Optional chaining

A common scenario in Swift is to have an optional that you must calculate something from. If the optional has a value, you will want to store the result of the calculation on it, but if it is nil, the result should just be set to nil:

var invitee: String? = "Sarah"
var uppercaseInvitee: String?
if let actualInvitee = invitee {
    uppercaseInvitee = actualInvitee.uppercaseString

This is pretty verbose. To shorten this up in an unsafe way, we could use forced unwrapping:

uppercaseInvitee = invitee!.uppercaseString

However, optional chaining will allow us to do this safely. Essentially, it allows optional operations on an optional. When the operation is called, if the optional is nil, it immediately returns nil; otherwise, it returns the result of performing the operation on the value within the optional:

uppercaseInvitee = invitee?.uppercaseString

So in this call, invitee is an optional. Instead of unwrapping it, we use optional chaining by placing a question mark (?) after it, followed by the optional operation. In this case, we are asking for the uppercaseInvitee property on it. If invitee is nil, uppercaseInvitee is immediately set to nil without even trying to access uppercaseString. If it actually does contain a value, uppercaseInvitee gets set to the uppercaseString property of the contained value. Note that all optional chains return an optional result.

You can chain as many calls as you want, both optional and non-optional, together in this way:

var invitees: [String]? = ["Sarah", "Jamison", "Marcos", "Roana"]

This code checks if the first element of the invitees-list starts with the letter A, even if it is a lowercase A. First, it uses an optional chain in case invitees is nil. Then the call to first uses an additional optional chain because that method returns an optional String. We then call uppercaseString, which does not return an optional, allowing us to access hasPrefix on the result without having to use another optional chain. If at any point any of the optionals are nil, the result will be nil. This can happen for two different reasons:

  • invitees is nil
  • first returns nil because the array is empty

If the chain makes it all the way to uppercaseString, there is no longer a failure path and it will definitely return an actual value. You will notice that there are exactly two question marks being used in this chain and there are two possible failure reasons.

At first, it can be hard to understand when you should and should not use a question mark to create a chain of calls; the rule is to always use a question mark if the previous element in the chain returns an optional. However, so you are prepared, let's take a look at what happens if you use an optional chain improperly:

invitees.first // Error

In this case, we try to call a method directly on an optional without a chain, so we get an error that says Value of optional type '[String]?' not unwrapped; did you mean to use '!' or '?'?. Not only does it tell us that the value is not unwrapped, it even suggests two common ways of dealing with the problem: forced unwrapping or optional chaining.

We also have the case where we try to use an optional chain inappropriately:

var otherInvitees = ["Kai", "Naya"]
otherInvitees?.first // Error

Here, we get an error that says Cannot use optional chaining on non-optional value of type '[String]'. It is great to have a good sense of the errors you might see when you make mistakes; so that you can correct them quickly because we all make silly mistakes from time-to-time.

Another great feature of optional chaining is that it can be used for method calls on an optional that does not actually return a value:


In this case, we only want to call removeAll if there is truly a value within the optional array. So with this code, if there is a value, all the elements are removed from it; otherwise, it remains nil.

In the end, option chaining is a great choice for writing a concise code that still remains expressive and understandable.

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