Implicitly unwrapped optionals

There is a second type of optional called an implicitly unwrapped optional. There are really two ways to look at what an implicitly unwrapped optional is; one way is to say that it is a normal variable that can also be nil; the other way is to say that it is an optional that you don't have to unwrap to use. The important thing to understand about them is that, similar to optionals, they can be nil, but you do not have to unwrap them like a normal variable.

You can define an implicitly unwrapped optional with an exclamation mark (!) instead of a question mark (?) after the type name:

var name: String!

Similar to regular optionals, implicitly unwrapped optionals do not need to be given an initial value because they are nil by default.

At first it may sound like it is the best of both worlds, but in reality it is more like the worst of both worlds. Even though an implicitly unwrapped optional does not have to be unwrapped, it will crash your entire program if it is nil when used:

name.uppercaseString // Crash

A great way to think about them is that every time it is used, it is implicitly doing a forced unwrapping. The exclamation mark is placed in its type declaration, instead of each time it is used. This can be problematic because it appears the same as any other variable except for how it is declared. That means it is very unsafe to use, unlike a normal optional.

So if the implicitly unwrapped optionals are the worst of both worlds and are so unsafe, why do they even exist? The reality is that in rare circumstances, they are necessary. They are used in circumstances where a variable is not truly optional, but you also cannot give an initial value to it. This is almost always the case for custom types that have a member variable that is non-optional but cannot be set during initialization.

A rare example of this is with a view in iOS. UIKit, as we discussed before, is the framework Apple provides for iOS development. In it, Apple has a class called UIView that is used to display content on the screen. Apple also provides a tool in Xcode called Interface Builder that lets you design these views in a visual editor instead of in code. Many views designed in this way will need references to other views that can be accessed later, programmatically. When one of these views is loaded, it is initialized without anything connected and then all the connections are made. Once all of the connections are made, a function called awakeFromNib is called on the view. This means that these connections are not available to be used during initialization but are available once awakeFromNib is called. This order of operations also ensures that awakeFromNib is always called before anything actually uses the view. This is a circumstance where it is necessary to use an implicitly unwrapped optional. A member variable may not be able to be defined until after the view is initialized, when it is completely loaded:

Import UIKit
class MyView: UIView {
    @IBOutlet var button: UIButton!
    var buttonOriginalWidth: CGFloat!

    override func awakeFromNib() {
        self.buttonOriginalWidth = self.button.frame.size.width

Notice that we have actually declared two implicitly unwrapped optionals. The first is a connection to a button. We know that this is a connection because it is preceded by @IBOutlet. This is declared as an implicitly unwrapped optional because connections are not set up until after initialization, but they are still guaranteed to be set up before any other methods are called on the view.

This then leads us to unwrapping our second variable, buttonOriginalWidth, implicitly because we need to wait until the connection is made before we can determine the width of the button. After awakeFromNib is called, it is safe to treat both button and buttonOriginalWidth as non-optional.

You may have noticed that we had to dive pretty deep into app development to find a valid use case for implicitly unwrapped optionals and this is arguably only because UIKit is implemented in Objective-C, as we will learn more about in Chapter 10, Harnessing the Past – Understanding and Translating Objective-C. This is another testament to the fact that they should be used sparingly.

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