Constructing a binary search tree

As we know, a node can have two children and itself can represent a tree in a recursive manner. We will define our node class to be more functional and have all the required functionalities to find the maximum value, minimum value, predecessors, and successors. Later on, we will add the delete functionality as well for a node. Let's check the following code for a node class for a BST:

class Node { 

public $data;
public $left;
public $right;

public function __construct(int $data = NULL) {
$this->data = $data;
$this->left = NULL;
$this->right = NULL;

public function min() {
$node = $this;

while($node->left) {
$node = $node->left;
return $node;

public function max() {
$node = $this;

while($node->right) {
$node = $node->right;
return $node;

public function successor() {
$node = $this;
return $node->right->min();
return NULL;

public function predecessor() {
$node = $this;
return $node->left->max();
return NULL;


The node class looks straightforward and matches with our steps defined in the previous section. Each new node is a leaf and hence, does not have a left or right node at the moment of creation. As we know that we can find the smaller value at the left of the node to find the minimum, we are reaching to the left-most node and right-most node for the maximum value. For a successor, we are finding the minimum value of a node from the right subtree of a given node and the maximum value of a node from the left subtree for the predecessor part.

Now, we need a BST structure to add new nodes in the tree so that we can follow the insert principle:

class BST { 

public $root = NULL;

public function __construct(int $data) {
$this->root = new Node($data);

public function isEmpty(): bool {
return $this->root === NULL;

public function insert(int $data) {

if($this->isEmpty()) {
$node = new Node($data);
$this->root = $node;
return $node;

$node = $this->root;

while($node) {
if($data > $node->data) {
if($node->right) {
$node = $node->right;
} else {
$node->right = new Node($data);
$node = $node->right;

} elseif($data < $node->data) {
if($node->left) {
$node = $node->left;
} else {
$node->left = new Node($data);
$node = $node->left;
} else {
return $node;


public function traverse(Node $node) {
if ($node) {
if ($node->left)
echo $node->data . " ";
if ($node->right)


If we look at the preceding code, we have only one property for the BST class, which will mark the root node. During the construction of the BST object, we are passing a single value, which will be used as the root of the tree. The isEmpty method checks whether the tree is empty or not. The insert method allows us to add a new node in the tree. The logic checks whether the value is greater than or less than the root node and follows the principle of the BST to insert the new node in the right position. If the value is already inserted, we will ignore it and avoid adding to the tree.

We also have a traverse method to go through the nodes and see the data in an ordered format (first left, then the node, and then the right node value). It has a designated name, and we will explore that in the next section. For now, let's prepare a sample code to use the BST class and add a few numbers and check whether the numbers are stored in a proper way. If the BST is working, then the traverse will show a sorted list of numbers, no matter how we insert them:

$tree = new BST(10); 



If we look at the preceding code, 10 is our root node, and then, we added new nodes randomly. At the end, we invoked the traverse method to show the nodes and how they are stored in the binary search tree. Here is the output of the preceding code:


The actual tree will look like this visually, which looks exactly like what is expected from the BST implementation:

Now, we will add the search part in our BST class. We want to find whether the value exists in the tree or not. If the value is not in our BST, it will return false and the node otherwise. Here is the simple search functionality:

public function search(int $data) { 
if ($this->isEmpty()) {
return FALSE;

$node = $this->root;

while ($node) {
if ($data > $node->data) {
$node = $node->right;
} elseif ($data < $node->data) {
$node = $node->left;
} else {

return $node;

In the preceding code, we can see that we are searching a value in the tree from the node and following either left or right of the tree iteratively. If no node is found with the value, the leaf of the node is returned, which is NULL. We can test the code like this:

echo $tree->search(14) ? "Found" : "Not Found";
echo " ";
echo $tree->search(36) ? "Found" : "Not Found";

This will produce the following output. Since 14 is not in our list, it will say Not Found, and for 36, it will show Found:

Not Found

Now, we will move to our most complex part of the coding, the deletion of a node. We need to implement each of the cases where a node can have zero, one, or two child nodes. The following image shows us the three conditions we need to satisfy for deleting a node and making sure the binary search tree remains a binary search tree after the operation. We have to be careful when we are dealing with a node that has two child nodes. Since we need to go back and forth between nodes, we need to know which node is the parent node for the current node. As a result, we need to add an additional property to track the parent node for any node:

Here is the change of code we are adding to our Node class:

    public $data;
public $left;
public $right;
public $parent;

public function __construct(int $data = NULL, Node $parent = NULL)
$this->data = $data;
$this->parent = $parent;
$this->left = NULL;
$this->right = NULL;

This code block now also creates a parent relationship with the newly created node to its immediate parent. We also want to attach our delete functionality with the individual node so that we can find a node and then just remove it using the delete method. Here is the code for the delete functionality:

public function delete() { 
$node = $this;
if (!$node->left && !$node->right) {
if ($node->parent->left === $node) {
$node->parent->left = NULL;
} else {
$node->parent->right = NULL;
} elseif ($node->left && $node->right) {
$successor = $node->successor();
$node->data = $successor->data;
} elseif ($node->left) {
if ($node->parent->left === $node) {
$node->parent->left = $node->left;
$node->left->parent = $node->parent->left;
} else {
$node->parent->right = $node->left;
$node->left->parent = $node->parent->right;
$node->left = NULL;
} elseif ($node->right) {

if ($node->parent->left === $node) {
$node->parent->left = $node->right;
$node->right->parent = $node->parent->left;
} else {
$node->parent->right = $node->right;
$node->right->parent = $node->parent->right;
$node->right = NULL;

The first condition checks whether the node is a leaf or not. If the node is a leaf, then we are just making the parent node to remove the reference of the child node (either the left or right one). That way, the node will be disconnected from the tree, which satisfies our first condition of having zero children.

The next conditions actually checks our third condition where we are having two children of a node. In such a case, we are getting the successor of the node, assigning the successor value to the node itself, and removing the successor node. It is simply a copy-paste of the data from the successor.

The next two condition check whether the node has a single child, as shown in our Case 2 diagram earlier. Since the node has only one child, it can be either the left child or the right child. So, the condition checks whether the single child is the left child of the node. If so, we need to point the left child to the node's parent left or right reference based on the position of the node itself with its parent. The same rule is applied for the right node. Here, the right node reference is set to its parent's left or right child, not to a reference based on the position of the node.

As we have updated our node class, we need to make some changes to our BST class for insertion and also for removal of a node. The insertion code will look like this:

function insert(int $data)
if ($this->isEmpty()) {
$node = new Node($data);
$this->root = $node;
return $node;

$node = $this->root;
while ($node) {
if ($data > $node->data) {
if ($node->right) {
$node = $node->right;
else {
$node->right = new Node($data, $node);
$node = $node->right;
elseif ($data < $node->data) {
if ($node->left) {
$node = $node->left;
else {
$node->left = new Node($data, $node);
$node = $node->left;
else {

return $node;

The code looks similar to the one we used previously, with one minor change. Now, we are sending the current node reference when we are creating a new node. This current node will be used as a parent node for the new node. The new Node($data, $node) code actually does the trick.

For removing a node, we can first do a search and then delete the searched node using our delete method in the node class. As a result, the remove function itself is going to be very small, just like the code here:

public function remove(int $data) {
$node = $this->search($data);
if ($node) $node->delete();

As the code shows, we are first searching the data. If the node exists, we are removing it using the delete method. Now, let's run our previous example with a remove call and see if it works:


We are just removing 15 from our tree and then traversing the tree from the root. We will now see the following output:


We can see that 15 is not a part of our BST anymore. In such a way, we can remove any node, and if we traverse using the same method, we will see a sorted list. If we look at our preceding output, we can see that the output is shown in the ascending order. There is a reason behind it, and we will explore it in the next topic-different tree traversal way.

You can find a great tool for visualized binary search tree operations at It is a good starting for learners to understand the different operations visually.
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