Chapter 3. Data Preprocessing

Real-world data is usually noisy and inconsistent with missing observations. No classification, regression, or clustering model can extract relevant information from raw data.

Data preprocessing consists of cleaning, filtering, transforming, and normalizing raw observations using statistics in order to correlate features or groups of features, identify trends and models, and filter out noise. The purpose of cleansing raw data is as follows:

  • To extract some basic knowledge from raw datasets
  • To evaluate the quality of data and generate clean datasets for unsupervised or supervised learning

You should not underestimate the power of traditional statistical analysis methods to infer and classify information from textual or unstructured data.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

  • Apply commonly used moving average techniques to detect long-term trends in a time series
  • Identify market and sector cycles using discrete Fourier series
  • Leverage the discrete Kalman filter to extract the state of a linear dynamic system from incomplete and noisy observations

Time series in Scala

The overwhelming majority of examples used to illustrate the different machine algorithms in this book deal with time series or sequential, time-ordered set of observations.

Types and operations

The Primitives types section under Source code in Chapter 1, Getting Started, introduced the types for a time series of a single XSeries[T] variable and multiple XVSeries[T] variables.

A time series of observations is a vector (a Vector type) of observation elements of the following types:

  • A T type in the case of a single variable/feature observation
  • An Array[T] type for observations with more than one variable/feature

A time series of labels or expected values is a single variable vector for which elements may have a primitive Int type for classification and Double for regression.

A time series of labeled observations is a pair of a vector of observations and a vector of labels:

Types and operations

Visualization of the single features and multi-feature observations

The two generic XSeries and XVSeries types for the time series will be used as the two primary classes for the input data, from now on.


Structure of labeled observations

Throughout the book, labeled observations are defined either as a pair of vector of observations and a vector of labels/expected values or as a vector of a pair of {observation, label/expected value}.

The Stats class introduced in the Profiling data section in Chapter 2, Hello World!, implements some basic statistics and normalization for single variable observations. Let's create an XTSeries singleton to compute the statistics and normalize multidimensional observations:

object XTSeries { 
  def zipWithShift[T](xv: XSeries[T], n: Int): Vector[(T, T)] = 
     xv.drop(n).zip(xv.view.dropRight(n))  //1
  def zipWithShift1[T](xv: XSeries[T]): Vector[(T, T)] =

  def statistics[T <: AnyVal](xt:XVSeries[T])
       (implicit f: T =>: Double): Vector[Stats[T]] = Stats[T]( _ ))  //2
  def normalize[T <: AnyVal](  //3
      xt: XSeries[T], low: Double, high: Double) 
      (implicit ordering: Ordering[T], 
          f: T => Double): Try[DblVector] = 
    Try (Stats[T](xt).normalize(low, high) )

The first method of the XTSeries singleton generates a vector of a pair of elements by zipping the last size – n elements of a time series with its first size – n elements (line 1). The statistics (line 2) and normalize (line 3) methods operate on both the single and multivariable observations. These three methods are subsets of functionalities implemented in XTSeries.

Create a time series of the XVSeries[T] type by zipping the two x and y vectors and converting the pair into an array:

def zipToSeries[T: ClassTag](
x: Vector[T], y: Vector[T]): XVSeries[T]

Split a single or multidimensional time series, xv, into a two-time series at index, n:

def splitAt[T](xv: XSeries[T], n: Int): (XSeries[T], XSeries[T])

Apply a zScore transform to a single dimension time series:

def zScore[T <: AnyVal](xt: XSeries[T])
    (implicit f: T => Double): Try[DblVector]

Apply a zScore transform to a multidimension time series:

def zScores[T <: AnyVal](xt: XVSeries[T])
    (implicit f: T => Double): Try[XVSeries[Double]] 

Transform a single dimension time series x into a new time series whose elements are x(n) – x(n-1):

def delta(x: DblVector): DblVector

Transform a single dimension time series x into a new time series which elements if (x(n) – x(n-1) > 0.0) 1 else 0:

def binaryDelta(x: DblVector): Vector[Int]

Compute the sum of the squared error between the two x and z arrays:

def sse[T <: AnyVal](x: Array[T], z: Array[T])
   (implicit f: T => Double): Double

Compute the mean squared error between the two x and z arrays:

def mse[T <: AnyVal](x: Array[T], z: Array[T])
    (implicit f: T => Double): Double

Compute the mean squared error between the two x and z vectors:

def mse(x: DblVector, z: DblVector): Double

Compute the statistics for each feature of a multidimensional time series:

def statistics[T <: AnyVal](xt: XVSeries[T])
    (implicit f: T => Double): Vector[Stats[T]]

Apply a f function to a zipped pair of multidimensional vectors of the XVSeries type:

def zipToVector[T](x: XVSeries[T], y: XVSeries[T])
  (f: (Array[T], Array[T]) =>Double): XSeries[Double] ={ case (x, y) => f(x,y)}

The magnet pattern

Some operations on the time series that are implemented as the XTSeries methods may have a large variety of input and output types. Scala and Java support method overloading that has the following limitations:

  • It does not prevent the type collision caused by the erasure type in the JVM
  • It does not allow lifting to a single, generic function
  • It does not completely reduce code redundancy

The transpose operator

Let's consider the transpose operator for any kind of multidimensional time series. The transpose operator can be objectified as the Transpose trait:

sealed trait Transpose {
  type Result   //4
  def apply(): Result  //5

The trait has an abstract Result type (line 4) and an abstract apply()constructor (line 5) that allows us to create a generic transpose method with any kind of combination of input and output types. The conversion type for the input and output types of the transpose method is defined as implicit:

implicit def xvSeries2Matrix[T: ClassTag](from: XVSeries[T]) = 
  new Transpose { type Result = Array[Array[T]]  //6
    def apply(): Result =  from.toArray.transpose
implicit def list2Matrix[T: ClassTag](from: List[Array[T]]) = 
  new Transpose { type Result = Array[Array[T]]  //7
   def apply(): Result =  from.toArray.transpose

The first xvSeries2Matrix implicit transposes a time series of the XVSeries[T] type into a matrix with elements of the T type (line 6). The list2Matrix implicit transposes a time series of the List[Array[T]] type into a matrix with elements of the T type (line 7).

The generic transpose method is written as follows:

def transpose(tpose: Transpose): tpose.Result = tpose()

The differential operator

The second candidate for the magnet pattern is the computation of the differential in a time series. The purpose is to generate the time series {xt+1 – xt} from a time series {xt}:

sealed trait Difference[T] {
  type Result
  def apply(f: (Double, Double) => T): Result

The Difference trait allows us to compute the differential of a time series with arbitrary element types. For instance, the differential of a one-dimensional vector of the Double type is defined by the following implicit conversion:

implicit def vector2Double[T](x: DblVector) = new Difference[T] {
  type Result = Vector[T]
  def apply(f: (Double, Double) => T): Result =  //8
    zipWithShift(x, 1).collect{case(next,prev) =>f(prev,next)}

The apply()constructor takes one argument: the user-defined f function that computes the difference between two consecutive elements of the time series (line 8). The generic difference method is as follows:

def difference[T](
   diff: Difference[T], 
   f: (Double, Double) => T): diff.Result = diff(f)

Here are some of the predefined differential operators of a time series for which the output of the operator has the Double (line 9), Int (line 10), and Boolean (line 11) types:

val diffDouble = (x: Double,y: Double) => y –x //9
val diffInt = (x: Double,y: Double) => if(y > x) 1 else 0 //10
val diffBoolean = (x: Double,y: Double) => (y > x) //11

The differential operator is used to implement the labeledData method to generate labeled data from observations with two features and a target (labels) dataset:

def differentialData[T](
   x: DblVector, 
   y: DblVector, 
   target: DblVector,
   f: (Double,Double) =>T): Try[(XVSeries[Double],Vector[T])] = 
  Try((zipToSeries(x,y), difference(target, f)))

The structure of the labeled data is the pair of observations and the differential of target values.

Lazy views

A view in Scala is a proxy collection that represents a collection but implements the data transformation or higher-order method lazily. The elements of a view are defined as lazy values, which are instantiated on demand.

One important advantage of views over a strict (or fully allocated) collection is the reduced memory consumption.

Let's take a look at the aggregator data transformation introduced in the Instantiating the workflow section under A workflow computational model in Chapter 2, Hello World!. There is no need to allocate the entire set of x.size of elements: the higher-order find method may exit after only a few elements have been read (line 12):

val aggregator = new ETransform[Int](splits) { 
  override def |> : PartialFunction[U, Try[V]] = { 
    case x: U if(!x.isEmpty) => 
      Try( Range(0, x.size).view.find(x(_) == 1.0).get) //12


Views, iterators, and streams

Views, iterators, and streams share the same objective of constructing elements on demand. There are, however, some major differences:

  • Iterators do not persist elements of the collection (read once)
  • Streams allow operations to be performed on the collection with an undefined size
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