Understanding the data

We will use Tableau to look at data preparation and data quality. Though we could also do these activities in R, we will use Tableau since it is a good way of seeing data quality issues and capturing them easily. We can also see problematic issues such as outliers or missing values.

Data preparation

When confronted with many variables, analysts usually start by building a decision tree and then using the variables that the decision tree algorithm has selected with other methods that suffer from the complexity of many variables, such as neural networks. However, decision trees perform worse when the problem at hand is not linearly separable.

In this section, we will use Tableau as a visual data preparation in order to prepare the data for further analysis. Here is a summary of some of the things we will explore:

  • Looking at columns that do not add any value to the model
  • Columns that have so many missing categorical values that they do not predict the outcome reliably
  • Review missing values from the columns

Describing the data

The dataset used in this project has 49,000 records. You can see from the files that the data has been divided into a training dataset and a test set. The training dataset contains approximately 32,000 records and the test dataset around 16,000 records.

It's helpful to note that there is a column that indicates the salary level or whether it is greater than or less than fifty thousand dollars per annum. This can be called a binomial label, which basically means that it can hold one or two possible values.

When we import the data, we can filter for records where no income is specified. There is one record that has a NULL, and we can exclude it. Here is the filter:

Describing the data

Let's explore the binomial label in more detail. How many records belong to each label?

Let's visualize the finding. Quickly, we can see that 76 percent of the records in the dataset have a class label of <50K.

Describing the data

Let's have a browse of the data in Tableau in order to see what the data looks like. From the grid, it's easy to see that there are 14 attributes in total. We can see the characteristics of the data:

  • Seven polynomials: workclass, education, marital-status, occupation, relationship, race, sex, native-country
  • One binomial: sex
  • Six continuous attributes: age, fnlwgt, education-num, capital-gain, capital-loss, hours-per-week

You can find out each individual value for each of the columns at the following website:


Describing the data

From the preceding chart, we can see that nearly 2 percent of the records are missing for one country, and the vast majority of individuals are from the United States. This means that we could consider the native-country feature as a candidate for removal from the model creation, because the lack of variation means that it isn't going to add anything interesting to the analysis.

Data exploration

We can now visualize the data in boxplots, so we can see the range of the data. In the first example, let's look at the age column, visualized as a boxplot in Tableau:

Data exploration

We can see that the values are higher for the age characteristic, and there is a different pattern for each income level.

When we look at education, we can also see a difference between the two groups:

Data exploration

We can focus on age and education, while discarding other attributes that do not add value, such as native-country. The fnlwgt column does not add value because it is specific to the census collection process.

When we visualize the race feature, it's noted that the White value appears for 85 percent of overall cases. This means that it is not likely to add much value to the predictor:

Data exploration

Now, we can look at the number of years that people spend in education. When the education number attribute was plotted, then it can be seen that the lower values tend to predominate in the <50K class and the higher levels of time spent in education are higher in the >50K class. We can see this finding in the following figure:

Data exploration

This finding may indicate some predictive capability in the education feature. The visualization suggests that there is a difference between both groups since the group that earns over $50K per annum does not appear much in the lower education levels. To summarize, we will focus on age and education as providing some predictive capability in determining the income level.

The purpose of the model is to classify people by their earning level. Now that we have visualized the data in Tableau, we can use this information in order to model and analyze the data in R to produce the model.

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