Solid in Space. Efforts and Links: Power

The motion of a body depends on the actions that its environment exerts on it. The elements developed in Volume 1 of this series have led us to the movement equations, and we now need to describe this environment, that is the forces and efforts of all types that are being exerted on the solid during its motion and condition it, in particular the instantaneous energy or power that are dispelled or exchanged. Knowing this power is a crucial step towards establishing the movement equations; but to assess it, we still need to know and describe the environment where a body is located and moving. This is the object of this current chapter.

2.1. Degrees of freedom of a solid

In a Galilean frame images, the situation of a solid (S) is defined by six parameters; they are, for example, the three coordinates of its center of inertia G, that is the three components of the position vector images, and the three Euler angles which express the orientation of the basis joined to the solid. And these six parameters form the maximum independent ones likely to describe the situation of a solid.

Independent means that there is no relation linking them when describing the situation of the solid. The movement equations will establish this link subsequently, once the environment has exerted its action over the way the solid moves, which they will translate in terms of relationships between these different parameters and their derivatives.

We then say that the solid is free, or that it owns 6 degrees of freedom. The number of degrees of freedom of a body in motion indicates that of its situation parameters independent from any prior relations between them.

When the number of degrees of freedom of a solid in motion is below 6, the solid is said to be linked.

2.2. Free solid

The situation of a free solid (S), to which is joined the frame images, is observed from the Galilean frame images. It is described by the six parameters


That of its center of inertia G is defined by the position vector


2.2.1. Velocity distributing torsor

Other than the speed images of this point, the motion of the solid is also expressed by the rotation rate vector


and, in the particular case of an orientation defined by the Euler angles,


To the motion of (S) in imagesgimages is associated the velocity distributing torsor or kinematic torsor images of reduction elements at G:

  • – resultant images;
  • – moment at images;

with the respective partial distributing torsors


2.2.2. Kinetic torsor

The reduction elements at G of the kinetic torsor of (S) in imagesgimages are defined as


2.2.3. Dynamic torsor

The reduction elements at G of the dynamic torsor images in imagesgimages are


with images

where images

2.2.4. Kinetic energy

The kinetic energy of (S) in imagesgimages is given by


with images

2.2.5. Applying the fundamental principle of dynamics

Consider {Δ} the torsor for outside efforts applied to (S), depending on its situation parameters and their derivatives which are function of time. The two vector consequences deduced from the expression of the fundamental principle


are written


and are differential vector equations of form


that, after projections on appropriate axes, give us six scalar equations with six unknowns.

2.3. Linked solids and links

2.3.1. Links

The solid (S) is subject to a link in imagesgimages when there exists a particular relation between its situation parameters in the frame, their first derivatives and eventually time t. The general expression of this link is


Under this form, the link is said to be nonholonomic dependent on time.

It is said to be nonholonomic independent of time when it has the following form


When the link does not depend on the first derivatives of the situation parameters, it is holonomic, dependent or independent of time, of expressions


Solid (S) is subject in imagesgimages at links when its situation parameters are linked by relations of the following type


whether these links are holonomic or not, dependant or not of time.

2.3.2. Configurable links

The solid (S) is subject to imagesgimages at links dependent or not on time, which restrict motion. These links are said to be configurable when its six situation parameters in the same frame depend on k independent other parameters qα, α = 1 – k and eventually on time t; we then say that the solid owns k degrees of freedom


The number of degrees of freedom k and the number of links are connected by the relation


where the number of independent parameters k can take values between 1 and 5.

The velocity distributing torsor of (S) in imagesgimages then depends on k parameters qα and is expressed under the following form


2.3.3. Linked solids

In the case where the solid (S) is subject in imagesgimages to configurable links independent of time that give it k degrees of freedom, we have six relations:



images Velocity distributing torsor

The velocity distributing torsor of (S) in imagesgimages is then written


hence the partial distributing torsors

images Kinetic torsor

The reduction elements of the kinetic torsor of (S) in imagesgimages have the following expression

images Dynamic torsor

The reduction elements of the dynamic torsor of (S) in imagesgimages have the following expression


These two vectors have the following form


where the different vector terms above have the following expression

images Kinetic energy

The kinetic energy of (S) in imagesgimages is given by


expression using the form

images Applying the fundamental principle

The two vector consequences deduced from the expression of the fundamental principle


are written


and are differential vector equations of the following form


which, after projections over appropriate axes, give us six scalar equations with 6 + k unknowns. To solve this problem, it makes sense to introduce k other relations which are generally supplied by k conditions on the links.

2.4. Virtual power developed on a material set images


Figure 2.1. Material set images

Consider a material set images with a measure μ. To a particle M that belongs to it, we associate two vector fields:

  • – one field images by unit measure (M)
  • – one field of virtual velocities images;

and we define the virtual power developed by the field images under the influence of the virtual velocities field images by the scalar


We consider that the field images is a solidifying virtual velocities field if it satisfies the following law


Obeying this law, the vector images behaves like the moment at M of a torsor {Ω} of which the resultant is images and the moment at a particular point Q is images, where images and images do not depend of the point M, that is


The norm of the vector images is expressed in radians per second, like the rate of rotation, that of vector images in meters per second since it is a velocity.

To field images we associate the torsor {ϕ} of which the reduction elements at Q are


The virtual power developed by the field images under the influence of the solidifying virtual velocities of moment images is


As both vectors images and images do not depend on point M, the virtual power developed by the field images under the influence of the solidifying virtual velocities field images is given by


We therefore conclude that the virtual power developed by the field images under the influence of the solidifying virtual velocities field images is equal to the product of the torsors associated to these two fields, that is


2.5. Power of the efforts exerted on a solid

2.5.1. Definition

The power developed in the frame imagesλimages by a force images acting on material element M is by definition the work per unit of time produced by this force during the displacement of M under the influence of the velocity images, meaning the scalar product


2.5.2. Discrete force field

When considering a discrete set of forces images acting respectively on material elements M1, M2,…, Mn, in motion under the respective effects of velocities images, the power developed in imagesλimages by this set of forces during the displacement of the material elements Mi is defined by


2.5.3. Non-deformable mechanical set

In the case where the material elements M1, M2,…, Mn form a non-deformable mechanical set, where their distances from one another are invariable throughout their displacement, we can state the law of velocity of a non-deformable solid (S)


where OS is a reference point taken in solid (S) to which we associate the mechanical set of elements M1, M2,…, Mn.

In these conditions, we state


2.5.4. Continuous mechanical set

In the case where the particles Mi form a continuous set images to which a measure μ is applied, these particles are globally subject to an elementary force field images per unit of measure represented by the torsor {ϕ, μ} such that


the power developed in the frame imagesλimages by the field [ϕ, μ], during the displacement of continuous set images upon which it is acting, is defined by


2.6. Properties of power

2.6.1. Powers developed in two distinct frames

Consider two distinct frames imagesλimages and imagesμimages and the powers that are developed within them by the force field [F] acting on solid (S) of which the motion is seen differently in each frame


This shows that the notion of power only makes sense if it refers to a well-defined frame and to the motion such as it is observed from this frame.

2.6.2. Case of a system of forces equivalent to zero acting on a solid

When the system of forces acting upon the solid (S) is equivalent to zero, the power it develops by acting on that solid during its motion in relation to imagesλimages is written




2.6.3. Case of a system of forces equivalent to zero acting on a deformable mechanical set

In such a case, the power developed by the system of forces is generally non-zero.

Take for example, to illustrate this case, two material elements subject to two forces in direct opposition.


Figure 2.2. System of two opposing forces



The mechanical set being deformable, the term images is generally non-zero if the distance M1M2 varies with time; it is, however, null if that distance is constant throughout the course of time.

2.6.4. Partial powers

The power developed by the efforts applied during the motion of a non-deformable solid, characterized by the Qi (free solid) or qα (linked solid) is given by the relation


The terms


are the partial powers developed by the efforts (known or unknown) torsor {F, S} during the motion of the solid (S). These partial powers take place primarily in the second member of the Lagrange equations in the following (see Chapter 3).

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