Structures versus classes

Now that we have a good understanding of memory management, we are ready to discuss the full trade-offs we make when we choose to design a type as a structure or a class. With our ability to extend protocols like we saw in the previous chapter, we can achieve very similar functionality to the inheritance we saw with classes in Chapter 3, One Piece at a Time – Types, Scopes, and Projects. This means that we are often choosing between using a structure or a class based on the memory implications, or in other words, whether we want our type to be a value type or a reference type.

Value types have an advantage because they are very simple to reason about. You don't have to worry about multiple variables referencing the same instance. Even better, you don't have to worry about all of the potential problems we have discussed with strong reference cycles. However, there is still an advantage to reference types.

Reference types are advantageous when it really makes sense to share an instance between multiple variables. This is especially true when you are representing some sort of physical resource that makes no sense to copy like a port on the computer or the main window of an application. Also, some will argue that reference types use memory more efficiently, because it doesn't take up more memory with lots of copies floating around. However, the Swift compiler will actually do a lot of optimizing of our code and reduce or eliminate most of the copying that actually occurs when possible. For example, if we pass a value type into a function that never modifies the value, there is no reason to actually create that copy. Ultimately, I don't recommend optimizing for something like that before it becomes necessary. Sometimes you will run into memory problems with your application and then it can be appropriate to convert large types to classes if they are being copied a lot.

Ultimately, I recommend using structures and protocols as a default, because they greatly reduce complexity and fall back to classes only when it is required. I even recommend using protocols instead of super classes when possible, because they are easier to shift around and make it an easier transition between value types and reference types.

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