POS tagging

POS tagging probabilistically annotates each word with it's grammatical function—noun, verb, adjective, and so on. Usually, POS tagging serves as an input to syntactic and semantic analysis. Let's demonstrate POS tagging on the FACTORIE toolkit example, a software library written in Scala (http://factorie.cs.umass.edu). To start, you need to download the binary image or source files from https://github.com/factorie/factorie.git and build it:

$ git clone https://github.com/factorie/factorie.git
$ cd factorie
$ git checkout factorie_2.11-1.2
$ mvn package -Pnlp-jar-with-dependencies

After the build, which also includes model training, the following command will start a network server on port 3228:

$ $ bin/fac nlp --wsj-forward-pos --conll-chain-ner
java -Xmx6g -ea -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -server -classpath ./src/main/resources:./target/classes:./target/factorie_2.11-1.2-nlp-jar-with-dependencies.jar
found model
Listening on port 3228

Now, all traffic to port 3228 will be interpreted (as text), and the output will be tokenized and annotated:

$ telnet localhost 3228
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
But I warn you, if you don't tell me that this means war, if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist--I really believe he is Antichrist--I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you call yourself! But how do you do? I see I have frightened you--sit down and tell me all the news.

1  1  But  CC  O
2  2  I    PRP  O
3  3  warn    VBP  O
4  4  you    PRP  O
5  5  ,      O
6  6  if    IN  O
7  7  you    PRP  O
8  8  do    VBP  O
9  9  n't    RB  O
10  10  tell    VB  O
11  11  me    PRP  O
12  12  that    IN  O
13  13  this    DT  O
14  14  means    VBZ  O
15  15  war    NN  O
16  16  ,    ,  O
17  17  if    IN  O
18  18  you  PRP  O
19  19  still    RB  O
20  20  try    VBP  O
21  21  to    TO  O
22  22  defend    VB  O
23  23  the    DT  O
24  24  infamies    NNS  O
25  25  and    CC  O
26  26  horrors    NNS  O
27  27  perpetrated    VBN  O
28  28  by    IN  O
29  29  that    DT  O
30  30  Antichrist    NNP  O
31  31  --    :  O
32  1  I  PRP  O
33  2  really    RB  O
34  3  believe    VBP  O
35  4  he    PRP  O
36  5  is    VBZ  O
37  6  Antichrist    NNP  U-MISC
38  7  --    :  O
39  1  I    PRP  O
40  2  will    MD  O
41  3  have    VB  O
42  4  nothing    NN  O
43  5  more    JJR  O
44  6  to    TO  O
45  7  do    VB  O
46  8  with    IN  O
47  9  you    PRP  O
48  10  and    CC  O
49  11  you    PRP  O
50  12  are    VBP  O
51  13  no    RB  O
52  14  longer    RBR  O
53  15  my    PRP$  O
54  16  friend    NN  O
55  17  ,    ,  O
56  18  no    RB  O
57  19  longer    RB  O
58  20  my  PRP$  O
59  21  '    POS  O
60  22  faithful    NN  O
61  23  slave    NN  O
62  24  ,    ,  O
63  25  '    ''  O
64  26  as    IN  O
65  27  you    PRP  O
66  28  call    VBP  O
67  29  yourself    PRP  O
68  30  !    .  O
69  1  But    CC  O
70  2  how    WRB  O
71  3  do    VBP  O
72  4  you    PRP  O
73  5  do    VB  O
74  6  ?    .  O
75  1  I    PRP  O
76  2  see    VBP  O
77  3  I    PRP  O
78  4  have    VBP  O
79  5  frightened    VBN  O
80  6  you    PRP  O
81  7  --    :  O
82  8  sit    VB  O
83  9  down    RB  O
84  10  and    CC  O
85  11  tell    VB  O
86  12  me    PRP  O
87  13  all    DT  O
88  14  the    DT  O
89  15  news    NN  O
90  16  .    .  O

This POS is a single-path left-right tagger that can process the text as a stream. Internally, the algorithm uses probabilistic techniques to find the most probable assignment. Let's also look at other techniques that do not use grammatical analysis and yet proved to be very useful for language understanding and interpretation.

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