
For ingesting, storing and alerting on our metrics, we shall explore another, quite popular open-source project called Prometheus:


Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit originally built at SoundCloud.

Prometheus's main features are:

-a multi-dimensional data model (time series identified by metric name and key/value pairs)

- a flexible query language to leverage this dimensionality

- no reliance on distributed storage; single server nodes are autonomous

- time series collection happens via a pull model over HTTP

- pushing time series is supported via an intermediary gateway

- targets are discovered via service discovery or static configuration

- multiple modes of graphing and dashboarding support


Even though it is the kind of system that takes care of pretty much everything, the project still follows the popular UNIX philosophy of modular development. Prometheus is composed of multiple components, each providing a specific function:


- the main Prometheus server which scrapes and stores time series data

- client libraries for instrumenting application code

- a push gateway for supporting short-lived jobs

- a GUI-based dashboard builder based on Rails/SQL

- special-purpose exporters (for HAProxy, StatsD, Ganglia, etc.)

- an (experimental) alertmanager

- a command-line querying tool


Ingesting and storing metrics with Prometheus

Our second EC2 instance is going to host the Prometheus service alongside Jenkins (we will come to that shortly), thus a rather appropriate name would be promjenkins.

As a start, download and extract Prometheus and Alertmanager in /opt/prometheus/server and /opt/prometheus/alertmanager respectively (ref:

We create a basic configuration file for the Alertmanager in /opt/prometheus/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml (replace e-mail addresses as needed):

  smtp_smarthost: 'localhost:25' 
  smtp_from: '[email protected]' 
  group_by: ['alertname', 'cluster', 'service'] 
  group_wait: 30s 
  group_interval: 5m 
  repeat_interval: 1h  
  receiver: team-X-mails 
- name: 'team-X-mails' 
  - to: '[email protected]' 
    require_tls: false 

This will simply e-mail out alert notifications.

Start the service:

# cd /opt/prometheus/alertmanager
# (./alertmanager 2>&1 | logger -t prometheus_alertmanager)&

Ensure the default TCP:9093 is allowed, then you should be able to get to the dashboard at http://$public_IP_of_promjenkins_node:9093/#/status:

Ingesting and storing metrics with Prometheus

Back to the Prometheus server, the default /opt/prometheus/server/prometheus.yml will suffice for now. We can start the service:

# cd /opt/prometheus/server
# (./prometheus -alertmanager.url=http://localhost:9093 2>&1 | logger -t prometheus_server)

Open up TCP:9090, then try http://$public_IP_of_promjenkins_node:9090/status:

Ingesting and storing metrics with Prometheus

We are ready to start adding hosts to be monitored. That is to say targets for Prometheus to scrape.

Prometheus offers various ways in which targets can be defined. The one most suitable for our case is called ec2_sd_config (ref:<ec2_sd_config>). All we need to do is provide a set of API keys with read-only EC2 access (AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess IAM policy) and Prometheus will do the host discovery for us (ref:

We append the ec2_sd_config settings to: /opt/prometheus/server/prometheus.yml:

  - job_name: 'ec2' 
      - region: 'us-east-1' 
        access_key: 'xxxx' 
        secret_key: 'xxxx' 
        port: 9126 
      - source_labels: [__meta_ec2_tag_Name] 
        regex: ^webserver 
        action: keep 

We are interested only in any instances in the us-east-1 region with a name matching the ^webserver regex expression.

Now let us bring some of those online.

Gathering OS and application metrics with Telegraf

We will be using the pull method of metric collection in Prometheus. This means that our clients (targets) will expose their metrics for Prometheus to scrape.

To expose OS metrics, we shall deploy InfluxData's Telegraf (ref:

It comes with a rich set of plugins, which will provide for a good deal of metrics. Should you need more, you have the option to write your own (in Go) or use the exec plugin which will essentially attempt to launch any type of script you point it at.

As for application metrics, we have two options (at least):

  • Build a metrics API endpoint in the application itself
  • Have the application submit metrics data to an external daemon (StatsD as an example)

Incidentally, Telegraf comes with a built-in StatsD listener, so if your applications already happen to have StatsD instrumentation, you should be able to simply point them at it.

Following on from the ELK example, we will extend the EC2 user data script to get Telegraf on our the Auto Scale Group instances.

We append:

yum -y install 
cat << EOF > /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf 
  interval = "10s" 
  round_interval = true 
  metric_batch_size = 1000 
  metric_buffer_limit = 10000 
  collection_jitter = "0s" 
  flush_interval = "10s" 
  flush_jitter = "0s" 
  precision = "" 
  debug = false 
  quiet = false 
  hostname = "" 
  omit_hostname = false 
  listen = ":9126" 
  percpu = true 
  totalcpu = true 
  fielddrop = ["time_*"] 
  ignore_fs = ["tmpfs", "devtmpfs"] 
service telegraf start 

The important one here is outputs.prometheus_client with which we turn Telegraf into a Prometheus scrape target. By all means check the default configuration file if you'd like to enable more metrics during this test (ref:

Next, check that TCP: 9126 is allowed into the Auto Scale Group security group, then launch a couple of nodes. In a few moments, you should see any matching instances listed in the targets dashboard (ref: http://$ public_IP_of_promjenkins_node:9090/targets):

Gathering OS and application metrics with Telegraf

We see the new hosts under the ec2 scrape job which we configured earlier.

Visualizing metrics with Grafana

It is true that Prometheus is perfectly capable of visualizing the data we are now collecting from our targets, as seen here:

Visualizing metrics with Grafana

In fact, this is the recommended approach for any ad-hoc queries you might want to run.

Should you have an appetite for dashboards however, you would most certainly appreciate Grafana - The 8th Wonder (ref:

Check this out to get a feel for the thing:

I mean, how many other projects do you know of with a play URL?!

  1. So, yes, Grafana, let us install the service on the promjenkins node:
    # yum -y install
    # service grafana-server start

    The default Grafana port is TCP:3000, auth admin:admin. After updating the relevant security group, we should be able to see the screen at: http://$ public_IP_of_promjenkins_node:3000:

    Visualizing metrics with Grafana

  2. After logging in, first we need to create a Data Sources for our Dashboards:

    Visualizing metrics with Grafana

  3. Back at the home screen, choose to create a new dashboard, then use the green button on the left to Add Panel then a Graph:

    Visualizing metrics with Grafana

  4. Then, adding a basic CPU usage plot looks like this:

    Visualizing metrics with Grafana

    At this point I encourage you to browse to find out more about templating, dynamic dashboards, access control, tagging, scripting, playlist, and so on.

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