Configuring the user interface

Now that we have our bearings within the project, let's jump into configuring the user interface of our app. As we discussed earlier, this is done within the Main.storyboard file. When we select that file, we are presented with a graphical editing tool, generally referred to as Interface Builder:

Configuring the user interface

In the center, there is a main view that is controlled by a ViewController instance. This is a blank canvas where we can add all of the interface elements we want.

The first thing we want to do is add the bar along the top that is in our wireframes. This bar is called a navigation bar and we can add it directly, as it is one of the elements in our library. However, the frameworks will handle many complications for us if we use a Navigation Controller instead. A Navigation Controller is a view controller that contains other view controllers. Specifically, it adds a navigation bar to the top and allows us to push child view controllers onto it in the future. This controller creates the animation of a view being pushed on from the right in many applications. For example, when you select an e-mail in the Mail app, it animates in the contents of the e-mail; this uses a navigation controller. We will not have to push any view controllers on in this app, but it is good to be set up for the future and this is a superior way of getting a navigation bar at the top.

Along the right, we have a library of elements we can drag onto the canvas, let's start by finding the Navigation Controller. Drag it from the library to the pane on the left where the View Controller Scene is listed. This is going to add two new view controllers to the list:

Configuring the user interface

We don't want the new Root View Controller, only the View Controller Scene so let's delete it. To do this, click on the Root View Controller with the yellow icon and press the Delete key. Next, we want to make the View Controller Scene the root view controller. The root view controller is the first controller to be shown within the Navigation Controller. To do this, right-click on the Navigation Controller with the yellow icon and drag it to the View Controller with the yellow icon below. The View Controller will be highlighted blue:

Configuring the user interface

Once you let go of the right mouse button, a menu will come up and you should click on Root View Controller. Finally, we want to make the navigation controller the first view controller to appear in the app. Select the Navigation Controller with the yellow icon and navigate to View | Utilities | Show Attributes Inspector from the main menu, and then scroll-down and check the Is Initial View Controller checkbox. Note that you can drag around the view controllers on the screen however, you want to make the file easier to navigate.

Now we are ready to customize our main view. To focus the view, select View Controller from the pane on the left. Now double-click on the title and change it to Gallery:

Configuring the user interface

Next, we want to add the "Take a Picture" button to our navigation bar. All buttons in toolbars are called bar button items. Find them in the library and then drag it to the right side of the toolbar (the place where you can drop it will turn blue when you get close to it). By default, the button will say Item, but we want it to be an add button instead. One option would be to change the text to an addition symbol, but there is a better option. After adding the button, you should be able to see it appear in the hierarchy that is to the left of the main view. In there, you will see the navigation bar with the new button item nested inside the Gallery title. If you select that item in the hierarchy, you will see some options we can configure about the item along the right-hand side of the screen. We want to change the System Item to Add:

Configuring the user interface

Now, you can do the same thing for the left-hand side of the navigation bar with the Edit identifier.

Finally, we need to add the gallery of photos. For this, we are going to use the Collection View from the library. Drag one onto the center of the view. A collection view is made of a variable amount of cells laid out in a grid. Each cell is a copy of a template cell and it can be configured in code to display specific data. When you dragged the collection view on, it also created a template cell for you. We will configure that soon.

First, we need to define the rules for the sizing of the collection view. This will allow the interface to adapt well to each different screen size. The tool we use to do this is called Auto Layout. Click on the collection view and then select the Pin icon in the lower right of the screen:

Configuring the user interface

Configure this window to match the preceding screenshot. Click on each of the four struts so that they are highlighted red, uncheck Constrain to margins, and change each of the measurements to zero. After everything is configured, click on Add 4 Constraints. This will cause some yellow lines to appear that indicate that the view's placement is not consistent with the rules we just created. We can resize the views ourselves to make it match or we can let Xcode do it for us: there will be a yellow icon next to the Gallery Scene on the left-hand side of the screen. Click on that and you will get a list of misplaced views. In there, you can click on the yellow triangle and click on Fix Misplacement. We also want to make the background white instead of black. Select the collection view and then change its Background to white in the Attributes Inspector.

The last thing we need to configure on this screen is the collection view cell. This is the box in the upper-left corner of the collection view. We need to change the size and add both an image and a label; let's start by changing the size. Click on the Collection View if it isn't already selected and navigate to View | Utilities | Show Size Inspector from the main menu. Change the Cell Size to be 110 points wide and 150 points tall.

Now, we can drag in our image. In the library, this is called an Image View. Drag it into the cell and then change the height and width in the Size Inspector to 110 and x and y to 0. Next, we want to drag a Label below the image view. Once it is placed, we want to configure the placement rules within the cell.

First, select the Image View. We have to make it the full width and attach it to the top of the cell, so select the pin icon again and configure it as follows:

Configuring the user interface

It is pinned to the left, top, and right without constraining to margins and values of zero for all three measurements. Click on Add 3 Constraints and we are ready to define the rules for the label. We want the label to be full width and vertically centered. A label is going to automatically center the text, so we want the label to be tall enough to have a reasonable margin above and below the text. Click on the label and configure it as follows:

Configuring the user interface

It is pinned in every direction without constraining to the margins and has zero for all measurements. It is also constrained to be 30 points tall by checking the Height checkbox. Click Add 5 Constraints and then have Xcode resize it for you again from the menu on the left. Also, make sure to select the center alignment in the Attributes Inspector and reduce the font size to 12.

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