbers from 1 to 10. The seq_1_to_10_step_2 virtual table returns a similar series, but with an increment of 2.
  • The performance_schema storage engine is only used internally for the tables in the performance_schema databases. The only reason why a database administrator (DBA) should be aware of it is that a specific statement exists to check how much memory is consumed by the performance_schema by using the SHOW ENGINE performance_schema STATUS command.
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