Building your own decision system-based IoT

In this section, we build a simple decision system using fuzzy logic on Raspberry Pi. We use Python for implementation. We build a system to monitor temperature and humidity in a room to decide if the environment is comfortable or not. If the environment is not comfortable, then we turn on a cooler machine.

The following is our design system:

Building your own decision system-based IoT


We use DHT22 and relay modules for our wiring. Connect the DHT22 module into the following connections:

  • DHT22 pin 1 (VDD) is connected to the 3.3V pin from Raspberry Pi
  • DHT22 pin 2 (SIG) is connected to the GPIO23 (see the BCM column) pin from Raspberry Pi
  • DHT22 pin 4 (GND) is connected to the GND pin from Raspberry Pi
  • A relay VCC is connected to the 3.3V pin from Raspberry Pi
  • A relay GND is connected to the GND pin from Raspberry Pi
  • A relay signal is connected to the GPIO26 (see the BCM column) pin from Raspberry Pi

The complete wiring is shown in the following figure:


Writing the program

We build a fuzzy logic to implement a decision system. Two inputs from the sensing are temperature and humidity. In this case, we start developing a fuzzy membership for temperature and humidity. For testing, I build the following fuzzy membership models for temperature and humidity, which are shown in the following figure:

Writing the program

In the temperature model, we create three categories: cold, warm, and hot. Also, we make two categories for humidity: low and high.

The code:

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import skfuzzy as fuzz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Adafruit_DHT
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

After that, we initialize Raspberry Pi GPIO for DHT22 and the relay module:


### initialization GPIO
relay_pin = 26
GPIO.setup(relay_pin, GPIO.OUT)
sensor = Adafruit_DHT.DHT22
# DHT22 pin on Raspberry Pi
dht_pin = 23

The next step is to build a fuzzy logic model by starting to create fuzzy membership for temperature and humidity.

We create the temperature_category() and humidity_category() functions to map from sensing input to system:

########## INPUTS ########################
#Input Universe functions
temperature = np.arange(0, 11, 0.1)
humidity = np.arange(0, 11, 0.1)

# Input Membership Functions
# Temperature
temperature_cold = fuzz.gaussmf(temperature, 0, 1.5)
temperature_warm = fuzz.gaussmf(temperature, 5, 1.5)
temperature_hot = fuzz.gaussmf(temperature, 10, 1.5)

# Humidity
humidity_low = fuzz.trapmf(humidity, [0, 0, 1, 3])
humidity_high = fuzz.gaussmf(humidity, 10, 1.5)

########## OUTPUT ########################
# comfort
# Output Variables Domain
comfort = np.arange(0, 30, 0.1)

# Output Membership Function

comfort_low = fuzz.trimf(comfort, [0, 5, 10])
comfort_ave = fuzz.trimf(comfort, [10, 15, 25])
comfort_very = fuzz.trimf(comfort, [20, 25, 30])
def temperature_category(temperature_in=18):

temperature_cat_cold = fuzz.interp_membership(temperature,
temperature_cold, temperature_in)
temperature_cat_warm = fuzz.interp_membership(temperature,
temperature_warm, temperature_in)
temperature_cat_hot = fuzz.interp_membership(temperature,
temperature_hot, temperature_in)
return dict(cold=temperature_cat_cold, warm=temperature_cat_warm,

def humidity_category(humidity_in=2):
humidity_cat_low = fuzz.interp_membership(humidity, humidity_low,
humidity_cat_high = fuzz.interp_membership(humidity, humidity_
high, humidity_in)
return dict(low=humidity_cat_low, high=humidity_cat_high)

We also print our membership for reference into a file. It's done using a matplotlib library. We save fuzzy memberships for temperature and humidity:

# print membership
# Visualize these universes and membership functions

print('saving membership...')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)
[t1, t2, t3] = ax[0].plot(temperature, temperature_cold, 'r',
temperature, temperature_warm, 'm+', temperature,
temperature_hot, 'b--', label=['Temp. cold',
'Temp. warm', 'Temp. hot'])

ax[0].set_ylabel('Fuzzy membership')
ax[0].set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
ax[0].set_xlim(0, 10)

lgd1 = ax[0].legend([t1, t2, t3], ['Temp. cold', 'Temp. warm', 'Temp.
hot'], loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

[t1, t2] = ax[1].plot(humidity, humidity_low, 'r', humidity, humidity_
high, 'b+')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Fuzzy membership')
ax[1].set_ylim(-0.05, 1.05)
ax[1].set_xlim(0, 10)

lgd2 = ax[1].legend([t1, t2], ['Hum. low', 'Hum. high'], loc='center
left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))


fig.savefig('fuzzy_mem_temp_hum.png', dpi=100, bbox_extra_
artists=(lgd1, lgd2, ), bbox_inches='tight')

Now we are ready to read temperature and humidity via the DHT22 module. Then, we compute them into our fuzzy logic system. Furthermore, we make fuzzy inferences from our input data. We do fuzzy aggregation to generate the output.

The output is a numeric form. We can map it as low, average, and very comfortable. From this situation, we can make a decision about whether we want to turn a cooler machine on or not:

# sensing and make decision
print('program is ready for making decision based fuzzy logic')
machine_state = -1
    while 1:
        sen_humidity, sen_temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(sensor, dht_pin)

        if humidity is not None and temperature is not None:
            print('Sensing: Temperature={0:0.1f}*C  Humidity={1:0.1f}%'.format(sen_temperature, sen_humidity))

            sen_temperature = 18
            sen_humidity = 80
            # normalization
            norm_temperature = sen_temperature / 60.0
            norm_humidity = sen_humidity / 100.0
            print('Normalization: Temperature={0:0.0001f}  Humidity={1:0.0001f}'
                  .format(norm_temperature, norm_humidity))

            temp_in = temperature_category(norm_temperature)
            hum_in = humidity_category(norm_humidity)
            print('fuzzy membership: Temperature={0}  Humidity={1}'.format(temp_in, hum_in))

            # Determine the weight and aggregate
            rule1 = np.fmax(temp_in['hot'], hum_in['low'])
            rule2 = temp_in['warm']
            rule3 = np.fmax(temp_in['warm'], hum_in['high'])

            imp1 = np.fmin(rule1, comfort_low)
            imp2 = np.fmin(rule2, comfort_ave)
            imp3 = np.fmin(rule3, comfort_very)

            aggregate_membership = np.fmax(imp1, imp2, imp3)

            # Defuzzify
            result_comfort = fuzz.defuzz(comfort, aggregate_membership, 'centroid')

            # make decision based on experiment
            if result_comfort >= 5.002:
                if machine_state < 0:
                    machine_state = 1
                    print("turn on a machine")
                    GPIO.output(relay_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
                    print("a machine already turn on")
                if machine_state > 0:
                    machine_state = 0
                    print("turn off a machine")
                    GPIO.output(relay_pin, GPIO.LOW)
                    print("a machine already turn off")



except KeyboardInterrupt:
    GPIO.output(relay_pin, GPIO.LOW)


In the following screenshot we can see the results of measurements of the system acquiring data from sensors:



This program is a sample of how to use fuzzy logic to develop a decision system. There are many ways you can improve this program. The following is an improvement area to which you can contribute:

  • Modify the fuzzy membership model to improve the definition of comfort
  • Add more input data to improve accuracy
  • Add fuzzy inference methods to obtain the aggregation value
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