Implementing a tree using PHP

So far, you have learned about different properties of a tree data structure. If we compare a tree data structure with a real-life example, we can consider our organization structure or family tree to represent the data structure. For an organization structure, there is one root node that can be the CEO of the company, followed by CXO-level employees, followed by other level employees. Here, we are not restricting any degree for a particular node. This means a node can have multiple children. So, let's think of a node structure where we can define the node property, its parent node, and its children nodes. It might look something like this:

class TreeNode { 

public $data = NULL;
public $children = [];

public function __construct(string $data = NULL) {
$this->data = $data;

public function addChildren(TreeNode $node) {
$this->children[] = $node;


If we look at the preceding code, we can see that we have declared two public properties for data and children. We also have a method to add children to a particular node. Here, we are just appending the new child node at the end of the array. This will give us an option to add multiple nodes as children for a particular node. As a tree is a recursive structure, it will help us build a tree recursively and also traverse the tree in a recursive manner.

Now, we have the node; let's build a tree structure that will define the root node of the tree and also a method to traverse the whole tree. So, the basic tree structure will look like this:

class Tree { 

public $root = NULL;
public function __construct(TreeNode $node) {
$this->root = $node;

public function traverse(TreeNode $node, int $level = 0) {

if ($node) {
echo str_repeat("-", $level);
echo $node->data . " ";

foreach ($node->children as $childNode) {
$this->traverse($childNode, $level + 1);


The preceding code shows a simple tree class where we can store the root node reference and also traverse the tree from any node. In the traverse part, we are visiting each child node and then immediately recursively calling the traverse method to get the children of the current node. We are passing a level to print out a dash (-) at the beginning of the node name so that we can understand the child level data easily.

Let's now create the root node and assign it to the tree as a root. The code will look like this:

    $ceo = new TreeNode("CEO"); 
$tree = new Tree($ceo);

Here, we created the first node as CEO, and then created the tree and assigned the CEO node as the root node of the tree. Now, it is time to grow our tree from the root node. Since we choose the example of the CEO, we will now add CXOs and other employees under the CEO. Here is the code for this:

$cto     = new TreeNode("CTO"); 
$cfo = new TreeNode("CFO");
$cmo = new TreeNode("CMO");
$coo = new TreeNode("COO");


$seniorArchitect = new TreeNode("Senior Architect");
$softwareEngineer = new TreeNode("Software Engineer");
$userInterfaceDesigner = new TreeNode("User Interface Designer");
$qualityAssuranceEngineer = new TreeNode("Quality Assurance Engineer");



Here we are creating four new nodes (CTO, CFO, CMO, and COO) at the beginning and assigning them as child nodes of the CEO node. Then we are creating Senior Architect and here is the Software engineer node followed by the user interface designer and Quality assurance engineer. We have assigned the senior software engineer node to be a child node of the senior architect node and senior architect to be a child node of CTO, along with user interface engineer and quality assurance engineer. The last line is to display the tree from the root. This will output the following lines in our command line:

--Senior Architect
---Software Engineer
--Quality Assurance Engineer
--User Interface Designer

If we consider the preceding output, we have CEO at level 0. CTO, CFO, CMO, and COO are at level 1. Senior Architect, User Interface Designer, and Quality Assurance Engineer are at level 2 and Software Engineer is at level 3.

We have constructed a basic tree data structure using PHP. Now, we will explore the different types of trees we have.

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